Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 596 Let's eat a fart

"Director Jiang, do you have time to sit down for a while? We are here this time for a small task." Director Song said blankly at this moment.

She is an auditor, and after the audit, she is looking for problems. Ever since she arrived in the UK, she has not been happy, and she has endured until now that she can finally issue the bid.

"No rush, wait until Director Jiang reports." Li Zi glared at her, do you understand politics?

Jiang Shen is going to be knighted now, let him report after that, if he is knighted, who would dare to investigate him?

Tang Jianshe also gently pulled Director La Song, don't worry, he will definitely not be approved for reporting this, and then we will investigate his problem carefully.

National cadres as jazz?Do you think playing house?What will you do when you become the governor and minister in the future?Still wearing jazz?impossible.

"Then you sit down first, I'll go and report." Jiang Shen smiled, put everyone aside, and ran up to the fourth floor to make a phone call.

It was not easy for him to be a knight. It was a trivial matter to help the Queen of England cure her illness, and he was threatening, even intimidating and deceiving.

Well, someone planted a bomb in my office a few days ago and planned to bomb us with missiles. I heard that the British were involved.

When the Queen of England heard it, it's okay. I asked the Prime Minister to ask.

Then the Prime Minister came over, no, no, how could our British government participate in this kind of thing, and vowed to prove it to Jiang Shen.

Some time ago, an aircraft carrier group was bombed in country m. Your nuclear bombs in the UK should be placed better so that no one can steal them.

Don't bring such a scare, the Prime Minister of the Queen of England was shocked and frightened.

No, I have an opinion.

The Queen of England rolled her eyes, or, well, I'll give you a title or something.

Thus, Jiang Shen's title came.

The British are very smart. They knew that they had offended Jiang Shen after cooperating with country M last time. If so, they calmed Jiang Shen's anger. Moreover, Jiang Shen really cured the Queen's illness and even made her much younger.

Whether in public or private, he should be knighted or something.

Jiang Shen's office.

On the other end of the phone is Jin Zhonglin.

"The Queen of England wants to knight you?" Jin Zhonglin held the phone with a strange expression, not sure if he wanted to cry or laugh.

After a full half minute of silence, "You are crazy." Jin Zhonglin never said to him in this tone: "You are a state cadre, how can you accept the title of the British royal family?"

"Sun Liren is still a general, didn't he accept the same?"

"----" Brother, it was a time of war, and it was different from now, okay?

"Wait a minute, this matter is a bit serious, I'll ask the old man and my boss." Jin Zhonglin hung up the phone.

Jiang Shen was slightly moved.

The old man of the Jin family was the head of the previous term, and the eldest of the Jin family is the head of the current term. Is this so serious?Want to ask the two chief ministers?

Jiang Shen's desire for a title was just a matter of mood and interest, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Jin Zhonglin called.

"Let me tell you this. In principle, national cadres cannot accept the medals of the British royal family. However, the chiefs also know you. The situation is quite special. You can choose for yourself, but I want to tell you that if you accept the medal, the domestic No one can move you, unless you do something that is not good for the country or the nation, but your political career is also limited."

You said that you are a jazz, can you be the chief?All the ministers have problems.

There are pros and cons to accepting a medal.

It depends on what Jiang Shen wants to achieve.

Jin Zhonglin sighed: "We are our own people. With your current performance, the chiefs have an impression of you. If I guessed correctly, the real part is your limit. It is impossible to go further. If you like it, Receiving a medal can also increase your prestige."

Jin Zhonglin asked the old man, the boss, the meaning of these few words actually represented the meaning of the high-level.

Jiang Wenshen is famous all over the world, and he is also known to be ruthless. This kind of person is a good knife. In ancient times, he was a famous general. A famous general would never be an emperor. If he became an emperor, he would not be a competent emperor.

Jiang Shen has a fiery temper, beats people at every turn, provokes foreign countries at every turn, and Jin Zhonglin probably said that he can do the right thing.

What Jin Zhonglin means is that since the chiefs have identified you, it would be good for you to take over a jazz as a protector.

Jiang Shen was not surprised by Jin Zhonglin's words. He knew that the general chief would not like his work and life style.

They will like it, and that is also a personal preference. The chiefs have clearly separated the public and private affairs, and replaced Jiang Shen himself as the chief. Will someone like Jiang Shen be the chief to decide the country's major affairs?

Just use Jiang Shen well to solve difficult problems for the country.

Having said this, Jiang Shen also understood the meaning of the upper echelons.

However, it depends on human effort, the chiefs have helped me to characterize it, but only in my Jiang Shen's opinion, there should be nothing I can't do.

Of course, now he is not interested in thinking about the future.

"Then I'm not impolite, I think it's awesome to be called a Sir." Jiang Shen thought that when the British saw him in the future, "Oh, respected Sir Jiang", they would feel awesome when they heard it .

"It's up to you to decide. Let's do this. You follow the procedure and report to the embassy first, and the embassy will report to the country."

"Keep a low profile and try not to let the media know. The domestic media won't report it, you understand."

"Understood, thank you, Uncle Jin." Jiang Shen giggled, the two of them used to be called brothers, but after he had sex with his daughter, Jiang Shen was also embarrassed.

