Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 587 Forget the God of Ginger Plague

At this time, Louis Helen was no longer a qualified member of parliamentary candidate, she could no longer control herself, and she had completely fallen into the sea of ​​lust.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anything, as long as life is lived so happily, even death is worth it.

In her mind, there was only desperate, desperately catering to Jiang Shen, desperately enjoying.

Why do some people get out of control after having an affair.

The excitement and pleasure brought by cheating is the happiness that you can't usually enjoy.

Humans are actually higher animals. Although they can maintain their rationality at ordinary times, their instincts will still be activated at certain times. However, when the sea of ​​lust submerged Louis Helen, she was completely unable to extricate herself.

Even if she knew that a hundred people might come in from outside at any time, she couldn't resist and couldn't make Jiang Shen stop.

She even hoped that Jiang Shen could always, always, never stop rushing behind.

"Oh---God---oh---baby---" Louie Helen yelled crazily.

With Jiang Shen's efforts, her true nature was revealed.

She even forgot that she was still in the office, screaming loudly, screaming earth-shatteringly, it seemed that only such diarrhea could give her pleasure.

Bang, just as she was enjoying herself, the door was opened again.

"Helen, damn it, where did you go?" A middle-aged British man stood at the door and looked around the entire office.

He opened the door hastily and heavily, without any traditional British gentlemanly demeanor, and he didn't even knock on the door.

But it was the opening of the door that shocked Louis Helen.

She returned to the shore from the sea of ​​lust in one fell swoop.

"My God, I'm going to die." Louis Helen lay on the sofa in shame and fear, not even daring to lift her head.

This is going to be embarrassing, what will be the headlines of the major newspapers tomorrow?

She really wanted to get up and hide, but Jiang Shen pressed her butt so hard that she couldn't lift it up.

She could only bury her head and lie there, hoping that the middle-aged man would leave as soon as possible, so as not to see her own ugliness.

Oh my God, did I scream like crazy just now?Now the whole TV center heard it, I was crazy.

Louis Helen was ashamed and frightened, but she buried her head for a long time and didn't hear the strange voice of this person.

Instead, Jiang Shen suddenly fell down, and said into her ear: "How is it? Is it exciting? This is where I am most powerful--" Jiang Shen began to punch vigorously again.

"Oh --- no ---" Louis Helen turned her head, looking in horror at Jiang Shen behind her and the middle-aged man at the door.

The middle-aged man stood at the door and looked around, then walked in, walked in front of Louis Helen, as if he didn't see her at all, then knocked on the door of Louis Helen's office bedroom, and twisted it with his hands. After I opened it, I looked inside and there was no one there.

"Damn it, is she going to solicit votes again? If she doesn't become a member of parliament, I will fire her." The middle-aged man turned around cursing and walked away, without looking at the two people on the sofa from the beginning to the end.

And on the sofa, blah blah, Jiang Shen's impact, and Louis Helen's panting, intertwined together, making the whole office extremely obscene, but this man seemed to be blind, shaking his head and leaving, closing the door with his backhand .

"How could this happen? Embarrassing --- it's too scary -- --- embarrassing --- are you a devil --- um ---" Louie Helen was frightened at first, and then sank again.

after an hour.

Jiang Shen lay contentedly on her sofa.

Louis Helen lay softly beside Jiang Shen.

Her pair of black silk has been completely torn by Jiang Shen, and it is wet on her thighs, revealing her snow-white thighs.

The shirt on the upper body has lost two buttons.

The neckline of the chest was wide open, and the underwear was pulled almost below the chest, and the whole person was in a brief coma.

After half a minute, she woke up slightly.

"Jiang, you are a devil, you are not human." Panting heavily, she moved her body slowly.

"What are you talking about? My ability on the bed is still something else." Jiang Shen chuckled, reaching out to touch her full chest again.

"It's all, it's all--" Louis Helen's voice was a little hoarse, and they were all from just now.

She lay down for about a minute before she had the strength to get up from the sofa, then looked down at her whole body, and hurried into the bedroom to change clothes.

Do you know what I have paid?Jiang Shen looked at her back and smiled wryly. I want to conquer you and control other people with my immortal energy. My consumption is more than yours.

Jiang Shen was also resting on the sofa, sitting with his eyes closed, waiting for her to come out.

About 10 minutes later, Louis Helen walked out from inside.

Jiang Shen's eyes lit up.

Louis Helen changed into a black one-piece skirt, which completely outlined the beautiful curve of her buttocks, and put on Jiang Shen's favorite flesh-colored stockings on her slender legs.

Her whole temperament has also changed. After being favored by Jiang Shen, her temperament is closer to the noble congressman.

"Do you like it? Your favorite shredded pork." Louis Helen turned around in front of Jiang Shen.

"When did I say that?" Jiang Shen didn't even remember.

