Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 675 Dad Is a Major General

This matter was settled like this, and then everyone was drinking and bragging, and after the end, they went to sing chicly.

At about 07:30 in the evening, Jiang Shen's phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Shen took it out and saw that it was Yu Shijun's call.

"Hello, Mr. Shi." Jiang Shen's voice was naturally gentle and infinite.

"Where are you?" Yu Shijun's voice was a little bad.

"I'm in the capital, how about you?"

"I know you are in the capital, where is the capital?" It turned out that Yu Shijun heard that Jiang Shen had arrived in Dongning during the day, and guessed that Jiang Shen was busy, so he called Xia Su first and asked, and sure enough, Jiang Shen also came to the capital. Call Jiang Shen again.

In her mind, she wanted to call Jiang Shen, but she didn't want to. After finally asking Xia Su, she knew that Jiang Shen was in the capital, so she called him.

"What's wrong with you? Where are you? I'll go find you right away." Hearing her voice, Jiang Shen knew that she was a little unhappy.

Thinking of Mama Yu's attitude, I can't help but press Yu Shijun on my body right now, make a lot of noise, and then take a photo for Mama Yu to make her mad.

Of course, this is just his thinking, it is impossible to do so.

"I'm in the coffee shop on the sixth floor of the Capital Hotel, and I'm calling you from the bathroom now."

Yu Shijun was very unhappy: "My mother forced me to go on a blind date. I hate that kid. You can help me out."

"---" My buddy has become a professional in dealing with blind daters.

Jiang Shen helped Qiao Feixue deal with it a few times.

"This is not good." Jiang Shen pretended to say: "Your mother will be more cruel to me."

"Then I'll marry him, it's up to you whether you come or not." Beep, Yu Shijun hung up the phone.

Kao, dare to hang up on my phone, only Yu Shijun dares to hang up on my phone.

Jiang Shen shook his head and smiled wryly, so he got up and left.

But this is the capital, and how many leaders care about remind Jiang Shen not to act too impulsively.

"Come on, brothers, go slap your face with me." Jiang Shen greeted his younger brothers.

Capital Hotel, sixth floor.

Yu Shijun finished the phone call and went back outside from the bathroom.

There were three people sitting outside, besides Yu's mother, there was also a young man in his early thirties, he was handsome, but his eyes were a bit dark, he looked like an old fox in the business world.

This man's name is Cheng Kun, and he has exactly the same name as a villain in a certain martial arts novel.

His father, Minister Cheng, is a very powerful Minister of Railways in Huaguo.

Cheng Kun is not in the system, he opened a company by himself, and he can't finish the work all year round. At a young age, he is already a well-known rich man in the capital.

He is focused on making money, so he is a bit low-key. In the capital, he is not as high-profile as Ma Tianming.

Next to Cheng Kun was his aunt, a middle-aged woman in her 40s, who came today on behalf of Cheng Kun's mother.

The two elders were in charge of threading the needle. After introducing a few words to each other, the two aunts looked at each other and got up to leave at the same time.

"You two have a good chat."

The two aunts left.

Chengkun is a billionaire, and Yu Shijun is a young district mayor. The combination of the two, regardless of their background, is the most perfect combination of politics and business in the eyes of their parents.

"I didn't expect you to be the head of the district at such a young age. When you are free, please invite me to play in your district." Mr. Cheng stared at Yu Shijun with a smile.

To be honest, when he was really crazy at his age, he really never thought about getting married. With his status and status, did he want to play with any women outside?

Although Yu Shijun is beautiful, no matter how beautiful he is, he has played.

But Yu Shijun, the district mayor, is very eye-catching. He has played all the star models, college policewomen, but he has never played the female district chief.

Even if you can't get married, it's not bad to play with the female district chief first.

So Mr. Cheng communicated with Yu Shijun very gently and enthusiastically.

As soon as his mother left, Yu Shijun ignored her.

"There's nothing interesting in our district. Mr. Cheng's capital is a charming place." Yu Shijun responded lightly, and at the same time looked around, wanting to see when Jiang Shen would appear.

"That night, I'll show you around the capital. There are many interesting places in the capital at night." Mr. Cheng continued to work hard.

"No, just sit down for a while, and I'm going back."

Dude, Mr. Cheng is a little angry.Pretend to be you, wait for me to insert it, you are not happy, you just want to play aloof with me?Besides, your dad's Central Committee is not as good as my dad's Central Committee.

But of course he won't put it on the surface.

Just thinking about what method to use, she went to Yu Shijun today.

Suddenly the door of the coffee shop opened, and a man and a woman walked in swaggeringly.

The male of this couple is Tian Xiaowen, and the female is the beautiful woman he found. The two walked together, hugging all the way, looking sweet and loving.

At the same time, Yu Shijun's cell phone rang.

Yu Shijun looked down, it was a short breath, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, and then he deleted the short breath.

She rolled her eyes slightly, and suddenly raised her cup.

"Drink this cup, let's go, go to the bar for a party, but at most ten o'clock, I want to go home."

"Okay." Mr. Cheng was overjoyed. As long as you enter the bar, you can go back at ten o'clock if you want?

