Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 678 Classmates Reunion

It was Wei Ning who called.

"At 05:30 in the evening, we will have dinner at room 9019 on the ninth floor of the 'Wangfu Hotel', so be there on time."

"Okay." Jiang Shen nodded with a smile.

"Whether you have a girlfriend or not, if you have a girlfriend, bring it with you. Everyone brings friends today." Wei Ning giggled.

"Uh--" Jiang Shen looked up at Yang Xiaoyi, but didn't say anything.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaoyi looked at Jiang Shen with a full face of love: "Do you have an appointment tonight?"

"Well, a class reunion." Jiang Shen shrugged: "I didn't want to go, but I haven't seen them for many years, and I can't remember the names, but it's not good not to go."

"That's right, you're doing so well now, people will say you're putting on airs." Yang Xiaoyi knew from Zhao San that Jiang Shen was now the county magistrate, a department-level official.

This is the youngest person Yang Xiaoyi has ever seen and heard.

"---" Jiang Shen smiled wryly, they didn't know that I was a good guy, they only knew that I was the poor boy in the previous class.

Jiang Shen talked to her about the school and the matter.

"Then go." Yang Xiaoyi screamed: "The surname Lu obviously underestimated you, go and slap them in the face." She seemed more excited than Jiang Shen, and supported Jiang Shen to slap him in the face at night.

"Students eating, you think too much, why are you slapping your face." Jiang Shen was speechless.

"Take me?" Yang Xiaoyi was so bold that she offered to go with Jiang Shen.


At five o'clock in the evening, Yang Xiaoyi drove Jiang Shen to the Wangfu Hotel in her white Hyundai Langdong.

Hyundai Langdong is a Korean car. This year's new product, Yang Xiaoyi's is a 1.6 automatic transmission with the highest configuration, and it is about 16 yuan if it is all done.

The down payment is [-], and the remaining payment is two years. This is a civilian car.

At ten past five, Lu Jun called, but his tone was not very good: "Jiang Shen, do you want to go with us? Are you in the hotel?"

"No, I asked a friend to give it to me, and we'll be right there."

"Oh, Tianhua and the others are already waiting at the gate." Lu Jun said a few words before hanging up.

There was a bit of a traffic jam in the capital, and at about 20:[-], Yang Xiaoyi finally arrived with Jiang Shen.

From a long distance, Jiang Shen saw several classmates standing in the parking lot at the entrance of Wangfu Hotel.

Wei Tianhuafu's second generation, Yang Ming's deputy monitor, English class representative An Qi, sports committee member Gao Zhipeng, study committee member Song Chunran, and chemistry class representative Fang Youhui.

Most of them are the top students in their high school classes.

When Jiang Shen and the two arrived, they were driving towards one of the parking spaces.

Yang Xiaoyi drove slowly, and suddenly a BMW rushed over behind him, and with a squeak, it squeezed in ahead of Langdong.

The BMW stopped and two men and women walked out.

There was a man Jiang Shen didn't know, the woman was Luo Manli, his high school math class representative, and the man should be her college boyfriend, but he actually drove a BMW x3.

"I'm sorry." The man waved at Yang Xiaoyi, his satisfaction was just a joke.

"You stop over there, I'll get off first." Jiang Shen got out of the car.

"Jiang Shen?"

"Jiang Shen, long time no see."

When the students saw Jiang Shen, some greeted him, some chatted with people around him, and some nodded to him. Most of them were very indifferent.

There are also circles among classmates. Jiang Shen was not in the same circle as them in high school.

Although I saw them in the capital many years later, I couldn't arouse their enthusiasm.

"I heard that you are working part-time in the capital, Jiang Shen. Although your grades were not good before, you can pass the college entrance examination without any problem."

"I don't want to go, so I came out to work." Jiang Shen smiled.

"The Langdong is your car?" Someone asked in surprise, with doubts all over his face. Now that he is working in the capital, he can buy Langdong?

"Our friend's, she works in Yi Company, I asked her to send me."

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, Yang Xiaoyi came over.

Yang Xiaoyi graduated from university to work, and then met Jiang Shen. He is about 24 or [-] years old now, and he is much more mature than Jiang Shen and his classmates.

Coupled with the one-piece floral skirt she wore today, with black silk thighs, she has the glamorous temperament of a white-collar beauty.

As soon as Yang Xiaoyi came out, he amazed the audience.

Among Jiang Shen's female classmates, only Wei Ning and Luo Manli were pretty, but compared to Yang Xiaoyi, they were much worse.

Swipe, all the male students looked at Yang Xiaoyi in unison.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yang Xiaoyi, Jiang Shen's friend." As soon as Yang Xiaoyi came out, he won many points for Jiang Shen.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shen differently.

Let's pretend now, won't you spend money to hire an extra?

Could it be that a little rich woman took over Jiang Shen?But she's cheerful and active, doesn't she look like a rich woman?

Is it a bit like Jiang Shen's girlfriend?Definitely know each other.

All kinds of thoughts are in the meantime.

Deputy class monitor Yang Ming asked calmly: "Sister Yi seems to be older than us by how much age? Where did you go?"

"Company Yi, please take care of me." Yang Xiaoyi took out his business card from his bag and handed it out.

Deputy editor-in-chief of the sports real estate department of Easy Company.

This title doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's just a deputy editor-in-chief.

However, Yi is also considered one of the top Internet companies in China, so it should not be underestimated. As for whether the business card is genuine or not, it has little to do with them.

