Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 520 I'm Really an Official

The Maserati drove into a local five-star hotel, and Khrisheva followed the car in front with ease, and then entered the hotel's underground parking lot.

The underground car park has two levels.

Maserati drives all the way to the second floor.

Then Jiang Shen saw three Arab men getting out of the car.

The one who walked in the front was probably in his 20s. He was handsome and had an extraordinary bearing. He was Abdul bin Aziz, the current crown prince of Ajman.

The two men on the left and the right are a bit like bodyguards, they are very strong, each carrying two huge boxes, Jiang Shen scanned them with a mental thought, and they are full of euros, at least tens of millions at a glance.

Ni, are you really here to gamble, and you still bring so much cash?

After the three got out of the car, they headed towards a gate without looking back.

"Quick, quick." Khrisheva also got out of the car, leading Jiang Shen to follow.

Behind the door is a long corridor, full of various surveillance cameras.

Go forward 50 meters and turn a corner, and an iron gate appears.

There were four strong black men at the door, all with guns on their waists.

"Stop, this is a private club, what are you two doing?" The black man stopped Jiang Shen and Helisheva.

"One of my own, one of my own, was introduced by Amyla Zuocitz." Khrisheva took out a business card from her pocket.

A black man took the business card and looked at it, then said to them, "Wait a minute."

Another black man in the back took the business card, picked up the walkie-talkie, and spoke Arabic.

Before Jiang Shen came to the UAE, he had spent a night trying to catch up on Arabic, so he could probably understand the meaning.

Black people seem to be contacting Amyla Zuocziz, whom Khrysheva said, to determine Khrysheva's identity.

"Don't worry, ordinary people can't get in here." Khrisheva's face was a little smug.

Jiang Shen also understands that Arabs believe in Islam and are not allowed to gamble, just like Buddhism in Huaguo.

Of course, there are monks in Huaguo who gamble with girls, and there is no such thing as gambling here.

However, as the crown prince, he also participates in gambling, which is a bit risky.

He also whispered: "Isn't the crown prince afraid? It's too dangerous to be exposed?"

"Is it illegal for you Huaguo to gather crowds to gamble?" Khrisheva asked.

"Of course, if the amount reaches a certain level, it will be illegal."

"Do your second-generation princelings gamble?" Khrisheva asked again.

"---" When Jiang Shen came to Beijing for the first time, Zhao San and Huang Zhenguo were betting tens of millions.

"Don't worry, no one is here to catch you."

I understand, Jiang Shen nodded, as expected, the world is the same everywhere.

After the two exchanged a few words, the black man confirmed it, returned the business card to Helisheva, and then looked at the two of them: "You guys, have you brought money?"

A Negro smiled, showing two rows of straight white teeth.

The iron door opened and the two of them were let in.

Khrisheva also smiled: "Of course, we brought a lot."

As soon as he spoke, he stretched out his hand, took Jiang Shen's hand, and pulled him into the iron gate.

After the iron gate, there is another corridor, and then there is another iron gate after a left turn.

Jiang Shen followed Khrisheva, one after another.

Turn left, turn right, turn left again, and then go downstairs again.

With Jiang Shen's divine sense, he has now reached the third basement level.

After passing through seven iron gates, he finally came to a huge iron gate.

"Have you brought any money? If you don't have any money, I can lend it to you." Helisheva said to Jiang Shen.

"You have money with you?" Jiang Shen looked at her strangely.

"I brought my card, and my card can be used to swipe money here."

"Aren't you afraid that I will lose, will you pay me back when you go out?"

"Don't be afraid, you live in the Burj Al Arab, and the person who can find you, if you don't pay back the money, you can't leave Didi Dubai." Khrisheva smiled confidently.

It is indeed a good intermediary.

Jiang Shen almost knew who Helisheva was. She was probably an intermediary of the casino, who specially recruited people to gamble and then drew a commission.

There are many such people in casinos in Hong Kong, Macau and Hong Kong. These people specialize in finding officials and rich people in the Mainland, and then trick them into casinos in Macau and Hong Kong to obtain commissions.

"Welcome to the largest underground casino in the United Arab Emirates." Khrisheva finally smiled, and the huge iron door slowly opened.

A bright light appeared in Jiang Shen's eyes.

A huge underground casino appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

This place is as luxurious as ever, and all the decorations and embellishments are more dazzling than the regular casino outside.

Even the gaming tables are the same as the sailing hotel, all of them are paid for.

When you get here, you will know what high-end atmosphere is.

"You don't need to drive anymore?" Jiang Shen asked Helisheva strangely.

"Being a guest like you, I don't have to open it for a year." Hrysheva smiled directly.

"How do you know I'm rich?"

"The Hua people who take the sailing hotel are not officials, but young people, nouveau riche, or local tyrants."

"---" I said, is this what Huaguo people are like in your impression?

Jiang Shen smiled wryly, and had to admire this Helisheva.

In fact, there are many people like Helisheva in Dubai. They may not open for three years, but once they open, they can eat for three years.

Driving a taxi is just her side job, soliciting customers is her profession.

Jiang Shen shook his head, then walked into the hall.

He has seen the casino several times, Dongning and Shanghai.

This place is more beautiful and atmospheric than any casino he has ever seen, but there are no hot beauties here.

