Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 594: Big Eyes and Small Eyes

Yu Shijun is not talking nonsense.

Jiang Shen was really invited by the queen.

After he fell in love with Louis Helen, he made friends with Helen's colleague Dinifer.

It turns out that Dinifer is one of the famous British nobles, the daughter of the Earl of Beaur.

Among the five ranks of titles in the United Kingdom, earls appear the earliest. So far, hereditary earls are either the oldest family in Britain or the royal family.

A long time ago, most earls governed several counties by themselves, so they were also called "Fang Bo".

After Duke William of Norman invaded England, he was worried that their power would be too powerful, which would endanger the royal power and national unity, so he divided the power of the count and handed it over to his cronies. The relationship between vassals and vassals.

If the earl dares to raise troops and make trouble, he will be suppressed by the royal army or sanctioned by other nobles.The title of earl can be inherited by future generations, but the total number will decrease because some earls lack heirs.

At least, there were only six earls in England.

Count Behel was young but seriously ill. The doctor said he could only live for a few years. When Jiang Shen, Dinifer and Helen had dinner together, he found out that Dinifer was innocent and cute, so he rescued Beier. earl.

Now it's all right, Earl Beur recovered from a serious illness, and he was excited, and introduced it to the queen when he met the queen.

Thank you Jiang Shen for your help.

He even wanted to ask Her Majesty the Queen to confer a British title on Jiang Shen.

British titles can be awarded to foreigners, but they must make special contributions in a certain field.

Of course the queen would not be so hasty, but the queen's health is not good either.

Hearing that Huaguo's qigong is so miraculous, he summoned Jiang Shen.

Of course Yu Shijun didn't know that there were so many stories in it, she just knew that the queen had summoned Jiang Shen.

"Absurd, he is a national cadre, how can he go to see the queen without authorization? Has he reported to the country?" Song Qiaolan, director of the audit office next to him, as a female cadre, has a strong temper and turned cold on the spot.

What do you call me?Yu Shijun was extremely depressed, so he had no choice but to say: "I'm not very clear about Director Jiang's affairs, it seems to be reported to the country."

"Let's go back and talk about it first." The director of the organization department smiled lightly, and he couldn't see any reaction.

"This way please." Yu Shijun led them out of the airport.

Then everyone kept walking.

"Where are we going?" Tang Jianshe was baffled. We were carrying big and small bags. You three women came to pick up the plane. We were embarrassed to ask you to help us get things. Now you take us away?

"Let's go take the subway." Yu Shijun bit the bullet.

"What?" Director Song was furious again: "Didn't you say that your office has three buses? Where are the buses?"

"One is sending Director Jiang to the palace, one is sending Director Gonidan out to help, and the other is being used by Section Chief Xia Su. It seems to be running some kind of project."


"Then we fought." Tang Jianshe said gloomyly.

You Jiang Shen, we are here to find trouble, how dare you do this.

"This--" Yu Shijun cried out unluckily, if she didn't have the governor's father, she wouldn't come here. "Director Jiang said that the office has no funds, and we are not allowed to waste it, and we are not allowed to take taxis. It is best to take the subway."

I don't have any funds, I'm sorry for your uncle, I heard that your temporary workers are all paid thousands of pounds a month, which is equivalent to me for a year.

Tang Jianshe didn't die of anger: "We take a taxi by ourselves."

"Then---then we're going to take the subway. If you know the place, just tell the taxi driver."

They arrived in England at [-] o'clock in the morning, took a taxi and rushed to the office.

Tang Jianshe wanted to scold someone again because I was so mean to you.

There are two Audi cars parked in the office compound.

You told me no car?

But he also knew that cursing was useless. At that time, Yu Shijun said that someone else had just returned, and Yu Shijun had a father who was the governor. These people knew who would dare to scold her. It's very depressing to scold.

Once I entered the office, wow, the interior is luxuriously decorated, and there are many beautiful beauties in every corner of the hall.

Each person has a huge desk and sits on the desk to play with the computer.

Well, if you play with the computer, you play with the computer.

Eight people walked in, but no one paid any attention to them.

Those beauties were all playing computer games with their heads down, completely ignoring the eight leaders.

"Cough cough..." Director Duan couldn't help but coughed twice.

Then I saw a little girl raised her head, Xue Xiaoyin was drinking a box of yogurt, and walked over slowly: "Who are you looking for?"

At this time, the other temporary workers did not dare to come up easily, only she and Youmi had their strengths.

"Are there any cadres in the office? The assessment team from our province." Tang Jianshe didn't wait for the captain to speak, and rushed ahead.

It is said that Duan Deqiang leads the team, but everyone has different departments and the same level, so it is not necessarily who dominates the other.

"Officer, Director Ge just came back, I'll call." After Xue Xiaoyin finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Hey, what kind of attitude is this? Is a temporary worker so obsessed?" Director Song looked at Xue Xiaoyin's back and cursed.

But I saw Xue Xiaoyin "squeaking" after drinking the last bit of yogurt, beeping, reaching out and throwing it on the table next to her, the remaining yogurt splashed all over the table.

"---" There is only one free table in the hall, and there are four benches beside it, and everyone is planning to sit around this table, when Xue Xiaoyin threw it, everyone was stunned.

