Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 677 Encountering an Old Acquaintance

Sunday morning.

Jiang Shen woke up refreshed in the Beijing Hotel.

Yu Shijun was shocked again in the car last night, and finally vented his dissatisfaction with Yu's father and mother.

So what if you disagree, my daughter will do it for me.

But this small achievement, after Yu Shijun left, he became very disappointed again.

After all, she can't be like the rest of her women, who can do whatever she wants at any time.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to suppress Secretary Yu.

He had nothing to do this morning, and suddenly wanted to see someone on a whim.

Who is this person?

Yang Xiaoyi, who had met once.

With the help of Zhao San, Yang Xiaoyi was promoted to deputy editor-in-chief more than a year ago.

The two haven't seen each other for about a year.

He had a phone call with Zhao San yesterday. According to Zhao San, Yang Xiaoyi would visit Zhao San every year during Chinese New Year and inquire about Jiang Shen.

Zhao San was joking, Yang Xiaoyi is getting more and more beautiful now, Brother Shen, if you want to eat it, I will help you eat it.

When Jiang Shen heard it, boy, you want to go to Africa to mine, right?

Brother Gentleman, don't scare me, I'm joking with you, but if you take advantage of your hair, you should also think about the little girl who has been single for more than a year, and still hasn't forgotten you.

Zhao San is helping Yang Xiaoyi remind Jiang Shen.

When Zhao San said this, Jiang Shen wanted to see her.

When the phone call came, Yang Xiaoyi was both surprised and delighted, and she couldn't help but ask Jiang Shen to have lunch together.

She is a migrant worker in Beijing, with no background and no relatives. Since she met Jiang Shen, Zhao San has taken good care of her. She is doing well in the capital now, so of course she has to repay Jiang Shen's favor.

Jiang Shen came out of the hotel at [-] o'clock in the morning, and it was approaching August.

The weather was very hot, and Jiang Shen was wearing a white crew neck sweater and long shorts. His clothes were very popular, and he looked no different from an ordinary college student.

I just came down from upstairs and when I walked to the front desk, there were people at the front desk opening a room, a man and a woman, both around 20 years old.

When the two saw Jiang Shen, they were stunned for a moment, then stared at Jiang Shen non-stop.

Jiang Shen felt their eyes and turned his head slightly, um, do these two people look familiar?

"Jiang Shen? Are you Jiang Shen?" The man opposite asked him in surprise.

"I'm Jiang Shen? You are?" Jiang Shen calculated in his mind, he must have seen these two people.

"I'm Wei Ning, this is Lu Jun." The girl was dressed in a foreign style, and she looked good, but the lipstick was a bit thick, and she pointed to herself and the man and announced their names.

"Squad leader---" Jiang Shen finally thought of who it was.

His high school classmate in Jiangnan Province.

When he transferred to Dongning in his third year of high school, he separated from these people.

Wei Ning is the monitor of his class, and Lu Jun is Wei Ning's boyfriend.

Unexpectedly, after more than three years, I saw him again in the capital.

"Jiang Shen, have you also come to school in the capital?" Lu Jun's eyes flashed with surprise.

In high school, Jiang Shen’s family was notoriously poor, with only one mother, who was frail and sick and supported him to go to school. Fortunately, Jiang Shen was relatively honest. Although his academic performance was not good, he did not make any mistakes. donated money.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen has also come to the capital for the exam.

"I heard that you transferred to Dongning, which university did you get into?"

Both of them wondered why Jiang Shen came to the capital, and this capital hotel was a well-known big hotel in the capital, and if he stayed for one night, it would cost at least a thousand yuan.

"No, it's not that you don't know my grades. I started working after graduating from high school." Jiang Shen smiled lightly.

To these two people, he neither liked nor disliked them.

Mainly because they didn't have much contact in school. Wei Ning was better, he was more gentle. Lu Jun's family was very rich, so he looked down on Jiang Shen a little at that time.

"Then you work here?" Lu Jun looked at Jiang Shen up and down, his whole body seemed to be a world famous brand of shoes, but they were probably counterfeit.

Hey, you still wear a watch, Patek Philippe?It's also fake.

"Part-time job?" Jiang Shen smiled wryly: "Is it counted as serving the people?"

"Hee hee" Wei Ning also smiled: "You have changed so much, now that you are so tall, I dare not recognize you."

"Guang grew up, but didn't gain much knowledge." Jiang Shen said modestly, and then asked: "Now, are you all studying in the capital?"

"Well, Wei Ning is recommended to Tsinghua University, the only one in our school." Lu Jun looked very proud, as if he had recommended him: "I am in People's Political University."

It is normal for him to be proud. Students of People's Political University are often specially recruited. The civil servants of relevant departments will come directly to the school to recruit, which has a lot of advantages over external examinations.

He is half a foot in the civil servants.

Jiang Shen chatted with them a few words and was about to leave.

"Jiang Shen, since it's such a coincidence, let's have dinner together tonight." Wei Ning stopped Jiang Shen: "Our senior three (2) class has a reunion in the capital, guess what, our senior three (2) class has a meeting in the capital." How many classmates?"

"---" Jiang Shen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Are there many people in our class in the capital?"

