Jiang Shen obviously felt Pan Zuchang's disbelief, and quickly said: "The cave is near Lishan Mountain, and it can only be fully developed after the mountain is blown up and the road is repaired. Minister Pan, you may think that I am talking nonsense for the project, but, I It can be guaranteed with an official hat, I am really for the local people, and this matter is absolutely true, Minister Pan can't do it, you can send someone to investigate on the spot."

After a pause, Jiang Shen gritted his teeth and said, "Jin Zhonglin, the former Minister of Organization of our province, Minister Jin recovered from his serious illness after going to Lishan for recuperation. When he left, he said that the road here is too difficult to walk. It cannot be developed without blowing up mountains and building roads.”

"---" When Pan Zuzhi heard this, he was a little dubious.

His leader in charge is the boss of the Jin family, so he naturally knows about Jin Zhonglin, the son of the Jin family.

This person was seriously ill before, and the central government was planning to let him retreat to the second line. Unexpectedly, he suddenly recovered from his illness in Dongning Province, and then went down to be reused.

Is this true?

If it is true, then we must work hard.

There are also times when I am old and sick. After the project is completed, I can go to recuperate when I retire.

He hesitated here, and 3 minutes passed.

Jiang Shen saw that there was something going on.

He was also in a hurry, so he said Jin Zhonglin. He knew that the boss of the Jin family didn't like his style of work, so he didn't want to ask the boss of the Jin family, but it didn't matter if he told Jin Zhonglin. It's even better for my younger brother, I'll tell Jin Zhonglin in advance, and it will be implemented.

"Our county has a preliminary plan. It is initially planned to be a tourist scenic spot to welcome guests from all over the world in the future. Another area will be designated as a high-level sanatorium. In the future, the leading cadres and senior officials of various provinces will retire. Come to us for free recuperation--"

Jiang Shen kept two principles in mind, and never forgot the benefits of the leaders in everything he did.

Sure enough, when he said this, Pan Zuzhi's eyes lit up.

Xiao Jiang is still smart, but that's not what he said: "It's not good, it's a waste of national resources, you want to do things for the people, everything is for the local interests, don't engage in these forms of ideas--- On the flattering project."

What you said is too false, of course Jiang Shen knew it, and said with a smile: "If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, after the leaders retire, they are all shameful treasures of our country. Xiao Jiang will also have an old day, so you can't just think about the present. I don't want the future."

"Tsk..." Minister Pan laughed at what Jiang Shen said.

But this smile was short-lived, and immediately his face sank again: "There is no evidence, I will give you a week to make a project proposal, how much money you need, how much you will raise yourself, how much you want in the ministry, and then hand it over to Minister Sha. I can guarantee that it will be sent to the chief, whether it will pass or not, I cannot guarantee."

Minister Pan's words are also very knowledgeable. The project proposals sent below must reach a certain scale before they will be sent to the boss of the Jin family. If they are less than [-] million, it is estimated that Minister Pan can decide by himself, and many project proposals, he Promise to the following, but may not be able to deliver to the top.

At that time, I will find an excuse, saying that the head has not passed, and the following can't do anything about it.

Now he has promised, that is to say, it will definitely be sent up, and the scale can be larger.

However, Jiang Shen didn't know how big it could be, so he asked cautiously: "Mr. Pan, how much is suitable for me?"

But Minister Pan's face darkened: "It's time, you go out."

I am a dignified minister, and I still want to teach you by hand?

He was able to say this because he was already doing Jiang Shen a lot of face, and it was also for the face of Chief Lao Yan.

"Oh." Jiang Shen walked out dejectedly.

Looking at the watch, 8 minutes, awesome.

Dude sat for 8 minutes.

Sure enough, when he came out, not only the people outside were staring at him, but even the secretary was also looking at him.

Sitting in the minister's office for so long?

Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, lowered his head, and looked depressed.

"Hahaha." Everyone was overjoyed after seeing Jiang Shen's expression, this coward must not have gotten the project.

After some pretense, he walked to the door and suddenly turned back.

"Secretary Yu, thank you very much." He stretched out his hand to shake the secretary's hand, and now he knew the person's surname was Yu.

Hades is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are difficult to deal with. This is what the people in the lower office know best.

Jiang Shen was halfway there, came back to his senses, and hurried over to say hello to Secretary Yu.

"--" Secretary Yu was stunned for a moment, and had no choice but to stand up and shake hands with Jiang Shen.

"You're welcome, you go slowly---" Uh, the secretary noticed something was wrong.

This guy actually stuffed a card in the secretary's hand in front of so many people.

I love you, Secretary Yu was shocked and angry.

But Jiang Shen didn't care, he clenched the secretary's hand into a fist, let go, stepped back, turned around and left.

Secretary Yu raised his head and wanted to call out, but he didn't dare.

Looking around again, none of those people looked this way, they either lowered their heads and closed their eyes, or they were whispering.

so close.Secretary Yu's face was flushed, but thinking about it, Jiang Shen just stood in front of him, and others couldn't see it even if they wanted to.

However, I really don't like this card.

How many people does Secretary Yu have to meet throughout the year, and how many people can be sent to the next one.

A card that can send 1 yuan is a super big trick.

Generally, there are [-] cards.

He really doesn't care about it, not to mention how honest and upright he is, there is really no need to take risks for the two thousand cards.

But after he looked down, he said, it's not a shopping card, but a bank card, the password is written on it.

When did grassroots gift-giving directly send cards?

Secretary Yu really wanted to hand it in, and if Jiang Shen hadn't been greeted by anyone, he would definitely hand it in.

