Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 507 2 Generations Meet 2 Generations

"Mazi, I heard that you are also in charge of this place? It seems to be true." Young Master Dong patted Mazi on the shoulder, as if patting his own younger brother.

Mazi's eyes were even more dissatisfied, but he knew Dong Shao's background, so he didn't dare to argue with him blatantly, and forced a smile: "It's all because of friends to save face, and I'm better off than Dong Shao."

Dong Shao gave him a look of interest, you are a gangster, you still want to compare with me? "Then open an oversized bag for us, we have a lot of people."

Mazi nodded repeatedly, turned around and led them to the bar.

But I heard that the group behind Dong Shao was flattering Dong Shao.

"Young Master Dong was really imposing just now, so why are you still called one of the Four Young Masters in the capital? Seeing Young Master Dong, you are like a grandson, hahaha."

"Cut, what are the Four Young Masters in the capital called by people in the entertainment industry? At most, they can be regarded as rich sons. It's not that I, Xie Yalou, underestimated them. There are young people in the capital who can crush them. eighty."

"What is money? In the capital, money is useless? It is useful only if it is powerful and powerful. What are the four young masters of the capital? Just a second-generation official can make them kneel down."

"What is the second generation of officials, the second generation of red like Dong Shao is really awesome."

Mazi rolled his eyes, red your sister's generation, so awesome, let you play with Huang Zhenguo?And Jiang Shen was there.

Let him go, the beauty service quickly got up: "Brother Mazi."

"Give me the 999 president's package." Mazi said loudly.

"999 President's package?" The beauty service was stunned for a moment, Brother Mazi, didn't you order for a group of people?

"Is anyone there?" Mazi asked the beautiful waitress, of course, without giving the waitress a chance to speak out.

"Oh, is there someone already?" Then he winked at the beautiful waiter, turned to Dong Shao and said, "Dong Shao, the presidential bag has been ordered, why don't you change it to a big luxury bag?"

Dong Shao also hesitated when he heard the words.

But a sycophant next to him raised his eyebrows: "Mazi, what are you doing, whoever decides, let them go, the president will pay us."

"That's right, Young Master Dong entertains distinguished guests. Of course, he has to use the president's package."

When the two subordinates said this, the surname Dong also felt that he couldn't hold up his face. If he couldn't get the presidential bag, he would be ashamed in front of the guests.

"Mazi, go and tell them, I'll give you the money, and replace them with a big bag." Young Master Dong signaled Mazi to deal with it.

Mazi rolled his eyes again, and said intentionally, "Young Master Dong, the capital is mixed with fish and dragons, why don't I go find out what's going on first? If it's a big shot, we'll forget it?"

What he said, the face of the person surnamed Dong was furious.

What's the meaning?Forget about big shots?Is my surname Dong soft and afraid of hard?

"Mazi, can you talk? Change it right away, no matter what big or small people he is, tell them to get out." Surrounded by the surname Dong, people around him angrily scolded Mazi.

This person is called Xie Yalou, and he is also a second-generation red.

What's the difference between the Red Second Generation and the Official Second Generation?

The second generation of red means that the elders in their families were all generals or marshals when the country was founded.

During this period of time, it usually lasts from the first award to the group that was promoted in [-].

Not counting generals and marshals, there are a total of 57 generals, 177 lieutenant generals, and 1360 major generals.

The descendants of these people have been mixed up to now, some are as good as they are today, and some are still overlords.

In the capital, the Red Second Generation is also a circle.

Like their elders, they often play together.

Preserving their sense of superiority of the second generation of red.

When Mazi got the order, he turned around and went in without saying a word, and he was very happy in his heart. Today, buddies want to watch the second generation of officials fight against the second generation of red.

Let's see who you are.

Ma Zi went in, of course to find Huang Zhenguo and Jiang Shen.

"Hey, Mazi, why are you here again?" When everyone saw him, they naturally wanted to say hello.

"Director Huang, Brother Gentleman, I'm sorry." Mazi called Huang Zhenguo and Jiang Shen aside, and also Ma Tianming and Zhao Sanliang.

"Dong Hui is here. I don't know if it's a fake. He asked for the president's bag. I said there are already people. He insisted on forcing me to drive you away. I can't tell you that you are here. Director Huang, do you want to go out and talk to him? You and Third Brother Zhao, Young Master Ma and the others are here? Let him retreat in spite of the difficulties?"

"Crazy Dong." Everyone was stunned when they heard his name.

"Crazy Dong is fine when he's normal, but when he's crazy, you say we're here, so he dares to mess around?" Ma Tianming also frowned.

He is not afraid of Zhao San, nor is he very afraid of Jiang Shen, but he seems to have a lot of fear when he hears the name of Madman Dong.

There was no way, when the country was founded, there were thousands of generals, and these people’s elders’ families were intricately related. If you hit a young one, you don’t know how many old ones come out, which is very troublesome.

Even among the founding generals who are still alive, there are still dozens of major generals. If any of these people come out randomly, the chiefs should give them some face.

Zhao San's face also changed slightly, his family is actually considered the second generation of red, and they are better off now.

However, he rarely played with Madman Dong.Because at the founding of the country, the elders of Zhao San's family were under the elders of Madame Dong's parents.

Crazy Dong is very arrogant every time he sees Zhao San, so what, Xiao San, when your grandfather is here, you have to call out to the old leader when you see my grandfather.

However, the family of the second generation of red still recognizes this. Zhao San’s father doesn’t allow Zhao San to mess with Dong Crazy. He still has old thoughts in his mind. His grandfather is your grandfather’s leader. You are not allowed to mess with Dong Crazy Otherwise, grandpa would not be happy in the spirit of heaven.

