"Hehe, young man, we have plenty of money, but we haven't got it on the table." An Arab smiled and said to Jiang Shen.

"What's the use if you can't get the table? Helisheva, I don't want so many. I put as much as they have on the table." Jiang Shen had his own idea.

When the European heard this, he nodded to the followers behind him.

The attendant turned around and went out. Within 2 minutes, wow, a lot of chips were brought in.

"[-] million, I have [-] million euros now."

"Help me get the money." Several Arabs also signaled their followers to get the money.

Soon, [-] million euros were on everyone's table.

Jiang Shen saw it and cut it, it was all chips.

Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz gambled all in cash. It was obvious that there were all their own people there, and all casino people here.

"Okay, let's start." Jiang Shen clapped his hands and laughed.

The dealer starts to deal the cards.

According to the rules of Texas Hold'em, each player first throws a deposit of [-] Euros, and then two cards are dealt first.

As soon as Jiang Shen came up, he sent out a two of hearts and a nine of spades.

Garbage board.

"One hundred thousand." A European looked at Jiang Shen and added one hundred thousand.

"It's only 20, I'll add [-]." There is an Arabic overweight.

"Follow 20 million."



This was the first round, and all five followed suit.

The three community cards haven't come out yet.

The five looked at Jiang Shen at the same time, expressing contempt.

This is a bit provocative.

In fact, this is to test Jiang Shen's character. On the gambling table, the first few hands are meant to test the opponent.

Especially a person's character has to be tried out.

Whether this person is bold or timid, impulsive or calm, is very important to the whole game.

If the five want to lose Jiang Shen's money, of course they must know him well.

"When will this tens of thousands bet?" Jiang Shen sneered, and then pushed forward the [-] million chips in front of him: "[-] million, all in."

Hiss, the five gasped in unison.

Nima, you are also a casino owner like us, this [-] million is not money, right?

The five looked at each other, and then someone looked up at Khrisheva.

Khrisheva pressed her chin down without a trace.

This is a code, tell them, I have inquired about this Jiang Shen, the owner of the money.

What they gave Jiang Shen was a bargaining chip, what if Jiang Shen had no money at all and just used it as game currency?

Even if Jiang Shen loses everything, what should he do if he can't afford the money?

So they had to make sure whether Jiang Shen had the money.

Helisheva had already investigated Jiang Shen's details when he checked into the sailing hotel, whether he had money, what he was doing in Huaguo, all the investigations were clear.

This is her major, otherwise how can she make a living.

Rich?The five looked at each other.

If it was something else, maybe all five of them didn't have to follow, as long as one of them could beat Jiang Shen.

But in Texas Hold'em, no one knows who will win until the final community card comes out.

"Young man, you have character, I like it, and follow."

"Enough courage, win or lose, follow."

"Then see who is lucky, follow."

All five followed suit.

Jiang Shen smiled, and while waving his hand to signal for the public cards to be dealt, he said with a smile: "I like to play this kind of game, don't waste time, if you play mahjong, it will take a long time, and you have to count, it's really boring."

Swipe, swipe, and three community cards came out.

Six of spades, a of hearts, and k of clubs.

When the five people looked at it, they had various expressions, some secretly happy, some secretly shaking their heads.

Hrysheva looked at Jiang Shen's cards.

A small 2, a small 9, any cards behind Nima are useless.

According to the way of Texas Hold'em, when ordinary people see this, nine out of ten people will throw it away.

Khrisheva was overjoyed.

There are still two community cards left.

Just as the croupier was about to deal the cards, Jiang Shen suddenly stretched out his hand: "Well, can you still raise now?"

Ni, do you want to raise now?Do you still want to raise this card?

Hrysheva wanted to slap Jiang Shen, do you know how to play Texas Hold'em?

She bent down and whispered to Jiang Shen, "This is Texas Hold'em."

"I know it's Texas Hold'em, and you can't add it after all-in, but we can add it ourselves, as long as the other party agrees?"

"I said, five bosses, do you want to join?"

The five of them first looked at Khrisheva, and then at the croupier.

Khrisheva pressed her chin, and the croupier smiled slightly.

Except for Jiang Shen, everyone in the audience belonged to them.

Not adding is an idiot.

"Young man, I'll give you a chance, add." The five agreed to add.

"Then add another [-] million."

Helisheva lent another [-] million to Jiang Shen.

Come so big?All five of them were a little excited.

It's been a long time since I've been to such an exciting scene in this casino. I didn't expect to meet a fat Huaguo pig.

At this time, the tall and handsome Jiang Shen, who was only 1.8 meters tall, looked like a stupid fat pig in their eyes.

Swipe, and the fourth community card is dealt.

Nine of Hearts.

Damn, Khrisheva's eyelids twitched when she saw Jiang Shen get a pair of nines.

Something is wrong.

However, a pair of nines is not a sure win.

She looked at the opposite five nervously.

Meanwhile, in another control room at the casino, many gathered on screen.

"Number one has two pairs, number two has a pair of qs, number three has a chance straight, number four has three sixes, number five has a pair of kings, and the cards are all bigger than Hua Guoren."

