He looked down and saw that Song Linghua was wearing a bathrobe, a bit like the ones in domestic bathing clubs. Her chest was wide open and her legs were white. With Jiang Shen's stature, when he lowered his head slightly, he saw a very good-looking one. arc.

"Cough" Jiang Shen collected himself and found that the lights in the room had not been turned on: "You go out quickly, I'm going to sleep."

"I have work to report to you." Of course Song Linghua did not leave, but followed Jiang Shen into the room.

"Stop, I can't report tomorrow, what time is it?"

"It's urgent." Song Linghua is not afraid of Jiang Shen now.

She knew that Jiang Shen couldn't bear to drive herself away.

"Say, hurry up, I'll give you 2 minutes." Jiang Shen sat impatiently on the sofa in the hall.

"Ou Xing introduced a person named Director Lei to me, and said that you know that Ou Xing and the others are going back tomorrow, so let me stay. Director Lei will contact you in the future, and I will be the middleman."

"--------" Jiang Shen was stunned.

The one with the surname Lei still doesn't give up, why should I contact you?But he is smart, knowing that I don't like him, so he asked Song Linghua to be the middleman.

"Okay, I see, let's go out." Jiang Shen waved again.

Unexpectedly, not only did Song Linghua not leave, she took a few steps forward, and then knelt down in front of Jiang Shen.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shen was furious.

It's just that this anger doesn't seem real no matter how you look at it.

"Hiss..." At the moment of his fuss, Ning Linghua had skillfully pulled out little Jiang Shen into her hand, then lowered her head abruptly, and swallowed it.

After a few puffs, she smiled and spat out: "I serve the leader." Then she swallowed it in one gulp.

"Xiao Song, you have to understand self-respect. Respecting yourself is respecting others. It's not good for you to be like this all the time. Work is work. Don't bring emotional problems to work---oh---lighten--- --hiss---"

Jiang Shen was putting on airs, but Song Linghua ignored him and started serving as a leader on her own.

While Jiang Shen was enjoying the service.

In a suite at the Burj Al Arab, three people with different skin types sat together.

If Jiang Shen's divine sense caught them, he would be surprised.

One of them is a Ukrainian beauty, the shape-shifting Khrisheva. Besides her, there is a black man, about ten years old, younger than Jiang Shen, and a yellow-skinned Asian man, probably There are 40 years old.

Both Khrisheva and the Asian man were looking at the black man.

The black man closed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was doing.

"Bailey, what did you see and hear?" Khrisheva was a little anxious: "Why didn't you talk for a long time?"

"Bailey, talk?" The Asian man also asked anxiously.

"Don't make noise." The black boy smiled, showing his white teeth: "There is a Chinese woman who is fucking for him."

"**? I'll handcuff you." Khrisheva was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned red. She had done this kind of thing before.

"---Damn it, it's cool to see it, but unfortunately I can't see it." The Asian man laughed.

"What's so interesting about it? Don't look at it. It's so late, and he won't have any more activities." Khrisheva was angry, and the black man slowly opened his eyes.

This Bailey and the Asian man Jin Zhezhu are both agents of the Divine Power Bureau.

Bailey has magical ears. His ears can not only hear the voice of others speaking within a kilometer, but after hearing the voice, he can evolve the scene in his mind according to the voice.

Jin Zhezhu is even more powerful. Bailey and Helisheva are only third-level agents, and Jin Zhezhu is already a fourth-level agent.

His thoughts can control metal, and he can turn a pistol into a kitchen knife in an instant. He is a killer agent who kills people invisible.

"Why did Riley arrive? Didn't she say she'd arrive today?"

"I heard that the plane is delayed, maybe it will arrive tomorrow."

The three of them had just exchanged a few words, when suddenly a chuckle came from the living room: "Fortunately, Ron is with me, hehe."

Swipe, like Jiang Shen's invisibility technique, two people appeared out of thin air.

A beautiful blonde girl and a small white man appeared at the same time.

There seemed to be two wings growing on the man's shoulders, swishing, slapped twice in the air and then disappeared out of thin air.

"Ron is here too? Riley, you're happy, let Ron take you here, this is a special plane."

"I'm exhausted, damn it, flying here from Las Vegas, do you know how many oceans I've crossed?"

Ron was the white man, plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah, our group is almost all here, why don't we test Jiang Shen today?"

"Don't worry, wait for the captain. The captain has also arrived in Dubai. The captain said that Jiang Shen is scary. Don't act without authorization. It's not a good time to startle the snake."

"I think Jiang Shen should already know that we are paying attention to him."

"Let's talk about your harvest first. What is Jiang Shen coming here for? This guy is a plague god. Wherever he goes, accidents will happen."

"He seems to be able to find the oil fields in Ajman, and he wants to persuade several chiefs in the UAE to agree to Huaguo's cooperation with them in development."

"Now that he has convinced the sheikhs of Ajman and Sharjah, the next target is Abu Dhabi."

