Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 531 I want to see the oil field

If when we first met, Jiang Shen said that he could make as much money as the family of the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi a year, and Abdul bin Aziz ran up to give him a slap in the face.

The whole family has a wealth of more than one trillion U.S. dollars. In terms of family, it is known as the world's number one. If you don't brag, you will die.

However, having witnessed Jiang Shen's miraculous, God-like ability, Abdul bin Aziz Howe did not doubt Jiang Shen's words.

'As long as I want, I can earn one trillion yuan a year. Jiang Shen's words were really domineering, and Abdul bin Aziz admired him.

"Brother Gentleman is generous." Abdul bin Aziz asked cautiously, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Just kidding, if someone gives you 20 billion US dollars, will it be a small thing to help?Abdul bin Aziz didn't realize that he had the ability to help something worth 20 billion US dollars.

Jiang Shen took a long time and explained his reason for coming.

Finally said: "I know you can't decide this matter, I need to convince the seven chiefs one by one, all you have to do is to introduce your father for me."

"This is too simple." Abdul bin Aziz nodded immediately.

His father was not a hard-line pro-Western faction, and he also had a good impression of China. Although the emirate was the poorest of the seven emirates, it must be one of the seven votes.

The chief of Ajman is called Abdul bin Hamr. Although the country is not rich, he is still one of the seven giants in the UAE, and his vote is indispensable for major federal decisions.

When Jiang Shen arrived in Ajman, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and he went to meet Abdul bin Hamr without stopping.

Jiang Shen was also full of confidence. Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, Prince Aziz came out with a gloomy expression.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shen saw that something was wrong?

"Father said he doesn't want to see you." Aziz was surprised and sad: "I have already said all the good things for you, but my father was not like this before, this time it seems that someone said something in front of him, let me say all the good things , he refuses to see you, and wants you to leave the palace immediately."

"Damn." What happened?Jiang Shen invested 20 billion in Aziz, and now it's all in vain.

To be honest, even if it succeeds in the future, Huaguo and the United Arab Emirates will cooperate to develop oil fields. Jiang Shen doesn’t know when his investment will be recovered, and it will not reach his pocket. He is completely using his own money now. Money helps the country do things.

Something must have happened in the middle of this, Jiang Shen swept his mind, and found an acquaintance in the palace.

Khrisheva left in a hurry and left through another exit of the palace.

The people of country m are playing tricks?They knew I contacted the chiefs, so they took precautions?

"Has anyone from country m been here?"

"I don't know, and my father didn't say either."

"How about I arrange for you to live outside the palace first, and then I will communicate with my father." Aziz accepted Jiang Shen's 20 billion, and he was a little embarrassed that he didn't do this little thing well.

"Go and tell him that you have a huge oil field in Ajman, which is enough to make Ajman a wealthy country in one fell swoop, so that his status among the seven emirates will rise sharply, and only I can find this oil field."

"---" Aziz shook his head: "I told him, and he didn't believe it. Western companies have been exploring in Ajman for three years, and our own country has been exploring for nearly 30 years. The land has been turned over. No People will believe it." To be honest, Aziz didn't even believe it.

"Then do you dare to go again and take me in?" Jiang Shen stared at Aziz.

Aziz was a little hesitant. Going against his father's will was definitely not a good thing.

However, the fact that he can be crown prince proves that he is favored by his father. After hesitating for three seconds, he said, "Let's go."

Aziz led Jiang Shen decisively to his father's office.

"Father, this is Jiang Shen from China, Mr. Jiang." As soon as Aziz brought Jiang Shen in, Chief Abdul bin Hamr was furious.

"Bastard, I said I won't see him, guards—" Chief Hamel immediately planned to drive people away.

"How long do you want Ajman to be poor?" Jiang Shen yelled sharply, "Are you going to spend Sharjah's money for the rest of your life? When the seven chiefs are together, don't you feel inferior?"

"The poorest chief in the United Arab Emirates, the country needs Sharjah's aid, relying on people's nose, taking short hands, do you think you have an interesting life? You still want to live like this for the rest of your life, and then your son, your grandson, great-grandson, forever Always be like you?"

Jiang Shen drank in shock, causing Hamr's face to turn red. He stood there blankly, his body trembling from anger and shame.

If he had a gun in his hand, he would have killed Jiang Shen with one shot.

Before he had a reaction, Jiang Shen continued: "And I can change your fate in Ajman, let you find the third largest oil field in the UAE, and make your family rich and powerful---Hamr Chief, are you treating your family benefactor like this?"

Jiang Shen's oil field has not been found yet, and he has become the other party's benefactor.

