what is this?Jiang Shen somehow picked it up.

It turned out that he asked Zhao San for something.

The M State Divine Power Bureau, a special department under Area 51, is called the Supernatural Mystical Force Research Bureau.

The current bureau chief, I don’t know, there are three current deputy bureau chiefs, two of them---I don’t know.

The most frequent appearance is Jaina, nicknamed 'Black Pearl', eighth-level agent, ability (unknown)

The whole world is divided into five groups.

[-] special operations group, the fifth group (unknown), only know the code name 'Alliance Squad'.

A group of Captain Klauer, ability (manipulation of fire, mind control.)

The second team leader Luis, ability (unknown)

Three team captains ---

Jiang Shen almost passed out after reading it. [-]% of the names were unknown, [-]% of the powers were unknown, and the others were either unknown or vague.

What is Zhao San doing?Lei Guoqiang, what are you so awesome about?This is your work efficiency?

Just as he took out his phone to call Zhao San, Zhao San called first.

"How about it, Brother Gentleman, did you get it? I've been calling, and it didn't work until now, so I asked someone to fax it to Lao Lei." Zhao San was a little proud.

"What kind of crap are you? Ron's ability is to fly. I know it, but you don't know it in this information? And nine out of ten don't know it."

"Brother." Zhao San called out in a shocking voice.

"Do you know the price of these materials? Old Lei and his comrades who have worked in Area 51 for 21 years have come back. He brought them back. 21 years of work was for nothing."

"---" As for it?Jiang Shen thought to himself, I will go to Country M, and with a sweep of my mind, I will sweep out all the shit in the bathroom in Area 51.

"Well, we lost a lot this time, Brother Gentleman, why don't you think about it, and blow yourself up in Area 51 or something?"

Zhao San's words are very clear, 21 years of working for nothing, the leader is not happy, Jiang Shen, you should go to Area 51.

"I've been a little busy recently." Jiang Shen rolled his eyes: "Well, I will go to country m when my deputy is appointed."

"------" Brother Gentleman, you don't wear such a thing, it's a bit like repaying your kindness.

"I'm not in charge of the local area, why don't you help me?" Zhao San continued to talk about the meaning of the leader.

"No, I just like being local."

"Hey ----" Zhao San scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

"Well, Lao Lei is ignorant, I apologize to you on his behalf." Zhao San could only say this in the end.

He must have known about the rivalry between Jiang Shen and Lei Guoqiang.

"Little San, you know my temper." Jiang Shen called Xiao San this time to remind Zhao San.

"I understand, I understand, he won't bother you in the future." Zhao San understood that Jiang Shen was a lawless master, and he couldn't treat him in the usual way.

The two chatted for a few more words, and after hanging up the phone, Jiang Shen stared at the piece of paper and remained silent for a long time.

On that paper, many people's abilities are unknown.

But there are two people who have supernatural powers.

The deputy leader of the four groups, the sixth-level agent Akaduo, the ability (foreseeing the future).

The deputy leader of the fourth group, the seventh-level agent Dugasd, the ability (has the power of nuclear explosion.)

These two sound awesome.

The latter, in particular, possesses the power of a nuclear explosion, so that if a person does not make a move, it will have earth-shattering power and a huge lethality.

It's no wonder that even the Dark Alliance is subject to the Divine Power Bureau. These people are considered perverted enough on Earth.

According to the research of Hugh Silman, a famous scientist in country m, the probability of human beings having superpowers is one in 2108 million, that is to say, one person in every 2000 million people may have superpowers.

The probability of the special prize in the domestic double-color ball is 1771 in [-] million. It can be seen that the difficulty of possessing superpowers is even more difficult than winning a double-color ball once.

The total population of the world has now exceeded 70 billion.

According to Hugh Selman's research, there are more than 300 people with superpowers in the world.

On the note given by Zhao San, there are nearly fifty people in the fifth round of the Shenli Bureau, and the unknown number is unknown.

The vast majority of people with superpowers in the world have been absorbed by the Bureau of Divine Power, and this number must be increasing year by year.

You know, Supermen sure love being with Superman.

A single superman is discovered by the Bureau of Divine Power, and they may be absorbed by sending a few abilities over and communicating a few times.

Unless you are as strong as Jiang Shen, the Divine Power Bureau has nothing to do with you. If you are not strong, you will either hide, be absorbed, or be killed.

This can understand why there are various skins in the Divine Power Bureau, and there are reasons for people from various countries.

"There are three names of people from the Hua Kingdom?" Jiang Shen saw three people from the Hua Kingdom.

He could only shake his head. The Divine Power Bureau of country m was established early and was ahead of the curve. No country on earth can follow in its footsteps.

People with supernatural powers from all over the world either surrendered to country m, or hid, or were killed by them.

Seeing this, Jiang Shen turned the paper in his hand into flying ashes. It seems that this matter is over and he is going to country M.

Early the next morning, the sleepy Song Linghua got up from the bed, looked down and saw that she was numb all over, she was shocked at first, then overjoyed.

Then try to think about it, without remembering what happened yesterday.

It's just that when I brush my teeth, I feel something is wrong with my teeth.

A few of her teeth were broken yesterday, and they were repaired by Jiang Shen with immortal energy and magical powers, and they were a little smaller than before.