Arabs can gamble, but they are packed as tightly as women. No matter how beautiful the waiter is, with so many clothes on, it will be boring to watch.

"Need money?" Khrysheva asked again.

"No, wait until the money on my body is lost." Jiang Shen patted the small bag behind him.

He carried a small bag on his back, for decoration, because he was traveling, but now it has played a role.

"How much can you put in this bag?" Helisheva smiled, but she was not in a hurry, and started walking up and down the casino with Jiang Shen.

There are halls and boxes here. The hall is only more than 100 square meters, and there are about seven or eight boxes. The area is not very large, but the decoration is magnificent, luxurious, and eye-catching. The most important thing is that the locals who can enter here have all backgrounds. very big.

"Help me find Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz, I want to play with him." Jiang Shen said directly.

"Abd bin Aziz? Are you sure, your money can't even enter the door of the box."

"Is there an entry fee for the box?"

"1000 million euros." Hrysheva said with a smile: "Without a bet of 1000 million euros, you won't be allowed in."

"---" Jiang Shen was silent for a while: "Can I use my card?"

"No, only local cards can be used here, and I can lend them to you."

"How about the interest?"

"For the sake of being a handsome guy, 50 a day."

Hiss, Jiang Shen took a sharp breath, this is comparable to domestic loan sharks.

In domestic small casinos, 1 yuan costs [-] a day.

Here 1000 million is 50, which is exactly the same black.

This Helisheva is not simple, Jiang Shen immediately realized that ordinary people can come up with 1000 million.

It is very likely that the employees of the casino lend money to outsiders in the name of the casino. This trick is used by casinos in all countries.

"Then let's borrow [-] million first." Jiang Shen said calmly.

"Okay." Khrisheva didn't hesitate at all.

Her answer was so straightforward, or she knew Jiang Shen's background and believed that Jiang Shen could pay back [-] million.

Either it is the casino's money, anyway, the loss is lost to the casino, and they will not lose.

"I'm going to swipe the card." Khrisheva turned around and left, holding a large plate of chips in less than a while.

One hundred million euros was placed in front of Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly again, it was hard for a gambler to figure it out.

In fact, they only took 1 million chips, and the casino didn't pay any real money, but if you want to play with it, and then lose it all, you have to return more than [-] million to the casino.

In other words, the casino didn't take a penny, and in the end it would make more than 1 million yuan.

Some people say that the money may not be won by the casino.

But, do you know that the person who wins you will not belong to the casino?

So when you go to a casino outside, if you are not a gambler, it is best not to gamble.

"[-] million." Jiang Shen pretended to be a little excited, holding [-] million chips, and then followed Helisheva.

According to the information she found out, Abdul bin Aziz was playing Texas Hold'em with others.

This is considered a game of high-class people in Europe and America, and now it has spread to Asia and even China.

But unfortunately, the two were stopped outside a box.

Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz doesn't hang out with people he doesn't know.

The people in the box were all from the circle of Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz.

As the crown prince, he really shouldn't be with strangers when he gambles outside.

Damn it, don't let it in?

Jiang Shen looked at Helisheva, and Helisheva shrugged: "Why don't we go to the side to play?"

Playing on the side is playing with the people in the casino?Jiang Shen still doesn't know her little thoughts.

"But I really want to know Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz." Jiang Shen had a bitter face.

"The crown prince is not something everyone can see." Khrisheva continued to shrug.

Isn't that what you said outside?Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, okay, let's change to another box.

Helisheva was overjoyed, and hurriedly led Jiang Shen to another box next to her.

There was another group of people in the box, two who looked like Europeans, and three local Arabs with clothes wrapped around their heads. When they saw Jiang Shen coming in, they were slightly taken aback.

At Jiang Shen's age, it is indeed surprising that he holds so many chips.

Play, you continue to play, Jiang Shen has also been exposed to gambling more, it is estimated that these five people may all belong to the casino.

"Japanese?" A handsome European guy asked Jiang Shen first.

"Hua people." Jiang Shen said word by word.

Why do you ask me if I am Japanese in the first place?

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's rare to see Huaguo---officials so young."

In the eyes of foreigners, those who gamble with such a large amount of money are all Hua Guo officials.

Dude is really an official of Huaguo, Jiang Shen is very depressed, why do you think I am not?

Jiang Shen really understands now that officials in Huaguo have a reputation for gambling, and all countries have a standard.

It must be as someone said before, with a fat head and big ears, and the appearance of a rich man.

Jiang Shen really wanted to say, I am actually a rich second generation, but he is really an official.

"What are you playing?"

"Do you know Texas Hold'em?"

"I'm free." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand: "I'm in China, everyone calls me the God of Gamblers."

"God of Gamblers? Haha." The five people present all laughed and looked at each other with complicated expressions in their eyes.

"So God of Gamblers, shall we begin?"

"How big are you playing?"

The bottom here is [-], and every multiple of [-] will be added. There is no upper limit for all-in, and it depends on the money on the table.

The unit is Euro.

It's all in euros.

Jiang Shen looked up, and then sneered: "There are only 2000 million on the table, how do you play this?"

Then he turned back and said to Helisheva: "Refund for me, I only borrow 2000 million."

"---" Khrisheva was slightly taken aback.

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