"Are you sure I can stay for another two months?" Sli Johnson stood up, leaning almost in front of Jiang Shen.

The fragrance from her body rushed to Jiang Shen in bursts, making Jiang Shen dizzy.

"Ahem--Of course, if you are in a hurry, I can only welcome you to come back next time." Jiang Shen quickly surrendered.

Just kidding, Sli Johnson will stay for another two months, if Fan Li doesn't say anything, Guan Erhuo might kill her with a knife.

"I knew you didn't want me to stay." Sli Johnson's eyes became sad again.

She slowly sat back in her seat with a disappointed expression, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

After sitting quietly for less than a minute, Sli Johnson stood up again: "I have booked all the air tickets, and I will return to country m the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Shen was overjoyed, but at the same time, there was a trace of loss in his heart.

Sli Johnson walked out of his office, walked halfway, and turned around: "I have a condition when I leave. Tonight, you want to have dinner with me."

Dude, Jiang Shen's heart moved, is this a welfare before leaving?

Dude really don't want to.

But that night, Jiang Shen still went to the hotel.

As for what he has done, only Sli Johnson and him know.

Others only knew that when Jiang Shen sent Sli Johnson away the next day, the two hugged each other tightly on the side of the road, and they were not willing to part for a long time.

Not long after Sli Johnson left, the two sisters of the Gao family also went to country m. Jiang Shen introduced them to participate in a Hollywood blockbuster in country m. They will play two roles in the movie directed by Sli Johnson's ex-boyfriend. supporting role.

As soon as the three women left, Lishan became much quieter for a while.

Jiang Shen was in the office that day, and Hu Jinsheng, the deputy county magistrate, found Jiang Shen.

Hu Jinsheng is now in charge of industry, human resources, etc. In the past, Lishan's industry was underdeveloped, and the deputy county magistrates were not very willing to take care of it. Now that Lishan's industry is booming, Hu Jinsheng is much more arrogant than before, and he admires Jiang Shen in his heart.

He is not from Jiang Shen, but now he admires Jiang Shen very much.

He knows how to have a good relationship with Jiang Shen.

Firstly, Jiang Shen is very good to his own people, secondly, people who are not Jiang Shen, as long as they are willing to work hard and don't go against Jiang Shen, they can also get along very well.

Jiang Shen has no doubts about employing people, and suspects don't need them. When he was on the shoulders, he didn't have a dynasty and courtiers. Jiang Shen is now using all the people left by Guo Jianghua.

As long as you don't fight against Jiang Shen, please do things really well, and you will do well. This is what Hu Jinsheng admires the most.

If it were him, as long as he became the top leader, he would definitely have to replace a lot of his own people.

"Secretary Jiang, I want to report something to you." Hu Jinsheng respectfully looked up at Jiang Shen at the same time.

This young man, when he first came to Lishan, no one looked down on him, but now in less than two years, he has become a real middle class in Lishan


"Let's talk, I'll go to the countryside later, so I'll make a long story short." Jiang Shen's style is now known to all Lishan officials. When reporting to Secretary Jiang, the shorter the better, of course, to focus, Secretary Jiang Like to be direct.

"Something happened." Hu Jinsheng said it very simply.

The Human Resources and Security Bureau he was in charge of, that is, the former Personnel Bureau and the Labor Bureau merged.

Recently, a person from Lishan was detained in yn.

It turns out that yn is rich in dragon fruit, lychee, dried jackfruit, etc., and a large amount is exported to China every year.

As mentioned earlier, Wuning County has the largest farmer’s market in Lizhou, and even in several nearby cities. The agricultural products and fruits of Lishan people are often sent there for wholesale to foreign customers.

A person from Lishan and Wuning started an import and export business together, specializing in the wholesale of dragon fruit, litchi, dried jackfruit, etc. from yn, and then sold them in Dongning.

Recently, it is mainly dried dragon fruit and jackfruit.

A few days ago, they bought a shipment of dragon fruit from yn, but it was detained at yn customs.

The other party asked them to pay, on the grounds that they were fined, including overloading, taxes, tolls, and they had to pay 5 yuan equivalent to Chinese currency.

The Lishan people immediately refused to follow.

They import every year, and they have paid everything that should be paid. Why do they have to pay an extra [-]?How much money can I make with this boat?

However, they were abroad and were detained by YN Customs. They were not fined, and they could leave, but ships and goods could not.

Ordinarily, this matter should be negotiated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

At this time, a Lishan native shook his head and said no.

"Look for our county magistrate." The Lishan people said angrily, even we Lishan people dare to provoke us, don't you know the name of our county magistrate?

Jiang Shen's friend of women, the rogue county magistrate has a reputation outside, but he also has a reputation outside.

That is, we cannot let outsiders bully us Lishan people.

Jiang Shen is famous for protecting his weaknesses. The projects in Lishan are basically done by Lishan people. Last time, for a security guard, more than a dozen police officers were beaten.

The people in Lishan County all know the character of county magistrate Jiang.

"It's useless to find your county magistrate." The Wuning man sneered, he had never heard of Jiang Shen's legend, so of course he wanted to find the outreach department: "This is between the country and the country, and the outreach department must come forward."

"Then you go to the Outreach Department, and I'll go to the county magistrate." The Lishan people objected.

There is also a Dongning man on the side.

He is the boss of Dongning City. More than half of the things imported by Lizhou people are sold in the provincial capital.

"What's the name of County Magistrate Jiang you're talking about? So awesome?"