"You said it yourself just now, you like shredded pork." Lu Yi Helen smiled playfully, and it could be seen that she seemed to be conquered by Jiang Shen physically and mentally.

But Jiang Shen didn't dare to relax casually.

Politicians can change their minds at any time. This Louis Helen still needs him to conquer her continuously until he truly conquers her.

I have to say, this Louie Helen is really a stunner, wearing a black one-piece skirt and walking around in front of Jiang Shen, little Jiang Shen is ready to move again.

"How is my performance today? When will you vote for me?" Louis Helen walked to the sofa, squatted down, and lay down in front of Jiang Shen.

Her eyes are still so captivating.

"Wait for my good news." Jiang Shen stood up, and then took out a check, which was sponsored by the Louis Helen Foundation.

"The 1000 million is from me to buy some clothes and stockings." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he turned and left.

"1000 million?" Louie Helen held the check, her heart ebbed and flowed.

This is a huge sum of money. In good conscience, if she had already had this 1000 million, she would not even have to participate in the congress.

But she paid a lot to run for the parliamentary election. The 1000 million was the money that the consortium behind her asked Jiang Shen to sponsor.

She once thought of taking the 1000 million yuan for herself and fleeing to a place where no one knew her.

But she was afraid, afraid that the consortium behind her would find her and kill her.

But today, Jiang Shen transferred the huge sum of money to her.

This is for her, not her own.

Moreover, this Jiang Shen is full of secrets and has incredible abilities. Even the consortium behind him and the British government are afraid of him.

"Should I find a reliable backer for myself?" Louis Helen held the check, thoughtful.

Early October.

Elections for UK MPs have officially begun.

There are two most popular candidates in the London area, the incumbent MP Hughesman and the beauty candidate Louie Helen.

Although many polls beforehand showed that Huesman was ahead of Louie Helen by a few percentage points each time, the final result was still surprising.

At the time of the official election, a large number of Chinese and gang members cast their votes for Louis Helen.

According to the UK's electoral law, the official poll closes at [-]:[-] pm.

Then the counting of votes will start officially.

Six o'clock the next morning.

The results of the ticket inspection in the London area are finally out.

Newcomer Louie Helen, with 53.9% of the votes, completely defeated Hughesman, the most popular incumbent.

Everyone in London was shocked.

No one thought that Louis Helen could get such a high number of votes.

You must know that Hughesman only got 51.5% of the votes when he took office.

Louie Helen had the most votes in the last seven elections.

As soon as the result came out, it not only surprised everyone, but also dealt a heavy blow to Huesman's political party.

In this district of London, they have been re-elected as MPs five times in a row, but they did not expect to be defeated by a dark horse beauty all of a sudden.

The excited Louis Helen wanted to sink into Jiang Shen's arms and enjoy this wonderful moment the first thing she did.

But Jiang Shen couldn't be happy.

Because he is going back to Dongning.

He got a very disappointing news.

After he left Dongning in August, he hasn't shown his face in front of everyone for nearly two months (every time he goes back, he just sneaks out to date his woman), so the people in Dongning seem to forget The existence of Jiang Plague God.

Just yesterday, he got a message.

After Teacher's Day in September, the vice principals of my wife Fang Tian and Wei Rong were removed one after another.

At that time, the two women were afraid of causing trouble to Jiang Shen, so they didn't tell him. When he returned to Dongning, the two women also catered to him very enthusiastically.

Later, Fang Rou told Jiang Shen.

Tang Jianping, the deputy director of the city's education bureau who was dismissed last time, came back after being silent for so long and became the director of the Chengdong District Education Bureau.

It sounds like Tang Jianping was not promoted, but was demoted.

But his rank has not changed, and he has changed from a deputy to a real official.

The first thing he did when he took office was to get rid of Fang Tian and Wei Rong.

It is said that Fang Tian's school is still investigating Fang Tian on the charge that she has an improper relationship with a student.

If it is found to be true, Fang Tian may be completely removed.

"Friends don't run around often, they will become unfamiliar, and the plague god doesn't often plague, others will forget me." Jiang Shen murmured to himself in England. He lay on the bed and touched Louie Helen's round peaks: "Helen Congressman, on the weekend of the day after tomorrow, you can visit our unit and discuss some business cooperation."

"Oh, of course there is no problem, but do I need to prepare anything?" Helen's face flushed, obviously just experienced a big battle.

On her thigh, there are still broken shreds of meat hanging there, looking very tempting.

"There's no need to prepare anything, we'll just talk in the office all morning."

"In your office? It's great, I like your office." Louie Helen cried emotionally, and rubbed Jiang Shen with her snow-white thigh.

"No, you misunderstood, I just need your cover." Jiang Shen chuckled.

Weekends at 08:30 am.

After Jiang Shen received the new congressman Louie Helen in the office, he had a cordial exchange with Louis Helen in the office.

A few minutes later, in a certain room in Dongning City, a figure flashed, and Jiang Shen returned to Dongning.

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