Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 683 Meeting Minister Pan

Not to mention that Chief Lao Yan doesn't care about traffic, even if he does, there are several ways to call him.

For example, I don't know if anyone has approached the leaders to approve notes and say hello.

In the real society, there are many hints when leaders approve notes.

There is a real joke. Someone asked the leader to say hello to the director of a certain bureau. The leader called in front of him. He still felt uneasy, because he knew that the leaders had a lot to say in the phone call, so he asked the leader to write a letter. Note, the leader wrote a note with a pencil.

This person said, "Leader, please use a pen to write for me. If the pencil is written, will it be erased?"

The leader smiled and said, "What do you know? The rules here, the note written with a pen means 'it's up to you', and the note written with a pencil means 'it must be done'. Are you sure you want me to write it with a pen?"

This person suddenly realized, sister, so much attention is paid to the officialdom?

In some places, not to mention making phone calls, even if the leader signed the two words "agree", there is a saying.

If you sign horizontally, it may mean 'do it as you see it' or 'don't do it'; if you sign vertically, it may mean 'it must be done'.

This is even more so in terms of finance, and Jiang Shen himself has a deep understanding of it. The county magistrate signed the 'agree' two times, and the financial bureau chief also has to see how to sign.

If it's up to you, then there's no rush, you can just drag it on for a few months, maybe you don't have to.

And for a person at the level of Chief Lao Yan, it is impossible to say on the phone that you must do something, you can only say hello, and then it depends on Minister Pan's comprehension and sincerity, he must feel it, you, Chief Yan It's not directly in charge of me, and I didn't make it clear. I can delay it slowly. It is normal for such a big project to be delayed for a year and a half.

Now that Lao Yan called first, and then sent Director Bishu Zhou to go there in person, the meaning was obvious.

It must be done, and it must be done quickly, the sooner the better.

Thinking about these rules, Jiang Shen suddenly felt that the leader has learned a lot. My buddy is still a newcomer in the officialdom, and there is really a lot to learn.

Speaking of which, after I return to Lishan, how do I arrange my buddy's signature?Use pencils and pens to distinguish, or use horizontal sticks to distinguish?

Jiang Shen was thinking about how to communicate with Wei Dongqing from the Finance Bureau after he went back.

At first he thought, buddies and Wei Dongqing can say whatever they want, do they still need to sign to imply?

Thinking about it later, the way of officialdom is really useful.

It is impossible to call Wei Dongqing every time there is an invoice, you must do it, you must not do anything.

The way of signing can express one's attitude very well. Some invoices are from the grassroots or subordinates, or they are not in a hurry; some invoices are from leaders and superiors, or are urgently needed; Such an unspoken rule, if you have to call and talk to Wei Dongqing every time, then he, the county magistrate, will not be too busy to die.

How many documents does he have to sign a day?How is it possible to call each document.

So, although this unspoken rule is very annoying, it actually has its uses.

Jiang Shen was dreaming, when a black red flag quietly parked at the gate of the Ministry of Transport.

The car didn't drive into the department, and after stopping outside, a middle-aged man in a white shirt got off.

The middle-aged man didn't look around after getting off the car, and walked directly into the ministry.

"Director Zhou." Jiang Shen hurriedly followed.

The two stood in front of each other, about five or six meters apart, and they seemed to be completely unknown to each other.

Eight minutes later, Director Zhou walked to another room outside Minister Pan's office.

There were already more than a dozen sitting there in this room, and one of them stood up immediately when he saw Director Zhou.

"Director Zhou." This person should be Minister Pan's secretary, and he obviously recognized him. When he saw the chief's secretary coming, he stood up.

"I have an appointment with Minister Pan." Director Zhou had no expression on his face.

A secretary at the level of the head of Lao Yan is very dignified regardless of his temperament and demeanor, and ordinary grassroots officials are a little scared when they see it.

"Please." Secretary Pan hurriedly invited him in.

From the beginning to the end, Department Zhou didn't look back at Jiang Shen behind him.

After Jiang Shen waited for him to enter, he stepped forward and looked at the dozen or so people in the room. They should all come to run projects in the ministry. It is likely that there are many provincial directors in there, and none of Jiang Shen knows him.

At this moment, Secretary Pan sat back and didn't have time to talk to Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen had no choice but to go up by himself: "Hello, leader, I am Xiao Jiang from Lishan, and I have an appointment with Minister Pan."

"From Lishan?" Secretary Pan raised his head to look at Jiang Shen, and then picked up a blank piece of paper in front of him to look at it.

"Well, after Director Duan, I will call you later."

"Thank you, leader." Jiang Shen happily sat aside.

At this time, several people looked up at Jiang Shen.

Ni?Which province is Lishan in?

Everyone here is the director of the provincial department, or the mayor of various cities, and now Lishan Xiaojiang is behind the Duan hall?

Our country has Lishan Province?Or Lishan City?

Several directors and mayors probably knew each other and exchanged a few words in low voices, but none of them had heard of Lishan.

Little Jiang Shen didn't move. After sitting for about 3 minutes, Director Zhou came out.

When Director Zhou came out, he was accompanied by someone who kept chatting with Director Zhou.

This person should have gone in before Director Zhou. When Director Zhou came, he arranged to go in without waiting. It can be seen that the secretaries of the chiefs are still a bit lethal.

"Director Zhou, Minister Sha." The secretary got up quickly when he saw the two coming out.

It turned out that the man was Deputy Minister Sha Xingshu, and Jiang Shen knew him now.

