Ah Chun looks like a Chinese woman.

In fact, she used to be Japanese, called Junko, and was later absorbed into the Divine Power Bureau.

Ah Chun is an agent of the second group of the Divine Power Bureau, with seven levels.

"Ah Chun, hurry up, save them quickly."

Ron and Bailey placed the three bodies in front of her.

Ah Chun touched them one by one, then shook his head with a long sigh.

"This Jiang Shen is too ruthless. Killing him with one blow not only shattered his heart, but also shattered all his muscles and bones. The gods can't do anything about it."

"Aren't you able to repair other people's injuries? Aren't you immortal? Can you save them?"

"As long as they are alive, I can help them repair them even with one breath, but now, they are all dead and can't die anymore. Even if I help them restore them, they are still corpses."

"Where's Riley? Why hasn't Riley come back?"

"Lai Li can't fly, there should be a while, we'll wait for her for half an hour, if she doesn't come in half an hour, go back to Country M immediately."

"Why don't I go and meet him?" Ron said.

"No, I think that Jiang Shen is faster than you, so don't."

"It's done." Bailey held a mobile phone in his hand, as if he had connected with someone.

"Jianna, we just fought against Jiang Shen, Klauer and the others are all dead, damn Jiang Shen, it's really ruthless---"

"Damn it, who told you to fight Jiang Shen? I said earlier that without my order, no one can take the initiative to attack Jiang Shen."

"---Klauer said it was your order?"

"Damn it, I never issued such an order. Damn Claure, each of you is an elite of the country. It is a small sacrifice for nothing, and it has aroused Jiang Shen's anger."

"What?" Bailey, Ron and others looked at each other.

Never issued such an order?

Ah Chun smiled wryly: "It was Klauer who was not convinced by Jiang Shen. He called me here to prevent you from getting hurt and he could be treated. He didn't expect to hurt himself."

The Bureau of Divine Power has always been invincible. It is normal for Klauer to be a little arrogant. He can control flames and control other people's minds. He has two supernatural powers. He is a sixth-level agent. So violent.

This next group lost more than half, and it was also the most serious loss since the establishment of the Divine Power Bureau.

"Quick, you evacuate immediately, that Jiang Shen is very scary, he hates his hands, evacuate immediately." Jaina gave an order in country m.

"But Riley hasn't come back yet."

"She will be invisible, don't worry about her, come back immediately." Ji Anwa ordered again.

"Okay." Bailey hung up the satellite phone and shrugged: "What to do, Ron."

"Why don't I go and have a look. With my speed, just be careful, Jiang Shen can't catch me."

"That's the only way to go, I can't abandon Riley."

"Wait." Bailey suddenly moved his ears twice, and then said in surprise: "Here, come, Riley is back."

A motorcycle speeds by.

Riley came back on a motorcycle.

"Lai Li--" Everyone opened the door to welcome Lai Li's arrival.

"God bless, Riley, as long as you're fine." Ron flew over and hugged Riley into his arms.

"You're disgusting, I haven't been hugged by a man yet? Hee hee." A man's voice suddenly rang in Ron's ears.

"Not good." Just as Ron thought this, before the wings on his shoulders had time to spread, bang, a fist pierced through his heart.

Then the fist took Ron's body and hit Bailey hard on the head.

Puchi, Bailey's black head was violent on the spot.

"Jiang Shen--" Ah Chun screamed, flipped backwards quickly, and hid behind the sofa, a gun appeared in his hand at the same time.

Riley didn't move, just stood there, scratching at the back of the sofa.

"Bang" the sofa shattered, and Ah Chun behind the sofa seemed to be caught in the palm of a huge palm, thumping, and his weak body was torn apart.

Almost within two seconds, the three agents were killed on the spot, and then Laili's body trembled and turned into Jiang Shen.

"Oh, it's really uncomfortable." Jiang Shen touched his chest, his deformation was much worse than that of Helisheva, he could only change his face, this chest was still stuffed with a bra and a little cotton.

Jiang Shen tore off his bra, and with a movement of his mind, a piece of his mind returned to his body. It turned out that he had put a piece of his mind on Ron's body earlier, so no matter where Ron went, he was not in a hurry. You can catch up slowly when you turn your head.

Recalling my divine thoughts just now, there is only one Riley missing now, this Riley can be invisible, it seems that there is no way to find it.

Jiang Shen looked at the corpses on the ground with regret, shook his head, turned and left.

Not long after Jiang Shen left, about 5 minutes later.

Chichichi, Ah Chun's torn body on the ground wriggled slowly as if alive, then joined together, and then the wound began to repair. In less than ten seconds, Ah Chun's body returned to its previous appearance.

Swipe, she opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of terror.

Ah Chun sat up: "Ron, Ron."

"Bailey, Bailey."

"All dead, dead again, the butcher, the devil."

"I didn't expect him to change. How many abilities does he have? It's too scary." Ah Chun looked at the direction where Jiang Shen was leaving, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Jiang Shen didn't know that Ah Chun had been resurrected again.

He ran thousands of miles, killed three people in a row, and then quickly returned to the hotel.

The hotel has been surrounded by Dubai police.

The fight, although controlled by both sides, still alarmed the local police.

