Most of the people on the opposite side were Dong Feng's younger brothers. Hearing the boss's order, he rushed towards Zhao San like crazy.

When Zhao San saw the four people rushing towards him, he was frightened and quickly turned around and retreated. It would be safe to retreat to Jiang Shen's side.

He also moved quickly, turned around and fled.

But someone came up to him.

Wang Jianzhu, Tian Xiaowen, and Ji Yuan, the three second generations of the army, also fought since they were young. When they saw someone beating Zhao San, they had a conditioned reflex.

There was a melee between the two sides.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I said you don't fight---" Mazi yelled from the side, as if making peace, but in fact he was very happy, kill him, kill him, it's best to do it today Die Dong lunatic.

Fortunately, this box is big enough, seven or eight people fight in it, and others can watch from the side.

But forget it for Huang Zhenguo. After seeing Liu Hao, Song Jian and others beside him, although they are not very close to people like Wang Jianzhu, they are now considered to be in the same camp, with eager expressions on their faces. As long as Huang Zhenguo They dared to go up with an order.

Zhao San saw that there were four on the opposite side, but there were only three on his side: "Go up." Zhao San became anxious.

At this time, Sensen was also fighting with Madman Dong's followers, and they were at a disadvantage for the time being. Not only were there few people who shot, but they were all second-generation officials. very.

Huang Zhenguo couldn't help it, Zhao Sanyi called out, and he looked at Liu Hao and the others.

On the way, Liu Hao and others also rushed forward.

Bang bang bang There was chaos in the box, and the fights were frantic.

Now in the whole box, there are only Dong Crazy, two middle-aged guests of Dong Crazy, and Jiang Shen, Zhao San, Ma Tianming, and Huang Zhenguo.

Zhao San, Ma Tianming, and Huang Zhenguo were not fighting people, they stood together and stared at each other, wondering why Jiang Shen didn't move today.

"Brother Gentleman?" Zhao San bumped Jiang Shen with his shoulder.

Jiang Shen looked at Madman Dong's two guests.

The two middle-aged men were also looking at Jiang Shen.

Huang Zhenguo immediately understood and looked up.

What Jiang Shen meant was obvious, those two middle-aged men were the danger.

In just a short while, Jiang Shen's advantage of having a large number of people came out.

After all, it must be in the box, the space is limited, and Dong Fengzi's people were beaten and retreated steadily.

Especially Sensen, who witnessed the blood flow together with Jiang Shen in Burma, and now fights very fiercely. I don’t know if he is learning from Jiang Shen. The wine bottles and ashtrays on the table can be taken whatever they can, that little follower of Madman Dong His head was smashed, and he fled all the way.

Crazy Dong saw that something was wrong, coughed, coughed twice.

The two middle-aged men beside him took a step forward at the same time.

"Stop beating, it's all young people who beat their heads and blood, which damages their image."

Take the step on the left, and you are in front of Sensen.

Sensen was blushing, and was about to catch up to the person in front, when suddenly there was a middle-aged man in the middle.

Without even thinking about it, I picked up the ashtray and smashed it down.

As soon as the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, he pinched Sensen's wrist and twisted it hard.

"Ah--" Sensen let out a scream, and the whole person twisted by him turned in a circle, his arms were twisted behind, and his butt was facing the person.

Then the middle-aged man raised his foot, jumped, and kicked Sensen's ass.

Sensen flew forward, screamed and fell to the ground, lying on the ground for half a minute before getting up.

These two middle-aged people seemed to have learned how to tackle, and they easily defeated Jiang Shen's people with every gesture.

In less than ten seconds, the scene was under their control.

Including Tian Xiaowen and the others, they were all kicked and kicked by the two middle-aged men, and several of them rolled into a ball.

All of a sudden, Zhao San and the others changed their expressions drastically.

"Hahaha." Dong Hui laughed wildly triumphantly.

Fight with me, you are still a little tender.

Now the people on their side got pissed off, the little follower who was chased by Sensen just now viciously picked up half a wine bottle from the ground, and rushed towards Sensen who was rolling around on the ground.

"You dare to hit me?" He rushed over to destroy Sensen.

"Get lost." Jiang Shen finally spoke at this moment.

With a flying kick, plop, a figure flew out.

Dong Hui's follower was fast, flying even faster, flew out a few steps, fell to the ground, and didn't get up for a long time.

Swipe, the two middle-aged men looked over, and Qiqi saw Jiang Shen.

"You two are interesting? Those who have learned Muay Thai, come to bully these young people?" Jiang Shen greeted the two middle-aged men.

It turned out that these two middle-aged people had learned Muay Thai.

When everyone heard the muay thai boxing they learned, their faces became even paler.

The lethality of muay thai boxing is huge, and the attack power is fierce. The two middle-aged men have not used their elbows and knees just now, otherwise, they would either die or be injured.

Ni, what is Madman Dong doing with two Thais?

That's right, one of these two people is from Thailand, the other is from China, and they are brothers from the same school. The one who beat Sensen just now is from China.

The two muay thai masters ignored Jiang Shen and looked at Crazy Dong.

"Boy, who are you?" Dong Hui explored the way first.

"Dongning Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "They are all from the capital. If you don't look up and look down, just sit down and have a good talk."

"Your? Dongning." Dong Hui was furious when he heard that this was the so-called Dongning bumpkin.

