Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 503 I'm Serious

In a certain hotel in the capital, Jiang Shen was lying on the bed with his back against the head of the bed, his thighs spread wide apart.

Qiao Feixue knelt naked between his legs, her face flushed, her head buried in speech, and she occasionally looked up at Jiang Shen.

She drank too much today, and she was a little distracted, and now she was engaged to Jiang Shen, so she was more relaxed than before.

Puchi puchi, I don't know how long she ate, she finally seemed a little tired, Qiao Feixue raised her head, and gently pinched little Jiang Shen with her little hand: "Why haven't you come out yet?"

Her face was next to little Jiang Shen, looking at Jiang Shen with blurred eyes, her face was full of spring.

"You still want me to come out today?" Jiang Shen giggled: "Usually I feel sorry for you, but today, I can't be like this."

Said Jiang Shen sat up.

"What do you want?" Qiao Feixue also smiled, smiling like a flower, and ran under the bed while laughing: "You promised me, you are only allowed to mess around after you are married."

She wanted to escape, but she escaped there. Jiang Shen grabbed her lightly and brought her back.

"I'm not messing around, I'm really here." Jiang Shen pushed her onto the bed, and pushed her snow-white legs apart with his knees.

"Don't---" Qiao Feixue's legs were stretched wide apart by Jiang Shen, lying there in an ugly 'big' shape, everything was exposed under Jiang Shen's eyes, she tilted her head shyly , eyes closed, body trembling.

"Really don't want it?" Jiang Shen leaned down, put his mouth against her ear, and confirmed it gently and softly.

Qiao Feixue's heart beat faster, her beautiful eye hair trembled a few times, and after only a few seconds, she said in a mosquito-like voice: "Then be gentle."

These words, like a shot of aphrodisiac, completely ignited Jiang Shen's passion.

I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

Little Jiang Shen went straight ahead and took the lead bravely.

"Excuse me--" Following Qiao Feixue's coquettish moan, there was a rhythmic papa papa in the room.

at the same time.

Another place in the capital.

Ma Tianming sat there like an honest baby, opposite him was a man in his sixties with black hair and full of energy.

This person is Minister Ma of more than 20 bureaus and committees across the country.

There are only two ministers in this bureau committee, and Minister Ma is still relatively young.

Looking at Ma Tianming at this time, he is almost more obedient than a baby in the kindergarten. There is the arrogance that he was outside just now.

"You mean Jiang Shen?" Minister Ma shook his head: "I don't know him. Judging from what you said, you may have to ask Secretary Qin about this matter."

The Qin secretary he was talking about was a bureau committee member just like him.

In this bureau committee, there are many called secretaries, nine of them.

But except for the two local provincial secretaries and the four municipal secretaries, there are only a few who are called secretaries in the capital.

Then Minister Ma seemed to think of something: "Yo, I remembered, last time in Japan, there was a man named Jiang Shen who knocked down the gate of a Japanese shrine. That's right, it was Jiang Shen, from Dongning Province."

"Dad, I've heard about that too. It wasn't Jiang Shen who pushed it? It was Dongning and the two of them. Weren't they sentenced by Japan?"

"What do you know?" Minister Ma seemed to realize something at this moment: "It was Jiang Shen who pushed him, but the Japanese didn't dare to arrest him. Those two heard that they had a feud with Jiang Shen, so they were pushed out by Jiang Shen .”

"This little Jiang is amazing. I also thought at the time, why didn't even the Japanese government dare to arrest him?"

"There is no such propaganda in China, so people outside don't know about it. I told you, you have to forget about it tomorrow. Don't go outside and talk nonsense."

Minister Ma reminded his son that from this point of view, this Jiang Shen is not simple.

Niubi.Ma Tianming understood.

The Japanese government dare not arrest Jiang Shen, how awesome is this?

However, he still didn't know why Jiang Shen was so awesome. He wanted to call Huang Zhenguo and found out that Huang Zhenguo's cell phone was turned off, and then wanted to call Tang Can, only to find that Tang Can was also turned off.

These people usually never turn off their mobile phones, and it seems that they will have to wait until tomorrow to ask them face to face.

That night, Ma Tianming didn't sleep well, thinking over and over in his mind why Jiang Shen was so awesome.

Early the next morning, with panda eyes that hadn't slept all night, Ma Tianming contacted Huang Zhenguo and Tang Can on his mobile phone.

This time we got through: "I'm having breakfast with Tang Can, you should come over too, we'll talk about meeting if we have something to do." Huang Zhenguo said lightly.

Fortunately, today is Saturday, rest, no need to go to work.

Ma Tianming ran over anxiously.

The two were eating soup dumplings in a small box. When Ma Tianming arrived, Liu Hao just arrived.

Together with Huang Zhenguo and Tang Can, the four formed a circle.

"Well, Brother Guo, what exactly does Jiang Shen do?" Liu Hao and Ma Tianming were anxious.

Especially Ma Tianming, who felt that his father was awesome, and one of the more than 20 bureau committees in the country didn't know anything about Jiang Shen.

It seems that it is still not tall enough, it needs to reach the height of Huang Zhenguo's father.

However, Tang Can's father is not as good as mine, why does he seem to know?

"Eat, eat soup dumplings, soup dumplings are very good." Huang Zhenguo's face was expressionless, and he was not in a hurry.

Ma Tianming had no choice but to eat three soup bubbles in one go, but he didn't even remember what it tasted like.

"Brother Guo, if you don't talk about it, I'm going to suffocate to death." Ma Tianming was anxious.