But with Prince Amo helping in Dubai, Jiang Shen is not in any trouble.

He was worried about Song Linghua.

This time he lost money, because he accidentally injured Song Linghua, so he could only use immortal energy to revive her.

Only his women had ever enjoyed so much immortal energy, and the immortal energy used on Song Linghua's body now could not be absorbed by his woman and him in bed for a year.

"It's a big loss?" Jiang Shen looked at Song Linghua who was sleeping on the bed, hesitating whether to wait for her to wake up and fuck her.

Boom, boom, just then, someone knocked on the door outside.

Jiang Shen opened the door, and Prince Amo walked in with a depressed face.

"Damn it, Gentleman, who did you kill? Country M and the European Union put pressure on us." Amo sat down on the sofa: "I hate these country guys the most, always pointing fingers at us, but the Federation Some old men here are willing to be pointed at by them." As a young crown prince, Amo doesn't like others pointing fingers at him, of course, the magical Jiang Shen is not an exception.

"What do they want?" Jiang Shen asked calmly.

"M country wants us to deport you."

"---" Jiang Shen laughed and said, "What evidence do they have that I killed them?"

"Do people from country m talk about evidence?" Amo smiled wryly, people from country m can beat anyone they want, they don't need evidence.

"Then what did your father say?" Jiang Shen knew that Amo couldn't make the decision now, and the sheikh, not the crown prince, was the one who made the decision in Dubai.

"My father? Allah, he asked the police to investigate, found the evidence, and planned to arrest you." The chief of Dubai is the federal foreign minister, and has good relations with the West and the country M. Of course, the relationship with China is also good. .

However, Jiang Shen killed people in Dubai, which made him very annoyed, especially when he killed people from country M.

What is country m?Who dares to kill their people, aren't you getting angry and throwing shit on us in Dubai?

Therefore, even though Amo's father, Chief Rashid Maktu, had a good relationship with China, he still decided to find out the evidence of Jiang Shen's murder and then arrest him.

"Then your father will be very disappointed because he can't find my evidence."

"People from country m provided your dna and charged you with first-degree murder."

"Idiot, remind your father why the people from country M didn't come to arrest me, but told your father to expel me." As for nda or something, Jiang Shenli didn't care.

"Yes." Prince Amo came back to his senses. The powerful country M will never let any enemy go. In the hot land of Dubai, they are also very powerful. Now they dare not look for Jiang Shen, but let La It's bad luck for Sid Mark to go to Jiang Shen?

"Thank you Brother Gentleman, I know what to say to my father."

Jiang Shen had just sent Prince Amo off when he turned a corner at the door and saw an acquaintance.

Lei Guoqiang is here.

Jiang Shen has now moved to the presidential suite on the 24th floor. Lei Guoqiang walked over in a ghostly manner. Looking at his expression, he despised Jiang Shen for living in the presidential suite.

"Expert Lei." Jiang Shen originally wanted to close the door directly, but considering Ou Sheng's face, he had to let him in.

Sure enough, his face was cold: "Your city east district is so imposing, you come out to attract businessmen to live in the presidential suite? Do you know that a night in the presidential suite here requires several months' wages for ordinary people in China?"

Hey, don't pretend to me, pretending to care about the common people, Jiang Shen said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I paid for it at my own expense."

"At your own expense?" Lei Guoqiang's face changed again, and he looked at Jiang Shen with wide eyes, probably thinking that Jiang Shen had already been classified as a corrupt official in his heart. After a few seconds, he muttered to himself, but his voice was very small, almost Only he can hear: "Now China Merchants is so rich?"

He thought that Jiang Shen couldn't hear him, but Jiang Shen said: "Yes, how about, Expert Lei, you can call our China Merchants Bureau?"

"---" Lei Guoqiang gave Jiang Shen a white look, then sat down on the sofa, and looked around by the way.

"Tsk, the presidential suite is still in the sailing hotel, and it's my first time to come in?" Lei Guoqiang shook twice on the sofa, not sure if it was considered diarrhea.

"What instructions does Expert Lei have? It's so late, can I go to bed?" Jiang Shen came back from the outside after eleven o'clock, and Song Linghua and a few people from M country made trouble, and now it's almost two o'clock in the evening.

"You know it's too late?" Lei Guoqiang said angrily, "You still cause trouble at such a late hour? Do you know that if you do this, it will easily implicate your investment group and Ou Province."

"I didn't cause trouble, they provoked me." Jiang Shen shrugged.

"Ou Province and the others will return tomorrow. I will contact you later."

"You contact Xiao Song." Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, please, I am an official of the China Merchants Bureau.

"You---" Lei Guoqiang was about to get angry again, but he didn't understand Jiang Shen before, but he finally understood tonight.

"You will die if you speak well?" Lei Guoqiang said helplessly.

"I'm the deputy director of investment promotion." Jiang Shen meant, don't let me do other things.

"The deputy director of investment promotion also killed people?" Lei Guoqiang sneered: "Actually, I think it would be better for you to come to our bureau."

"Don't." Jiang Shen hurriedly stood up: "Don't force me to resign."

"This guy." Lei Guoqiang also tried it out. After shaking his head, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and threw it on the sofa: "You will need us sometimes, so don't talk so rashly."

After speaking, he stood up, turned around and left.

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