Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 522 I am the Allah of Hua Kingdom

"Wait." Jiang Shen abruptly stopped.

"Oh, do you have any last words? Tell me, I can convey it to your friend at the Sailboat Hotel." Humaid smiled disapprovingly.

In his eyes, Jiang Shen was already a dead man.

You said that you are a Chinese who came all the way to the United Arab Emirates and dared to win me one billion euros in an underground casino.

It is better to say that you are audacious or an idiot.

You have this life to win, but you don't have this life to get money.

billion euros?It's enough to start a local war. It's nothing to kill a person for one billion euros.

"Young man, you are too greedy, this is not China, this is the United Arab Emirates."

Jiang Shen waved his hand: "For wolves, they eat sheep wherever they go."

"Humaid, right? I'm not interested in your casino money at all. How about we talk about business?"

"Is this what you want to tell me?" Humaide was not interested in listening to Jiang Shen at all, and interrupted halfway: "Shoot."

He gave an order.

Bang, bang, bang, three security guards fired at the same time.

The three played Jiang Shen, the dealer, and Helisheva respectively.

"Puchi, puchi."

Blood spattered all over the scene, and the three were shot separately.

"Plop" the three of them fell heavily.

Humaid suddenly turned pale.

The three security guards who opened fire were shot and fell to the ground.

They shot at the three of Jiang Shen, but shot themselves.

Hiss, there was a sudden cold breath in the box, and everyone seemed to see a ghost.

"I said, in fact, we should have a good talk." Jiang Shen sat down, shaking his legs and smiling: "Hua people have a saying, it's not that the dragon can't cross the river."

"If I dare to come and win money, I have the confidence to take it away."

"Humaide, do you want to talk again?" Jiang Shen's words were really domineering.

This is called the real Raptors crossing the river.

Humaid looked around in horror. He didn't see the three people being shot. He thought that someone else had shot them, but it seemed that sparks were actually ejected from the three people's guns just now.

"Shoot and kill this devil,--" Allah bless you.Humaid ordered again, this time he ordered his confidants, and stared at him with his eyes.

That subordinate took a sharp breath, raised his gun and took a step forward, aiming at Jiang Shen, bang.

The muzzle sparks flew again.

"Pu Chi" the hands on the chest were like splashed flowers, the blood scattered, and then fell to the ground.

Hiss, everyone in the box changed countenance.

If you didn't see it clearly the first time, you can see it clearly this time.


The gunshot and the sparks from the muzzle can be seen.

But it was the shooter who fell to the ground.

The devil, definitely only the devil can cut off his hand.

My God, my Allah.

Humaid took several steps back in fright.

"Is it enough? My patience is not very long. When I am angry, I may kill hundreds of people." Jiang Shen was playing with chips: "Humaid, sit down and talk."

Humaid stared at Jiang Shen, as if wanting to see why he came, and finally gritted his teeth: "Please, let's go to the VIP room."

"Go" Jiang Shen got up.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang." Khrisheva tightly grabbed Jiang Shen's sleeve.

"It's none of their business, don't touch them." Jiang Shen didn't want to kill innocent people.

"Okay" Humaid now naturally knows that this is the devil's method, and he cannot blame his people for rebelling.

In the VIP room, Jiang Shen patted the table.

"I don't need money. I will give you [-] million euros. I want to be close to Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz. I want to be friends with him."

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he grabbed him from behind as if trying to do a trick.

Plopping a huge and heavy box appeared in front of Humaid.

The box was opened, full of stacks of euros.

"Oh, God." Humaid called out even God: "Is this the fairy law of your Hua Kingdom?"

Allah has no such means.

"I am the Allah of Huaguo." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

My God, you are the God of Huaguo.

Humaid pinched himself violently, wondering if he was dreaming, then picked up the pile of euros, smelling the familiar smell and feeling the familiar paper.

Real euros, not fake, not a dream.

Humaid's casino is only an underground casino, and the annual revenue is less than [-] million euros.

Some people want to ask why, they are all casinos, and Zhou Ten Billion can earn hundreds of millions a year, why.

First, there are many Arabs here, but ordinary people dare not gamble. Those who dare to gamble are the crown princes, princes, nobles and high-ranking officials of various emirates, and they all know the inside story of the casino. Do not pay the casino.

Instead, the casino has to post money to compensate for labor and service fees.

Second, rich people from other countries seldom come here to gamble. Those who come to play are small people. If big rich people want to gamble, they go to Macau, Hong Kong, Las Vegas and other regular casinos. It is too dangerous to gamble here, and the security guards With a gun, even if you win, you won’t be able to take it with you.

Zhou Ten billion didn't dare to be so blatant in China. If he casually killed people on a gambling boat, who would play with him in the future?If you meet a powerful person, you can even send people in Shanghai to kill him.

But here, it's all Humaid's world, except for the official, who is he afraid of.

Their biggest income is defrauding big tourist bosses like Jiang Shen, relying on other individual travelers and acquaintances to earn [-] million euros.

So this [-] million euros is definitely a huge sum of money for Humaid.

