Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 801 Twist the Neck

This time he was going to Yin, and Jiang Shen took the second-hand Guan Ruohua with him, because she likes to cut people the most.

Along with him were Hu Jinsheng, the deputy county magistrate, Xiao Xu from the government office, and Zeng Feng, the police chief.

There were not many people, so Jiang Shen brought along a beautiful woman, who looked like she was going abroad for business.

On October 29, Jiang Shen brought the Lishan delegation to yn.

After getting off the plane, Guan Ruohua was a little excited.

I finally went on a business trip with Master today. By the way, in TV and movies, what happens to men and women on business trips, am I going to get what I want today?

She was dreaming there, Zeng Feng asked Jiang Shen a little depressed.

"Head, what are our plans for this afternoon?"

Zeng Feng was called when he went abroad for an inspection, of course Zeng Feng was depressed, every time he did business with Jiang Shen, it made people feel terrified, he guessed that there would be another accident when he came to Yin this time.

"There is no arrangement, you take the money and play around." Jiang Shen distributed money to everyone in the taxi.

Each sent tens of thousands of dollars.

"Secretary Jiang, are we in charge of playing?" A young man from the government, a young man named Xiao Xu, was a little scared. Didn't he say he was here for business inspection?

"Secretary Jiang told you to play as long as you want, isn't there a lot of fun in yn?" Hu Jinsheng glared at Xiao Xu.

"Come closer, don't go too far." Jiang Shen said lightly.

The corner of Zeng Feng's eyes twitched, okay, this is the rhythm of making trouble.

"Boss, do you need me to accompany you?" Zeng Feng pretended to be loyal.

In fact, he didn't dare to accompany Jiang Shen.

"No, you all go play."

"What about me?" The second-hand Guan Ruohua just found out that there was a chance, so why did Jiang Shen send her away again?

"Follow me." Jiang Shen nodded.

"Okay." Guan Ruohua was overjoyed.

Arriving at the hotel soon, booking a room, Jiang Shen explained to them, and left with Guan Ruohua.

yn has a good climate, and there is no tourist season, so you can come here all year round.

It's the end of October, and there are still many tourists on the street.

Jiang Shen took Guan Ruohua directly to the beach.

Lishan people's cargo ship is still being detained, and yn and flb have now launched a formal joint exercise near Thitu Island.

The other side still has new arguments for detaining the cargo ship.

During the current exercise, the sea route is blocked, and the detention of your ship is also for the sake of your safety.

However, we keep it for you, do we need to charge some fees?

It was originally [-] Chinese coins, but it has recently been increased to [-].

According to the explanation of the external relations department in the direction of yn, the exercise will last for one month, and after one month, we will let it go without charging money.

But a month later, it's possible that all the cargo in this ship is rotten.

The yn side is obviously playing tricks, and it's a shame.

Either give money, or release it in a month, and let Lishan choose.

The Lishan people don't choose anything, and wait for Jiang Shen to come.

Jiang Shen soon met them at a hotel by the sea.

There are three cargo owners.

One in Lishan, one in Wuning, one in Lizhou, and one in Dongning whose boss was on a boat with them.

Four people, more than 100 million worth of goods on board, not to mention the cost of the ship, the wages of the employees, the loss of goods, in just these few days, they lost nearly [-] yuan. Can't help but pay and leave.

"Secretary Jiang, you're finally here." Lishan's surname is Yao. When Boss Yao saw Jiang Shen, he really saw his parents, and was so excited that he was about to cry.

Even the rest of the bosses didn't expect it.

The secretary of the Lishan County Party Committee actually came.

A secretary came to yn from the country. Among other things, this attitude has already moved the common people.

"We're all planning to pay and leave."

"Even if we and the crew live here for a day, it will cost nearly a thousand yuan. No one can hold on." Boss Song of Wuning stomped his feet.

There were originally four employees on board, two of whom were called back to China first.

If you stay here for one day, you will be paid a salary, and you will also need to include board and lodging.

The Yin people just saw them like this, and they didn't attack them, so they detained the boat, which was enough to make them feel uncomfortable.

"Pay 10 yuan, and the cargo will go for nothing." The owner of Lizhou, surnamed Ruan, met the legendary rogue county magistrate for the first time.

Jiang Shen's youth shocked him.

Dongning's boss is surnamed Zhu. When he saw Jiang Shen, he admired him a little. He should be in Dongning and had heard many legends about Jiang Shen.

"Well, then we have to settle this account with them and go." Jiang Shen has something to do now, and he doesn't intend to hide it like before.

It must be a bit of a sensation, so that everyone can see clearly, considering the fate of Jiang Shen who made me angry.

Jiang Shen took several bosses and Guan Ruohua to the customs.

The customs in yn are different from those in China, they all carry guns.

Someone stopped them right at the door.

What are you doing? The Yin people stared. They are all veterans, and they can tell the locals and Chinese people at a glance.

"I'm the owner of the ship, surnamed Jiang, and I'm looking for your boss to solve our arrest problem."

The other party contacted the inside and asked about Jiang Shen's ship, and someone took them in.

The person in charge of the customs is surnamed Hu, and the locals call him Dui Hu.

Captain Hu was awesome. When he saw Jiang Shen and the others go in, he put his legs on the table, shaking, and smoked a cigarette: "The Qingyun is yours? One-buy price, 15, let it go immediately."

