Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 788 The news is shocking

In less than 2 minutes, Jiang Shen and Siri Johnson were almost naked.

The entire yurt was filled with an obscene atmosphere.

The two bodies are desperately lingering.

Jiang Shen already felt that Sli Johnson's body was already ready, and a wet patch was waiting for him.

Come, little Jiang Shen is coming.

Just when Jiang Shen was about to take a stand and do the final work, a bright light shone on their yurt.

Grass, Jiang Shen is in the unity of nature and man at this time, except for Sli Johnson, he didn't think of anything else, but suddenly there was a light coming over.

Then he heard a loud laugh, and then his spiritual thoughts swept to the other side of the back of the mountain, and three shirtless men ran out of their yurt holding a lamp.

"Wow, so intense?" They were outside, and they could see the shadows inside through the lights.

The two shadows embraced each other, their movements and postures were so ambiguous that a blind person could see what they were doing.

One of them went directly to the door of the yurt, looking at him, planning to rush into the yurt.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shen reacted instantly, quickly put on the shorts, stooped and walked out.

The man who was about to go in was blocked by Jiang Shen.

All three of them took photos of Jiang Shen with their mobile phones, and they didn't seem to recognize him.

"Brother, are you going to fight in the field? Isn't it a bit early now? It's not yet nine o'clock?" The three men surrounded Jiang Shen with obscene smiles, looking into the yurt from time to time.

It's a pity that Jiang Shen blocked the front, and they couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Let's go now, if you don't go, I'll call the police." Jiang Shen said in a deep voice.

If he didn't want to make big things small, he would just overturn them with a few slaps.

Not only does it affect me in picking up girls, but it almost scares my little Jiang Shen, how unreasonable it is.

"Okay, we're going to eat supper, let's get 500 yuan." The three men disagreed.

Later, Jiang Shen knew that these three people were punks from the county, and they came here specially to make money.

Knowing that there is a yurt here, they wandered around, and when they saw someone fighting in the field at night, and if it was remote, they surrounded it and asked for money.

Generally, the people surrounded by them don't say anything, and honestly pay money to send the plague god.

It's a pity that they bumped into Jiang Shen today.

"500 yuan, that's fine." Jiang Shen had already swept his spiritual sense at this time, and Sli Johnson was wearing clothes inside.

Presumably Sli Johnson was also very depressed, maybe she was in no mood to do anything with Jiang Shen now.

As a celebrity, the most important thing is gossip, and Sli Johnson is also afraid that things will become big.

So Jiang Shen didn't hesitate, bent over to enter the yurt, and when he came out, he took 500 yuan in his hand.

It's okay for these people to take the money away.

But when Jiang Shen turned around, one of them suddenly raised a light to shine inside.

"Wow, Babes."

"I'm sorry, Siri Johnson?"

These three gangsters saw Sli Johnson.

The goddess Sli Johnson has many male fans. Although they are not fans, they still recognize Sli Johnson.

Because in May of this year, the sci-fi blockbuster "Alliance" starring Sli Johnson just ended.

In addition, Sli Johnson recently arrived in Lishan, and Lizhou City was in shock. I didn't expect to be seen by them today.

"What?" Jiang Shen was furious.

He originally wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster, but when these three people saw it and the news got out, Sli Johnson might not be happy.

"Do you want five slaps?" Jiang Shen was angry, and turned around and shook his hands.

Ba, slap the frontmost gangster and roll him out.

"I'm stupid." The other two were also furious, and at the same time reached out and pulled behind, and a long stick appeared in each hand.

This is when they ask for money, they use it to scare people.

Now that Jiang Shen beat their people, they didn't intend to scare people.

He raised his stick and hit Jiang Shen.

"Get out." Jiang Shen kicked one kick, plop plop, both of them were kicked down by Jiang Shen.

The three fell to the ground and yelled.

Jiang Shen took out his mobile phone and dialed Zeng Feng's number.

"Send someone over immediately, someone is blackmailing tourists on the mountain near Xianren Cave."

After the phone call, Trisley Johnson will leave.

"When the police come later, I'll send someone to send you down first." If there is an accident here, reporters may come, and there are too many people, which is not good for Sli Johnson, so Jiang Shen wants to send her down.

Sli Johnson is very depressed, good things, being disturbed.

After they got dressed, Sli Johnson suddenly hugged Jiang Shen in the yurt, and then kissed Jiang Shen on the face like a superficial kiss: "When will you prove it to me?"

"Prove what?" Jiang Shen was puzzled.

Sli Johnson smiled, and looked at Jiang Shen's underside: "The size of that raincoat is suitable for you." After finishing speaking, Sli Johnson herself blushed.

"You saw just now, he is big?" Jiang Shenjue felt a fire in his heart.

If it weren't for the screams of three people on the ground behind him, he would have the urge to pin Sli Johnson to the ground.

"It was dark just now, I didn't see it." Sli Johnson chuckled lightly, covering her mouth and smiling mischievously.

Dude, Jiang Shen was thinking, should I take her somewhere else?

