Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 504 My son-in-law wants the capital

Hanging up the phone aggressively over there, Jiang Shen came to the door cheerfully.

He thought that his father-in-law wanted to see him, so he got up very early in the morning, then walked around the capital twice, and first went to buy two watches, a pair of Patek Philippe men and women, considering that the other party is an active general, he did not dare to buy too expensive, The two watches cost more than 200 million.

Then I bought some supplements and fruits for middle-aged and elderly people, and then I found the family building of the National Defense University.

The sergeant standing guard at the gate of the community stood straight and stopped Jiang Shen on the spot.

Who is it for?

Vice President He Changlong.

Do you have an appointment?The other party asked again.

Yes, Principal He asked me to come, Jiang Shen coaxed me awesomely, he thought He Liuye had already made an agreement with He Changlong.

But the other party is not so easy to fool, wait a minute, what is your name, I will make a call to confirm.

The guard called and went in.

It is more difficult to enter than the provincial government, and everyone who enters must be confirmed.

It was Principal He's orderly who answered the phone. Usually he has a secretary. Today, on Saturday, Principal He is used to taking the secretary's leave on Saturday, so he only keeps the orderly by his side.

After the orderly answered the phone, he immediately said that Principal He said that if someone named Jiang Shen came to look for him, he would say that he was missing.

It's not that I'm not there, it's that I don't see you.

Ni, so you lied to me?

The guard came back with an angry smile: "Let's go, Principal He said he couldn't see you."

"What? You didn't say my name is Jiang Shen?"

The guard was angry and funny: "God Jiang is useless, Principal He said, I don't see you, go away." The guard patted the gun hanging on his chest.

Shooting your sister, and there is no bullet, Jiang Shen gave him a contemptuous look.

His divine sense swept over, and there was no bullet in the gun.

But when he heard what the guard said, he knew there was a problem, what is this?Look down on yourself?

Jiang Shen got angry, and replaced it with someone else, Jiang Shen also turned around and left, let alone a lieutenant general, you are an admiral, even the general commander of the universe, I will not hang you.

But this is my father-in-law. I thought of what Xiao Hejiao Didi said on the phone when I hung up the phone just now: "If you want to cure my dad, I will let you make three calls when you return to Dongning."

Damn, Jiang Shen felt hot, turned and left, walked to a place where no one was around, swiped, became invisible, and then swaggered back into the family building.

According to Xiao He's introduction, Jiang Shen quickly found Principal He's home.

With a sweep of spiritual thoughts, there are four or five people in the family.

One looks like an orderly, one is in the kitchen, and the other may be Mama He, watching TV at home.

The other was probably the driver, chatting with the orderly.

Lao He plays chess at home by himself, plays Go, and plays by himself.

Jiang Shen went straight up and knocked on the door.

Bang, bang, bang, after a while the orderly came and opened the door.

The orderly was a first-class soldier, about the same age as Jiang Shen, and looked Jiang Shen up and down.

"You---the one? Who are you looking for?"

"I'm Jiang Shen, looking for Principal He."

Fuck me, the orderly was startled, didn't you let the guards stop you?How did you get in?

Bang, the orderly immediately closed the door, and then ran in quickly.

"Chief, that Jiang Shen is at the door."

"What?" He Changlong was furious when he heard that, he shook his hands, and he disrupted all the chess pieces that he had just spent half an hour posing.

"Bastard" He Changlong was even more furious when he saw the chaos on the chessboard.

"What did I say? Who let him in?"

"I told the guard, I don't know how he got in? I really told you." The little private's face turned pale with fright.

"Tell him to go, if he doesn't leave, you and Xiao Du go out and drive him away." He Changlong was furious today.

I have never seen such a shameless young man come to the door shamelessly in order to climb the dragon and become the phoenix.

He Changlong despised people like Jiang Shen very much.

The little corporal nodded again and again, and just turned around.

Just stay there.

Obviously I closed the door?

Jiang Shen appeared with a smile: "Uncle, I'm Xiao Jiang, from Jiangnan Province, and I'm working in Dongning now."

Jiang Shen put the things in his hands aside first, then walked across to He Changlong while He Changlong and the orderly were stunned, and sat opposite him.

"Uncle also likes to play Go? How about we play a game?" Jiang Shen naturally swung the chessboard a few times, black and white were clearly distinguished, and the pieces were separated and put away bit by bit.

"Xiao Du, Xiao Du." The orderly was anxious, and finally realized that he wanted to call the driver, Xiao Du, to drive Jiang Shen out together.

"You go out first." Elder He waved his hand with a gloomy face.

The orderly had no choice but to leave the study, and then gently closed the door.

"Tell me, what do you want?" He Changlong gritted his teeth and sneered, "I've seen a lot of people like you, so don't pester Liu Ye in the future."

He hates it even more now, and said in his heart, if you dared to come to my house when I was the commander of the army, I would kill you with one shot. Thinking about the transition from the army commander to the school, the more Elder He thought about it, the more angry he was, and the more he looked at Jiang Gentleman is not pleasing to the eye.

"Uncle is not in good health, don't be angry." Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts swept over him, and he already knew that he was not good.

"Stop doing this with me, I'll tell you, give up, I won't agree, want to be my son-in-law, He Changlong? Yes, three."