Everyone stood at the door and exchanged a few words, and most of them ignored Jiang Shen. Obviously, Yang Xiaoyi was more likely to attract the attention of men, but at this time, everyone had girlfriends, so they couldn't be too explicit.

When Lu Jun and Wei Ning arrived, everyone went to the box together.

The private room is very large, it is a big round table that can seat more than 20 people, and everyone brings boyfriends and girlfriends.

Among them, there are two pairs of classmates, Lu Jun and Wei Ning, and Gao Zhipeng and Zhu Fang. Both Gao Zhipeng and Zhu Fang were admitted to the Beijing Institute of Physical Education and became lovers.

More than 20 people sat at a full table.

To be honest, everyone despised Jiang Shen for bringing Yang Xiaoyi there.

Yang Xiaoyi saw that he was a 24-five person, and he was still at work.

Jiang Shen's classmate starts school in September and is only in the third year of university.

You are a man, and you bring a woman who is older than you, and how many years older, to the class reunion?

What do you think everyone will think.

Some people thought that Jiang Shen couldn't find anyone, so he hired a woman to make up the number. If Yang Xiaoyi had not a bit of a white-collar temperament, they would have thought it was the lady he had hired.

Another group of people should be Jiang Shen invited relatives to make up the number.

No one regarded Yang Xiaoyi as Jiang Shen's girlfriend.

As soon as the banquet started, the classmates began to pay respects to each other, Jiang Shen was naturally ignored first, some people would make a point of flirting with Jiang Shen after the round of toasting, and some students simply ignored Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen didn't mind either, and sat silently with Yang Xiaoyi to eat their dishes.

After about seven or eight rounds, the meal was almost finished, Wei Tianhua looked at Yang Xiaoyi first, and then walked up to Jiang Shen with a wine glass.

"Jiang Shen, I heard that you are working in a hotel. Are you interested in working in our company? If you are a classmate, you can help me. The salary must be much higher than that in the hotel." Wei Tianhua and Jiang Shen talked, eyes kept looking To Yang Xiaoyi.

His attitude is like a high-ranking boss rich man giving alms to poor beggars and vagabonds.

Wei Ning was a little unhappy when he heard that.

It was she who told Wei Tianhua to ask him to invite Jiang Shen, but you wouldn't whisper it after dinner, such a big crowd, a man's self-esteem would be hit, and if you want to go, you're too embarrassed to go.

"Tianhua, you've had too much wine." Wei Ning stood up and winked at Wei Tianhua.

"I don't have much wine, I only have three taels of white wine, and I can still drink three taels."

"Ask me?" Jiang Shen stood up with a smile, and touched him with a wine glass: "Thank you old classmate for your kindness, I'm doing pretty well now."

"Don't be strong, how much can you earn by working in a hotel? Come to my company and I will give you double salary. Our company has a dormitory. You save money and rent a house in the imperial capital. Do you know how much it is suitable? How much is it to work in the imperial capital? Renting a house would not be enough for a person like this." Wei Tianhua's words, Yang Xiaoyi deeply agreed.

However, she was secretly funny on the sidelines, Jiang Shen, is it you who invited me?

"Who said I worked in a hotel." Jiang Shen shook his head: "No, I'm fine now, thank you for your kindness."

Pretend, you continue to pretend, Lu Jun sneered, we ran into each other in the hotel, asked you at the time, but you didn't say anything, now you are pretending.

"Forget it, Tianhua, Jiang Shen is a man, if you can do it yourself, don't worry about it." Lu Jun challenged.

"Nan, I gave Wei Ning face, I gave you the opportunity, so forget it." Wei Tianhua raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, shrugged and returned to his seat.

"Jiang Shen, you're not in the hotel, where are you doing now?" Sports Commissioner Gao Zhipeng asked with a smile.

"Lishan County in Dongning Province." Jiang Shen said: "This time I came to the capital for business."

"Dongning? Yes, I remember you transferred to Dongning in the second year of high school. Lishan seems to be very poor."

"It's very poor. There is a Lishan native in our college class. My father is still some kind of bureau chief. He said that Lishan is the poorest county in Dongning."

"Jiang Shen, what are you doing in Lishan? There are mountains all over there, you don't know how to dig mines, do you?"

"Hahaha." Many classmates and their male and female friends laughed.

Jiang Shen smiled lightly and said nothing.

Say I'm the county magistrate?It's strange that some classmates misunderstood him as a psychopath.

If he didn't say anything, in other people's eyes, what Jiang Shen did was too embarrassing to say, and it was inconvenient for everyone to ask further questions.

But Na Lujun deliberately wanted to embarrass Jiang Shen. "Well, what can't be said, we are all old classmates."

"Okay, let's go sing." Wei Ning stood up and made a rescue for Jiang Shen: "I'm so stuffed with food, go roar and digest."

"What's the rush? There are still several dishes that haven't been served." Yang Ming, the deputy monitor, also wanted to know what Jiang Shen did after graduating from high school.

"Tell them not to eat, they can't finish it." Wei Ning raised his head and called out: "Waiter, waiter."

Soon a waiter walked in.

"There are still unserved dishes, we don't want them."

"Then wait a minute, I'll ask. If it's the pot, you can't refund it." The waiter hurried over with a good attitude, and walked in about 5 minutes later.

He smiled and said, "I asked, someone just settled the bill for you, and added three dishes for you."

"---" The audience was puzzled.

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