"Nonsense, he's shouldering the burden now. He's still the secretary. His name is Jiang Shen. Have you heard of it?"

"Jiang Shen? Grass, isn't it Jiang Shen from our past in Dongning?" The boss of Dongning has also heard of it.

"That's right, he came from Dongning. I heard that he worked in some China Merchants Bureau or the British Office."

"That's why he's right." Boss Dongning's eyelids twitched violently: "Looking for him, it will definitely be useful to find him. This is known as the underground emperor of Dongning. He kills black and white, and eats the whole world." This boss does not do much, but I have also heard and seen that in Dongning's boss world, I have heard many legends about Jiang Shen.

"Nah, let's brag." It's black and white, and it's all over the world.

"Are you kidding? There are rumors outside that this bombed the aircraft carrier of country M."

"Tch---you believe that too."

However, although the people of Wuning didn't believe Jiang Shen's rumors, they wanted to find Jiang Shen on their side, so he agreed first.

Let's find Jiang Shen first, if it doesn't work, let's find the External Relations Department.

So through the labor department of the Human Resources Bureau, Hu Jinsheng was contacted.

Lishan people in foreign countries have suffered a loss, please let the county magistrate make the decision, and ask the parents and officials to make the decision for us.

After Jiang Shen listened silently, he felt both depressed and happy.

What's frustrating is that such a trivial matter, you still need me to come forward?

I'm glad that the common people can think of me, Jiang Shen, when they have difficulties, which proves that I am qualified as the county magistrate.

"Have you asked clearly, have they done anything wrong? I, Jiang Shen, will help you or not." Jiang Shen pretended to be mean.

In ancient times, there was also a reason to send troops.

He was worrying about having nothing to do, but he didn't expect something to come to him suddenly.

However, it is not good to learn from an unknown teacher.

"Ask clearly. They have paid all the money they should pay. They have been able to pass in this way before. The sudden difficulty from yn has something to do with the recent international situation."

Jiang Shen basically didn't read the news, but he understood it after hearing what Hu Jinsheng said.

Recently, yn has started to provoke again in the South China Sea.

A few days ago, they once again emphasized that they have raised sovereignty claims to both the Nansha Islands and the Paracel Islands, and claimed that they have sufficient "historical basis."

In the South China Sea, they should be the country with the largest and most intense disputes with China, and they are also the most powerful and the biggest beneficiaries in the South China Sea disputes.

The territory of yn is long and narrow, lacking strategic depth, and the South China Sea has important security and economic interests for it.In the process of competing for Nansha, Yin was the most active and planned.

In order to implement the "Maritime Strategic Plan to 2007" formulated in 2020, yn has adopted a multi-pronged approach: first, to speed up the management and control of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, by surveying the sea area of ​​islands and reefs, arranging high-level military inspections to islands, setting up counties on disputed islands and Appoint a "chief executive" and other methods to strengthen the "declaration of sovereignty" over the occupied islands.

The second is to accelerate the development of the marine economy, including cooperating with major countries such as m in the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in disputed sea areas, and focusing on the development of tourism and service industries in the occupied islands and their sea areas.

In 2010, yn approved the "Yyn Island Economic Development Plan until 2020", planning to invest 85 billion US dollars to vigorously develop the island economy.

So far, yn has signed more than 20 joint exploration and production oil and gas contracts with more than 50 countries.

The third is to actively prepare to use force to deal with the South China Sea issue, including strengthening military facilities on islands and reefs, continuously purchasing advanced foreign weapons and equipment, accelerating the pace of modernization of the navy and air force, improving the "military-civilian integration" defense system, and holding military exercises against the backdrop of the Nansha Islands.

yn's provocation was prepared.

Because of the recent vigorous anti-corruption in China, since the Spring Festival, so far, many senior officials above the deputy minister have been dismissed.

They said that Huaguo was anti-corruption in an all-round way, and when it was developing its economy, it suddenly became provocative again, just to make Huaguo ignore them.

"They have recently joined forces with flb to plan to hold a military exercise in the Kalayaan Islands (including Nanwei Island, Taiping Island, Zhongye Island, Hongma Island, Nanhai Reef, Haikou Shoal, Yuya Shoal, etc.), Philippine Secretary of Defense , the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces successively went to Thitu Island to deliver water to the soldiers, showing off his might."

"The arrest of the boat this time may be in preparation for the exercise." Hu Jinsheng actually put in a lot of effort to come here, probably knowing that when facing Jiang Shen, he must speak the best. "At that time, we can only negotiate with them about the arrest of the ship, and we will not take care of their exercises."

In public opinion, the government must solve the arrest of the ship, and no one will care about their drills.

But what matters is the exercise.

These islands are all disputed.

"Then the teacher is famous." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "Okay, you can arrange it. Well, let's form a group and travel to yn."

"---" Hu Jinsheng was stunned.

Jiang Shen was not joking.

The Lishan county government operated quickly, and arranged several people from the county government to go to yn for business inspections.

After hearing this, the higher-ups asked, "When is it now? Do you still have the time to go to yn for investigation? I advise you not to go."

It was very chaotic over there, they were conducting drills, and our ship was detained, and the external relations department is negotiating.

"Our county magistrate said, we have to go now and get a certificate."

Then it is said that a department specially issued a notice.

From Lishan County?Now all other counties and cities in the country are not allowed to go to yn, but those in Lishan are allowed.

So, at the end of October, Jiang Shen took a few people to yn to investigate and study.

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