"First, locals from the capital, and people from other provinces are not allowed."

"Second, the parents must be at least above the rank of deputy army."

"Third, you must be able to beat me in Go."

After He Changlong finished speaking, bah, a sunspot was placed on the board.

He took the black chess, so he played first.

But in this first step, he put the black chess in the very center of the board.

That point is called Tianyuan.

But playing Go, there are words with golden horns and silver edges in the stomach.

In the first step of Tianyuan, there are only two kinds of people.

Either a novice who knows nothing, or an invincible master.

He Changlong is definitely not an invincible master, but he despises Jiang Shen, thinking that someone like Jiang Shen can't play Go, and even if he can, he is far inferior to him.

"I let you win with ten eyes, can you avoid the first two?" Jiang Shen picked up a white chess piece, bah, and made a move in the middle.

"---" He Changlong froze for a moment.

Nima, the first two are the most important: "Don't even think about it." He Changlong took another step.Then he glanced at Jiang Shen.

In fact, He Changlong is now considered a military family, and his personality is a bit straightforward. Since Jiang Shen came in, he has observed Jiang Shen many times.

Young, courageous, dare to break into my house, good looking, basic conditions are very suitable for He Liuye, but unfortunately I don't seem to fit any of the first two.

He Changlong now has a little bit of appreciation for Jiang Shen, but appreciation is nothing to do with finding a son-in-law.

"Actually, my conditions are also wrong. Uncle, you can think about it." Jiang Shen took another step.

"Oh, what conditions do you have? Tell me." He Changlong smiled angrily. Are you negotiating conditions with me?You thought you were making a movie?Is it useful to be handsome?

Do you know how many handsome guys in Beijing want to chase after my daughter?

The two of you said one sentence, and I said one sentence, playing chess while talking.

At the beginning, He Changlong was full of contempt, because he saw that Jiang Shen was near Tianyuan like him and started directly. The two started fighting in Tianyuan as soon as the game started, which was completely uncharacteristic.

But after a dozen or so steps, He Changlong's face became more and more serious. Just in Tianyuan, one of his long dragons was about to be surrounded by Jiang Shen at the beginning of the game.

This is to cover the killing, and he can directly abandon his son and surrender.

Really unexpected?Professional level?He Changlong was a little surprised.

But just knowing how to play chess, He Changlong still wouldn't agree.

"My family has hundreds of millions, inexhaustible, enough to give Liu Ye a rich life."

"I want a son-in-law who is from the capital. I'm not in good health. I don't want to see her when I miss her, and I don't want her to come all the way from Dongning." He Changlong sneered, don't brag about the billions of dollars.

"I am young and promising. I have been promoted to the official department in the [-]th year of this year. Sooner or later, I will be promoted to the official department and the provincial department."

"I want a son-in-law from the capital. Her mother is not in good health. When I miss her, I want to see her right away, and I don't want to travel around."

Damn, Jiang Shen resorted to his trump card: "Liu Ye and I are already husband and wife, and now we may have a dark knot in the fetus, and you may have a grandson at any time."

"---" He Changlong was really shocked.

But only two seconds later, he put down a pawn heavily: "I want my son-in-law to be from the capital. Now that he gets married, he can get divorced, and if the child is not born, he can get rid of it."

"----" Jiang Shen was about to be defeated by He Changlong.

Oil and salt do not enter.

Killer is useless?

Jiang Shen had no choice but to use the last trick.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I will help you cure your illness, you will return to the military, and you will continue to be your commander and political commissar in the future."

"-------" He Changlong just raised a chess piece and wanted to put it down, but he was stunned again when he heard this.

Then he raised his head again, staring at Jiang Shen firmly.

"Young people, being down-to-earth is the right way, and don't go astray." He Changlong's affection for Jiang Shen just now disappeared slowly with these few words.

First bragging about the billions of dollars in wealth, and then getting proud of a serious business?You said that you have a good grade, and you have a sense of superiority in front of a lieutenant general?

Then Jiang Shen simply threatened with a neutron?Extremely hateful.

In the end, it was even more out of the ordinary, saying that it can cure diseases?

If my illness can be cured, why wait until now?

He Changlong has been to country M for his illness.

You must know that at his level, it is very troublesome to go to country m for medical treatment, and it needs to be specially approved by the head.

Country m is useless, doctors representing the highest level in the world have seen him, and they all say he can't be cured.

He can only recuperate slowly now, and he can still live a little longer without being too overworked.

In He Changlong's eyes, Jiang Shen's words like this are a bit of nonsense. Leaders hate this kind of people the most. If you are honest, you will die, especially if you want to be my son-in-law.

"My son-in-law wants the one from the capital, otherwise Hua Tuo will be reborn, and Bian Que will be useless."

He Changlong always said this.

My son-in-law wants one from the capital.

My son-in-law wants one from the capital.

Jing, your sister, Ni, Jiang Shen is angry.

Huo Di stood up, swished out his hand to grab, bang, and patted He Changlong's head with his right hand.

"You---" He Changlong didn't expect Jiang Shen to make a sudden move, he was startled and angry, and was about to shout loudly, boom, there was a loud sound in his mind, his body trembled, and a stream of heat flowed from Jiang Shen's palm He goes with all his body.

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