If others dared to give him something in Jiang Shen's office, he would turn his face on the spot.

But this Gulina has a very personality, coming and going like the wind, after putting down her things, she smiled at Jiang Shen and left gracefully.

"Hehe, interesting." Jiang Shen watched her leave and picked up the things she put on the table.

Halo, invitation, it turned out to be an invitation.

On June [-], Gulina got engaged.

Please join Jiang Shen.

Just got engaged?Really young?Jiang Shen looked at her fiancé's name.

"I'm stupid." Almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Jiang Qian."

Gulina's fiancé, Jiang Qian.

Is it the same name and surname, or that Jiang Qian?

Jiang Qian was one year younger than Jiang Shen. Back then in Country M, Jiang Shen wanted to kill him, but in the end he didn't, so he took away his magical powers and abilities. When he took him in, Jiang Qian himself was traumatized, and his mind became a little demented.

It stands to reason that no one in the world can cure him except Jiang Shen.

If Jiang Qian is cured now, he should be 23 years old.

Jiang Shen himself is 24 years old.

Jiang Qian is one year younger than him, only 23 years old.

Jiang Shen thought for a while, then called Hu Wei.

"Do you know Gulina from the Construction Committee?"

"I know, Qingshu is a famous beauty."

"Have you met her boyfriend?"

"No, I haven't even seen her a few times. I went to the Municipal Youth League Committee to see her before."

"Help me find out how old her boyfriend is."

"--" Hu Wei was depressed for a moment, Mayor Jiang, are you trying to win love?But the leader has an order, so he naturally dare not neglect: "I will inquire immediately, I have a classmate who is in the Youth League Committee."

A few minutes later the call came.

"Jiang Qian is 27 years old, Gulina's college classmate, the same age as Gulina, and used to be a member of the Municipal Youth League Committee. They are classmates and colleagues. Now Jiang Qian is the mayor of Buduo Town. He is the youngest mayor in our city. .”

After a pause, Hu Wei said again: "I heard that Jiang Qian's father was the former squad leader of Shen Xinguo, political commissar of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces."

"---" Jiang Shen now understood why Shen Xin Congress voted for Wanmasar.

It turned out to be for Jiang Qian.

At 27 years old, isn't that the Jiang Qian I knew?

But just hearing the name, Jiang Shen was a little upset.

or?I'm going to suffer a little bit because of this Gulina?Jiang Shen thought lasciviously.

After soaking in Gulina, it is possible to get the support of Doma Duoji, Wan Masar and others. Is it considered a curve to find someone?

In yy, Wen Yiyi came in again.

When she came in this time, she carried a bag.

"Head, I'm going to the countryside."

"Oh." Jiang Shen remembered that he had work to go to the countryside today.

"Let's go, is Xiao Hu here yet?"

"Didn't you say you asked Xiao Hu to play with your friend in Green Tree?"

"Oh, whose car should I take then?" Jiang Shen remembered that Hu Qiao had asked Shen Bi and the others to drive for fun. The three girls came here rarely, so naturally they had to stay for a few more days before leaving.

"Director Wu has arranged for a car, car No. [-]."

"Go to Zhong also?"

"Yes, he's in charge of that."

Jiang Shen went to Hani Town today.

Green trees are no better than Lishan, with vast land and rich resources. It takes Jiang Shen and the others three or four hours to drive from the city government to the Hani town government. When they get there, they basically stay overnight.

Therefore, the general leaders either go in the morning, or simply reduce their trips to the countryside.

Jiang Shen didn't want to go at first, but he just came to take up his post, so it's his habit to run around everywhere.

At least let others know him as the mayor.

He took Wen Yiyi there, and saw Xiang Zhong standing beside the car with a dark face, smoking a cigarette, and the driver muttering something.

Xiang Zhong should be upset today. He was ignored by Jiang Shen last time, and he knew that Jiang Shen had a problem with him.

Generally speaking, if the king doesn't see the king, Xiang Zhong doesn't want to go to the countryside with Jiang Shen.

But today there is no way, the place Jiang Shen is going to is the place where he has fixed the film, so he can only accompany him.

But can't you go in the morning?Go in the afternoon, we will also stay for one night, he is talking to the driver.

Let alone him, the driver also wants to live there.

Jiang Shen heard the two chattering from a long distance away, and after going down, he looked at Wen Yiyi.

"Xiao Wen, can you drive?"


"You drive, Xiao Ma, you don't drive, go back, we have to stay for one night, save you living there, go home early to accompany your wife." Jiang Shen can be a man now, he can speak a few words, and drive The member Pony brows happily.

But he still has to pretend: "It's okay, it's okay, work is important."

"But head, I don't know the way?" Wen Yiyi was depressed, I just came here with you too?

"Then let me drive, I know you." Jiang Shen shook his head: "You can only be my secretary, and you don't know the way."

Wen Yiyi stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed.

"Mayor Jiang, let me drive." Xiao Ma persisted.

"I'll come, give me the key." Jiang Shen asked for the key.

Xiang Zhong looked angry, so what, you let the driver go, can you let me go too?

It's a pity he didn't dare to say it.

So Jiang Shen drove the car himself and left with a car of people.

It is said that it is a car, but in fact there are only four people.

Besides Jiang Shen, there were also Wen Yiyi, the deputy mayor Xiang Zhong, and Xiang Zhong's secretary Xiao Ye.

Four people in one car, all the way to Hani Town.

After leaving the urban area, go all the way to the plain, along the Qingwang Highway, and head southwest.

Qingwang Highway is an important highway connecting Qingshu City, Yuhai Province, and Wangdala City, Xinjiang-Tibet Province.

The total length is nearly 1000 kilometers, connecting six prefecture-level cities and autonomous prefectures in two provinces.

