Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 529 Weird Scene 1

"Hey, don't be like this, don't be like this, Brother Gentleman, if you have something to say, speak up." Prince Lamen quickly came out and said to Si Ni: "We are all friends, we are all friends, and we have no holidays, there is no need to do this."

The people present also greeted them one after another.

Everyone has seen it. It is estimated that Jiang Shen is in China, just like Hadema in the United Arab Emirates. He is a very wealthy and powerful person.

"Do you seem to be dissatisfied?" Jiang Shen pointed at Hadema.

Seeing his awesome appearance, Jiang Shen wanted to slap him in the face.

"Don't say I beat people with violence, I won't fight with you now, apart from your status as the crown prince, what can you do to compare with me?" Jiang Shen almost pointed his finger in front of Hadema.

"Either than money? See which of us has more money? Aren't you the richest prince in the UAE, or even the world? How many hours do you need? Is 24 hours enough? I'll let you mobilize cash in the UAE to compare with me Who has more money?"

"Whoever loses will crawl out from here."

Damn, Jiang Shen's words shocked the audience again.

In the United Arab Emirates, in Hadema's home court, he has to mobilize more money than him in 24 hours, not to mention Hadema, and Ramin can't do it either.

Hadema only needs one word, all the banks in the UAE will not give you a penny, Jiang Shen, how dare you bet with him?

"Or is it better than the army? Let's transfer a group of troops within 24 hours and concentrate on a drill to see who can transfer more people?"

Nima, aren't you bullying people? Who has more people than your Huaguo? Millions of troops.

Jiang Shen's bragging scared the princes half to death.

In fact, Jiang Shen's ability to fart the army is to scare them.

Humaid said earlier that he was the son of a general, but now that Jiang Shen was bragging, they believed it to be true, so naturally they would not compare with Jiang Shen.

And even more arrogant, Jiang Shen strode back and forth in the box, full of vigor: "In today's society, when men compare with each other, they compare money, women, and power."

"I dare to kill people in your UAE, do you dare to go to China to kill people?" After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he raised his hand suddenly.

Bang, the gunshot rang out.

"Ah--" With a scream, a bodyguard fell down, holding a gun in his hand.

It turned out that one of Zabiha's bodyguards wanted to attack Jiang Shen with a gun, but Jiang Shen shot him first.

Arrogant, arrogant, brutal.

Jiang Shen's performance today was completely opposite to yesterday's, and all the crown princes and princes were petrified as soon as he came up.

"You--" You shot and killed someone?Hadema was shocked and angry.

He is the crown prince, so he dare not shoot and kill people in public.

This Jiang Shen is really lawless.

Who did you find?Hadema glared fiercely at Lamen, he dared not get angry with Jiang Shen now, he could only vent his boundless anger on Lamen.

But why did Jiang Shen dare to shoot?

Of course he has his reasons.

Just then, bang, the door was knocked open.

Casino owner Humaid rushed in.

"Not good, not good, a lot of troops are rushing in, and they can't stop it." Humaid yelled earth-shatteringly.

"What? What did you say?" Hadema and the crown prince were shocked and angry.

"Prince Hadema, your younger brother, Prince Hadiya, led the royal guards and rushed in to seize the bet. He seems to know you are here?"

"My God." Hadema's expression changed greatly upon hearing this.

Not only him, but all the crown princes and princes were scared out of their wits.

Hadiya has always wanted to compete with Hadema for the seat of crown prince. This time, it was obvious that there was an insider report. He led the army and rushed in. As long as Hadema is caught, the crown prince will be abolished immediately.

However, you brothers fight each other, don't implicate us.

"Also, Aziz, Amo, your brothers are here, all are here."

I'm sorry, when the crown princes heard this, they said, why don't you form a group to rebel.

Several princes wanted to pull them, the crown princes, down.

As I said before, gambling is not allowed in the Arab world, and the crown prince took the lead in gambling. If he is caught, the position of the crown prince will definitely be eliminated.

Of course, they themselves will definitely not go to jail, but the crown prince is gone, and what a fart, it means that the position of the crown prince has been messed up, and they can only fool around in the future.

"Damn it, ask your people to block it, is there a back door?"

"The back door was also blocked by the army." Humaid wanted to cry.

"Bastard." Hadema really wanted to shoot Humaid with a gun.

Not to mention that all the boxes here are full of money, even if there is no penny, it is unlucky for them to be caught in the casino, and there is no room for explanation.

Who said casino gambling has to be money?You can gamble without chips.

Many senior officials in China can gamble without money or chips, and if they are caught by the police, they can be said to be just for fun.

And when they got caught in a casino, no excuses worked.

Bang, bang, at this moment, the army outside rushed through the heavy iron gates, and gunshots had already reached here.

The casino was in chaos, and everyone here was scared to death.

The princes and princesses are better off, and the crown princes are all in trouble.