"Eleven." Lu Jun said proudly: "Ten people's university is in the capital, and there is one Wei Tianhua, who started business with his father after graduating from high school, and now a branch has opened in the capital. The real rich second generation, this gathering , he and I sponsored major expenses."

"So many?" Jiang Shen was also a little surprised.

His hometown is in a certain county-level city in Jiangnan Province, which is not very eye-catching. Unexpectedly, ten people in one class were admitted to the capital.

"Now that we've met, let's have a meal together, you don't need to pay."

It turned out that these classmates met once a month, mainly for eating and singing. Lu Jun and Wei Tianhua's family had money, Lu Jun gave [-], Wei Tianhua gave [-], and the other students gave [-] each.

In a month, nearly 1 yuan will be spent.

The ones who were able to get into the capital were all the ones with good grades in the third (2) class of senior high school, and they used to play together a lot.

Jiang Shen didn't have good grades at that time, and he didn't have many friends. To be honest, he didn't want to go at all.

"Forget it----" Jiang Shen hesitated.

He has been in Dongning for more than three years, and his high school classmates almost forgot about it. What's the point of sitting and eating with a group of people who don't have much contact with him?

"Don't be like this, it's a fate to come to the capital, I haven't seen my old classmate for a long time, Jiang Shen, how much is your phone---" Wei Ning asked Jiang Shen's phone very lively.

Jiang Shen secretly sighed, the good cabbage was guessed, Wei Ning is actually a good character, how could he like Lu Jun.

He wanted to leave at first, but when he glanced away from the corner of his eye, Lu Jun looked at Jiang Shen with disdain and shame in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Then I will have the cheek to eat for nothing that night."

Jiang Shen left behind his mobile phone, Wei Ning laughed happily, and after talking to him a few more words, he said goodbye to Jiang Shen.

After Jiang Shen left, Lu Jun said unhappily: "Student reunion, what are you talking to him about?"

"Is he also our classmate?" Wei Ning was puzzled.

"Yang Ming and the others have never played with him, who has a common language with him? Besides, look at him now---" Do you deserve to play with us?

"You look at people with colored glasses. Jiang Gentleman is still very honest. They are all classmates. If you can help, I think he is working here. Why don't you ask Tianhua to introduce him to a good job and work at Tianhua's place?" , it’s better than doing it in a hotel.”

"---You are the only one who is busy." Lu Junjue's Jiang Shen is not worthy to be with them.

"Waiter, open a room." He said angrily.

"No, I'm not in the mood." Wei Ning was also annoyed.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, it's okay to listen to you." Lu Jun lied and coaxed Wei Ning to continue to open the room.

Half an hour later, Jiang Shen appeared under the headquarters of Yi Company.

I found a random coffee shop to sit for a while, before eleven o'clock at noon, Yang Xiaoyi ran down excitedly.

Goodbye Yang Xiaoyi, I found that it was different from before.

Yang Xiaoyi used to wear glasses, and her clothes were a bit rustic. Now she is promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, and her glasses have been replaced with contact lenses. She looks much prettier with fashionable clothes.

If it wasn't for an appointment in advance, Jiang Shen would hardly know Yang Xiaoyi if he ran into Yang Xiaoyi on the street.

"Have you had plastic surgery? How did you become more beautiful?" Jiang Shen was amazed.

"Hee hee, I'm already pretty, but I put on makeup today." Yang Xiaoyi blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

It turned out that she put on light makeup today, and with her clothes, her score increased naturally.

"That's right, I look like a deputy editor-in-chief now, Editor-in-Chief Yang, do yourself a favor and have lunch with me."

"Well, I'm fully booked today?" Yang Xiaoyi was very mischievous, and then laughed: "But because you are so handsome, I reluctantly agree."

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they didn't feel that they were related, but they felt more familiar.

At noon, the two ate and chatted together.

Jiang Shen asked about Yang Xiaoyi's situation.

Yang Xiaoyi is in Yi Company, responsible for sports real estate news.

Is the deputy editor.

Compared with before, the position has jumped several levels, and the salary has also increased several times, but life in the imperial capital is not easy.

She is still renting.

The rented house is close to the company and the location is good, and it costs more than 3000 yuan a month.

I bought a car with a loan for transportation, and I have to pay more than 4000 a month.

Including food expenses, at least [-] a month.

Fortunately, she doesn't wear much makeup, otherwise it would be a big expense.

But she had a very happy life. Zhao San greeted her, and the boss of the company took good care of her. It seemed that she was going to be promoted again recently.

But Yang Xiaoyi felt young, and it was not good to mention it too fast, so she refused.

This is a good girl, a good girl who understands contentment and happiness.

Looking at Yang Xiaoyi's eyes, Jiang Shen knew that Yang Xiaoyi probably really liked him, and he couldn't harm such a good girl anymore.

However, Zhao San, the bastard, also reminded that many people in Yi Company are ignorant of Yang Xiaoyi.

Men are like this. When they meet a beautiful girl, even if they don't like it very much, they don't want to be taken over by others.

Jiang Shen was struggling.

The two ate from eleven o'clock at noon until one o'clock.

Yang Xiaoyi also drank some wine. Obviously, as long as Jiang Shen said something, Yang Xiaoyi didn't mind going to have a room with Jiang Shen.

Just after one o'clock, someone called.

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