The hotel where Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen lived was opened by Jiang Shen with his ID card.

Jiang Shen was away at night, Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen came back after having dinner outside.

Knowing that Jiang Shen is coming tonight, the two took turns taking a bath and waiting for Jiang Shen.

Suddenly a phone call came in.

Inside was a nice female voice: "Do you need service tonight, sir?"

At that time, Ding Yan was taking a shower and Pan Wenwen was answering the phone. Pan Wenwen was furious: "No, we brought our own."

Ba, the other party hung up angrily.

After a while, Pan Wenwen went to take a shower, and Ding Yan played with the latest Banana 9 tablet outside.

Another call came.

"Hey, Boss, do you need a female spa massage? Professional service, maintenance of female skin and body, only for guests in the hotel suites."

After all, Ding Yan has just graduated from high school, and her experience is not as good as Pan Wenwen's. When she heard about the free gift, take care of her body and skin, her eyes immediately lit up.

It wasn't because she was stingy and thought it would be free. She was used to saving money before, and now she hardly used luxury goods. The valuable things on her body were either given by Jiang Shen, or Xu Li and Pan Wenwen.

In fact, her figure is already perfect, and her skin is white, tender and smooth. She has had sex with Jiang Shen for a long time, and is nourished by the immortal energy. Ding Yan's body skin is very perfect.

But women are like this, thinking that Jiang Shen has too many women, of course he hopes to have a better figure and skin.

"Okay, let's send someone over to take a look." Ding Yan wanted to see if it worked, and now that Jiang Shen didn't come, and I don't know what time Jiang Shen will come back at night, it would be nice to have a spa at home.

Xu Li often took her and Pan Wenwen to do it together in Dongning.

A few minutes later, the bell was nailed and the door rang.

Ding Yan didn't think much, and opened the door casually, and saw the fragrant wind outside, a figure rushed in, and then closed the door with a bang.

"You--" Ding Yan was still wrapped in a bathrobe, backed away in fright: "What are you doing, get out, get out."

A man came in, a very strong man, holding a small box in his right hand, which contained various essential oil towels, wearing a tight vest on his upper body, with well-developed chest muscles, very sexy.

Underneath is a pair of loose shorts, which are worn less than women.

Are you not afraid of catching a cold?

Ding Yan did not expect to be a male technician, and a profession flashed through his mind.


This man looks like a duck no matter what.

"Boss, don't you want to serve? Do you need a night package?" The man approached step by step with a smile on his face.

"Get out, get out now." Ding Yan is no longer the high school student she used to be. She was afraid at the beginning because she was afraid that the scenery would leak out, but now she clutched her bathrobe tightly and pointed outward with a livid face.

Jiang Shen has protected them all, she is not afraid of anything, and Jiang Shen's women now have a small storage space, and each of them has all kinds of weapons in the storage space, including pistols and grenades.

Anyway, they can't be killed by bombing, and Jiang Shen can let them explode the grenade in case of danger.

"The service you requested on the phone just now." The man continued forward.

"Brother Shen is back?" Pan Wenwen also came out wrapped in a bath towel, and was startled when she saw that it wasn't Jiang Shen.

"I don't want it now, go out immediately, or I will call the police?"

"If you don't want it, you have to pay, 5000 yuan." Of course the man refused, and at the same time he looked at the two women lewdly.

The two women were wrapped in bath towels, and a lot of their fragrant shoulders and thighs were still exposed.

Pan Wenwen was furious, and only after asking Ding Yan did she realize that she had been fooled.

"You don't say it's free."

"Yes, if you want to do it, it will be free of charge. If you don't do it, you will be charged 5000 yuan. If not, you can call the police." The man didn't seem to be afraid.

This is a shameless encounter, the two women have no choice, and it is impossible to scare others with a gun.

"Here's the money, get out immediately." Pan Wenwen took 5000 yuan out of her bag and threw it over.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss." The man smiled and picked up the money on the ground.

At this moment, bang, the door was knocked open, and a few more people rushed in.

The two women saw that three police officers, two men, one woman, and a hotel waiter came in together.

The hotel attendant should have opened the door. After opening the door, turn around and leave.

"Why police officer?" The man panicked.

"We have received a report that someone here is suspected of prostitution. Now please go back to the police station with us to assist in the investigation."

"Police officer." Ding Yan didn't understand, and explained: "We don't know him at all, he came by himself, and we are going to call the police."

"What's the matter with this money? Who gave it to you?" A man pointed at the two women: "Did you give it to him?"

"----" Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen looked at each other in blank dismay.

"We gave it to him to tell him to leave quickly." The two realized something was wrong.

"Stop talking nonsense, go back to the police station first." The police want to lead someone.

"Can we make a phone call?" Pan Wenwen asked calmly after all, she was more mature.

"Of course, hit, hit whatever you want." The policeman was not in a hurry.

The purpose of their coming is to trouble Jiang Shen, if Jiang Shen is not found, then you can call him to come over.

So Ding Yan called Jiang Shen, and then told Jiang Shen about the matter.

"Immortal dance?" Jiang Shen and Zhao San couldn't laugh or cry when they heard it.

I heard that when there are men staying in a small hotel outside, beautiful women will come to cooperate with others in performing fairy dance. Now in this big hotel in the capital, there are handsome guys playing fairy dance with the police.