"There are two more nines?"

"The two nines didn't come out?"

"What is the probability of the Hua people getting the last nine?"


"On the whole, our chances of winning are 90.00% [-], and the Chinese people [-]%."

"What did the croupier say?"

"Look at the screen."

After doing quick calculations, everyone looked at the screen.

In the picture, the croupier flicks the third finger on his right hand.

"Three of Hearts, the last community card is Three of Hearts."

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, and a croupier hinted that Jiang Shen would not be able to get nine.

"Deal the cards --- no, ask the people of Huaguo if you want to raise."

In the gaming room.

A European looked at the four community cards on the table: "Boss Jiang, do you still want to raise? We can make an exception."

"Raise?" Jiang Shen looked at the cards on both sides, then shook his head: "Don't raise, you have won too much, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"Deal the cards."

"Ok, deal the cards."

The last community card is dealt.

Why do they say there is a 90.00% chance of winning?Because as long as it's not a nine, they're guaranteed to win.

Jiang Shen can only win if he gets a nine, and Jiang Shen will lose any other card.

The dealer has already said that this is a small 3.

Everyone is laughing.

Helisheva really wanted not to laugh, but when she thought that Jiang Shen had lost 2000 million in a single blow and her commission was [-] million, she wanted to die laughing.

After finishing this, I can retire and get married.

Khrisheva smiled secretly.

This is called not opening for three years, opening for a lifetime.

The sum of the three thousand orders she made in the past is not as big as this one.

"Ba" the last card was thrown out heavily by the croupier.

It seems to want to arouse everyone's passion.

The crowd looked intently.

Nine of plum blossoms.

I am grass.

There was a lot of cursing in the control room, and someone even smashed the desk and computer directly.

"Oh, did you make a mistake? What kind of cards does that bastard Emmad deal?"

"Did he betray the water? This traitor."

"The security guards are ready, the security guards are ready, and now no one can leave the third box without waiting for my permission."

"Khrysheva also has problems, this [-], trick us? Don't let her go."

Orders were issued one after another, and more than a dozen heavily armed security guards blocked the door of Box No. [-] tightly.

The people in the box were even more shocked.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the two nines on the table.

"Why?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "You all know the cards in my hand? What is this expression for? Open the cards?"

"I don't have anything, just three nines. Is there anyone bigger than me?" Jiang Shen flicked the cards out.

Three nines, kill everything in seconds.

None of the other five had cards higher than three nines.

Khrisheva's complexion became uglier than anything else.

I'm dead, I'm dead, Jiang Shen won, Nima, I'm going to die.

Hrysheva looked at the five people staying there, and suddenly felt overwhelmed, and lay down on the gaming table.

"Hahaha, it doesn't count, the first one doesn't count." She waved her hands wildly, messing up the cards on the card table all at once.

"I'm sorry, Boss Jiang, our rules here don't count for the first one, come to play, respect the guests, let the guests get familiar with the same environment."

Khrisheva shuffled all the cards under the incredible eyes of everyone.

"What are you doing? You messed up my three king cards, and I won it." An Arab came back to his senses and shouted loudly.

"You win a fart, I haven't spoken with three aces." A European also put on airs: "Hua people, what do you mean, bring a woman over to mess up our cards, I won with three aces. "

This time, Helisheva also messed up the cards. Everyone said that there was a card that was stronger than Jiang Shen.

"Hey, stop arguing, the cards are messed up, let's start again, Na She, this woman is going to be kicked out."

Everyone naturally made excuses.

"Stop coming." Jiang Shen picked up the chips on the table, tossed them back and forth in his hands, and pointed at them one by one.

"You, there are two qs in the hole, plus the community card is a pair of qs."

"You have a six and an ace in the hole, plus the community card is two pair."

"What three k and three a, the croupier still has cards in his hand and hasn't been dealt out yet, what are you yelling about? Do you want the croupier to show you the cards?"

Jiang Shen pointed to the two and told their hole cards.

Damn, can he see our hole cards?


God of Gamblers.

"Bang" the door was opened, and a team of security guards rushed in.

The security guards here are not comparable to those in China, Hong Kong and Macau. They are all fully armed, loaded with live ammunition, and grenades are hung behind their buttocks.

"Hahaha, you really are a master, you missed your mark." An Arab man with a white scarf all over his body and glasses walked in.

Then someone slammed the door shut.

"Hrysheva, did you find it? Do you dare to play with me?" The Arabian glasses stared coldly at Helisheva and that Hemin.

"It's none of my business. I clearly remember that it's not a nine. How did it become a nine? It really doesn't matter to me, Mr. Humaid. I have been here for more than ten years, and I have never dealt a wrong card." Huh?" The croupier was so frightened that he knelt down with a plop.

"I don't know him, how dare I join hands with him, Humaid, you know me, you don't have the guts." Khrisheva was also scared to death, and almost knelt down.

"No need to explain." Humaid waved his hand: "Dead people don't need to explain."

Kaka, several guns were aimed at Jiang Shen, the dealer and Helisheva.

Nima, Jiang Shen is also dumbfounded, is he more arrogant than any casino, and kills directly if he loses?

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