That night.

One of the best hotels in the capital, the Capital Hotel.

Huang Zhenguo hosted a banquet for Jiang Shen and Qiao Feixue.

In fact, Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen were also in the capital, but now Qiao Feixue's officially engaged girlfriend, Jiang Shen, had no choice but to bring her to attend.

At the same table were Zhao San, Liu Hao, Ma Tianming, Wang Jianzhu, Tian Xiaowen, Ji Yuan, Tang Can, and the second-generation officials were all there that day.

Two second-generation officials were added, Song Jian and Dai Xiaoyi.

Of course, Zhao San brought his little follower, Sensen, as usual.

Song Jian and Dai Xiaoyi were also there when they played mahjong yesterday, but they left early, but as I said before, they are all a combination of interests, so they were called over today, and everyone stopped talking about what happened yesterday.

Qiao Feixue was also very witty and had the potential to be a real girlfriend. She was the only woman at the table, and bid farewell to Jiang Shen after eating for more than half an hour. Zhao San asked Sensen to take her home first.

All the men continued to drink, Jiang Shen was naturally the protagonist at the wine table, everyone wanted to drink him in turn, but unfortunately they couldn't drink him down no matter how hard they tried, instead Ma Tianming and Tian Xiaowen drank a little bit more, and got a little drunk first.

When the second generation of officials in the capital get together, what they talk about most is of course the high-level dynamics, and occasionally talk about picking up girls.

However, most of the second-generation officials present are more mature and know what they need, so they can always be in the same circle.

Playboys who only know how to pick up girls cannot enter their circle.

Women are everywhere. Given their status, there is really no need to talk about them.

"Third brother, when I came out today, I heard my dad calling someone, and it seems that He Changlong is going to move?" Wang Jianzhu's dad is in the third headquarters of the Military Commission, so the news is relatively well-informed: "Is it true? of."

"He sick ghost is going to move?" Tian Xiaowen seemed to know it, and he was extremely surprised: "Retiring? His body should have retired a long time ago."

When Jiang Shen heard it, how did he mention my father-in-law, he remained calm and listened from the sidelines.

"Back up." Zhao San grinned: "I heard that he handed in his medical report this afternoon, and his health suddenly recovered, healthier than ours. My dad reckons that Lao He wants to go back to the army again."

"Nee, he's a lieutenant general now, he's going back, and he's also at the deputy commander level."

"Where is his family background, it is possible to be a chief of staff."

"It's really time for him to get better. I heard that the higher ups are going to make a big move this time." Huang Zhenguo's father was the highest-ranked and the most powerful news, and it was time for him to show off.

"Are you going to make a big move again?" Ma Tianming was thoughtful.

"Normal, many provincial party committee secretaries have reached their age."

"Well, there are two leaders in the major military regions who are over 67 years old, and if they don't retreat, what will the young people do?" Zhao San took a bite of food and bit it hard in his mouth.

"Brother Shen, let me tell you some news." Huang Zhenguo seemed to have thought about it for a long time: "I heard that the secretary of the provincial party committee in Dongning may be changing."

What?Jiang Shen froze for a moment, this was a blockbuster.

"Maybe, I'm not sure, after all, my dad may not be sure about the news at this level."

"Xu Zhen has been in Dongning for eight years, and he has worked as the governor and secretary. When it's time, is he going to go?" Ma Tianming guessed.

"It is estimated that the next term will be in the bureau committee. This time it may be an adjustment, continue in other provinces, and wait for the next term to enter the bureau committee."

"Is it time to go, after all, that's the age."

It seems that Xu Zhen is just sixty, and he can still join the bureau committee once. Of course, the next session is not something that can be decided by the few young people present today, and everyone is guessing.

"Then your Huang family is about to take the stage." Liu Hao said with a smile, "Once Xu Zhen leaves, maybe Shi Anshi will be righted?"

Shi Anshi is from the Huang family and the governor of Dongning.

"Not necessarily." Huang Zhenguo shook his head: "Shi Anshi's qualifications are not close, we would like him to go up, but this matter is not up to our family."

Everyone nodded.

Lao Yan's ranking on the top is just in the middle, and some things are not up to Lao Yan to decide.

"Is Jin Zhongzheng going down?" someone asked again.

Jin Zhongzheng is Jin Zhonglin's second elder brother, and now he is the minister of a certain department in the capital, at the provincial and ministerial level.

There are three elites in the Jin family, the boss of the Jin family is even at the head level, and Jin Zhonglin is the worst, but he is young and has a bright future.

"Based on the style of the Jin family, Jin Zhongzheng wants to join the bureau committee in the next term, and this time he will definitely go."

"Then he wants to compete with Shi Anshi for secretary, Shi Anshixue really can't compete with him, what is his qualifications?"

"This is impossible. Dongning has Jin Zhonglin, and Jin Zhongzheng will go to another province when he goes down."

Everyone was talking to each other, and Jiang Shen realized at this moment that no matter how awesome he was, he couldn't say anything in such a situation.

What Zhao San said was right, when he arrived in the capital, he had to make friends with some second-generation officials.

I know many people, have a wide network of contacts, and are well-informed.

What I heard today is unimaginable in Dong Ninh Province.

Of course, considering that they are only the second generation, whether the news is accurate or not is one thing, but it will not be too far off the mark.

Jiang Shen used to know that both the Jin and Huang families were very strong, Lao Yan of the Huang family is now the head, and the Jin family also has a boss who is the head.

