Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 787 Win glory for the country

After the condom incident just now, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little ambiguous, and Jiang Shen and Sli Johnson remained silent all the way.

After walking halfway up the mountain, the man opened the yurt, and the things inside had already been put away. Several quilts were wrapped together by plastic sheets, and there were foldable bamboo mats on them. After opening the plastic sheets, the quilts could be spread flat. After a few minutes, a simple bed appeared.

"Here are candles, matches, and lights. The batteries are full." The man explained to Jiang Shen one by one: "This is a disposable toothpaste and toothbrush. There is no hot water. The cold water reaches the foot of the mountain. You saw it when you came here." , the construction team has running water, and it takes a few minutes."

"Lighting lights for construction, if you use candles, be careful, put them in this glass, don't light the yurt, but I have cleared the weeds around, with the isolation belt, even if the yurt burns, the trees on the mountain will also burn Can't get up."

The man and Jiang Shen explained, and finally patted Jiang Shen on the shoulder: "Glory for the country, glory for the country, hahaha." Turned and left.

"It's not as clean as a hotel here." Jiang Shen didn't want Sli Johnson to live here. If she wanted to live here, Jiang Shen would definitely be worried, and if he wanted to accompany her, something would happen.

"But I like nature." Sli Johnson shook her head and smiled: "Don't think that I am very particular because I am a star. I am in country m and I often camp, but I am not on such a high mountain. I am very casual and can live Just fine."

As one of the hottest actresses in M, Sli Johnson doesn't mind the equipment in the yurt at all.

In Jiang Shen's words, maybe yesterday, there was a couple making a fuss in this yurt, but Sli Johnson didn't mind.

Sli Johnson's reason is also very simple, the hotel is also ah, every day there are people making ups and downs in it, how do you know, before you check in, how many couples of men and women have sex in your bed?

Well, I'm defeated by you?

Jiang Shen didn't intend to discuss matters of men and women with Sli Johnson.

But Sli Johnson seemed to want to talk to him.

"Oh, there is only one yurt, where do you live?"

"Aren't you planning to really sleep here?" Jiang Shen said, one head and two older.

"I just want to think about it, hehe." Sli Johnson smiled coquettishly: "Don't worry, my manager won't look for me."

"But I want to go home." Jiang Shen screamed in his heart, but he couldn't order her to go back.

"Okay, then go to bed, I'll help you watch the wind outside." Jiang Shen was extremely depressed.

"---Are you sure?" Sli Johnson raised her head meaningfully.

Her eyes are big and bright, especially in the night, like talking stars, blinking and blinking.

Her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate Jiang Shen's heart.

Jiang Shen is also considered to be experienced in many battles, but she still feels a little guilty when she sees it.

"Don't worry, with me here, I guarantee you will sleep until dawn." Jiang Shen suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and nodded heavily to her.

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Sli Johnson sighed softly, bent down and walked into the yurt.

Sli Johnson herself couldn't figure out what kind of mood she was in. Maybe, she wanted to have an encounter, or maybe, she just had a little affection for Jiang Shen.

Sli Johnson walked into the yurt with a disappointed mood.

Once inside, she lit a candle.

The candle is placed in a glass, and under normal circumstances, it is impossible to burn the yurt unless the candle is taken out.

Then she starts to undress and go to sleep.

The quilt is a little fragrant, it should be processed by the villagers, it makes people feel that it is relatively new, and there will be no abnormal psychology.

While taking off her clothes, Sli Johnson was thinking, how does Jiang Shen sleep at night?

Don't say she is struggling, Jiang Shen is also depressed.

how do i sleep at night

This is halfway up the mountain, except for the big trees, it is a yurt.

There is a yurt in the distance, but it belongs to another boss, and the boss is not there, so he probably thinks there is no business so late.

Moreover, even with the boss around, Jiang Shen did not dare to leave. It is indeed a bit dangerous to let Sli Johnson live alone on the mountainside at night. If he is not a god, he would not dare to let Sli Johnson live here.

Hey, just when he was thinking wildly, he heard a shuffling sound behind him, Jiang Shen turned around and saw a slender figure undressing in the yurt through the candlelight.

Sli Johnson didn't have many clothes, except for the sports jacket Jiang Shen gave her, which was filled with underwear. On such a hot day, of course, she would only wear underwear.

Jiang Shen didn't look at her changing clothes in the hotel before, but this time she undressed in the yurt, because of the candlelight, it was so clear.

Of course, what you see is only a shadow, but this shadow is also very tempting.

Why is it not raining?Jiang Shen suddenly turned this idea in his mind.

In good conscience, he didn't want anything to happen to Sli Johnson.

There are enough women, and this Sli Johnson has just been divorced not long ago, so it's really meaningless.

In the eyes of others, the goddess is not as good as those two twins in Jiang Shen's eyes.

