Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 505 Engaged Again

He wanted to yell for help, but no matter how loud he was, no sound came out of his mouth.

He wanted to get up and run away, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't move an inch.

He felt as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit. He could clearly feel everything in his mind, but he couldn't react at all.

He could clearly feel Jiang Shen's hand on his head, and a stream of heat poured into his body.

This hot stream was very aggressive at the beginning, and every wave of hot stream made his body tremble once, as if someone poured boiling water on his body while taking a bath.

After more than a dozen waves in a row, He Changlong's body trembled violently again with a 'puff' sound, and let out a stinky fart, which filled the room with an extremely stinky smell.

It's so comfortable——At this moment, He Changlong found that his whole body was refreshed. The heat flow warmed the heart and warmed the body. He felt a kind of comfort that he suddenly fell asleep on the bed after being exhausted.

I really want to fall asleep suddenly, and then sleep for three days and three nights.

He Changlong narrowed his eyes slowly, and would fall asleep at any moment.

At this moment, Jiang Shen smiled slightly and withdrew his palm.

He Changlong woke up with a shock.

He got up suddenly, and was about to call out to the orderly angrily, when he suddenly found that his whole body was full of strength.

Youth, vitality, spirit, momentum, all these lost things returned to him in an instant.

He felt that he was only eighteen now.

He felt that he could be a soldier again now.

As the person involved, he is very aware of this obvious change in the body.

It is completely reborn, as if returning to more than 30 years ago.

how so?He Changlong called out to the orderly on his lips, but he finally didn't call out.

He stood there blankly, looked at himself, then raised his legs and walked a few steps in place.

Strength, the whole body has inexhaustible strength, he even wants to run, and now he can go out and run 1000 meters to [-] meters to show his spirit and endurance.

"You----" He Changlong looked at Jiang Shen in disbelief, as if seeing a ghost.

"What me? You want to find a son-in-law in the capital, I'm leaving, and you can talk to Liu Ye later, if you are pregnant with a child, kill it."

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

Before taking a few steps, a figure galloped behind him.

He Changlong grabbed Jiang Shen like a child: "Fart, the child can be spanked if he can? This is a life."

"Furthermore, random abortion is irresponsible to Liu Ye and will harm her body."

Ni, isn't that what you said earlier?Too shameless, right?

Jiang Shen shook his hand, and shook He Changlong away: "You want a son-in-law in the capital, and I'm from Jiangnan Province."

"Forget it. Now that the transportation is developed, the son-in-law there is not important, and the plane can arrive there in a day." He Changlong took another step forward and grabbed Jiang Shen firmly.

Jiang Shen shook it again and walked to the door.

"What do you guys want to do to see Liu Ye at night? The plane doesn't just fly, does it? You need some, so you should find someone in the capital."

He Changlong continued to catch up, and blocked the door all of a sudden: "I'll help you get a residence permit in the capital, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Shen disagreed: "I don't like living in the capital, I want to live in Dongning."

"Marry a chicken and follow the chicken. Liu Ye lives with you in Dongning. We will go to see her when we are free." He Changlong has completely changed from before.

Baby, he finally reacted now.

This son-in-law is a treasure. I don’t know if the method just now is qigong or magic. If someone like a fairy is used in our army, wouldn’t I be developed?

As the former commander of the army group army and now the lieutenant general of the army, He Changlong thinks further than ordinary people.

In his eyes, Jiang Shen is a treasure, he must be caught no matter what.

"But, in fact, I came here today to tell you that I'm already engaged to someone else." Jiang Shen said again.

What?He Changlong was furious at first, and then laughed immediately: "It's okay, it's okay, anyone who is married can divorce now."

"----" Old He, you can't be so shameless, isn't that what you said just now?Jiang Shen communicated with him with his eyes.

"---" Xiao Jiang is not like this, obeying the old and loving the young will kill you, I was joking with you just now, in fact, the first time I saw you, I thought you were my son-in-law.

Then he suddenly opened the door of the study and shouted to the outside: "Liu Ye is her, the son-in-law is here, come down quickly."

"----" Jiang Shen smiled.

"Well, son-in-law, you have to have dinner before you leave." Old He son-in-law cried out.

Jiang Shen spread out his hands: "Someone has made an appointment for dinner." Lao He hasn't arrived yet for lunch, it's too shameless for you to let me leave after dinner.

"Then have lunch and go." Old He said firmly, and then suddenly thought: "Who are you having dinner with?" It couldn't be some other beauties, right?Lao He was worried about his daughter.

The son-in-law is too good, so it's normal to attract bees and butterflies.

I asked Lao He what do you think, Jiang Shen smiled wryly: "Old Yan's son."

"--Ni?" Lao He was dumbfounded, thinking about it in his head, it's okay, it's okay, it seems that Lao Yan has no daughter, only a son.

As expected, Mother He came down after a while.

A very virtuous and gentle family aunt, probably in her early fifties, well maintained, she looks in her early forties, and He Liuye when she was young can be vaguely seen from her face.

Old He is not bad, he was able to marry such a beautiful wife when he was young, no wonder He Liuye is so beautiful.