But the most powerful member of the Jin family is not the boss.

It turned out that the old man of the Jin family, that is, Jin Zhonglin's father, was the previous chief, and his ranking at that time was higher than the current Lao Yan.

There are three elites in the Jin family, and sooner or later one of the second and third children will join the Bureau Committee.

And everyone knows that in the next chief executive, maybe the second brother of the Jin family may be one of them.

If Jiang Shen had heard that Xu Zhen was going to leave before, the Jin family was weak in Dongning, so he would have been a little surprised, but now, he and Huang Zhenguo had dinner together and had a crush on Jin Zhonglin's daughter, both of them have a good relationship with him , I didn't feel anything.

Huang Zhenguo also wanted to flatter him: "Brother Gentleman, our Huang family still has some influence in Dongning, when will you go back? I'll go to Dongning to see you and take you to dinner with Shi Sheng?"

Jiang Shen thought about it for a while, but actually wanted to say a word, to withdraw that, Jiang Fengmin.

But after all did not say it.

"Don't worry, I want to use your people, so I must call you."

"That's right, Brother Shen is also very human, you must contact us if you have anything to do."

All the second generations of officials nodded in unison, expressing their willingness to help.

Jiang Shen thanked them one by one with a smile, and didn't take it seriously in his heart. You must be the second generation, and there is limited help you can do. It will be almost the same when you all reach the provincial and ministerial level.

Not everyone present is part of the system.

Half of Zhao San, Tian Xiaowen, Song Jian and others are in business.

Especially Zhao San and others whose elders are in the military are generally not allowed to enter politics at home.

The military and the government must be separated, and everyone will understand this.

Everyone was full of wine and food, and continued the program after eating, of course it was drinking and singing.

Jiang Shen is also quite excited today. Together with so many second-generation officials, he has also heard a lot of high-level dynamic news, no matter whether it is true or not, it can be used as a reference.

After eight o'clock in the evening, everyone staggered out together, ready to find a place to continue singing.

Because everyone had been drinking, and the place where they sang was near, and no one was driving, a group of young people walking on the street at the same time seemed quite crazy.

The capital city was brightly lit at night, and Jiang Shen, the most sober of all the people, was walking while observing the second generation of officials.

Don't look at everyone playing together now, it's because Jiang Shen is here.

As soon as Jiang Shen left, Zhao San and Ma Tianming vowed not to be at odds, and Huang Zhenguo, Zhao San, and Tian Xiaowen didn't have much friendship at ordinary times.

If these people can be integrated together, there is still a little destructive and lethal force.

Jiang Shen suddenly had a thought, what would happen if I took all the second-generation officials in Huaguo as younger brothers?

It's awesome to think about it.

Of course, these people are not so easy to conquer.

As for Xu Shengjie, Xu Zhen's son, he was convinced on the surface, but it wasn't Jiang Shen who drove him like an arm. Jiang Shen could see the clues about Xiang Lan last time.

The real little brother, like chest hair, is driven like an arm, and can be manipulated however he wants. These second-generation officials now have more vigilance and fear of Jiang Shen in their hearts, rather than obedience and respect.

This requires Jiang Shen to do more to change their minds.

If I want to be respected by others, I have to show my strength and abilities.

He meditated all the way and followed everyone to the 'Heavenly Wonderland'.

This is currently the best and most high-end entertainment venue in the whole capital, and the entrance fee alone costs [-] yuan, which is five times more expensive than the "heaven and earth" in the past.

It is said that the backstage of this heavenly fairyland is also extremely hard, but currently the security guards are all in charge of Mazi's company.

As mentioned earlier, Mazi has built many entertainment venues in the capital and has his own security company, such as the fairyland in the sky, which is in charge of Mazi.

As soon as they arrived, Mazi was already waiting at the door and came to greet them in person.

"Director Huang, Third Brother Zhao, Young Master Ma—" Pockmarked had a few pockmarks on his face, but he didn't look ugly at all, but rather heroic.

He has always been proud of it, and he is very happy when others call him Mazi.

"This must be Brother Gentleman? Dongning Gentleman, who has long admired his name." When Mazi saw Jiang Shen, although he was surprised by his youth, he was also respectful. Be more active.

"Brother Mazi, come and play in Dongning when you are free." Jiang Shen was also polite.

Mazi led the crowd inside, they were going to sing, found a big box, and then a mother Sang brought in a row of beauties, twenty or so beauties stood in a row for them to choose from.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen frowned: "I'm not interested, you choose, leave me alone."

The woman next to him, who is no more beautiful than the one here, is of course not interested.

When the others saw it, they also shook their heads one after another, clattering, all the beauties receded like a tide.

Those present today are not considered playboys, and they don't have much interest in such beauties. The news at home and abroad is what they like to discuss most.

Mazi also acted like this, arranged drinks and left first.

Mazi's own place is not here, he is only in charge of the security here, and today he came to make arrangements for Jiang Shen and Huang Zhenguo, just as he walked to the gate, he met another group of people.

There were seven people in this group, and they were all young people. The leader was 35-40 years old, with a cigarette in his mouth, and beside him were two middle-aged people in their [-]s, one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing Mazi, the young man's eyes lit up: "Mazi, you are not at your place, what are you doing here?"

"Young Master Dong?" A trace of displeasure flashed in Mazi's eyes, but he was polite on the surface.

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