"Dry" Yu Shijun stood up, and the cup was about to be handed to Mr. Cheng. The two clinked glasses lightly, and Yu Shijun stopped.

Just as she closed her hand, her right elbow seemed to hit something.

"Ah," someone scolded beside him, "You're blind, you hit my chest."

The woman next to Tian Xiaowen passed by their table and was hit by Yu Shijun's arm.

She was also walking too close, almost touching their table, no wonder Yu Shijun wanted to bump into her.

When Yu Shijun heard it, his face darkened: "Did you die? I didn't mean it. Why are you yelling?"

Speaking of which, even Mr. Cheng has a black line on his face.

I didn't expect Miss Yu's family to be so fierce.

But the other party is not good, just bump into you lightly, and you will start swearing.

"Brother, forget it, it's a small matter." Mr. Cheng is a person of status and wants to resolve it peacefully.

"Fuck you, who is your brother?" Tian Xiaowen picked up Yu Shijun's glass of wine on the table at this moment, and splashed it on Mr. Cheng's face.

Then he turned his head to Yu Shijun: "Kneel down and apologize to my girlfriend, okay, what are you guys in the capital?"

Damn, shit is unbearable now, and urine is unbearable.

It is probably the first time that Mr. Cheng has been splashed with wine on his face since he is so old.

And the other party said that, it's too bullying, our two families, but the two central committees are here, who are you.

"Boy, you are courting death." Mr. Cheng was not the one to fight, so he took out his phone after taking two steps back.

"Yo, you're being fierce." Tian Xiaowen suddenly rushed up, raising his leg and kicking.

The kick of "Pu" hit the vital part of Mr. Cheng's lower abdomen.

"Ah---" Mr. Cheng screamed in pain while hugging his lifeblood, and fell down on the spot.

Tian Xiaowen got Jiang Shen's instruction, kicked to death, something big happened, I will help you, and make sure you are all right.

Jiang Shen said this, Tian Xiaowen is also a young man of blood, so of course you are welcome.

With this kick, he almost kicked Cheng Gongzi's balls.

In pain, he rolled around on the ground, screaming incessantly.

"Stop hitting, we were wrong, we were wrong." Yu Shijun suppressed the smile in his eyes, jumped forward and screamed, and kept admitting his mistakes.

"What the hell, just be honest when you fight. In the capital, when will it be your turn to be violent." Tian Xiaowen cursed and went to drink coffee with his girlfriend in his arms while cursing.

"Don't apologize---don't---" Mr. Cheng gritted his teeth and screamed on the ground.

I was kicked like this, you still apologize?This will really not favor Yu Shijun.

She had a good date, was provoked by Yu Shijun, and is still being kicked like this.

He rolled back and forth on the ground several times, and finally healed a little bit. He took the mobile phone on the ground and called someone.

"Dongzi, I was kicked. I'm on the sixth floor of the Capital Hotel. Nasi hasn't left yet."

"Young Master Cheng, what's your background?" Hearing it from the other side, there were still people who dared to kick Young Master Cheng, it was terrible.

"Who cares about his background, come and get him." A second-generation official like him, who has few useful people around him and his subordinates, will be in a hurry, and he will also scold others.

"I'll be right there." Hearing this, Cheng Shao really lost his temper.

At this moment, Young Master Cheng swore that no matter who this person is, he will destroy his family, and he will also put the girl next to him on the bed to play with.

Give him the black first, then give him the white.

After making a call, Cheng Shao made another call.

"Ruan Suo, over there, come here right away, I was beaten." Another call was made to the director of the nearby police station.

Of course, this is a matter of primary and secondary importance.

Judging from the young man's tone, he is also a famous person in the capital, although he thinks that, given his family background, there are not many people in the capital who can suppress him.

However, it is easy to make a fuss when it comes up, and it is easy for everyone to fight for relationships. If the other party is also powerful, then they will drag around and look for relationships, and this matter may not be resolved.

Therefore, he made up his mind to come to the black ones first, and then the white ones.

At least call back.

"Forget it, let's go." Yu Shijun was still persuading.

"Get out, you go first." Young Master Cheng was angry and cursed at her mouth.

"You—how are you swearing—" Yu Shijun stomped his feet angrily, turned around and left.

As soon as he turned around, his face turned into a smile.

After leaving the hotel, she quickly called Jiang Shen.

"That man's father is a minister."

"Don't be afraid, the one who beat him, dad is a major general."


"Bad guy, you are really bad." Yu Shijun burst out laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yu Shijun was laughing when a voice suddenly came from behind.

Turning around and looking, Jiang Shen had already stood behind her at some point, and there was still a military off-road vehicle parked by the side of the road.

"Come in with me." Jiang Shen hugged her, bent over and shrank, and Yu Shijun was pulled into the car by Jiang Shen.

"What are you doing, you rascal."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Shen tore her dress roughly.

"I'm the secretary's daughter."

Yu Zhenqiang and Yu's mother disagreed with Jiang Shen, and Jiang Shen was very angry.

A lot of anger, only to vent on Yu Shijun's body.

"If you are capable, you married the secretary's daughter." Yu Shijun winked like silk, and panted coquettishly under Jiang Shen's rough actions.

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