Cheng Shao made quick phone calls, but the capital city is too big, and it was already 10 or [-] minutes after his people arrived.

Tian Xiaowen got impatient with waiting, drank three cups of coffee, but the person hadn't arrived yet, so he had to leave with his arms around the beauty.

"Stop, don't leave if you have the guts." Cheng Shao has been watching Tian Xiaowen from the sidelines, seeing that Tian Xiaowen is leaving, he is a little anxious.

He wanted to stop Tian Xiaowen, but he was afraid that Tian Xiaowen would hit him, and his expression was very strange.

"Yo, not convinced?" Tian Xiaowen laughed loudly: "Okay, I won't leave, I'll wait for you to mess with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a row of luxury cars stopped in front of the hotel, and a dozen big men rushed out of the car.

The lead one, over thirty, was of good stature, and he was easily recognizable in the crowd.

"Dongzi, that's him." Feeling proud now, he jumped out and pointed at Tian Xiaowen, gnashing his teeth: "Beat me to death, if you kill me, I will take responsibility."

"Wait--" Dongzi rushed to the front aggressively, took a closer look, and was stunned.

"Hey, Dongzi, you have long eyes, dare to engage in underworld in the capital?" Tian Xiaowen even knew Dongzi.

"Wen Shao, hehe, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Cheng Shao, is it a misunderstanding---" Dongzi is also a well-known master on the streets of the capital. If he is in this line of work, if he wants to survive in the capital, he must be slick and slick. Get to know a little bit.

He naturally knew Tian Xiaowen's father.

"Dongzi, are you looking for death, dare to fight with Cheng Shao?" Then a big man got out of a car that had been parked there by the side of the road.

"Pocket ---" Dongzi recognized who this person was, one of the most important figures on the road in the capital, Mazi.

This time, regardless of whether he was black or white, the opponent completely crushed him, and Dongzi's face suddenly turned white.

Although Cheng Shao is also the second generation of officials in the capital, he is relatively low-key and focuses on making money. None of these people know each other.

Damn, I mean, he's also the son of the Minister of Railways, Dongzi, what kind of plane are you doing, what are these two people doing.

Cheng Shao was about to be furious, but Dongzi quickly pulled him aside.

"Cheng Shao, forget it, let's reconcile. That's Tian Xiaowen, the son of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Military Region and the commander of the Beijing Garrison. That's Mazi, one of the most important people in the world---" Then he looked at Cheng Shao, meaning that the other party was a gangster. , are no worse than you.

"Fuck me, the commander of the capital garrison area? The admiral of the Nine Gates under the emperor's feet." Cheng Shao's Ministry of Railways is considered a bully, and he was dumbfounded on the spot when he heard that the other party was from the army.

There is a truth in the official circles in the capital, the juniors must not mess with the government when they meet the army, the government will definitely suffer, and they can only fight for the chief.

Cheng Shao absolutely believes that if he fights for the chief, his father's leadership will definitely not lose to Tian Xiaowen's father's leadership, but the problem is, how can such a mess of two juniors trouble his father's leadership.

"Mazi, get him for me." They were so scared that they stopped talking at this moment, but Tian Xiaowen over there got excited.

"Wen Shao, Wen Shao, don't mess around. This is Minister Cheng's son. They are all from the capital. I don't see you when you look up, but see you when you look down—" Dongzi also wanted to come out to be a peacemaker.

In the middle of speaking, "Ba" was slapped on the face by Mazi.

"You dare to come out and be a peacemaker? What is your identity? Get out of here." Mazi pointed at Dongzi angrily.

On the underworld, he crushed Dongzi, on the backstage, he was working for Jiang Shen this time, and the people Jiang Shen knew almost represented all the power of the second generation in the capital, who was he afraid of.

Dongzi was knocked back several steps by his slap. There were more than a dozen big men beside him, and only one pockmark on the opposite side.

But when Mazi was standing there, he was so powerful and powerful that no big man dared to charge forward.

Being in the capital is just mixing with one identity. He knows exactly what his own identity is and how much he can do.

Now that Mazi has hooked up with Tian Xiaowen, with his background in the army, he, Xiao Dongzi, can only be beaten to stand at attention and dare not make a sound.

But Dongzi recognized it, and Cheng Shao was angry.

Hey, no matter how arrogant you are, can you still be helpless?

"Tian Xiaowen, don't be arrogant, this is the capital." He thought about it, at most he would be beaten up, and among the second generation of officials, no one would dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

If you lose, you don't lose. If you can't beat, you have to be scolded.

At this moment, the alarm bell rang loudly, and several police cars roared over.

Cheng Shao looked back, his morale was boosted, and he pointed at Dongzi and scolded angrily: "What are you afraid of? Beat them. If something happens, I will bear it." He kept winking at Dongzi, meaning, go, hit, the police It's coming, it's okay to fight, what are you afraid of.

Dongzi smiled bitterly, "Cheng Shao, you can stand it, but I can't. Afterwards, Mazi came to me, and I was about to escape from the capital."

After all, Dongzi didn't dare to go up, so he brought a dozen or so big men, but they didn't look useful.

Ten seconds later, the police car arrived, and a bunch of policemen ran down again.

"Who called the police? Did someone fight and cause trouble?" A slightly chubby policeman with a wide face and big ears rushed forward.

"Ruan Suo, these two hit me." Young Master Cheng pointed at Tian Xiaowen and Mazi.

"Pocket?" Ruan Suo obviously knew Mazi, and was slightly taken aback.