"My God, Zaifa III is a key figure. If he is persuaded by Jiang Shen, won't he succeed?"

"It seems that this matter is out of our control? We are only targeting Jiang Shen personally."

"Petroleum strategy is the foundation of a country. I think the people in the President's Office definitely don't want Jiang Shen to succeed."

"Zaifah is not someone who is easily persuaded, he has a very good relationship with our country."

"But Jiang Shen seems to be able to decide the outcome of football matches. He said he would help City Manchester United win the Champions League, so as to curry favor with Sumaner."

"Damn it, Zaifa listens to Sumaner's advice very much, we want to stop Jiang Shen."

"Control the football game? Just kidding, we don't have too many people with this talent in the Divine Power Bureau. Jiang Shen is dead this time."

"Me too." Riley smiled.

Ron's ability is flying, and it is said that his speed exceeds that of bullets, and his fastest speed is even unknown to the people of the Divine Power Bureau.

Riley's ability is invisibility, and as long as she touches things, she can become invisible, so she said, she can also control the game.

"Then it's settled. When it's time for the competition, let Jiang Shen feel the power of our Divine Power Bureau."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone was laughing, bang bang someone knocked on the door.

"Who?" Everyone's expressions changed.

Bailey said in surprise: "The captain is here."

Then the door opened automatically, and two more people walked in.

The first person was also full of blond hair, but he was a teenager.

That's right, he looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and his eyes were like the bluest sapphires, very beautiful.

This young man is the captain of a team of the Divine Power Bureau, the sixth-level agent 'Claure'

Beside Klauer was a fat man with a big belly.

He is the deputy captain of the team, Agent Smith, Level [-].

"My God, Captain, as far as I can remember, the people in our group haven't been dispatched together for ten years?"

"Captain, is there any good news?"

Everyone surrounded him and looked at Claure with admiration.

Don't think that Klauer is only fifteen or sixteen years old because he is fifteen or sixteen years old. He has stopped growing since he was 15 years old. He is older than all the people present combined.

"Okay, to make a long story short, there is an order from above, let us try Jiang Shen here and see how powerful Jiang Shen is."

"Khrisheva, Bailey, you two are in charge of responding."

"I, Smith, and Kim Cheol-joo are responsible for the shots."

"Let me first declare that you have all seen Jiang Shen's report. He is a very terrifying opponent. If you are injured by him, Riley and Ron, you two will be responsible for bringing him back."

"It's the captain."

"Shoot now?"

"Bailey, look what Jiang Shen is doing?"

"He's still having sex with that woman, it's really lasting." Bailey's face was full of envy.

"Hey man, is that kid's dick big? You don't always say yours is big."

"Oh, sorry, I'm a little older than him."


"Shut up." Klauer was furious, and several of his subordinates were talking, talking about Jiang Shen's size and durability.

"Get ready to start, and when he launches, we will shoot."

Claure, Smith, and Jin Zhezhu stood in a line.

"Captain, you are too insidious. The moment the man launches is the weakest moment in his life." Riley covered her mouth and smiled.

"Riley, you know again, how many people have you been fired by?"

"Smith, do you believe I ripped your mouth out?"

Claure had a terrible headache, and his subordinates started talking nonsense within a few words.

It can be seen that they are very relaxed.

But do you know that Jiang Shen's level assessment is level nine, far surpassing them.

"Be serious, his evaluation has reached level nine, or even above."

"Here's the captain, the boss is too careful. If we work together as a whole team, even the Superman and Hulk in the movie will have to escape." Some people didn't think so.

These people, who have never met an opponent in their life, have their eyes high above the top, so they really don't take Jiang Shen seriously.

"Let's go." Smith prepared to go out.

"Just wait here." Klauer shook his head: "This Jiang Shen, we have evaluated, he may have a similar ability to Bailey, and he can spot the enemy from a distance. Don't go out, don't leave Bailey's ability range."

"Stay in this room, even the most advanced radar can't detect you." Bailey was proud. It seemed that besides his ears, he also had the ability to hide the team.

After saying this, Bailey closed his eyes and watched what happened in Jiang Shen's room.

"This kid, why didn't you throw that **** on the sofa and bang it hard, and let her keep talking, my God, how long will this be going?"

In fact, Jiang Shen would not make Song Ling spend a long time, this is Jiang Shen's habit, when a woman is serving him, he does not want the woman to be too tired, after about half an hour, Jiang Shen can't stand it anymore.

"No, I'm coming out." Jiang Shen habitually pressed Song Linghua's head.

"Oh---" Under Song Linghua's acceleration, little Jiang Shen finally trembled.

Just as Jiang Shen was trembling, a ruthless look suddenly flashed in Song Linghua's eyes, and she opened her mouth to bite.

Collapse, Song Linghua covered her mouth and screamed back, two teeth collapsed.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen raised his foot reflexively.

With a splash, Song Linghua flew out like a kite with a broken thread, spewing blood all over the room.

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