So Zhao San was very aggrieved when he saw Madman Dong.

When Jiang Shen saw Madman Dong's name being reported, all of them frowned now.

Nima, the capital really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Huang Zhenguo, Ma Tianming, and Zhao San, the three second-generation officials, who can stand up to a provincial party secretary down below, are still afraid of this madman Dong.

"Forget it, leave it to them, let's change the place." Jiang Shen was basically not a person who took the initiative to cause trouble, and he didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so he proposed to change the box.

"Brother Gentleman has courage." Mazi gave a thumbs up, a little disappointed in his heart, it seems that the second generation of officials and the second generation of red will not be seen.

Huang Zhenguo was a little dissatisfied, because his father is now the father who crushed Crazy Dong.

However, Crazy Dong's grandfather is still alive and can crush his father.

Some people say that Lao Yan is now the chief, so he is afraid of an old man.

There is no way, this old man has lived to be one hundred and two years old, and he is still alive and well. One day many years ago, Crazy Dong was drunk and crashed outside to cause trouble, and was arrested by the police station.

This old revolutionary rushed into 'Zhongbeihai' with a cane, and the guards at the gate didn't dare to stop him, but they had to support him, lest he suddenly fall or something.

At that time, when the old man saw a chief executive from the previous term, he picked up his crutches and swept over.

"Will my grandson let go?"

The chief was frightened and quickly moved away: "Let it go, let it go, let it go."

Then let it go.

There is really no way to compete with this kind of person, so I can only wait.

"Change it." Zhao San looked at Huang Zhenguo angrily.There is a kind of you to fight Dong lunatics.

Huang Zhenguo couldn't hold back his face, of course I dared to fight, but his old man was too fierce, so my dad had to avoid it.

"Then change it." Ma Tianming helped Huang Zhenguo out of the siege. He is the second generation of officials, and there is no elder in his family who was the founder of the country. It was all thanks to his father that he got to where he is now.

He knew that the background of the Ma family was not as good as that of the second generation of red. Before his father retired, if Ma Tianming couldn't get up, he would not be as good as Madman Dong in the future.

Everyone agreed to change the box, and everyone was dissatisfied.

But there is no way, if you are not convinced, you have to change.

But just when they agreed to change the box.

Bang, the box door was knocked open.

Dong Hui swaggered in with his guests.

"Little San?" Dong Hui saw Zhao San for the first time.

"Tian Xiaowen, you're here too, hahaha."

Dong Hui played in a different circle, he didn't know Huang Zhenguo, he only knew Zhao San and Tian Xiaowen in the army.

Especially Tian Xiaowen's grandfather is worse than Zhao San's grandfather.

Back then, he was Grandpa Dong Hui's bodyguard. When Tian Xiaowen saw Dong Hui, he lowered his head.

The gap is too big, one is the founding major general, and the other is the guard when the founding of the country, so Tian Xiaowen blushed.

"Mazi, what kind of plane are you doing? After talking for a long time, it didn't work out?" Xie Yalou said angrily.

He knew several people and knew that this place was the second generation of officials, but he was not afraid of Madman Dong.

"I'm talking to them right now." Mazi smiled and said, "Young Master Dong, let me introduce you. This is Huang Zhenguo, Director Huang."

"Huang Zhenguo?" Dong Hui didn't know Huang Zhenguo, but he had heard his name.

His face changed slightly.

Chief's son.

"This is a gentleman from Dongning."

"Dongning?" Dong Hui couldn't spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard about Dongning Gentleman. Would you introduce me to Dongning's bumpkin?

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, we want it here." It is said that sometimes history is often changed because of a small person.

In fact, when Dong Hui heard that Huang Zhenguo was here, he was thinking about whether he must have this box.

He is a lunatic, but he is not a fool. The Dong family is just like the old man, so there is really no need to compete with the second generation of popular officials like Huang Zhenguo.

But at this time, a small follower beside him uttered wild words, and he didn't know Huang Zhenguo and spoke directly. After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was standing on the outermost side at this time, and the little follower pushed Jiang Shen.

Standing beside Jiang Shen was Sensen. When Sensen saw him, the boy pushed Jiang Shen, but reflexively pushed back: "Why are you pushing?"

He was used to Zhao San, and this push was stronger than that person's. Dong Hui's follower was pushed back a few steps, and collided with a guest beside Crazy Dong.

The followers of the two completely changed the situation on the field.

"Yeah." Dong Hui's title of Dong Crazy is not fake either.

He gets angry easily, after thinking about it, he stretched out his hand.

"Ba" slapped Sensen on the face.

"Little San, is your little follower so terrible? Someone who dares to push me? Your grandfather always calls me the old leader when he sees me, right?"

Crazy Dong is at it again.

After saying these words, Zhao San's face turned red and he lost his embarrassment.

Especially the little follower, Sensen, who has always been a brother, was slapped in the face.

Today, there were so many people here, and Ma Tianming who always wanted to see his jokes.

"I hate you." Zhao San was also angry, and reached out to copy a wine bottle on the table, swishing it, and smashing it at Madman Dong's follower.

He didn't dare to hit Madman Dong, he could only hit his follower.

Unexpectedly, Dong Hui's attendant stepped aside, bang, the wine bottle hit one of Dong Hui's guests on the head.

"You? You rebelled against the mistress?" Crazy Dong yelled at each mistress, making Zhao San furious.

But before Zhao San could react, Madman Dong issued the bid first: "Hit him for me."

Except for Xie Yalou, the people around him are all followers, unlike Zhao Sanbian who are all second-generation officials.

Hearing his order, everyone roared and rushed towards Zhao San.

Zhao San's face turned green all of a sudden.

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