"Song Linghua?" Jiang Shen stood up furiously, and was about to step in front of Song Linghua.

Whoosh, a mobile phone on the table flew towards Jiang Shen like lightning.

The phone belonged to Song Linghua, jumped up from the table almost in an instant, and then shattered in mid-air, splitting into countless pieces.

The sky is full of debris, like a rain of arrows flying into the sky.

"Not good, Divine Power Bureau." At this time, Jiang Shen had discovered that Song Linghua who was vomiting blood on the ground was the real Song Linghua, and someone had controlled her thoughts just now and made her attack Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen slapped his backhand, and the debris in the air shattered.

Clank, all the metal in the room moved.

In the entire room, all metallic substances flew up in an instant, shooting Jiang Shen like countless lightning bolts.

There are actually metal substances in the human body.

Just as Jiang Shen wanted to move, he suddenly felt his whole body trembling violently, the metal elements in his body were changing, and he felt a heavy feeling in his whole body.

This is the metal that Jin Zhezhu, who can control the metal, condenses in Jiang Shen's body.

Ordinary people, as long as he moves his mind, he can easily be killed by him.

But Jiang Shen immediately felt this change.

But before he could react, countless metal-condensed flying swords in the room stabbed at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was beaten like a hedgehog in an instant.

However, such an attack was obviously useless to Jiang Shen.

And the other party is not the only means.

"Bang" the window in Jiang Shen's room shattered, and a huge fist fell from the sky like a thunderbolt.

Here comes Smith.

His left hand, like Popeye eating spinach, exploded more than ten times, and a left fist was bigger than Jiang Shen's head.

Hey, when this punch fell, Jiang Shen seemed to think of the Taoist masters in the world of Nalan Invincible. The punch was as big as a fight and broke the sky. Jiang Shenhao had no doubt that even a tank would be beaten into pieces by Smith. smash.

In fact, Smith was called Shi Ten Ton in the Magic Bureau, because his punch has ten tons of strength.

Ten tons is [-] catties.

[-] jin cannot break a tank, but Smith can condense [-] jin to one point. After the power is condensed, it is very lethal.

"Looking for death." Seeing that Song Linghua was accidentally injured by him, Jiang Shen was extremely annoyed, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Undefeated King Fist" Nalan's unbeatable boxing skills come at hand.

Bang, the two men met flesh and blood, fist to fist.

"Kacha" Smith's left fist was blown away by Jiang Shen in an instant.

"Ah..." Smith was smashed from fist to shoulder, and blood and powder flew in the air.

Just in the rain of blood.

Heck, the blade flashed, and the metal all over the sky condensed into an extremely sharp long sword, which flew towards Jiang Shen's eyes.

Jiang Shen stepped sideways and slightly, and grabbed the long sword with his right hand in the air.

Beng, Beng, Beng, the long sword was broken inch by inch, each short piece flew into Jiang Shen's eyes like a spring.

Jin Zhezhu can control the metal freely, even if Jiang Shen beats the metal into fly ash, it is useless.

Jiang Shen soon discovered his strength.

He rushed up and kicked, bang, Smith who had just come in through the window was kicked by Jiang Shen and flew out.

This time, Jiang Shen had murderous intentions in mind, and when he kicked Smith, all his muscles and bones were shattered and he died on the spot.

Then he grabbed it back, and Jiang Shen grabbed Mantian Metal in his hand and squeezed it hard.

Collapsing, all metals become shattered.

Where is this man who manipulates metal?

Jiang Shen swept his mind, and within the scope of his mind, he couldn't find such a person.

At this moment, clank clang clang clang, the shattered metal condensed again, like a long snake, it suddenly got into Jiang Shen's nostrils.

Jiang Shen was still holding the shattered piece, he didn't expect the metal to have spirituality, and it got into his nostrils, which was really uncomfortable.

Try something stuffed in your nostril.

Although the metal couldn't hurt Jiang Shen's body, it was really uncomfortable.

"Ah!" Jiang Shen snorted fiercely, and a lot of metal fell to the ground.

So far, apart from Smith, Jiang Shen has not seen any other enemies.

And he finally realized that something was wrong.

His divine sense could scan the entire sailing hotel, but there was only one room where his divine sense felt hindered.

There is something wrong with this room.

Whoosh, Jiang Shen moved, and appeared in that room in the next second.

"No, Jiang Shen is here." The people from the Divine Power Bureau also realized that something was wrong.

Whoosh, whoosh, the figures in the room are flying, jumping out of the window, disappearing, flying away.

As soon as Jiang Shen rushed in, he met him head-on, and a huge spark appeared in front of him.

"Huh--" Jiang Shen's body was ignited in an instant, this fire was different from ordinary fire, the temperature was extremely high, with the power of cauterization, Chi Chi Chi Chi, Chi Chi Chi Chi, Jiang Shen's skin made a Chi Chi Chi sound.

He was set on fire, standing in the hall like a burning man.

And apart from him, nothing in the hall was set on fire.

"Damn it, what kind of fire is this?" Jiang Shen found that although the fire couldn't burn him, it seemed like he had poured oil on himself and couldn't be extinguished no matter how he patted it.

But this moment is not the time to shoot fire.

Jiang Shen was already angry.