To be honest, the person on the opposite side, the little follower Sensen, is more important than Jiang Shen in his eyes.

People in the capital have this sense of superiority.

You are not from the capital, even if the son of the secretary of the Dongning Provincial Party Committee comes here, he has to kneel down for me.

"Abolish him." Crazy Dong didn't yell for nothing. When he heard that Jiang Shen was not from the capital, his face darkened, and he gave the order.

Jiang Shen was abolished.

These words are a bit heavy, and at the same time, it can be seen how crazy this person is, how crazy, in this place in the capital, he said that if he said abolished, he would abolish a person.

No wonder Huang Zhenguo and Zhao San had to switch rooms. This Dong Hui was more unscrupulous than them, and Huang Zhenguo and the others were willing to let him.

Crazy Dong ordered.

"Huh" It was as if a whip was whipped in the air, and with a flash of a figure, a middle-aged man rushed towards Jiang Shen.

If you say it is useless, it is useless, the shorter middle-aged man took the lead, and reached Jiang Shen's side in one stride.

Jiang Shen didn't seem to respond.

Then he put his arms around Jiang Shen's neck and pulled it down.

Bang, bang, bang, his knees were continuous, and they flew up to Jiang Shenyou's chest.

At the top of the road, Jiang Shen retreated all the way.

Everyone only heard the violent crashing sound of thump, thump, thump.

Except for Zhao San, Sen Sen and others who knew about Jiang Shen's details, the faces of the others all changed drastically.

Muay Thai is famous for its huge lethality. This move will lock your throat and fly your knees. An ordinary person will shatter their sternum in one fell swoop, and die from serious injuries.

Jiang Shen didn't know how many times he ate in an instant.

The middle-aged man hit it more than a dozen times in a row, and finally let go, jumped back, and retreated to the original position.

He looked calm and relaxed, with the air of a master.

"Brother Shen?" Everyone gathered around, looking at Jiang Shen's face who retreated a few meters away.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jiang Shen patted his chest and shook his head.

"Uncle, are you practicing muay thai or milk boxing? With such strength, can you still destroy me?"


Milk punch?

The face of the middle-aged man who just calmed down on the opposite side changed drastically.

"What?" He moved his body one by one, and was about to go on again.

"Ah---" Suddenly he screamed, then hugged Jiang Shen's knee just now, fell to the ground, and cried out in pain.

"Ah --- my leg." This is a Chinese man, speaking in Chinese, everyone looked at his expression, his knee seemed to have been crushed, and he was rolling around on the ground in pain.

"Craft." The other Thai looked shocked and angry.

I thought there was something iron hidden in Jiang Shen's chest.

Whoosh, he also took a leap, stepped on the table, walked through a row of long sands, and arrived in front of Jiang Shen in an instant.

"Wow..." Jiang Shen was surrounded by a lot of people, seeing him rushing over, they swarmed and scattered around.

"Fuck you." Jiang Shen stood on the spot and kicked.

Bang, the kick hit the Thai in the chest.

Like a kite with a broken string, he flew several meters away, over the sofa and the table, and fell heavily at Madman Dong's feet with a plop.

I was dizzy, and the audience was dumbfounded.

This back and forth, everyone is pleasing to the eye.

First, the Thais counted meters at a step, stepped over the table and sofa, and flew to Jiang Shen.

As a result, Jiang Shen stood there and kicked the Thai back to the original place.

This kind of kicking people several meters away can only be seen in movies.

The Thai man stood up staggeringly, not yet standing still, "Wow." He bent over and spit out blood all over the floor.

However, he was also very fierce. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, his bloodshot eyes rushed upwards again.

Those who practice Muay Thai are generally more aggressive, so that they can develop the aura of Muay Thai with great lethality.

Thai people dare to rush upwards with their mouths full of blood, and everyone around them is terrified.

It's a desperate rhythm.

The second generation of officials were a little scared.

They are delicate and expensive, so there is no need to fight desperately with such rough people.

But Jiang Shen sneered: "Not convinced?"

He started suddenly, another kick.

This kick was different from just now, just now he kicked standing still, this time he rushed forward to kick.

"Bang" kicked the Thai in the chest again.

The Thais flew out again.

This time it was even more exaggerated. After flying seven or eight meters, it slammed into the wall and then rolled down.

"Wow---wow" the Thai kept vomiting blood on the ground.

Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be kicked to pieces.

He struggled hard, rolled back and forth on the ground a few times, trying to support himself with his hands, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up.

Another fellow of his, a native of Huaguo, was slowly standing up at this time.

But just as he was half standing up with all his strength, Sen Sen, who had just been beaten by him, jumped out.

Sensen suffered a loss today and was furious in his heart.

Holding a bottle of unopened foreign wine, bang, the Hua Guo Muay Thai boxer who smashed it was covered in blood.

Plop, the Hua Guo Muay Thai fighter screamed again and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hit me, hit me, you dare to hit me, Grandpa Sen." Sen Sen seemed to go crazy, threw away the bottle and rode on the muay thai fighter, and hit him right across the face.

Crazy Dong, who was originally complacent, saw that the two muay thai fighters who had gained the upper hand just now were kicked one by one by Jiang Shen in a blink of an eye, and his heart was shocked and angry.

"You bumpkin, are you kneeling down for me?" Crazy Dong said, taking a step forward, Kaka.

A pitch-black pistol was aimed at Jiang Shen.

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