But he was a policeman after all, the director of the Jingcheng Police Station, so he wasn't too afraid of Mazi.

After being stunned for a moment, he looked back at Cheng Shao's angry eyes, and immediately waved his hand decisively: "Take them all back."

He is a smart man. When he sees Mazi on the other side, it is estimated that there are rebels. Take them back first. You two can fight for the backstage. When you are fighting for the backstage, if you mess with the people from Mazi's side, you can win. One less favor.

It's okay to apologize afterwards, it's the same way in the capital.

There is no problem in keeping the position as long as you don't encounter fierce people.

In an instant, Ruan Suo had been thinking about it in his mind, thinking about various outcomes, and finally waved his hand to take away both Tian Xiaowen and Mazi.

Just as the police were rushing towards him like wolves and tigers, whoosh, a black shadow flew out of the car Mazi was sitting on the side of the road.

Bang, it hit Ruan Suo on the head.

"Ah--" Ruan Suo screamed, covered his face and squatted down, and when he raised his head again, his face was covered in blood.

Everyone looked down, and saw that a banana 6s local gold mobile phone was smashed on the ground.

It turned out that someone smashed Ruan Suo's face with the latest Banana 6s rich gold mobile phone.

"Assault the police?"

"Who is it? Hit me, grab it."

"come out."

All the policemen were furious and turned against the sky. At the foot of the emperor, someone blatantly attacked the police, and even dared to hit the director with his mobile phone.

They all rushed to the car.

Whoosh, another phone popped out.

Ruan Suo smashed the phone.

But this time Ruan was all prepared, he tilted his head and moved away, but the anger in his heart was really indescribable.

But at this time, the back door of the car opened at the same time, and two people got out, one from the left and the other from the right.

"Ruan Shika, you are awesome, you want to catch me too, right?" The one on the right was smiling and relaxed.

As soon as he got out of the car, he strode towards Ruan Suo.

"I'm stupid, Mr. Tang---" Ruan Shika wanted to cry, when he saw his subordinates rushing towards the young man to catch him, he quickly waved: "Stop, stop---"

He also felt remorse in his heart, and he knew that people who dared to fight against Cheng Shao would not be easy to provoke. If you gods fight, why should I, a mortal, get involved.

This Young Master Tang was naturally Tang Can, the son of the deputy mayor of the capital and chief of police.

Tang Can pushed away the policeman and walked directly in front of Ruan Shika, almost pointing his fingers at Ruan Shika's face: "Get out, get out now."

"Go." Ruan Shika held back the humiliation, waved his big hand again, and walked to the police car without looking back.

All the subordinates saw that something was wrong, and all the directors turned around and fled without saying a word.

The police came and went even faster, and several police cars roared away after a few seconds.

Damn, Dongzi wanted to cry too, because he knew the two people who got out of the car.

Tang Shao is better, but the one on the left is even worse.

"Dongzi, who is this bastard?" The one on the left walked up to Dongzi with a smirk, and patted Dongzi's face with his hand.

This action was very humiliating, and Dongzi couldn't help but smile: "Crazy brother, this is the son of Minister Cheng of the Ministry of Railways, please give Minister Cheng some face."

Dongzi could see tears in his smile.

That's right, this person is the well-known Crazy Dong in Beijing.

Crazy Dong was on a double flight that day. Halfway through the flight, before the shipment was made, he received a call from Jiang Shen, and his heart was burning.

Whoever provoked Jiang Shen without opening his eyes made me unable to ship the goods in time, so of course this person is responsible for the debt.

"I'm stupid, bang." Madman Dong slapped Dongzi on the face again.

Dongzi was slapped twice today.

He didn't dare to fight back.

But Madman Dong is a famous madman.

After a slap in the face, a kick flew up, bang, and Dongzi was kicked down.

Then he turned his head and saw that Madman Dong walked to the side of a dozen big men brought by Dongzi, and stretched out his hand to snatch a stick from one of the big men.

A dozen big men turned their faces away, unable to bear to look any further.

So embarrassing.

The boss was beaten like this, and they can't fight back even if they are small.

"Did I cheat on you, did you enjoy the beating?" Crazy Dong beat Dongzi on the head and face with a stick.

"It's cool, I'm cool, brother lunatic, spare me---" Dongzi cried and howled on the ground, rolling around.

Crazy Dong beat more than a dozen clubs in a row, and the young and old were stunned on the spot.

But at this moment, Madman Dong suddenly turned around, bang, and hit Cheng Shao in the face with a stick.

"Ah--" Cheng Shao's face was even worse, and he screamed again and fell down.

"Bah..." Crazy Dong stepped on Cheng Shao's face, his face was terribly ferocious: "Mr. Cheng's son, you have a great background. My grandfather, do you need to give Mr. Cheng some face?"

"Who are you---" Young Master Cheng didn't know Crazy Dong, but Dong Zi called him Brother Mad Man.

Especially after listening to what Madman Dong said, this grandfather seems to have a lot of background.

Afterwards, he asked Dongzi, and when he heard that the other party was the second generation of red, the grandson of the founding major general, and the major general knocked on the chief's head with a cane, he was speechless.

Among other things, if the founding major general used a crutch to go around the Ministry of Railways, pointing at his father and scolding him, Minister Cheng might step down.

This night, Chengshao and Dongzi really burst into tears.

Because of a little friction, he was bullied by the second generation of the most cunning officials in the capital in turn.

When Yu Shijun was mentioned afterwards, Cheng Shao gritted his teeth and vowed not to see this person again.

Yu Shijun's blind date finally failed.

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