"You—you liar—" Abdul bin Hamr gritted his teeth.

"When" he just said a word, Jiang Shen threw his hand, and threw something at his feet.

Prince Aziz and Chief Hamr looked down.

Damn, it turned out to be a gun.

"If it proves that I lied to you, Mr. Chief, please use this gun to smash my head."

"You are an adult, you should think about it, is there someone who doesn't want you to become rich and keep the status quo forever, or is there really a miracle in this world?"

"Don't want us to become rich? Is there really a miracle?" Jiang Shen's words shocked Hamr deeply.

"Father, as long as we have money, no one can judge us." Aziz didn't care whether it was true or not, and desperately spoke good words for Jiang Shen first.

"Do you think others want your family to be rich suddenly?" Jiang Shen provoked Hamr again, implying that Country M doesn't necessarily want you to be rich. With money, the pattern of the UAE will change again.

You are rich, and your international status will rise again, so, do you think the M Congress wants you to be rich?

I want to say that no country hopes that other countries will be richer than them.

Every country is selfish, and every country wants all other countries to be poor.

Hamel stood there with a flushed face and thought for dozens of seconds, finally bent down and picked up the gun from the ground: "I'll give you 5 minutes, you'd better let me see the oil field, otherwise, I'll blow your gun head."

He finally planned to give Jiang Shen a chance.

Aziz let out a long sigh of relief, and admired Jiang Shen even more.

"I will report the location of the oil field only after I get the consent of your Federal Council to cooperate. I can assure you that there really is such a huge oil field."

"All you have to do is to vote for me in the Federal Council and agree to cooperate with our Chinese oil company."

"You still have 4 minutes, I want to see the oil field, otherwise, I will blow your head off." Hamel now only wants to see the oil field.

"My God." Jiang Shen shrugged, what a stubborn old man.

"Father, it's impossible to get to the oil field in 4 minutes now." Aziz was anxious for Jiang Shen.

"Then tell me the location, as long as my people can explore the oil field, I can promise you, Federal Council members, I will definitely vote for you."

"What if you go back on your word?" Jiang Shen continued to shrug, the location of the oil field must not be revealed first.

If it is said, if it gets out, it will not be easy for other chiefs to convince them.

There are already results, so why should they support Hua Guo.

"You still have 3 minutes to go, tell me the location." Hamel held the gun.

After all, he must be the chief, and Hamr's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Killing people in the palace was too easy for Hamr.

Just because this gun was brought in by Jiang Shen is enough reason to kill him.

"Are you sure you want to see the oil field first?" Jiang Shen had no choice but to ask again.

"I can't wait to see it now." Hamel's heart is actually more urgent than anyone else.

A man who is poor and crazy can do anything.

As the poorest chief, Hamr wants to change the status quo more than anyone else.

However, in the words of Prince Aziz, they searched every day, searched Ajman, but did not find any oil fields.

Do you want to believe in a miracle?

Hamel stared at Jiang Shen.

"Alright then." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "Close your eyes, now is the time to witness a miracle."

witness the miracle?Prince Aziz suddenly became excited too.

He has already witnessed Jiang Shen's miracle.

More than any other father, he believed.

"Aziz, close your eyes too." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand, beckoning him to walk in front of him.

Then he grabbed the hands of the sheikh and the crown prince, left and right.

Both nobles breathed heavily.

What is a miracle?

Miracles can be seen in the palace?

Both felt a little weird.

"Let's go." Jiang Shen suddenly yelled loudly, the sound was like thunder, and the eyes of the two people were so shocked that they almost fainted.

Suddenly, a brilliance appeared around Jiang Shen, and then surrounded Aziz and Hamr, whoosh, disappeared into the palace in an instant.

In the guard room of the palace, no one noticed anything unusual.

The speed is too fast. When Jiang Shen shuttled through several cities in France, he had already reached more than 2000 meters per second. Now his supernatural powers have soared. A fast missile is several times faster.

In the monitoring, the small screen passed by in a blink of an eye. Unless the guards in the guard room stared at the screen without blinking for 24 hours, they would not be able to see it at all.

This sudden overflight also frightened Hamr and Aziz half to death.

The two first saw a white light envelope them, and then felt as if they were sitting on a rocket. The whole process took less than two seconds.

Boom, there was a loud noise, and the two of them felt the huge impact again, followed by bang, bang, bang, the shock shook their minds and bodies, as if they were drilling deep into the ground layer by layer.

"My God" Hamr and Aziz turned pale with fright.

This process went through a full ten seconds, and after a bang, it finally quieted down.

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