"What else do you have to explain? I gave you a chance?" Hadya laughed loudly: "Now that I have a video, I don't need you anymore."

As he said that, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he was about to kill Humaid on the spot with a single shot.

"Wait." Humaid quickly raised his hand, then looked at Jiang Shen: "He lied to you, there is no video at all."

"No?" Hadea turned his head.

The soldier nodded again and again: "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from the walkie-talkie on his body.

"Captain, captain, the hard disk suddenly went wrong, we can't prepare it, the video is broken, the video is broken."

"What?" Hadya's face changed drastically.

Hadema and others turned their anger into joy.

Jiang Shen stretched out his hand at this time, making an OK gesture.

Jiang Shen got the video?Someone else is here, but they got the recording done?Amazing.

"Send someone to repair it right away, take the hard drive back, and it must be repaired." Hadiya was furious and yelled at the captain.

Before his roar was over, another voice came from the intercom.

"Oh God, the phone exploded, damn it, the hard drive burned up -- it's burning up --"

"----"?Hadea was furious.

Suddenly put the gun on Humaid's head.

"Say, where are they hiding?"

"It's useless for you to kill me, I really don't know." Humaid shrugged: "Crown princes, how can it be possible to gamble, Prince Hadiya, don't talk nonsense."

"Looking for death." Hadiya was furious.

If he couldn't be caught on the spot, it would be useless even if he brought Hu Demai back.

Even the confessions of the casino staff can't bring down the crown princes, they must be caught on the spot.

"I'll ask you again, do you want to tell me?" Hadya's eyes were fierce.

"I really haven't seen the crown princes."

"Bang" Hadya shot Humaid in the head.

With a thud, Humaid's head hit the ground heavily.

Blood stained the ground, and Hadema and the others turned pale.

"Hadya?" The other princes looked at him in surprise.

"Let's go, it's in vain." Hadiya knew that he hadn't caught a few crown princes so far. At this point in time, if there was any secret passage, he would have gone far away.

"Let's go." The princes shook their heads and led the army out of here.

Soon, the whole box became quiet.

The casino was sealed off, people were caught and killed, and Humaid's identity was lying in a pool of blood.

Everyone was too scared to speak, and everyone looked at Jiang Shen quietly.

Jiang Shen kept watching the outside with his divine sense, and after waiting for about 10 minutes, he waved his hand: "Okay, they're gone, you can move now."

Phew, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, everyone felt as if they had returned from the brink of death.

"It's a pity for Humaid." Niman looked at Humaid with red eyes, a woman, sentimental and a little sad.

Jiang Shen raised his head: "You, you, you, you go first, go out through the front door, there is no one at the front door now, don't be afraid if there are people, no one can see you, no one will be able to see you until you are 1000 meters away from here .”

What Jiang Shen ordered were all the princes, the four crown princes and Niman did not order.

Several princes from various emirates looked at Jiang Shen, then nodded to Jiang Shen, and turned away at the same time.

That Zabiha took a few steps and turned his head: "Brother Gentleman, I'm sorry."

He apologized to Jiang Shen.

Like Allah, Jiang Shen let him witness the legend.

"It's okay, you take your bodyguard away, go to the hospital now, you won't die."

"Thank you, Brother Gentleman." Zabiha left with a face full of admiration.

Several crown princes did not understand why those people had to leave first.

"Which of you will protect Humaid?" Jiang Shen asked the remaining crown princes.

"Isn't he dead?"

"I'm here, how did he die?" Jiang Shen chuckled and stretched out his hand to grab it.

Humaid lifted his head.

Then everyone was surprised to see that a bullet was slowly squeezed out of Humaid's head.

Hiss, Hadema opened his mouth wide, once again witnessing the magic of Allah in Huaguo.

"Take him out and send him to the hospital, and he will be alive and kicking tomorrow, but I'm afraid Hadiya will trouble him again?" Jiang Shen said.

"He dares." Hadema said viciously, "When I go out, I will trouble him first. The damn villain wants to catch me for gambling."

"Do you need my help? Can I make him disappear without anyone noticing?" Jiang Shen smiled sinisterly.

"Hiss." The four crown princes were startled at the same time.

To them, Jiang Shen was like a God.

"Brother Gentleman, don't use it for now." Everyone was taken aback.

You are always trying to make people disappear, and no one will look for you.

Then there was a fierce look in Hadema's eyes, as if he really wanted to ask Jiang Shen for help.

You're so ruthless, you really are expected to be a prince.Jiang Shen was just talking casually, but he didn't expect Hadema to be really murderous.

But think about it, these people vying for the position of crown prince is a life-and-death situation. If you become the crown prince, you will be the chief in the future. If you don’t become the crown prince, you will have problems if you don’t have money in the future.

Since ancient times, the fight for the throne has been bloody and cruel.

"Brother Gentleman, I'm going out to settle some matters. Tonight, let's have dinner together." Hadema's attitude is not too good now.