However, money is enviable, but it is not easy to earn.

When Humaid heard Jiang Shen's intention, he was slightly stunned: "This is a bit difficult. Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz is playing with princes and nobles from various emirates. They will come to us unless they need anything. None of our people can get into their boxes."

"He has lost a lot now. He has almost lost tens of millions of euros. Will he borrow from you?"

"This will really happen." Humaid was startled when he heard that, did you know that he was losing?

Ni, what a devil.

"If he borrows money from you again, you say that you have no money, you say that there is a Chinese guest here, who just won all the money in your casino, and is very arrogant now, maybe, Abdul bin Aziz It is not certain that the crown prince wants to see me."

"Is that so?" This kind of money is too easy to earn. Just introduce Abdul bin Aziz, and Humaid will earn [-] million.

The unhappiness of the four security guards who fell down just now disappeared immediately.

"My God, don't worry, as long as he borrows money from me, I will definitely find a way to introduce him." Humaid now doesn't want Allah anymore, and directly calls Jiang Shen as Allah.

Just as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

"Boss, Crown Prince Abdul bin Aziz asked you to borrow money."

Hiss, so accurate.Seeing Jiang Shen now is no different from seeing Allah.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there." Humaid ran to another VIP room excitedly.

"What, what?" Abdul bin Aziz was kicking the table, brought more than 2000 million euros, and lost it all.

I'm not a sheik yet, just a crown prince, and I'm losing all my pocket money.

That idiot Sherkh dared to take my money from me.

Abdul bin Aziz was angry.

When Humaid came in, he was furious: "Humaid, prepare 2000 million for me right away, no, 5000 million euros, I want to win all of it back."

"Oh, Your Royal Highness, who won today? Is it Prince Shelkh again?"

"Damn it, did his hands touch the cream? He won 5000 million today."

"His Royal Highness, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Today, a damn Chinese man came and won all the money from our casino."

"Bastard." Abdul bin Aziz was furious when he heard the words, "Are you afraid I won't pay you back? Do you still want to open your casino?"

"Don't be angry, Your Highness, take a look at this video, we took it just now, I dare not lie to you." Humaid showed Abdul bin Aziz the scene of Jiang Shen's betting.

"One win, damn it, he won us one billion euros all at once. I arranged all these five people. My God, one billion euros. How can I pay it back?"

"So powerful?" Abdul bin Aziz saw it clearly, and then suddenly sneered: "Humaid, this is not you, just find someone to kill him, one billion euros, aren't you sick? Are you really going to give it to me?"

"He has a lot of background, and I can't touch him."

"What?" Abdul bin Aziz was a little disbelieving: "Just a Chinese? Could it be the son of an official?"

The son of an official can also be killed?There are crowds of deserts here, who knows where he died?

"He is a middle-level official in Huaguo. I heard that his father is a general in Huaguo. He is very powerful in Huaguo. I don't want to be razed to the ground by Huaguo's missiles."

"Cut---" Abdul bin Aziz disdainfully, but the word general is quite eye-catching.

It is true that such a person cannot be killed indiscriminately. Otherwise, under diplomatic pressure, all the emirates will be ordered to solve the case.

"I can see that he's quite a big man, how about I borrow some money from him for you?" Humaid asked tentatively.

Then he paused again, as if thinking to himself: "If only the prince could win some of his money. We owe him a billion euros, my God."

billion euros?Abdul bin Aziz's eyelids twitched a few times.

"Wait a minute, take the video to our box." Abdul bin Aziz thought about it, then turned and returned to his box.

There were more than a dozen people in his box, most of them were attendants and attendants.

There are three crown princes, the crown princes of the three emirates of Ajman, Sharjah, and Dubai, and two princes and one princess.

This princess is not ordinary, she is the brightest pearl in the United Arab Emirates, but also the most rebellious princess, the fourth princess of Sharjah, Shelkh Nyman.

Princess Niman studied in Western Europe since she was a child. It is said that she started fighting, taking drugs, and dating men when she was in middle school. She was the first woman in the royal family to wear a black silk skirt in public. She was almost expelled from the house.

However, she is the most beloved daughter of the current Sheikh of Sharjah. Although there are stains all over her body, it can only mean that she was young and ignorant, and she once went astray. After the age of 20, Princess Niman suddenly began to change her ways, because of her beauty and Clever, it took only one year to reverse her negative image in the hearts of the people, and now she has become the brightest pearl in the eyes of everyone in the UAE.

But just this pearl, in the box, wearing a hot short skirt, showing off her beautiful black silk legs, with a thin cigarette in her mouth.

"A local tyrant in Huaguo? I like it." Princess Niman lightly blew out a smoke ring, her eyes fixed on the screen, as if she knew Jiang Shen: "This young man is quite handsome, let him join."

"Niman, please change your clothes first, I don't want the royal family's glory to suffer any further loss."

"Oh God, doesn't he know I'm Nyman?"

"---Damn it, do you really want this Chinese man to come?"

"Does he have a billion euros?"

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