"You are Xiao Jiang?" Mother He seemed to know Xiao Jiang already, and she was very enthusiastic.

Under normal circumstances, the mother-in-law looks more and more happy when she sees her son-in-law, especially a handsome guy like Jiang Shen.

"You already knew?" Old He's eyes widened: "Don't tell me?"

"Hey, tell you that you can agree?" Mother He didn't sell it: "Liu Ye was afraid that you would disagree, so she called me first."

Mother He talked and laughed, she loved He Liuye very much, and she was afraid that Old He would not agree, but now that Old He called his son-in-law, she knew that Jiang Shen had taken care of Old He.

"Uncle, Aunt, I gave you these two watches. I wish you eternal youth and a long life." Jiang Shen took out the Patek Philippe he bought.

Lao He and his wife are both knowledgeable: "Patek Philippe, it costs millions, right?"

Now I really like it more and more.

Not to mention the son-in-law's ability, he is really a rich man.

"The watch is worthless, but the strap is valuable. I have processed the strap. Uncles and aunts had better keep it on. Don't take it off." Jiang Shen pointed to the strap.

There is a faint light blue light on the strap, which flickers and flickers, and it is hard to see if you don't pay attention to it.

Under Jiang Shen's guidance, Lao He and his wife stared at it for more than ten seconds before seeing the twinkling light, which was very beautiful.

I said why did you process Patek Philippe?

When He Changlong brought it up, he felt the difference.

A fresh and warm breath spread from the wrist to the whole body, just like before, the whole body felt comfortable.

Mother He also felt it, her face was full of surprise, He Changlong had an illusion for a moment, as if Mother He was young again.

"This is---" He Changlong fondled the watch reluctantly.

"My family's ancestors learned Taoism, cured doctors and saved people, and lived a long life. Uncle and aunt wore this watch. Naturally, all diseases were cured and the body was healthy. However, this matter cannot be rumored. This watch has been in the hands of others. It will also fail, uncle, don't give it away." Jiang Shen smiled.

He was afraid that He Changlong would send his watch to someone to study it because he wanted to do meritorious service, so he reminded him.

"Ah, it's so amazing." He Changlong already knew that Jiang Shen was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. He was a soldier, and he didn't believe in the myth of Taoism before, but today he really felt this amazing skill, and he couldn't accept it.

Afterwards, he went to the hospital for a checkup, and it really looked like he had been completely reborn, and he was gone from any illness, and his body functions were like the youngest soldier in the army.

When the watch was handed over to someone else, they didn't feel any difference at all.

This is a later story, let's not talk about it for the time being.

He Changlong grabbed Jiang Shen at this moment: "That little Jiang, uncle and aunt, is going to be called parents, I think it's just today, call Liu Ye back, and we'll talk about the engagement."

"--" Jiang Shen had black lines on his face.Are you more anxious than Qiao Xiaoshan?

"Uncle, I'm only twenty." Jiang Shen reported his age again.

He was [-] years old when he first arrived in Dongning, he went to high school for a year, and he will be [-] years old after the Chinese New Year. Now he is [-] years old, which is barely enough.

"It's an engagement, not a marriage. What are you afraid of? My Liu Ye is only twenty."

"---" Jiang Shen was speechless.

Before he could respond, Mother He took out a piece of jade and stuffed it into Jiang Shen's hand.

"This is handed down from our He family's ancestors. I will bring it to your two babies in the future. You can keep it first." Without any explanation, it was stuffed into Jiang Shen. With this jade stuffed, even if it is an engagement.

When Jiang Shen touched the jade, there was nothing special about it. Is it still passed down from the ancestors?I fainted.

What's even more dizzying is that he was engaged to two women at the same time.

Qiao Xiaoshan knew that he probably vomited a mouthful of blood to the sky.

"But uncle, I was really engaged outside, and Liu Ye knew about it."

He Changlong stared: "Xiao Jiang, you can't do this. You just said that you and Liu Ye are married. Do you want to learn from Chen Shimei?"


"When a man does something, he must be responsible." Mother He said earnestly.


"Then give me time to deal with outside affairs." Jiang Shen didn't want to make a public announcement, so if you counted it as an engagement, if you give me a piece of jade, it will be considered an engagement, and if it spreads, what should I do?

He Changlong probably understood Jiang Shen's meaning: "Okay, we will keep quiet and give you time to deal with it, but, well, at home, parents can wake up first."


Mother He looked at Jiang Shen overjoyed.

"Dad---Mom---" the one Jiang Shen called was depressed.


"You can only leave after lunch."

At noon that day, Jiang Shen was dragged to have lunch at He Changlong's house, and then his mother dragged him to ask questions, which was tantamount to extorting a confession by torture.

From time to time, He Changlong sneered sideways, wanting to ask Jiang Shen when he would break off the engagement with another woman.

Jiang Shen was so depressed that he barely finished his lunch, and found an excuse to escape in embarrassment.

Nima, I will never see my mother-in-law and husband-in-law again.After Jiang Shen escaped, he swore secretly.

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