Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 588 Find an Opportunity

He flew over Dongning in stealth, and returned to his own home in Dongning first.

When I got back to the door of the house, the invisibility hadn't appeared yet, I just stood at the door and swept away with my divine sense, hissed, and I was stunned on the spot.

In his home, there was a petite and familiar figure, it was Guan Ruohua, who hadn't seen him for several months.

Before returning to Qingfeng last time, Guan Ruohua said that he would go to England to find him, but he hasn't gone yet.

Unexpectedly, Guan Ruohua came to his house again.

She took a cloth and wiped it bit by bit in the room where Jiang Shen used to sleep. When she wiped it on the cabinet next to the bed, Guan Ruohua picked up a photo on the cabinet.

In the photo, Jiang Shen was taken when he was in Shanghai with a woman, standing under the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Guan Ruohua stared at the photo intently, with smiles in his eyes.

"Little idiot, idiot." "Fool" Guan Ruohua muttered to himself looking at Jiang Shen's photo, then picked up the photo, kissed Jiang Shen on the face with an 'uh', and finally covered the photo on his chest, and kissed Jiang Shen Lie on the bed, motionless.

About 2 minutes later, Guan Ruohua got up from the bed, put the photo back to its original place, wiped the frame of the photo, and started cleaning Jiang Shen's room again. let go.

For some reason, Jiang Shen stood at the door and watched Guan Ruohua with his spiritual thoughts. Seeing her busy, his eyes blushed involuntarily, and his heart felt sour.

He looked there for a while, but in the end he didn't enter the door and turned to leave.

The next place that appeared was Wei Rong and Fang Tian's hut.

This is another apartment he bought. He used to hang out with Wei Rong, Fang Tian and Fang Rou.

Today, Saturday, both girls are resting. Even if Jiang Shen is not around, the two girls usually sleep here.

When Jiang Shen went in incognito, the two of them were sleeping in a mess on the bed.

There was no high temperature in Dongning in early October, but the indoor temperature was not bad. The two were wearing pajamas, and the quilts were kicked under the bed.

Fenji shook Jiang Shen's eyes.

"It doesn't seem like you're wearing anything inside?" Jiang Shen threw himself on the bed, stretched out his hand and copied it from under Wei Rong's pajamas.

"Hmm--" Wei Rong was also a little dead asleep, probably after Jiang Shen touched her a few times, she woke up faintly.

"Ah--" she screamed first, Fang Tian jumped up.

Then the two women took a closer look.

"Bastard." The two wept with joy, and threw themselves into Jiang Shen's arms one after the other.

"Where's Fang Rou, don't you want to sleep here now?" Jiang Shen hugged left and right, his two big hands feeling the bottom of the two girls' buttocks.

"Rou'er is now accompanying your leader to the District Chief every day, you are dead, have you gone to feed the District Chief first?" Wei Rong couldn't bear to eat Jiang Shen, early in the morning, her eyes were full of love.

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I will see you two first when I return to Dongning." Jiang Shen said in his heart, I didn't see Guan Ruohua, it was swept by his divine sense, so it doesn't count.

"You came back last week, but you didn't see us." Fang Tian said sourly, "I heard that it was Xiao Ding Yan who accompanied you." Fang Tian said, and began to take off Jiang Shen's clothes.

"But last week, I came to accompany you guys." It always takes turns, who made me have too many women.

"You are not allowed to go there this week, you can only accompany us." Wei Rong knew that when Jiang Shen came over, he would accompany him separately on Saturday and Sunday. There were too many women.

"I have something to come this week, no rush, no rush." ​​Jiang Shen suddenly straightened his face: "Your vice principal has been taken away, why didn't you tell me?"

Wei Rong and Fang Tian were taken aback.

The two looked at each other.

"Actually---" Fang Tian lowered her head: "Forget it, Ah Shen, in fact, we are a girl, and it is really not suitable for us to be the vice principal. There are too many entertainments, and I don't want to go, forget it."

"I don't want to be either. You know the people of the country, pointing behind your back. Some people say that we have been unspoken by the leaders. That's why we became the vice principal at such a young age. If we take it, we will take it."

Both women think about Jiang Shen and don't want to cause trouble for Jiang Shen.

"Nonsense." Jiang Shen said angrily, and stood up, not letting Fang Tian move.

"If you don't want to do it, you can come out. You can do whatever you want as a boss, but no one can take you away."

"This is a slap in my face, and this is a slap in your face."

"I, Jiang Shen's woman, can only bully others, not let others bully."

"I am not afraid of trouble, only others are afraid of trouble for me."

The more Jiang Shen talked, the more excited he became: "Young and beautiful women can't be vice principals? As long as they have strength and ability, they can even be principals."

"Don't be afraid. To be my Jiang Shen's woman, you have to be bold. I am a god, and you are the women of God. You are being bullied and keep silent. Do you feel ashamed?"

The two girls lowered their heads, we just see that you are in the UK and don't want to trouble you.

Tang Jianping is very proud recently.

Although Jiang Shen's incident led to his resignation last time, but recently his brother-in-law Jiang Fengmin has made efforts again.

After a few months of silence, he returned to Dongning officialdom again as the director of education in Chengdong District.

And it looks like he's been demoted, so even his political enemies can't attack him.

