The Museum of Historical Objects belongs to the Ministry of Culture and is a vice-ministerial institution.

Huang Zhenguo's unit is small, but he is already the vice minister of the Ministry of Culture and a senior official at the vice ministerial level.

Huang Zhenguo is only 38 years old, and it is rare in the country to reach the deputy provincial and ministerial level, except for the secretaries of the League Central Committee, there are not many of them.

Moreover, his position is unpopular and unobtrusive. In a few years, when he is promoted to the Ministry, he can go down to be the governor.

"What can I do for Director Huang?" Jiang Shen mentioned his new position with a smile.

The other party asked Chief Lao Yan to call him, and offered to show his kindness. He must have something to ask for. If he can help, of course he can.

"Do you know the bronze animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs?" Huang Zhenguo asked Jiang Shen.

"Bronze animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs in the Ming Garden?" Jiang Shen nodded: "Of course I know, it is an unparalleled national treasure art."

These are the twelve bronze statues of animal heads that were snatched by the British and French allied forces in the Mingyuan of the Forbidden City. Seven of them, including rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, monkey, pig, and horse, are now collected in a domestic museum.

The dragon head is in the Taiwan Strait. It is said that it is well preserved and will not come out in the short term.

The whereabouts of four pieces including snake heads, sheep heads, chicken heads, and dog heads have been unknown until now.

This time when Huang Zhenguo went to country m, he got news that four treasures appeared in country m.

This is the first major event he has encountered since he took office. If the four treasures can be brought back to the country, it will add a lot to the history of the country, especially the history of museum collections.

So he asked Ma Tianming to accompany him, and rushed to country m overnight. Through various channels, he finally met the collector of the four treasures.

The collector's name is Kosh Yaros.

He is the head of the Yaros family, one of the four major families in country m, and one of the top ten richest people in country m.

The Yaros family is one of the 56 founding fathers of the country M. There have been three presidents and four vice presidents in the history of the family. It is one of the most powerful political families in the country M.

In the [-]th century, the Yaros family shifted their focus from politics to the business world, and began to make money in a low-key manner. At present, the Yaros consortium is one of the ten largest consortiums in country m, controlling half of the military industry in country m.

According to Kosh Yaros, his father bought these four animal heads from a Frenchman more than 50 years ago and kept them at home.

Kosh Yaros directly rejected Huang Zhenguo's buyback proposal.

Because it was the only thing his father bought with his own hands during his lifetime, and it was commemorative, so he didn't want to sell it.

"How much do you plan to pay to buy it back?" Jiang Shen didn't just want to ask when he heard this.

"2000 million euros each." Huang Zhenguo said calmly.

"Craft" Jiang Shen gasped, how many broken bronze statues are worth so much?

"In 2009, the mouse head was sold for 400 million Euros at a special auction held by Christie's in France." Ma Tianming smiled helplessly: "Now 2000 million ones are not too much."

"Who will pay for this money? The country?" Jiang Shen thought about it, the museum would definitely not pay for this money.

"We found a patriot." Huang Zhenguo spoke out.

Cut, Jiang Shen disdains, who is so stupid to pay so much money for you, Jiang Shen naturally understands what he said.

With the power of the Huang family, and even the influence of Ma Tianming's father, it is not difficult to find someone who is willing to pay.

If you pay so much money for the country, the country will treat you badly?

This kind of thing, as long as there is the ability, there must be someone rushing to do it.

"Kosh Yaros is worth tens of billions, so of course the tens of millions of euros won't matter." Jiang Shen said: "If you buy it with money, there is definitely no hope."

"This guy is a bit hostile to us. He has been refusing to meet us. After knowing that my father is the head of Lao Yan, he sent a housekeeper to talk to us."

"Of course the arms seller in his family hopes that there will be wars every day. It's strange if he doesn't hate you." Jiang Shen said again.

"That's why Tianming and I have thought about it. If you want to crush the people of Country M, only you, Jiang Shen, can do it." Huang Zhenguo said something.

Some of the important things that Jiang Shen has done, no matter whether he is from Dongning or Lishan, are not clear to the heads of the country.

Country m, Japan, and flb have sent urgent calls to the country many times. You must take good care of Jiang Shen, who has done so many things in our country.

Therefore, the person who knows Jiang Shen best is not the people around him, but the top management in the country.

"This matter?" Jiang Shen looked embarrassed.

Nimei, you usually pretend to be deaf and dumb, but now you need me, so you finally begged me again. Last time I helped you get the oil, I didn't get any benefits, so I was sent to a poor place like Lishan .

Jiang Shen thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "You, Huang Zhenguo, are looking for me, or the country is looking for me."

Jiang Shen wants to ask clearly, last time I dealt with oil, the country did not respond at all.

"It's my Huang family looking for you." Huang Zhenguo said this very seriously.

This makes it clear that the country is not looking for your help. The country doesn't care about such a small matter; but it's not me, Huang Zhenguo, looking for you. He refused to do something for my Huang family.

Huang Zhenguo looking for him, and the Huang family looking for him are two completely different concepts.

"You help me get the four beast statues, our Huang family, help you get Minister Pan."