Jiang Shen's performance completely shocked him.

Even he called Brother Gentleman.

"It's okay, take your time, I'll wait for your news." Jiang Shen smiled.

"Come and play in Ajman, it's very close to here." Ajman Crown Prince Abdul Bin Aziz threw an olive branch to Jiang Shen.

"Ajman? Okay, let's go to Ajman." Jiang Shen was also planning to go there.

"I'm going too." Niman jumped up.

"You go back with me." Knowing that Jiang Shen had something to do in the past, Lamen stopped his sister.

"Brother Six." Niman said coquettishly.

Jiang Shen shrugged: "We can have dinner together in the evening, I have something to do in Ajman."

"Then see you tonight." Everyone made an appointment for dinner in the evening.

Hadema went out to solve the casino affairs, and Jiang Shen went to Ajman with Abdul bin Aziz.

They came to the casino in the morning, and it's not yet noon.

Abdul bin Aziz wanted to treat Jiang Shen warmly in Ajman.

The Land Rover off-road vehicle was galloping on the road, and Abdul bin Aziz seemed to have hesitation on his face.

"Prince Aziz, you seem to have something to say?" Jiang Shen grinned.

There were only three people in the car, besides the two of them, there was one bodyguard who was driving.

The bodyguard seems to be his confidant, and Abdul bin Aziz trusts him more.

"I want to ask Brother Shen for your help?" Abdul bin Aziz really asked Jiang Shen for something.

As the crown prince, Abdul bin Aziz is also a member of the UAE Petroleum Council and the vice chairman of the UAE International Petroleum Investment Company.

However, because of his good gambling, Abdul bin Aziz lost 20 billion US dollars at one time in Las Vegas in country m.

Moreover, the money is all from the International Petroleum Investment Corporation.

They usually don’t dare to gamble in such a way in underground casinos in the United Arab Emirates. After all, they are afraid of being caught. Stopped gambling for a few days.

He was also lucky. Counting Jiang Shen's loss, he won more than 2 million US dollars in the past few days, but the amount of public funds embezzled by him was still too much.

"I drank some wine in country m that day, and lost 20 billion impulsively together. Now that I think about it, it's too late to regret it. If embezzlement of public funds is discovered, I, the crown prince, will be the end."

"---" Nimei is so courageous, Jiang Shen discovered that foreigners also have the audacity to embezzle public funds.

"You----" Jiang Shen thought that Abdul bin Aziz wanted to borrow money.

Who knew that Abdul Ben Aziz said: "I can tell, brother gentleman, you are very good at gambling, can you accompany me to Las Vegas and help me win back all the money I lost?"

"--------" Jiang Shen's face was full of black lines: "Country m? I'm free to go there now, and I'll lend you, isn't it just 20 billion US dollars?"

"----" It was Abdul bin Aziz's turn to stay there.

There are so many rich people in this world, but there are really few who dare to borrow 20 billion US dollars from Abdul bin Aziz.

"You loaned it to me. With my current ability, it will take at least five to ten years to repay it. Unless I can become a chief, it will be possible in advance." Abdul bin Aziz said truthfully.

Even if he is a prince, the funds he can use are limited, so it is better to be an emperor.

Of course, not all princes in the UAE have no money.

The crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Zara bin Hadema, is the boss of a country that is incomparably rich, so when Jiang Shen said that he wanted to compare his wealth with him, he was still a little bit dissatisfied. Fortunately, Hadiya came at this time.

No one knows how much money Zara bin Hadema has, but his uncle, Suleman, the famous boss of the Premier League local tycoon 'City Manchester' team, I believe many people know.

Suleman is the younger brother of the sheikh of Abu Dhabi and the uncle of Hadema. In 2009, he bought the Premier League 'City Manchester' and invested 11 billion pounds in the City Manchester team in 11. It is said that his personal wealth is at least 200 billion pounds.

And their Abu Dhabi sheikh family is worth a staggering $5550 trillion (£[-]).

As the prince, Zara ben Hadema's personal wealth is definitely not much worse than that of his uncle. I believe no one knows how much of the trillion dollars belongs to Zara ben Hadema. .

This is also why Zara ben Hadema was so arrogant when he saw Jiang Shen. His wealth can instantly kill almost all the rich and powerful people in Huaguo.

Abdul bin Aziz originally wanted to borrow 20 billion from Zara bin Hadema, but he was afraid that if Hadema revealed the news, he would lose his crown prince.

But now, he and Jiang Shen are friends who have lived and died together. Jiang Shen revealed his miraculous secrets in front of their crown princes, and he is a person worthy of Abdul bin Aziz's trust.

"Money is waste money to me. As long as I think, I can earn the money of the entire Al Hayan family (that is, the family of the chief of Abu Dhabi) in a year. I will give you 20 billion and you don't have to pay it back. However, I I also need your help, of course, try your best, after all, you are not the chief."

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