I was demoted from the deputy director of the city bureau to the director of the district bureau. Didn't it violate the organizational principles?

In principle, those who have been punished cannot be promoted and appointed within one year. I didn't promote it, and I was demoted.

But this drop, he is really happy.

Because he can take care of those two sluts himself.

According to gossip, Wei Rong and Fang Tian may be Jiang Shen's women.

Regardless of whether the two are related or not, in short, these two have a good relationship with Jiang Shen, let's withdraw first, let me see what you will do with me in England?

The more Tang Jianping thought about it at home, the happier he was, and then he made a phone call.

Called the member of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee: "Secretary Chen, how is Fang Tian's investigation going?"

"Tang Bureau, we are still investigating. We are hurrying up." Secretary Chen thought to himself, it's easy for you to say, how to investigate?There is no evidence, besides, can Jiang Wenshen be easily offended?You have Jiang Fengmin covering you, but we don't.

"Quickly, must be fast, check her income, I heard that she doesn't live at home, live outside, check her bank account, you are an old Disciplinary Committee, you want me to teach you?"

"Director Tang, didn't you check her life style?" Secretary Chen said depressedly.

"Live style issues need to be checked, and economic issues need to be checked even more. Do you think she has a car? What is her salary for driving a sports car worth millions? What does she say? A vice principal can drive a sports car worth millions? So long?" Tang Jianping's tone became more and more severe.

They said it was a gift from her boyfriend. Secretary Chen touched his head and gritted his teeth: "I know Bureau Tang, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Secretary Chen can't help it, who made Tang Jianping the leader.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Jianping was still unconvinced after thinking about it. This matter can be made bigger.

It's better to ask the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate. The Bureau's Commission for Discipline Inspection still has a little less power and not enough deterrence.

But Tang Jianping is at the level of commanding the Discipline Inspection Commission of Fudo District, so he must trust someone else.

Originally, it was best to find Jiang Fengmin, but Tang Jianping knew that although Jiang Fengmin had fallen out with Jiang Shen now, he must be his son. He just wanted to suppress his son, and he might not necessarily punish him to death.

Who to look for?

Tang Jianping was thinking about it.

Suddenly someone behind him spoke.

"Uncle, what are you thinking?"

"Ah--" Tang Jianping jumped up as if someone stepped on his tail.

Turning his head abruptly, he saw Jiang Shen standing behind him with a smile.

"Jiang Shen? When did you come back? What are you doing? What are you doing at my house? What do you want to do? Come, come." Tang Jianping hissed and jumped up and down.

But he soon discovered that it was useless to call him no matter how much he shouted.

In fact, he still has his wife at home, and his son sleeps upstairs.

But no matter what he called, no one paid attention to him.

He turned around and wanted to escape, but found that it was even more terrifying.

The air behind him seemed to be an iron wall, blocking him firmly.

"Scream, run, aren't you very capable? Even my woman's principal dared to withdraw."

"Don't act recklessly, you are a state cadre, Jiang Shen, I am your uncle, don't act recklessly." Tang Jianping was finally afraid.

He always thought that he had heard many deeds of Jiang Wenshen, but he didn't really feel afraid until it happened to him.

Jiang Shen walked in front of him, sat down on the sofa, bowed his head and said.

"Last time when I went to study abroad, many people in Dongning made trouble for me. Guess what?"

"I came back overnight and killed several people in one go. Finally, they were all scared."

"Actually, I'm not difficult to get along with. Why should I be like this?"

"People don't offend me, I never offend others, uncle, why do you provoke me?"

"I didn't mess with you, they, they really have a problem, it was someone who proposed to dismiss them at the party committee, regardless of my business." Of course Tang Jianping wanted to push it clean.

"We are all relatives, so we have to talk about it." Jiang Shen said with a smile, "If not, you can turn around and mention them all to the principal."

"What?" Tang Jianping was shocked and angry.

You think the organization department is a toy, you can mention it if you want, I just dismissed them, and then mention the principal?is it possible?

"Okay, okay, I promise you." Tang Jianping nodded like a chicken eating rice.

"Looking back, I'll mention them as principals right away."

"Hey, what you say is true. I'm a relative. I'll give you a chance." Jiang Shen smiled, and finally stood up: "I'm afraid, there is still a chance to meet. 88" turned and walked out of his house slowly.

Yeah, watching Jiang Shen turn and leave.

Tang Jianping stood there for a full 3 minutes, then ran upstairs like crazy, took something, ran out of the house, and drove to the police station in a car.

He called Jiang Fengmin and his sister Tang Hairong while in the car.

"Jiang Shen is back, he's back, he broke into my house, threatened me to mention the principal to Wei Rong and the others, I'm going to call the police now, there are cameras in my house, they've all been recorded, he can't run away, he can't run away, I Put him in jail for the rest of his life."

Tang Jianping was so excited that he finally got his chance, hahahaha.

After two phone calls, he called the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection again: "Jiang Shen is back and threatened me to mention Wei Rong and Fang Tian as principals. I now suspect these two people because they were dismissed by me. Gentleman threatens state officials, and I will report them."

Tang Jianping made phone calls one by one, which shocked the entire Dongning officialdom.

Jiang Shen is back?

Threatening Tang Jianping?

Still recorded?

He was rushing to the police station with the tape?

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