"What's the rush? You're learning from Minister Ma, and you can't hold your breath like this. How can you mess around in the system?" Huang Zhenguo glared at him: "I asked, some things are hard to say, but you just know what you know, don't mess with it." Jiang Shen, I made an appointment with him tonight, and we will have dinner together, so as to improve our relationship."

"----" Doesn't that mean you didn't say anything?Ma Tianming fainted and turned to look at Tang Can.

Tang Can's father is the police chief in Beijing, so he seems to know something.

Tang Can shrugged: "Don't look at me, I didn't ask anything, and my dad told me not to mess with Jiang Shen. My dad said that anyone named Jiang Shen in the whole country can be messed with, but this is the only one that can't be messed with."

"Young Master Ma, you don't care who he is and what he does. Brother Guo is right. Let's not mess with him in the future. If we can make friends, we should just make friends. Wasn't it great last night?" Liu Hao said.

"If you think about it, you'll understand. Zhao San's family background is no worse than yours. He's a gentry man, and he's more diligent than anyone else. Learn a little bit, and see if Zhao Sanduo can flatter you." Huang Zhenguo pointed out Ma Tianming.

"Zhao San is a sycophant." Ma Tianming, who was the mortal enemy of Zhao San, gritted his teeth angrily: "Didn't you know Jiang Shen before we did?"

"I asked him out for dinner tonight, everyone, don't make appointments ahead of time, from now on we are good brothers and make friends."

"Understood, Brother Guo."

"Listen to Young Master Huang."

They were talking about Jiang Shen in the morning, and Jiang Shen was also talking about Huang's family on the other side.

"The son of Lao Yan's family?" Jin Zhonglin's voice was on the other end of the phone: "He invited you to dinner? Good thing, Lao Yan is still ranked above my brother."

"Aren't you Jinhuang two rivals?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "I was thinking, should I give him this face."

"Then what's the enemy? It's just that the factions are different. They all belong to the same country. There is no deep hatred. They fight over and over for the word 'quan'. You don't belong to that faction. It's not bad to be able to make friends with Lao Yan's family. I know Lao Yan, regardless of political differences, he is very courageous in doing things, and he is still a good person."

Jin Zhonglin's tone of voice was also admiration for Huang Zhenguo's father, but there was no way, the two factions of Jin and Huang had different political views, so they couldn't be friends.

But Jiang Shen can become friends with them, Jiang Shen has no faction, and now he can't talk about any political opinions.

Jiang Shen just woke up this morning and felt that something was wrong. The Golden and Yellow families seem to be political enemies. What if Lao Jin asks me to help deal with Lao Yan in the future?

So when he got up, he called Lao Jin and asked Lao Jin. If Jin Zhonglin had any hints, Jiang Shen would naturally not communicate with Huang Zhenguo again.

Now that Jin Zhonglin said, Jiang Shen understood.

Political opponents in peacetime, there is really nothing to care about.

And as Jin Zhonglin said, politics will change as soon as it is said. Maybe today the Golden and Yellow families are enemies, and tomorrow they will become allies.

Politics is the most complicated thing in the world.

After Jiang Shen made the phone call, he stretched out his hand to touch it.

A smooth jade body lay beside her, and Qiao Feixue was still soundly asleep.

She was so tired last night that she reached the peak countless times, and she didn't fall asleep until three or four o'clock.

Jiang Shen reached out and touched her plump chest a few times, then kissed her face lightly: "Sleep well."

Jiang Shen got up, dressed and washed, and left the hotel first.

Today he is going to meet an important person.

He Liuye's father.

He Liuye knew that Jiang Shen had arrived in the capital, so he called Jiang Shen yesterday.

Ask Jiang Shen to meet her father.

It's another old man, when Jiang Shen heard it, his heart became terrified.

He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of seeing his father-in-law.

But there are some things that can’t be helped. If someone wants to see him, he can push it away. You fucked Lao He’s daughter, can you push it away?

And He Liuye told him to go to Lao He for something.

What does Lao He do?

Lao He is young, only in his early fifties, but has already retreated to the second line.

I used to be a group army commander and a major general in the army. Later, I found out that it was not good, and I retired to the second line. Now I am in Huaguo National Defense University.

This gap is also quite large.

From a military officer to a literature instructor, Lao He is also very depressed.

But there is no way, the health is not good, even with all the enthusiasm, we have to face the reality.

He Liuye knew that Jiang Shen was capable, so he wanted Jiang Shen to see his father's illness.

The father-in-law is sick, of course he must be cured as soon as possible.

Jiang Shen took advantage of this Saturday to rush to the family building of the National Defense University.

He Liuye's father is He Changlong, a lieutenant general in the army.

If you are on the front line of the army, the minimum is to be a deputy in a large military region. It should not be too easy to be the deputy commander or chief of staff of a large military region. After a few years, you will be the commander of the military region.

Now at the National Defense University, Lao He is the vice-principal. He sounds awesome, and he is also the deputy of the military region.

However, the National Defense University only manages one-third of an acre of land, and because of his illness, he will basically stay here for the rest of his life.

So in the past few years, Lao He has been in a bad mood.

Received a sudden call today.

A friend of daughter He Liuye came to the capital to see her.

Ni, who are you?Lao He was drinking tea at home, so he took a sip of tea without spouting it.

When Lao He heard that male friends meant boyfriends?

I was furious at that time, you don't want the one I introduced in the capital, what kind of messy boyfriend do you have outside now?

I'm a lieutenant general, do you want to see me?

There is also a reason for his bad mood. He just had a physical examination last week, and the answer given by the hospital is that he should retire early, not to mention going to the front-line army, even the National Defense University.

"I don't have time to see him, tell him to go back to Dongning." Old He bangs and hangs up He Liuye's phone.

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