Driving here is better than driving on the highway, and often you can't see a car for tens or hundreds of miles.

No way, the prairie is like this.

Jiang Shen pulled the car to more than 150 yards, and the speed was very fast. Except for him, the faces of several people in the car were all white.

Xiang Zhong was in a hurry.

If the pony in front was driving like this, he would have been yelling at him a long time ago, and it's hard to swear now, but he couldn't help it.

"Mayor Jiang, can you drive slowly, my heart can't take it."

"Yeah." Wen Yiyi also nodded, her face was snow-white.

Jiang Shen drove very fast, and even went on a rampage. It was like flying a plane or a tank, and Wen Yiyi was also afraid.

"Go early, maybe you can make it back in the evening."

"Don't do it." Xiang Zhong's secretary Xiao Ye called out.

"What are you doing?" Shouting in surprise, Xiang Zhong turned his head and glared at the secretary.

However, his secretary grew up locally, so he was considered a local: "Why not?" Xiang Zhong asked.

"This road is very dangerous at night, so after the leaders go to the countryside, they all stay overnight and leave the next morning. If they leave at night, they sometimes meet people from Xinzang. They all carry knives and guns, especially those in the front. Close to Tibet, these dangerous elements are lawless masters."

"That's such an exaggeration, what are you afraid of." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "In the legal society, there are so many knives and guns."

Xiao Jiang, are you really ignorant, or are you pretending not to understand?Xiang Zhong secretly sneered.

"There are a lot of drug dealers and smugglers here, and you can go abroad by crossing the border." Wen Yiyi seemed to understand a little bit.

"The border is in Xinjiang-Tibet Province and Xijiang Province, not in our Yuhai." Jiang Shen disagreed.

Everyone was speechless.

There was nothing wrong with driving this road. Two hours later, I saw a building appearing ahead.

"It's here so soon?" Jiang Shen mentally swept away, isn't it too young?This is the town?

"This is Hara Village in Hani Town, and it's still some way away from the town government."

"It's really far away here." Wen Yiyi finally understood the pain of being temporarily employed here, and it would take half a day to drive to the next town.

"So many people?" Jiang Shen drove close and found a lot of people crowded at the entrance of the village.

There are banners hanging at the entrance of the village.

"Welcome Mayor Jiang, Mayor Xiang and other leaders to visit and guide---" Hani Town Government.

Nima, all the town-level leaders of Hani Town at the entrance of the village have arrived.

They even came here early to greet them.

To be honest, Jiang Shen was very disgusted with this.

But now he is alone, without help, and he can't reprimand him too much for his enthusiasm. If he reprimands him every now and then, who will dare to approach him in the future?It is said that he is pretending.

It doesn't matter if the leader pretends to be noble, but he must never pretend to be too much.

"Mayor Jiang, you are welcome to guide the work." Hani Town Secretary Podowang Yazha and Mayor Luo Yongcheng led a group of town officials to welcome Jiang Shen.

"You have worked hard." Jiang Shen warmly shook hands with them.

"Mayor Jiang, you have worked hard. It is not easy to travel long distances here. Let's take a rest before leaving. We have prepared kumiss."

"You can't drink at noon." Jiang Shen smiled.

"It's almost dusk now." Podowang Yaza chuckled.

After a few pleasantries, everyone was invited to a conference room in the village.

Jiang Shen looked at the appearance of the village while looking at the cadres in the town.

Everyone had no joy or joy on their faces. It was obvious that they were not very welcome to Jiang Shen, but they were not very opposed to it either. It was all a routine, official reception.

"Head." Wen Yiyi, who was walking behind Jiang Shen, pulled Jiang Shen.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shen sensed that she was whispering.

Wen Yiyi didn't speak, and pressed the phone with her hand.

It seems to have sent a text message to Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen took out his phone and looked at it.

"Head, I heard from Xiaoye just now that the kumiss mentioned here is not real horse butter, it may be staghorn snake bile wine."

Dude, before Jiang Shen came, he made up for what Yu Hai had learned, so he said he knew the way.

He also remembered that someone said that in some places in Yuhai, when cadres go to the countryside, as the most polite reception, they will invite the leaders to drink deer blood and snake gall.

This is a very nourishing wine on the grassland.

The blood released from fresh velvet antlers, combined with the gall of a local seven-step snake, is great for people.

Deer blood Everyone knows that ancient emperors often drank a bowl of deer blood before sex, which not only keeps in good health, but also nourishes the body.

In official circles, it is difficult to talk about drinking deer blood and eating snake gall, so they all talk about kumiss.

Although Portowang Yazha didn't welcome Jiang Shen very much, but Jiang Shen still wanted to invite him to try the local specialties when he arrived below.

Sure enough, when Jiang Shen got there, someone brought a cup of something like tea.

Jiang Shen, Xiang Zhong, and Xiao Ye all had a cup.

Probably no one thought that Wen Yiyi was a woman, and the person holding the cup stood there to give it away, or not to give it away.

"Director Wen is a girl. Girls don't like this, so let's give it to Mayor Jiang." Xiang Zhong said with a light smile at this time.

It's good to make you die, and make you bleed profusely.

"Girls are not suitable? Then give it to me." Jiang Shen was not polite.

Open the cup and take a look, it smells a bit fishy, ​​but after smelling it, it really lifts people's spirits.

Others can't feel this kind of wonder. He is a god and can feel the power in deer blood.

In ancient mythology, deer are all treasures raised by immortals in captivity, especially the deer raised on the grassland are full of aura.

Fresh deer antler blood is naturally very nourishing.

He was also polite, took two glasses of so-called kumiss, and drank it in two gulps.

"Mayor Jiang." It was too late for Boduwang Yaza to stop him.

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