But at this time, there was a noise from the mountain, and someone came up.

The three people here kept screaming, which of course attracted the attention of others.

The owner of the yurt rented to Jiang Shen came first.

With him came two policemen.

It turns out that the County Police Department has always had police officers here.

"Secretary Jiang." When the policemen saw Jiang Shen, they quickly saluted.

"Secretary Jiang?" The boss began to look at Jiang Shen carefully.

I probably saw the news about Jiang Shen on TV, and I was not very familiar with it, so I was a little hesitant, is our Shangzhu Town Secretary Liu.

"You send someone to send this guest back first, don't make a fuss, and be careful of the reporters." When Jiang Shen said these words, his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

The two police officers looked up and said, "You're a foreign girl."

Mr. Secretary, bring foreign girls to play in the yurt?I admire you.

It's just that this foreign girl, why does she look familiar?

Nice, Slee Johnson.At this moment, the two police officers were in admiration.

The legendary superstar, Siri Johnson was brought to the yurt by Secretary Jiang?

"Jiang, I'm leaving first." Sli Johnson followed one of the policemen down the mountain first, regardless of the strange gazes of the crowd.

As for the other policeman, of course he was dealing with the previous matter.

According to Jiang Shen's confession, the three of them intending to blackmail must be in bad luck.

The boss came over at this moment and said cautiously, "You are Secretary Jiang of the County?"

"Well, just pretend you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Shen stared at him.

"Understood, understood." The boss laughed happily. The title of Friend of Women, Girl Killer, and Secretary Jiang really wasn't given to him. I'm lucky. Secretary Jiang played with this yurt.

"Secretary Jiang, can you write something on the outside of my yurt?"

"---" The police officer next to him lowered his head and smiled, enduring it very hard.

"Inscription on your hair." Jiang Shen was furious: "I will cancel all your yurts immediately."

Don’t bring such a thing, Secretary Jiang, you have fought field battles, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, so that other tourists are not allowed to fight.

"Secretary Jiang, you are cutting off our money." The boss cried poorly.

"You grow fruits well and develop facility agriculture. As long as you do well, the county will definitely support you."

"Secretary Jiang, I'll just wait for your words." The boss was ecstatic.

"Pay off the big ones? Do you know it's shameful to engage in these messy things?" Jiang Shen scolded angrily.

The boss didn't make a sound, and murmured in his heart, you are not the secretary of the county party committee, you also play in the yurt.

The people didn't chat for a while on the mountain, and a few more people came up.

This is the value of the scenic spot to put security and staff.

The crowd pushed the three gangsters down, and Jiang Shen and the policeman also followed back below.

When leaving, the boss also quietly said to Jiang Shen, Secretary Jiang, don't worry, I didn't see anything today, and I don't know anything?

I made a move, and when you said it, I seemed to have done something.

Jiang Shen was a little depressed that day, he didn't eat any fish and made a show, no matter the policeman, the boss, or the security guards, they all thought what Jiang Shen did in the yurt that day.

But the more depressing thing is yet to come.

The next day, the wind star came back, and several other stars also came.

Tomorrow is eleventh, and the party will start tomorrow.

But Lin Hao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, called.

"Xiao Jiang, what's going on, there are newspapers about you, Sli Johnson at night, and you still live in a yurt? The news is very shocking, and it has alarmed the leaders of the province."

"---No way." Jiang Shen believed that those police officers and security guards would not dare to talk nonsense, but why are all the newspapers out now?

"They asked a prefecture-level city in Qingfeng Province next door to publish a report. It happened that the propaganda minister of that city and I were classmates at the party school, so they stopped him first. In the west of Liaoning, there is always a province that can send this news.”

"You are a state cadre, and you have a night party with foreign stars in a yurt. That is a very serious matter. If it gets out, your county party secretary will be at the end." Lin Hao and Jiang Shen have no grudges or friendship, but this matter has reached him There, he politely informed Jiang Shen.

I heard that you are having an affair with Secretary Yu's daughter, so it's my utmost benevolence to do this.

Lin Hao said a few words and hung up the phone.

Who is going to fuck me?Jiang Shen's first thought was this.

The newspaper office in Dongning Province couldn't find it, and the other party went directly to Qingfeng, he must be planning to mess with Jiang Shen.

Some people will say, this, it can be used, and it can also report to Jiang Shen.

That's right, Jiang Shen also immediately thought of this question.

He quickly called Zeng Feng.

As soon as the police station received it, it was true that there was already this news on the Internet, and it was well said.

Even Jiang Shen and Siri Johnson made it clear several times.

"Delete them all, and then find out who posted them." Jiang Shen ordered: "Be sure to find out."

He knows that the police station has this method, and posting it online is very risky. If the police want to find you, they will definitely find you.

After finding out?Zeng Feng asked cautiously.

He knew Jiang Shen's character, so he wanted to ask clearly.

"You still need me to teach, catch it first, and then notify me." Jiang Shen said gloomyly.

"Yes, Secretary Jiang."

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