In the end, Huang Zhenguo made it clear that Chief Lao Yan would make an exception and help Jiang Shen get rid of Minister Pan.

Lao Yan is not in charge of the Ministry of Transport. He wants to give his strength to Minister Pan to prove that Lao Yan is very dedicated to this matter.

This is the exchange of interests, you help me, I help you, the most common thing in officialdom.

"Tomorrow I will go to see Minister Pan." Jiang Shen said with a smile.

I understand, Huang Zhenguo stood up, took out his phone, and walked to the bathroom next door.

At the scene, Ma Tianming shook his head: "The chief really wants to train Guoge, and hopes that Guoge can do something big in the museum. If this is done, Guoge's future is bright."

Of course I know, Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, if it wasn't for his son, Lao Yan would try his best to help me?

It is really difficult to say this.

Some of the first few animal heads were bought by rich folks and donated to the country, and some were donated to the country by French bosses. As for how much they benefited, Jiang Shen didn't know.

But from Kosh Yaros, ordinary people really can't get it.

Domestic bosses want to buy it, but they don't even have the chance to meet Kosh Yaros.

Besides, domestic bosses, who has more money than Kosh Yaros?

Kosh Yaros is a descendant of a big family for more than 200 years. He is a real elite of the upper class in country M. The domestic bosses are local tyrants for decades. To put it bluntly, he is not even qualified to meet Kosh Yaros.

And Kosh Yaros's family is in the arms business. They hope that the world will be as chaotic as possible, and they will not donate to the country.

Huang Zhenguo also has the father of the head of the old Yan, so he can meet with the housekeeper of Kosh Yaros, otherwise, there may not even be a chance for the two sides to talk.

So after Huang Zhenguo thought about it, Jiang Shen was the only person in the country who could do this.

In fact, when he first met Jiang Shen, Huang Zhenguo didn't want to have a deep friendship with Jiang Shen, because he felt that Jiang Shen was too arrogant.

Later, Chief Lao Yan taught him that emperors throughout the ages and famous officials under them must be loyal and traitorous, and there must be good and bad. One day, people like Jiang Shen will be useful.

Why can't corrupt officials and villains be banned in that country and dynasty?The emperor is not good at doing things, and he needs to find someone to do it.

Jiang Shen is good at doing business, but better at doing dirty work.

So later Huang Zhenguo started to get in touch with Jiang Shen, deliberately making friends.

No, it's finally in use now.

He made this call for a long time, and after about 10 minutes, he came out of the bathroom.

"It's a little late today. My father said that at 08 o'clock tomorrow morning, he called Minister Pan himself. You go to the Ministry of Transport at 30:[-]. My father's secretary is at the door. Director Zhou will wait for you. He will accompany you into the transportation department." department."

When Ma Tianming heard this, his face changed slightly.

Lao Yan put in a lot of effort, made a phone call in person, and sent a personal secretary to accompany Jiang Shen. This was because he was afraid that Minister Pan would violate the law and lose face, so he made a double guarantee.

"However, there are two things you should pay attention to. First, you should not have any contact with Director Zhou. Second, when you go to work in country m, you must resolve it amicably."

Jiang Shen's eyelids twitched, Nimei, the chiefs are troublesome in doing things.

Chief Lao Yan wants to help his son with work and avoid suspicion. The last sentence is because he is afraid that Jiang Shen will mess up and cause something to happen in country m.

"Don't worry, I understand." Jiang Shen felt a little proud at this moment, buddy completed the project by himself, and did not find the Jin family.

Hmph, boss of the Jin family, don't ask me for anything in the future, seeing how discerning Lao Yan is, he knows that I, Jiang Shen, am a practical person.

The conversation between the two parties was quite happy that night, and everyone drank some wine.

Jiang Shen was in a good mood, so he naturally spent more time with them. After supper, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Yang Xiaoyi had already fallen asleep at home, and Jiang Shen was too embarrassed to disturb her, so he just rested directly in this clubhouse.

As far as Huang Zhenguo is concerned, he can be considered a deputy ministerial official, and he hinted that there are special services in Jiang Shen's clubhouse, including female college students, even the first-timers, which can be regarded as trying his best to please Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen naturally sternly refused, my buddy is an innocent person.

I was despised by Ma Tianming at night, and if I didn't say it all night, it would be early the next morning.

Jiang Shen was called up by the beauties in the clubhouse during the practice, and after washing up, he rushed to the Ministry of Transportation.

Wang Jianzhu originally wanted to take Jiang Shen there, but Jiang Shen is now being taken, so he asked Wang Jianzhu to say hello, and Wang Jian said hello, plus the old chief Yan called again, double greeting, naturally it would be easier to handle things.

It was already seven fifty when he arrived at the Ministry of Transport.

After waiting outside for more than ten minutes, Huang Zhenguo called.

"My father called, and Pan Zuzhi agreed, but it may be a little unreliable. Director Zhou entered the department at 08:30, and you walked behind him. I showed you his photo yesterday. If you have him again Add some pressure, and Pan Zuzhi has to agree if he doesn't agree."

"Thank you, Director Huang, hehe." Jiang Shen smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing this, someone wants to say, the chief has called, and the people below dare to obey?

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