"Did Jiang Ju sleep with me yesterday?" Song Linghua thought about it, but couldn't remember what happened yesterday.

Jiang Shen got up in the morning, went to have breakfast with Ou Sheng and the others first, and then didn't talk about what happened yesterday. After chatting casually, Jiang Shen rushed out of the hotel.

Today, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, one of the seven giants of the Supreme Council, and Sheikh Rashid Maktu of Dubai will receive Jiang Shen.

With Rashid Maktu's status, only the foreign ministers in China can get the chance to meet him.

However, after Jiang Shen came, major incidents occurred in Dubai one after another. Even Rashid Maktu's son was shot and hospitalized. Rashid Maktu made an exception to meet Jiang Shen.

"Mr. Jiang, is your investment promotion in Dubai going well?" Rashid Maktu had a good attitude when he first came up.

However, Jiang Shen knew that this man was a multi-faceted man. As the foreign minister, he was well-rounded and could not be offended by any party, but on the whole, he was a little bit western.

"The work of attracting investment is not bad. I have received the support of several crown princes and princes. They all agree to go back to our Huaguo to have a look."

"Oh, Allah, Mr. Jiang, you are really capable." Rashid Maktu looked back at his son, Prince Amo, probably thinking in his heart, does Amo have any plans to invest in Huaguo? If so, I'm going to tell him to pause immediately.

You can’t make enough money in Dubai, what are you doing in Huaguo?

Prince Amo watched his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and he didn't dare to look at his father, his eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him.

Rashid Maktu saw that his son didn't respond, so it was not good to ask him now: "I heard that you are going back today? Amo, give me a gift. Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for coming to Dubai."

This means giving gifts to guests. Rashid Maktu hoped that Jiang Shen would go with Ou Xing and the others this time.

Rashid Maktu wanted to arrest Jiang Shen earlier, but later he heard from his son, yes, the people of country M don’t deal with Jiang Shen, why should I take the initiative to provoke him?

Now he hopes that Jiang Shen will leave quickly.

"Oh, Mr. Maktu, I'm sorry, I don't plan to leave for the time being, and I may stay for a few days."

"Allah." Rashid Maktu was extremely depressed. You are here, and the people of country M put pressure on us every day: "Mr. Jiang, is there anything else?"

"Actually, I have something very important to discuss with you, Chief Maktu." Jiang Shen smiled, and then looked at the people in the office.

There are two other people in the office, probably secretaries or security guards.

Rashid Maktu froze for a moment, then waved decisively, and the other two in the office turned and left.

In the entire office, there were only Jiang Shen and their father and son.

Before Jiang Shen could speak, Maktu said, "I know your purpose. It is said that you have discovered oil fields in Ajman. Only you can exploit them. You need the support of our Federal Supreme Council."

Maktu had already known Jiang Shen's intentions, and he said firmly: "You and Amo are friends, and I also treat you as my nephew. What I can assure you is that as long as there are more than three chiefs in the federation I support you, then I will unswervingly vote for you, if you can't find the three chiefs in the federation, then, I hope you don't embarrass me for Amo's sake."

"What an old fox, he really is the Minister of Foreign Affairs." Jiang Shen admired secretly.

He was thinking of arresting himself before, but when he heard that people from country M dared not provoke him, he immediately started calling himself his nephew, and then he was afraid that Jiang Shen would force him, so he made such an excuse.

I have to say that the sauce is still old and spicy, and Maktu's move is really surprising, and it is also a very smart move.

I now know that you Jiang Shen are powerful, but don’t force me. If you have the ability, you can find three chiefs to support you. Then I will vote again, four to three. The Federation Congress will help you win, but if you can’t find three The support of the chiefs, you can't blame me for not working hard.

Jiang Shen wanted him to choose, but he kicked the ball to Jiang Shen. This is the skill of a diplomat.

Jiang Shen rubbed his head, feeling a little depressed. He had prepared a lot of rhetorical means to force Maktu to surrender, but he didn't expect the clever Maktu to hand it over to Jiang Shen.

Now Jiang Shen couldn't speak even if he had thousands of words.

The old fox has already played the emotional card, what kind of nephew, what kind of friend of Amo.

Nima, being a diplomat is really shameless, Jiang Shen gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, uncle, remember what you said, when I find the three chiefs, don't forget your vote."

Jiang Shen also hit the pole smoothly, and his uncle yelled.

The sheikh of Dubai, the king of the second richest country in the United Arab Emirates, is very honorable to recognize an uncle.

"I look forward to voting for you very much." The old fox pretended to be an orangutan.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly, patted Prince Amo on the shoulder, and turned to leave.

Seeing Jiang Shen leave, Crown Prince Amo hesitated to speak.

After Jiang Shen disappeared into the office, Amo finally couldn't help it: "Father, can Jiang Shen find the support of the three chiefs? Why don't you directly support him?"

"Shut up, I'm the Minister of Foreign Affairs. My attitude represents the attitude of the Federation to the outside world. This is not just a commercial issue of oil cooperation. It is related to the political strategy of the country and the country. The attitude of the M country and the West should be more or less scrupulous. .”

Maktu didn't want to be the leader, and if other chiefs came forward to support Jiang Shen, he wouldn't mind adding icing on the cake.

If you send charcoal in a timely manner, it will easily arouse the resentment of country m.

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