However, Wang Jianzhu asked someone to say hello, and Jiang Shen was ranked second again today. After much deliberation, he still didn't hand it in.

After get off work, I went to the ATM of the bank and entered the secret code written on the card to check it.

"Hiss" 100 million.

Secretary Yu's face turned green with fright.

100 million, if you say more, not too much, if you say less, it is not too much.

He hurriedly called the person who greeted him, and wanted to give it back to Jiang Shen.

The person who said hello laughed after hearing this: "Take it away, Wang Jianzhu said, officials all over the country, anyone you take in may commit crimes, only Jiang Shen is taken in, and I guarantee that you will not be found."

"---No way."

"What's the relationship between us? I'll kill you? If you don't believe me, give me 100 million, I want it." The other side shouted.

"Fuck you." Secretary Yu felt relieved now.

But he couldn't figure out why this Jiang Shen was so generous, and besides, what's the use of giving me so much money?

He is the secretary of the leader. When he actually handles the project, it is the various departments and bureaus below the ministry, so he does not have much benefit from the secretary. On the contrary, the staff handled by the department and bureau are more beneficial than him.

"You don't care what his background is, you just keep it. By the way, you have so much, please have dinner tonight."

"Hey, no problem."

After Jiang Shen met Minister Pan, he went to meet the coquettish Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang was a little bit dissatisfied at the end. He swallowed the little Jiang Shen for a long time yesterday.

Seeing Jiang Shen again at noon, his eyes sparkled.

The two met in a hotel box, and Mr. Zhang didn't bring his little secretary today. When he saw Jiang Shen, he closed the door and took off his clothes, almost pounced on him.

"I said, how hungry are you?" Jiang Shen pushed her to sit down, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about business first."

"You bastard, I haven't touched a man for three years since I earned the first million in my life." Mr. Zhang said shyly.

Co-author: When you had no money, you were very casual. Now that you have money and status, do you look down on other men?Jiang Shen finally understood.

"In the past, I only had one boyfriend, okay?" Boss Zhang was dissatisfied, and desperately leaned on Jiang Shen.

A pair of small hands took the initiative to touch Jiang Shen's crotch.

"I'm telling you something serious." Jiang Shen was anxious.

Mr. Zhang was even more anxious: "You talk about you, I'll listen." After saying that, he bent down and got under the table.

"My mouth has been sore all night, why don't I want to serve you---chi-uh---" After finishing speaking, she swallowed the little Jiang Shen in one mouthful. In the private room of the hotel, she knelt down in front of Jiang Shen, Puchi Puchi began to eat.

"Your sister." Jiang Shen pressed her head with one hand, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"I've met Minister Pan and asked us to make a proposal. You are engaged in engineering. I called you here to let you do it."

"You ask your company's project department to get me a project document within three days. The more detailed the better."

Minister Pan gave him a week, Jiang Shen gave Mr. Zhang three days, and then he asked experts to review it again.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--" Mr. Zhang nodded without saying a word.

"How much is the right price?" Jiang Shen was enjoying himself while thinking, if you ask Mr. Zhang this question, Mr. Zhang must not understand.

Minister Pan must have meant something.

After much deliberation, Jiang Shen called Huang Zhenguo.

Coquettish Mr. Zhang became even more excited when he saw Jiang Shen calling.

The ups and downs of the little head accelerated, and at the same time desperately separated and lifted Jiang Shen's thighs, and then spit out the little Jiang Shen, sticking his tongue to the back of Jiang Shen's thighs.

"Hiss---" Are you doing this?This was Jiang Shen's first time enjoying a woman's tongue attacking there.

When she heard Jiang Shen's call, she raised her head and looked at Jiang Shen coquettishly. If you call, I'll come here with all my might, to see if you can't bear it.

"Hey—Huang Guan, I've met Minister Pan, and asked me to make a project proposal—" Jiang Shen said roughly.

Boss Zhang below was trying his best to push behind him, while constantly moving his hands.

Jiang Shen was so comfortable that he really wanted to cry out, so he had to use his other hand to reach into Mr. Zhang's underwear and pinch her hard to express his appreciation for her.

After listening to Jiang Shen's narration, Huang Zhenguo hesitated and asked, "Please repeat the last few words that Minister Pan told you."

Jiang Shen said it once.

"Well--of course it is the minister who is in charge of the project, but the opinion of the chief is also very important. He said that it will be sent to the chief. Obviously your project will not be small. I don't know about the Ministry of Communications. Generally, in the department at the ministerial level, To send it to the chief for review, at least it is a large project of more than one billion."

"Then he said that there is no guarantee that the head will agree, which means that you can submit a bigger report for this project. The bigger the project, the more carefully the head will consider it. If you report one billion, the head may take a closer look, but Pan Zuzhi, the minister, will help you brag. Hair, the chief will not think too much about embarrassing you."

"So in my opinion, Pan Zuzhi hopes that you will apply for a higher education."

"Then how much should I report?" Jiang Shen asked again.

Huang Zhenguo pondered for a while, and finally said: "30 billion."

"Hiss---" It was Jiang Shen's turn to gasp: "Will it be too much?" Jiang Shen asked cautiously, this was an attitude he had never had before.

"Huh..." Huang Zhenguo sneered, he was still from the grassroots and had never seen a big scene.

"Do you think you can pay as much as you want? If you report [-] million, if the chief agrees, he may cut you [-] million."

"You reported 30 billion to make some preparations. In case the chief cuts you off by 20 billion, there are [-] billion left."

That's right, Jiang Shen thought about it and nodded heavily: "Then I will report 50 billion."

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