There are so many people here ambushing him, how can it be fun not to kill the last batch.

"Dead" Jiang Shen looked out of the corner of his eye, someone just jumped out of the window, it was really the deformed Helysheva.

He didn't feel pity at all, he volleyed a little, and used supernatural powers.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in the air, and Khrisheva, whose feet hadn't landed on the ground, slammed her heart into pieces. She was still in mid-air, and she was already dead.

"Sheva?" Ron had already flown out, and when he saw Khrisheva was hit, he screamed heartbroken.

But Ron didn't care about Helisheva anymore, and Bailey also jumped out of the window.

The Burj Al Arab is so tall, Bailey doesn't have the ability to fly.

Swipe, Ron flew into the air like a bolt of lightning, and caught Bailey.

"Death." Jiang Shen just poked his head to the window at this moment, and made another point in the air.

Swipe, a cold light flashed in the air.

"Not good." Ron and Bailey were scared out of their wits.

"Huh" At this moment, a huge spark blocked in front of the two of them like a fireball.

Bang, the fireball shattered.

Klauer's figure appeared.

Klauer fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.

"Captain." Bailey burst into tears, but Ron didn't hesitate, borrowed Crower's block, swiped, and took Bailey away through the air.

Jiang Shen wanted to find him again, but with a sweep of his divine sense, Ron had already left the scope of his magical powers.

So fast?Jiang Shen was extremely surprised, Ron's speed was hardly lower than Jiang Shen's now.

At this time, his whole body was still in flames, but when he stepped back, Baba's whole body flashed in the hall at an extremely fast speed.

He formed a vacuum at super speed, and without air, the flames would naturally go out.

Once the fire is extinguished,

Jiang Shen locked on a person again.

Jin Zhezhu, who can control metal, jumped from the air in another room.

He was in the air, and a car on the ground was like a deformed steel. Under his idea, Kakaka, the metal of the whole car was changing, and it flew into the air.

Apparently, Kim Chul-joo intended for him to catch him in mid-air.

But he wasn't as fast as Ron.

Jiang Shen chased outside one step at a time, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, bang, he slapped it down.

"My God." Jin Zhezhu's thought moved, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang, countless metals in front of him formed a huge shield.

However, Jiang Shen's palm slapped, bang, a flower of blood splashed in the air, and Jin Zhezhu was smashed to pieces with his shield.

When he landed, there was no complete piece of flesh and blood on his body.

"Hiss..." Riley, who had been hiding by the side, was too frightened to move.

Jiang Shen's brutality shocked her severely.

At this time, Jiang Shen was also looking for her.

I just rushed in and scanned six with my spiritual sense, but now I only found five, where is one more?How could he hide himself?Will be invisible like me?

Jiang Shen swept left and right with his spiritual sense. He thought that after the other party was invisible, his spiritual sense would be able to scan it, but it turned out that the other party's invisibility was better than Jiang Shen's, and he couldn't feel the existence of anyone at all.

You can't even hear your heartbeat and breathing. This invisibility technique has surpassed Jiang Shen's invisibility technique.

"Song Linghua?" Jiang Shen killed several people in a row, and finally felt refreshed, and then suddenly thought of Song Linghua.

I went back to the room and saw that it was lucky that Song Linghua was not dead.

Just now Song Linghua was controlled by someone, Jiang Shen and little Jiang Shen were bitten, and kicked her out of desperation, but he must have not used all his strength. If he kicked Smith like that, Song Linghua would probably be kicked to pieces.

"Song Linghua, hold on." Jiang Shen slowly injected immortal energy into her body to heal her injuries.

While Jiang Shen was treating Song Linghua, whoosh, Ron who had gone outside came back again, and the bodies of Smith, Helisheva, and Claure were grabbed by Ron one by one.

Finally, it flew away with a whoosh.

In fact, Jiang Shen's divine sense had already reached him and turned back, but this Ron's speed was extremely fast, and Jiang Shen was afraid of using powerful magical powers at the sailing hotel, and he had to treat Song Linghua, so he had to forget it.

I'll let you go first, next time I go to country m, I will smash your magic power bureau with one palm.

If Jiang Shen didn't care about the sailing hotel just now, he could kill seven people instantly with a single move, even if Lai Li was invisible, he wouldn't be able to escape.

However, there were so many guests in the sailing hotel that they couldn't kill innocent people randomly. Jiang Shen was afraid of hitting others, so he had to watch Ron run away.

Of course, with his magical powers, if he wanted to forcibly chase after Roth, he would definitely be able to catch up.

But now it is important to treat Song Linghua and deal with the aftermath.

At the same time that Jiang Shen rescued Song Linghua, Ron and Bailey escaped from Dubai with the bodies of the three Smiths.

"It's terrible. His explosive power is stronger than Wayne's. It seems that the four of us may have to work together to fight?"

"His attack is not as terrible as in the legends. What is terrible is his defense. Our strength must not be able to harm him."

"Only a few ninth-level seniors in the bureau can harm him."

"Retreat, withdraw from the UAE immediately."

"Let's meet with 'A Chun' first."


A few minutes later, Ron and Bailey came to an office in the Umm Al Quwain Emirate, another secret point in the UAE.

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