"Don't worry." Jiang Shen said at this time: "Humaid, you go out and deal with it. They want to arrest the crown prince. Let them check it out. Don't resist and don't cause trouble."

"But---" Humaide was about to say something, but when he suddenly thought that Jiang Shen was the Lord of Hua, his eyes lit up.

"Everyone sit in this corner, don't talk, don't move." Jiang Shen pointed to the corner.

"What are you doing?" Lamen was also in a hurry. He was also the crown prince, and one of his older brothers also came, obviously trying to pry his position as crown prince.

"I am the Allah of Huaguo, if you don't want to be arrested, just do as I say."

"You listen to him, listen to him, I'll go outside to deal with it." Humaide believed that Jiang Shen closed the door behind his back and rushed out.

"Quick, quick, come here." Niman also believed in Jiang Shen, she had seen Jiang Shen knock down many of her bodyguards in a few seconds.

"This--" Everyone didn't believe it, but the voice outside became louder and louder, and it was obvious that the army had rushed in.

At this time, death can only be treated as a living horse doctor. Whoever goes out now may be shot to death by random guns.

"Quick, stand still and don't talk."

Some people still go to get money.

"Don't worry about the money." Jiang Shen stood up, stretched out his hand, and the piles of money on the ground disappeared.

"I'm dizzy." The princes were dumbfounded.

Allah, Allah of China.Several princes looked at Jiang Shen in disbelief.

Just as Jiang Shen put away the money, bang, the box was rushed open, and a large number of armed troops rushed in.

The leader was an Arab man who looked a lot like Hadma.

"Hiss..." All the crown princes and princes, including Niman, were too scared to move.

They felt that the people on the opposite side were looking at them, but why, their expressions were weird.

"Huh? No one?" Hadema's younger brother, Hadya, looked around but saw no one.

Phew, Hadema and the others breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time when they heard Hadiya's words.

Can't see, can't see, he can't see us, hahahaha, my God, my God, my God of China, God of China.

All kinds of admiration looked at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was sitting on the side, playing with a lighter in his hand.

But so many people on the opposite side couldn't feel Jiang Shen's existence.

Even Hadema felt a kind of weirdness.

"Hadeya, is there no one there, what about your side?" Another prince pushed the army away and walked in.

I'm sorry, Prince Amo of Dubai is furious, this is his younger brother, and he also wants to mess with his crown prince position.

Chen Mo glared at his younger brother fiercely, and then looked at Jiang Shen with great admiration.

"Not there either."

"Did you catch it, did you catch it?" Another man rushed in.

Aziz was furious. This man is the elder brother of the crown prince of Ajman, and he also came to mess with him, the crown prince.


"I've searched everywhere."

"Bring him here."

The army walked around in the box, passing in front of everyone a few times, but it was strange that they were always more than one meter away from the crown princes, but they couldn't touch them.

The scene was weird and exciting.

Hadema stared at these troops, and found that they really seemed to have never seen more than a dozen people in this huge box.

No one even noticed the bodyguard who was shot on the ground.

No one saw the blood stains on the ground.

It was as if all of them had gone blind.

"Kneel down." At this moment, several people crowded in from outside.

Two sergeants pushed Humaid to the ground.

"Where are my younger brothers? Is there a secret way?"

"No, really not, Prince Hadiya, they didn't come." Of course Humaid didn't admit it.

He could see more than a dozen people just now when he came in, but now he can only see Jiang Shen alone.

He saw Jiang Shen sitting on the side, but these sergeants seemed to be blind and couldn't see Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was gesturing to him, and the scene was very strange.

Humaid was determined, of course he would not admit it.

"Humaid, do you know what is the crime of running an underground casino? I can shoot you, you recruit them, and I will spare you the death penalty."

Hadya pulled out a gun and pointed it at Humaid.

Humaid was sweating profusely, looking around.

Hadema and the others were frightened and panicked, hold on, don't move, don't move, hold back, wait for me to go out, and save you right away.

"I—I—" Humaid trembled.

At this moment, Jiang Shen got up and walked over.

There were so many soldiers in the box that none of them seemed to be able to see him.

Jiang Shen walked up to Humaid, bowed his head and said a few words to him.

Then Humaid's face was very decisive: "It's really not, it's useless if you kill me, they never came."

It was so weird, Jiang Shen walked over to talk, but the others didn't seem to see him at all.

What Prince Lamen and the others admire now cannot be described in words. Only those who are in it can feel this kind of stimulation and surprise.

"Your Highness, I found it, I found it." Just when Humaid refused to admit it, a soldier rushed in happily.

"I found the video, and there is a surveillance video of several crown princes and princesses coming in at the back door."

I'm sorry, Humaid suddenly forgot about it.

Originally, his surveillance video was deleted every night, in order not to record the princes.

Damn, Hadema and the others were all ashamed all of a sudden.

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