Zhao San also heard that men danced when they met immortals, but he didn't expect women to dance when they met immortals.

"Brother Shen, is this looking for trouble?"

"I thought so too?" Jiang Shen sneered: "Tell me to go to the Xizhen District Police Station? Does anyone know anyone?"

"From Xizhen District, let's find Tang Can. His father is the chief of the city bureau." Zhao San picked up the phone and called Tang Can.

"I want to see who is looking for trouble. I will go there first, and you will come back later. I like to see people stunned." Jiang Shen smiled sinisterly.

"Okay, Brother Shen, you go first, Tang Can and I will come later."

Jiang Shen went first, and ten minutes later, he arrived at the Xizhen District Police Station.

When Jiang Shen went in, he was furious.

Ding Yan and Pan Wenzeng were still wrapped in bathrobes.

The two policemen took them out of the hotel without letting them wear clothes. They had beautiful and attractive slender legs.

"You are Jiang Shen? You opened that apartment?" The policeman asked Jiang Shen.

"Yes, my girlfriend and I drove it."

"Two girlfriends?" The policeman sneered.

"You don't agree?" Jiang Shen also smiled: "It's normal for a rich and handsome man like me to have three, don't be jealous."

I copy how you speak.

The policeman was furious: "Jiang Shen, now we suspect that your so-called girlfriend is involved in whoring and recruiting male prostitutes. What do you have to say?"

The other policeman also laughed: "You wear the green hat well, is it really your girlfriend?"

"Police, what evidence do you have?" Jiang Shen's face suddenly sank. .

"The man recruited them, charged them 5000 yuan, and recorded the phone call. Your so-called girlfriend called for door-to-door service from the women's spa. In a high-end hotel, this is a code for prostitution."

"A secret code? A secret code can also be used as evidence, right?"

"They also admitted and paid 5000 yuan." The policeman also sneered: "Now we may have to detain and fine your girlfriends according to the relevant security regulations. Go outside and pay the money."

The police obviously wanted to mess with Jiang Shen, and asked Jiang Shen to pay the money without saying a few words.

All the materials have been prepared, waiting to be detained and fined.

Jiang Shen laughed back angrily, and waved his hands at the two: "I said, two police officers, I think you are all small policemen, and I don't want to embarrass you, who arranged it, you are all small civil servants, don't just help People don't even know that they have committed a black disaster, and some people, you can't afford to provoke them, so don't be used as a gun."

Jiang Shen's words were sincere and sincere, which did not match his age at all.

However, the expressions of the two policemen who were smiling just now changed when they heard this.

That's right, the high-ranking officials in the capital are like a rain, and some people seem to have no background, so they really can't offend them casually.

However, we checked you, Jiang Shen, a small bureau chief in Dongning Province, even though his rank is a little higher than ours, he can't control here.

The two were afraid that what Jiang Shen said was true, and they were also afraid that Jiang Shen would fool them.

"Wait a minute." The two murmured a few words to the side, not afraid of what happened, but afraid of [-].

One of them nodded with Jiang Shen, turned around and went outside, and then went upstairs to an office.

Upstairs is the chief's office. Gu Dabao, deputy director of the Xizhen District Police Department, is on duty today.

"Gu Bureau."

"How's it going? Are you detained?" Gu Dabao was playing cards on the computer, and asked long and casually.

"Something happened." The man repeated Jiang Shen's words, and finally said cautiously: "Gu Ju, look, what does Jiang Shen mean by saying this?"

"Your sister." Gu Dabao jumped up against the case, and said angrily, "You are a fool for being a policeman, do you believe such words?"

"How many people are arrested by each police station in the capital city? Everyone says that. Are we the police going to do it anymore?"

"Who does he think he is, a princeling? The second generation of red? I'll torture you." Gu Dabao was furious, and he had thought about this question in his heart, but he wanted to follow Hong Chao's way. Hong Chao's father was a bureau committee member. Even if you are really a princeling, the second generation of red, I am not afraid.

Today is the time to make meritorious deeds.

"Come on, I'll go down and have a look." Gu Dabao wanted to show it to his subordinates.

Soon the two came downstairs.

Jiang Shen and Ding Yan are still there, but Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen have already put on their clothes.

"Director Jiang." Gu Dabao laughed heartily. He is also the director. Jiang Shen, the director, can be crushed in the capital and can be completely ignored.

He slightly shook hands with Jiang Shen, weighed his machine and looked it over, he was very young, very calm, and a bit imposing.

But if you offended Director Hong, you are unlucky.

"I'm Gu Dabao, the deputy director of Xizhen District. I'm telling you very clearly that your so-called girlfriend is suspected of prostitution. There is already conclusive evidence. According to the relevant public security management regulations, we will further detain and fine them. You If you want another opinion, you can consult a lawyer."

He finished speaking aggressively, and finally said sharply.

"Xiao Yao."

"Here." The policeman next to him stood up.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, go through the formalities immediately, and let them stay overnight at the institute tonight."

"Yes, Bureau Gu." The two policemen looked at Jiang Shen, brother, don't blame us, the leader said, if you really have someone, call your people to save you.

"Gu Bureau." Jiang Shen said coldly: "You have traditions in Xizhen District. You are the two bureau chiefs who have to learn for 96."

"What 96 years?" The two little policemen didn't know, Gu Ju was stunned when he heard it, and then hissed, taking a deep breath.

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