Jin Zhonglin probably also understood that this kid is not a good guy, he fucked his daughter, and said with a wry smile: "Okay, work hard, you still have a future, don't think that the chiefs are just like this, every five years, and you will change in the future." Leaders may have different ideas, but with your ability and your age, I am optimistic about you."

Of course, when he hung up the phone, Jiang Shen was also complacent. My buddy is only 20 years old, he is elected every five years, and he can wait for another six.

50 years old is considered young to be a head, and who can say what will happen 30 years later.

Jiang Shen returned to the conference room after making the phone call.

Poor eight leaders, since they came to the UK, they haven't rested, and they haven't eaten enough. Now they are waiting for Jiang Shen's report.

"How is it, Director Jiang, what do you say in China?" Director Duan is also very concerned about this issue.

Jiang Shen was about to be knighted, so it was inconvenient for them to check him.

"I have contacted the embassy, ​​they will report to the country, and they will give me an answer before get off work tonight."

As soon as Jiang Shen said this, smart people thought of it.

Answer so soon?Maybe it was agreed?

Director Duan and Tang Jianshe glanced at each other: "I'm tired today too, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?"

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow." Director Song took the first step without waiting for Tang Jianshe to speak.

She is a smart person. Looking at the situation, the country may agree to him being knighted. This is a big deal. In the future, Director Jiang will become Sir Jiang. Who would dare to touch him?

Those lords from Xiangmen, when they arrived in China, were all received by the chiefs in person.

Now that the news is not clear, everyone can only wait.

Wait, Tang Jianshe has nothing to do.

Director Song of the audit was a little shy, and it was useless for him to work hard alone.

The cadres of the other four East Districts are all following their lead, and they are a little afraid of Jiang Shen. They dare to talk to the temporary workers in front of them. Now that Jiang Shen came, the cadres of the four East Districts all shrank Don't dare to make a sound from behind.

But I won’t check today, where will I sleep at night?

Director Duan bit his bullet, thought for a while, went up and pulled Jiang Shen to gesture to the side to speak.

Jiang Shen had just talked with Jin Zhonglin on the phone, and knew that this was a confidant sent by the old man, so he walked to the side.

"Director Jiang, look, we rushed back from the UK, can the office arrange a place to stay? Even if it's simple, it doesn't matter. I know this time may surprise you. In fact, everyone knows that I am the one who walks around. Check with Li Zi, and the few of them can't make trouble."

Director Duan's words are too clear, only Li Zi and I are our own people, and the other six are not good people.

However, if you treat them like this, even we will suffer.

"Duan Chu said that. I just talked with Minister Jin on the phone. Thank you very much for Duan Chu's support." Jiang Shen shook his hand.

"Here are two cards, for you and Li. You take these cards to our ninth floor." When shaking hands, he also stuffed the cards.

"The ninth to fifteenth floors of this building are a high-end hotel in London. People can live there, but they have to go out of the office first and go up from the west."

"Thank you so much Director Jiang." Director Duan was overjoyed, and he accepted the card with peace of mind.

Everyone Dongning knew knew that Jiang Shen was generous, especially to his own people. If he didn't accept him, Jiang Shen would be unhappy.

Of course, he must know that this card cannot be a room card.

Jiang Shen took too much face, said a few words to Duan at the side, and then assigned the room when he came back.

However, everyone immediately realized that the room was a bit deceptive.

Director Duan and Director Li lived on the tenth floor.

Others live on the ninth floor.

Nima, Tang Jianshe and the others live in a small room sharing four people.

It's too embarrassing to bully, it's too embarrassing to bully, Tang Jianshe cursed in the room.

"Tang Chu, is there no hot water?"

"Tang Chu, why are there only three quilts?"

"Tang Chu, why is this socket useless?"

"Fuck me, Tang Chu, all the TVs are broken?"

Tang Jianshe was cursing on the sidelines, and others came to him to report.

"What's the use of you telling me, find the hotel owner."

It even said it was a high-end hotel in London?

Domestic Home Inns are better than this.

Someone went out to find the hotel owner, but the owner was not there, and the waiter was still of Chinese descent. He sneered in Chinese: "Eighty Chinese dollars a night, do you want to stay in a five-star hotel?"

"I'm sorry." Eighty Chinese dollars a night?Not even ten dollars and pounds?You live here for us?

"It's because of Director Jiang's face. The British locals charge ten pounds for a bunk. You pay according to the room." The waiter also knew Director Jiang.

Of course, many uninformed people in the country come to the office and they are arranged here.

In this way, it is really a lot cheaper.

Usually four berths cost [-] pounds, but now a room costs [-] Chinese dollars, which is almost a [-]% discount.

"Go, let's go find Duan Suan." Tang Jianshe refused to accept, knowing that Director Duan and Jiang Shen had a good relationship, and wanted to try again.

As a result, when they went upstairs, everyone almost vomited blood.

Duan Chu and Li Chu are one-person suites with luxurious decoration and everything you need, including large-screen LCD TVs, wireless Internet and computers, super-large bathing pools, and fully automatic hot water supply.

When they entered, the two were in Duan Chu's suite, eating western steak and red wine.

"Uh---" Duan Chu held a huge steak in his hand, and Tang Jianshe's eyes turned red when he saw it.

He was a little embarrassed: "It was delivered by the hotel. It said it was a room reservation and a set meal."

Li Zi also nodded quickly: "You guys eat."

I eat your sister, let's eat a fart.

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