But as soon as Sli Johnson's undressing scene came into view, Jiang Shen's restless heart began to liven up.

Do you want to draw a talisman and make it rain?

If it rains, can't I just hide in her yurt?

Jiang Shen fancied himself for a while, but in the end he didn't draw a symbol yet.

Then he walked to a big tree next to him, sat down on the ground, and planned to sit and rest for a night.

For ordinary people, this is impossible. For Jiang Shen, when he sits down, he is practicing supernatural powers, just like taking a seat.

Soon, Sli Johnson in the yurt also lay down, except for the candlelight, the surroundings became quiet and peaceful.

After sitting for about half an hour, a sound suddenly came from the yurt.

"Mr. Mayor, are you asleep?"

Jiang Shen opened his eyes and exhaled lightly. During the time just now, he enlarged the storage space a little bit, and organized a storage space by the way: "Not yet, why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't sleep, why don't you talk to me." Sli Johnson tossed and turned inside, as if she had something on her mind.

"Are you suffering from insomnia again? The Fairy Cave should be useful?"

"Well, I know that if I want to, I can fall asleep anytime." Sli Johnson knew her current state, as long as she wanted to sleep, she would definitely fall asleep. The problem was, she didn't want to sleep now.

She always felt that she was a goddess, at least in the eyes of most Hua people, but Jiang Shen ignored her hint just now.

What a strange man.

Women are like this, the weirder a man is, the easier it is to arouse their interest.

"Then go to sleep. Tomorrow we'll get up early and leave early." Jiang Shen didn't want to chat with her, he felt that Sli Johnson was very attractive, and he was afraid that he couldn't help but get into the yurt.

"Jiang, do you hate me?" Sli Johnson suddenly stopped calling Mr. Mayor, but directly called him by his last name.

"Of course not, you are the goddess in the hearts of our men in Huaguo."

"Is that the goddess in your heart?" Sli Johnson reluctantly.

"Of course it is." Jiang Shen said these four words reluctantly, but he was also a little proud in his heart. When he arrived there, he was welcomed by the beauties.

He has supernatural powers and has a special temperament. He naturally has something that attracts others' attention. As I said before, women will naturally be attracted to him after a long time with him.

Hearing Jiang Shen's reluctant response, Sli Johnson was very disappointed again.

"Jiang, are you married?" She thought that there might be a very beautiful woman beside Jiang Shen.

"not yet."

"Oh, then there must be a girlfriend."

"Of course." There are many more, Jiang Shen didn't say the last sentence.

"Okay, I think I should go to bed." Sli Johnson chatted with Jiang Shen for a few words, and found that Jiang Shen was not very interested and was very depressed.

This time, she was really going to sleep. Sli Johnson reached out to grab the glass and blow out the candle.

But because of something on his mind, he lost his mind and accidentally knocked over the cup.

"Oh, it's not good." Sli Johnson exclaimed.

With a sweep of Jiang Shen's mind, the glass fell down, and the flame of the candle burned to a pack of napkins beside it.

This is what the guy boss put in the yurt for spare.

Sli Johnson didn't know whether it was intentional or not, she knocked over the glass and lit the paper towel.

The fire was up immediately.

Jiang Shen hurried over and pulled the yurt away.

"Get out of the way." Jiang Shen raised his hand and slapped it down, slapped it a few times, and within a few seconds, he slapped the fire out.

"God, I was scared to death." Sli Johnson clutched her chest, both startled and terrified.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Shen found something was wrong, the fire was put out, and it was pitch black inside.

In addition to Sli Johnson's tense breathing, Jiang Shen could also hear his own heartbeat.

He wanted to back off, to exit the yurt.

Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind behind him.

A pair of naked arms hugged herself tightly.

Also, the softness on her chest was even more attached to Jiang Shen's back.

"Don't go, stay with me." Sli Johnson gritted her teeth and said these words. At the same time, her face was as red as an apple.

She didn't even believe that she would say these words to a man she had known for less than a day.

Don't blame me, she asked for it?

Jiang Shen seemed to have found an excuse for himself.

He turned sharply.

"Well---" Sli Johnson had already taken the first step, covering Jiang Shen's mouth with her sexy lips.

The two fell to the ground, rolling around in the yurt in the night.

All around, there is only the sound of heavy breathing.

This is the goddess, the goddess in the hearts of thousands of men.

Jiang Shen never thought that one day he would embrace the goddess of Country M.

To be honest, after the many celebrities invited this time, Jiang Shen never thought of having anything to do with that celebrity before.

He worked hard for the party, and if he made the party a success, he would be considered a success.

But I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen with Sli Johnson today.

But Jiang Shen believed that no man could refuse Sli Johnson's request.

'with me? 'These four words are the strongest aphrodisiac for men.

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