"The quality of the staff is evident." Tang Jianshe sneered.

Well, Jiang Shen, the more you behave like this, the more dissatisfied the working group will be with you. It depends on what you do.

"Well, little girl, how many cups of tea can you make for us?" Director Chu Chunyan of Chengdong District pointed at a little girl in the hall and called.

She pointed out that others are better, but she prefers to point at You Mi.

Without raising her head, You Mi pointed to the side: "There is a cup over there, boiled water, pour it yourself."

"---You" Before Chu Chunyan got angry, Youmi picked up the phone and yelled loudly: "What? Oh, I got it." Youmi walked out of the office while answering the phone.

As soon as Youmi left, another person stood up beside her.

"Xiao Min, take a look for me, I have something to do when I go out." Yang Yan ran away in a hurry.

Zheng Min put away his mobile phone from the table, then turned around: "Ruolan, call me on the mobile phone if you have something to do, I'll go up and get a document." He quickly ran upstairs.

There are also two girls, Jiang Xiaoying and Zheng Min, in the hall.

"Ah, there's no water, I'm going to boil water." Zheng Min left with his teacup.

Jiang Xiaoying had been sitting there without moving, when suddenly her cell phone rang.

She didn't even look at it, picked up her phone: "Hey, hello--" Hey, hey, out of the hall.

After a while, the whole hall was empty.

Only eight leaders stood there looking at each other.

"He did it on purpose. This Jiang Shen has an extremely bad attitude." Tang Jianshe roared sharply, pointing at the back of Jiang Xiaoying who was the last to leave. "Look, a group of temporary workers were called to make things difficult for us. Those two cadres haven't come down yet. This Jiang Shen is running this place like an iron bucket."

"What does he want to do? To be a feudal official? To enclose the land for the king? To form a line of his own?" Director Song and Director Tang seemed to be in the same group, and they kept saying bad things about Jiang Shen in front of Director Duan. .

"I think such a cadre should be transferred back to the country as soon as possible, and he cannot be allowed to develop here." Director Chu Chunyan also nodded.

But she was a woman, and she spoke in a low voice, and looked up, as if a little scared.

Just kidding, Jiang Shen and Jiang Wenshen's name was not called for nothing.

She was ordered to come, but she was still a little scared.

Everyone stood in the hall, extremely embarrassed, but Xue Xiaoyin searched for someone for a long time, but no one came down.

"Come on, let's go up, the cadres are all on top." Tang Jianshe couldn't wait, and waved his big hand to signal everyone to go upstairs.

Director Duan could only smile wryly and shook his head, and followed everyone up.

On the second floor there are conference rooms, activity rooms, and the offices of Ge Danni Xiasu and others.

Everyone went up to see that there was no one on the empty second floor.

"Go to the third floor." I couldn't believe it.Director Tang was furious, and everyone went up to the third floor.

Many rooms on the third floor were not listed. I don't know what the room is, and it looks empty, but there is a room with a name on it.

"Office of the Director."

Duo, you are the deputy director, and you are so thick-skinned that you have lost all adverbs.

"Let's sit in Director Jiang's office for a while." Director Duan had no choice but to order, but there was no place to sit.

But looking over, the door of Jiang Shen's office was locked.

"Where's the person? Where's the person in the office?" As a woman, Director Song yelled directly on the third floor.

No one cares about her.

"The fourth floor, the fourth floor seems to be a dormitory, so they dare not come out?" Tang Jianshe was furious.

"Wait a minute, they are all women, let's go." Director Song pulled Tang Jianshe back.

Seeing that they were about to go up to the fourth floor, it was difficult for some people to hide.

Xue Xiaoyin hurried down.

"Hey, leaders, why are you here? I searched for it. Director Ge is not here. He seems to have gone out. Chief Xia Ke has a stomachache and is going to the toilet. Or, you should wait here, it's still upstairs. Down?"

There is no room downstairs for eight people. Are we told to sit in the conference room?

"Jiang Shen's office is open, we have to go in." Tang Jianshe said directly, they really came to check on Jiang Shen, so it's good to go in and check.

"Sorry, we don't have his office key." Xue Xiaoyin smiled lightly.

"You--" Nothing, I don't know what to ask, you are all doing it on purpose, right, wait and see, I will replace all of you temporary workers later.

Tang Jianshe vowed that if Jiang Shen was transferred back to China, all the temporary workers here would be replaced.

Everyone walked from the first floor to the third floor, looked around, and finally only the conference room could accommodate eight people at the same time.

So the eight people took their bags and sat in the meeting one by one.

Many people's faces were livid.

Xue Xiaoyin secretly laughed while watching everyone's expressions.

Only the team leader, Director Duan Deqiang, and Director Li Zi of the China Merchants Bureau were expressionless, as if they were not angry.

Well, these two people may be Master's people, or people sent by Master's allies.

She saw it, kept her expression on, and then quietly backed out, leaving eight people staring at each other in the conference room.

One hour.

two hours.

ten o'clock.

Eleven o'clock.

twelve o'clock.

It was twelve o'clock soon, and the domestic lunch was eaten.

Eight people were left alone in the meeting room.

Director Tang looked at his watch one last time, it was twelve o'clock, I was so angry, I was so angry.

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