"Nah, did you say [-] yesterday?" Boss Ruan jumped up.

"20." Captain Hu sneered, and reported another number.

His dealings with Lishan did not last a day or two. Every time Boss Ruan and the others came over, they begged them in a low voice, and he was also used to a superior attitude.

Seeing that there was a change of people today, it is estimated that another person came to beg for mercy and wanted to reduce the price.

That being the case, of course, a little more.

"Captain Hu, you're like this, isn't it against the rules? Yyn Customs does this---" Boss Song on the side was only halfway through.

The surname Hu raised another finger: "25."

Hiss, everyone here, except Jiang Shen, gasped.

This is naked bullying.

It clearly shows the merchants of Heihua Country.

"How about you say it again?" Jiang Shen asked calmly.

"That's 30." Dui Hu put his legs down, stood up, walked in front of Jiang Shen, and patted Jiang Shen's face: "Young man, yn speaks well, have you learned it?"

Ba, ba, ba, he lightly patted Jiang Shen's face with his hand, his eyes were full of contempt.

No matter how majestic you are in Huaguo, when you come to our yin, even a tiger will have to lie down.

It's humiliating to slap people in the face like this.

All the Huaguo bosses present today were photographed like this.

You said he hit, but he slapped very lightly. You said he didn't hit, but he slapped his face with his palm, which is really shameful.

"What?" Before Jiang Shen got angry, Guan Ruohua, who was next to him, rushed forward, picked up a water glass on the table, and smashed it on Dui Hu's head with a bang.

My idol, my master, I have never photographed that white and tender face, how dare you photograph him?

Guan Ruohua's action was completely unexpected to everyone.

At this time, everyone realized that it would be of great use to cooperate with county magistrate Jiang to bring a beautiful girl.

Hu Dui, who was hit by the water glass with a "bang", threw his head back, and sat on the ground with his whole body, and he didn't recover for a long time.

When I raised my hand to touch it, it was covered in blood.

"Hiss—" The bosses were all dumbfounded.

Hitting someone at customs?Can you exaggerate a bit more?

Before they could react, Jiang Shen lowered his head, pressed Hu Dui's boobs with both hands, and twisted them left and right.

Kacha, everyone heard the sound of Kacha, Hu Dui's head drooped, and he died on the spot.

Yin's neck was broken by Jiang Shen.

In front of so many bosses, Jiang Shen, the county magistrate, directly broke the neck of the head of the Yin Customs.

The four bosses were all stunned, only Guan Ruohua was shocked, but his eyes were full of excitement.

She was born to be a gangster. Now that she is a secretary, she is very depressed. Today finally made her excited.

"Jiang—Magistrate Jiang——" Boss Chen from Lizhou stammered, obviously frightened.

"Dead? He's dead?" Boss Ruan was also petrified.

I knew magistrate Jiang was fierce, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce.

Just killed the yin people directly.

Is this your magistrate Jiang?Is it the killer you invited?Wu Ning's boss wants to cry but has no tears.

Killing the Yin people, they will all be unlucky, they may be arrested and shot.

But at this time Jiang Shen had no time to leave them, and was looking through something on Captain Hu's desk.

In the end, he took a few sheets, took a stamp from Captain Hu's desk drawer, stamped it, stamped it a few times, and threw it to Boss Yao.

"You four, take this list and go to lead the boat for a walk."

"Ah---" Is it possible to leave like this?The four of them looked at each other, not daring to move.

"What are you afraid of, staying here waiting to be arrested and shot? Go away, it's okay." Guan Ruohua naturally believed in his boss a hundred times.

"I guarantee you are all right, don't worry on the way back, just drive as usual, I promise you'll be all right." Jiang Shen waved his hand again.

"Let's go." At this point, I can only fight, staying here is a dead end.Boss Dongning took the order.

Let's leave this office first, and someone will come in soon and see someone dead here, even they will be unlucky, if they go out and someone comes again, maybe they won't find them.

The four of them were terrified, their hearts beating faster, and they slowly walked out of the ticket holding a few passport-like things.

Of course, the current customs is different from before, and it is not possible to pass with a few forms.

Sitting in front of the office, Jiang Shen skillfully picked up the computer, blah, blah, blah, typed quickly for a while, and issued instructions.

"Master, do you still use their computers?" Guan Ruohua's eyes turned green.

Master is really omnipotent and invincible in the world.

Customs has a unique system, and ordinary people can't understand it, not to mention fiddling with it, let alone Chinese.

"Your master, why can't I?" Jiang Shen was a little arrogant.

"Are they going to be okay?" Guan Ruohua was worried about the other four bosses.

"It's okay, we'll leave later." Jiang Shen sat in the office, locked on the four people with his spiritual sense.

The faces of the four people were not good-looking, but they were people who had traveled far and wide and had seen the world, so they had the courage to get the pass to pick up the boat.

Someone over there took the pass and looked at it, and said in yn's words: "Check it on the computer."

Someone nearby is checking on the computer.

The faces of the four changed drastically. There is nothing on the computer. Everyone has been killed. Is this the rhythm of our escape?

The four looked around, no matter how they looked, there was no place to run, and for a moment, their hearts were ashamed.

"Okay, let's go." The person who checked the computer took a look, handed in a fine of 15, and let it go.

"Huh" The four of them let out a long sigh of relief at the same time.

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