At this moment, Director Zhou glanced at the dozen or so people in the hall, finally fixed his gaze on Jiang Shen's face, paused slightly, then turned his face away, shook hands with Sha Xingshu, turned around and said walk away.

"Director Duan." After Minister Sha left, the secretary reported a person's name.

Duan, after Director Duan, it will be me.

For a moment, Jiang Shen felt a little arrogant.

Sure enough, the eyes from all around looked over again.

Who are you? We came to line up at 07:30, and you jumped in line as soon as you came.

In order to run the project, when Minister Pan was not at work, someone came to line up.

Jiang Shen was so good, he got in front as soon as he came.

If sight could kill, Jiang Shen would have died hundreds of times by now.

Leaders have to deal with a lot of things every day, and it usually takes a few minutes to meet one person.

Sure enough, Duan Hall came out about 3 minutes after entering, but the expression on his face seemed a little unhappy.

It was probably a failure, Jiang Shen sighed, it doesn't matter to run the project now, there are [-] or [-] chances that you can't run, even if you do, it will take two or three years.

"Little Jiang." The secretary called again.

Jiang Shen got up quickly, and walked into Minister Pan's door amidst countless envious and jealous eyes behind him.

Minister Pan is over 50 years old, with a ruddy face and a high spirit. It can be seen that this person is in good health, and the officialdom is also very satisfactory. When he saw Jiang Shen, he was a little surprised like the people who saw Jiang Shen before. young.

But a leader of his level, of course, is not happy.

"Sit down, you only have 3 minutes." Minister Pan's first sentence was very concise.

"I am Jiang Shen, the acting magistrate of Lishan County, and Minister Pan. I want to do something for the local people. The project is huge, and our county is the poorest county in Dongning. Minister Pan also knows that if you want to Fu, build roads first, without a good road entering our Lishan County, our Lishan County will not be able to develop---"

Before Jiang Shen came, he was naturally prepared, and quickly said what he had to settle, which took about a minute.

Minister Pan had been listening quietly, and after listening, he began to explain.

"If it's just this reason, it's definitely not enough." Minister Pan's first words made Jiang Shen feel cold.

"That's right. This year, the central government allocated 200 billion yuan to build roads and improve transportation at the grassroots level. But do you know how many counties and cities there are in the country?"

"How many impoverished counties are there?"

"It's already the end of July, and soon the beginning of August. The 600 billion yuan in the first half of the year has been spent, and a little half of the 600 billion yuan in the second half of the year has been spent. If you look outside, there are still more than a dozen provinces waiting outside. To apply for one billion."

"Counties with remote mountainous areas are ten times poorer than Lishan."

"If it's just for this reason, I won't be able to pass the level of the chief." The chief minister Pan said was naturally the boss of the Jin family who was in charge.

Jiang Shen was anxious when he heard that, what do you mean?It was useless for Chief Lao Yan to say hello.

Then look into Minister Pan's eyes, it seems a little weird.

Dude, the old guy asked me to find a good reason, you said you would die, the leader is so subtle.

Jiang Shen's head circled quickly.

Huh, that's right.

Jiang Shen suddenly thought of the news he saw not long ago.

The name of the news is the health preserver in the 'Hundred Demon Cave'.

It is said that it is located in the countryside of Bama County, Xiguang Province, China. There is a cave called "Hundred Demon Cave". '

It is said that the local air has a high content of negative oxygen ions, and the water is rich in minerals. The average life expectancy of the local area is much higher than that of countries like M and Japan, which rank among the top in the world.

So all over the country, many patients with cancer and chronic diseases rush to the Baimo Cave to inhale oxygen. They believe that through the Baimo Cave, they can improve their health and prolong their lifespan.

Now, Baimo Cave is becoming more and more popular and famous, and it will soon become a popular tourist destination.

"Actually, that's the case, Minister Pan."

"After I arrived in Lishan County, I found that there were many mountainous areas and countless caves, which were suitable for tourism development. I took the cadres of the county to investigate and found that there seemed to be a special magnetic field in a cave, which was harmful to the human body. Many benefits, the life expectancy of the nearby villagers is generally extremely high, many local patients, after going to the cave to recuperate, their health has improved and their life span has been extended---"

Jiang Shen talked for two minutes in one breath this time, and also thought of another development of Lishan County in the future.

That's right, the Hundred Devils Cave became famous before, but it has not taken the opportunity to develop, and its authenticity is unknown, but the Lishan Mountain he mentioned can be developed first, and it is genuine.

He has already decided that after going back, he will find a place, and then use the immortal energy of the fairy crystals to set up the 'Qi Yang Cultivation Formation'.

This set of formations was originally used by Taoist disciples to practice longevity. He made Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin's jade talismans with this formation to improve their physique.

In the past, he didn't have enough immortal energy and no immortal crystals. Now that his immortal energy has increased greatly, and there are still a lot of immortal crystals, he can lay down a huge formation and form a natural health treasure.

At that time, as long as the fame spreads and everyone finds out that it works, Lishan County's tourism will fly thousands of miles, and its reputation will spread both at home and abroad.

Of course, under the current conditions, this formation cannot be effective forever.

Jiang Shen only needs to persist for a few years so that Lishan can develop.

When he finished speaking in three minutes, Pan Zuzhi was dumbfounded.

Your sister, can you be more outrageous?

If it hadn't been for Chief Lao Yan who called and sent his personal secretary, Director Zhou, Pan Zuzhi would have chased him away.

The more you say it, the more it becomes a myth. Cancer can prolong life, and even be cured. How can you grassroots use any means to talk nonsense for the sake of the project?

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