"Why?" Jiang Shen was puzzled.

Xiang Zhong smiled secretly, and forced himself to hold back, saying: "This wine is very strong, drink it slowly, and taste it every sip. Mayor Jiang, you are drinking fast."

I'm going to kill you now.

Jiang Shen drank the two cups in two sips by himself, but if he were an ordinary person, he might have a nosebleed on the spot.

You know, it's May now?It is the time when the weather is very hot.

The time that is really suitable for drinking, preferably in winter, is warm and nourishing, that is the truth.

Now it is summer again, Jiang Shen drank so fast, even if he is a god, after drinking these two cups, he would feel a fire coming from his heart.

"Wow, it's really amazing." Jiang Shen's face was completely red.

The surrounding officials covered their mouths and laughed.

"Is Mayor Jiang on the face?" Boduwang Yazha was a little worried. They are giving Jiang Shen a drink now because the wine has stamina. At that time, at that time, the heat was hot, and many people were prone to anger.

Jiang Shen is like this now, will he still have it at night?

"This wine is not bad, it is indeed good, good stuff, Yuhai is a good place." Jiang Shen nodded again and again, deer blood is something that people who practice martial arts drink better than ordinary people. He drank two glasses and felt it. It's special, thinking about it, finding some deer blood for my woman to drink is also a good thing for health and fitness.

His woman is nourished by his immortal energy, and it will be even better when paired with deer blood. Maybe in the future, she can improve her divine power without learning martial arts.

It's just that deer really need to be wild.

"How many wild deer are there in Qingshu now?" Jiang Shen asked Podowang Yazha.

"Wild ones? There really aren't many of them, but if you want to drink often, leader, you can get them."

Porto Wang Yaza talked eloquently.

It turns out that in the past few years, with the improvement of everyone's living standards, more and more people pay attention to health preservation. The rich and powerful have begun to eat good food.

There are a few of the best in Yuhai, Cordyceps sinensis, wild deer blood, and wild ginseng from Kunlun Mountains.

These things are all elusive.

There are fewer authentic ones on the market and more fake ones.

Especially the deer blood, it's better to fake it, raise a few deer artificially, and then raise them in captivity, the customers don't know if it's wild or not.

The really wild ones are hunted and killed everywhere, and the price is extremely high.

Later, the local government saw that something was wrong. If this continues, the wild ones will be killed.

What should I do if I kill them?The leader can't eat it.

So someone proposed to find a place to fence and prohibit hunting, so that wild animals can survive well.

This method is learned from Africa.

In the savannahs of Africa, where wild animals live in groups, the local government will also do the same. It has two functions. One can prohibit illegal hunting, and at the same time, it can also engage in legal hunting.

At that time, if there are leaders who like to hunt, they can be arranged to go hunting.

As soon as this proposal came out, it was approved by the provincial government.

So a good place was chosen.

Just at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, on the land of green trees, about 3000 mu has been encircled, and a wildlife sanctuary has been established.

In cooperation with the local garrison, a battalion of troops was stationed to be responsible for patrolling the protected area.

From then on, ordinary people could not go in and hunt.

Only guests or leaders approved by the local government can go hunting.

Their Hani Town is closely adjacent to this reserve, and they have to pass through Hani Town if they want to go hunting in this reserve.

"There are usually no people in the reserve, and they are all really wild animals. There are a large number of Tibetan antelopes and Tibetan chamois in Kunlun Mountains, as well as large herds of wild donkeys (qian donkeys) and groups of wild yaks. The most common one is the big horned wild animal. Sheep, green sheep, ibex, and brown bears near the waterway. Wild wolves are unique to our place. Occasionally, we can see snow leopards in winter---Mayor Jiang will have guests and friends who want to hunt in the future. Our town can arrange guides. "

Boduwang Yazha said this not to flatter Jiang Shen, but to throw a sentence, every leader would say that when he came over.

Anyway, Jiang Shen really came to hunt, and he didn't need to spend money and effort. It was a good thing that he was entertained by the public and could cater to the leaders.

"Mayor Jiang lives in the town tonight. How about I accompany Mayor Jiang to shoot a few shots tomorrow morning?" The mayor Luo Yongcheng, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Luo Yongcheng was a little young, in his 30s. After Jiang Shen came, it was the secretary who had been talking. Only then did he interject.

Yo, Ronaldinho, what do you want to do?Fighting for favor?Boduwangyaza glanced at Luo Yongcheng indistinctly.

Luo Yongcheng didn't look at him, but looked at Jiang Shen with a smile.

"Okay, I really haven't hunted before, but I have a few friends who are also in the city. I'll call them over and we'll be together tomorrow." Jiang Shen wanted to call Jin Zhiqing and the others.

He had a hunch, did he drink too much deer blood today?What should I do at night?

"Of course it's okay, but if you come here now, will it be too late?" Boduwang Yaza quickly followed up. Although he didn't like Jiang Shen, there was no reason for Luo Yongcheng to flatter him.

Don't you, Luo, think that if you flatter Jiang Shen, you can snatch my secretary?The butt surnamed Jiang couldn't sit still.

"I'll make a call." Jiang Shen called Shen Bi.

Among the three girls, Jin Zhiqing was like a child, He Liuye only knew how to flirt, and only Shen Bi was mature and stable.

"Where are you? Are you interested in hunting?"

"I bought fur in the city. It was said to be authentic snow leopard fur. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Don't buy it, it's definitely a fake, come and hunt a snow leopard, a real one."

"Okay, where?"

"Hani Town, ask Hu Qiao to take you here. The journey is a bit long, don't worry, drive slowly, I'll wait for you."

Jiang Shen gave orders there, and the crisp female voice on the phone was heard clearly by the surroundings.

It turned out to be a beauty?Boduwang Yazha and Luo Yongcheng looked at each other, Jiang Shen drank too much deer blood today, and wanted a beautiful woman.

The crowd accompanied Jiang Shen around the village again, looked at the local environment, and around six o'clock, the sky had gradually darkened, and they finally got up and rushed to the town.

It took another half an hour to drive from the village to the town.

Arrive at the town government at six o'clock, steaming hot food and drinks are ready.

Boduwang Yazha politely brought Jiang Shen to the table, Jiang Shen glanced at it, wow, it was full of all kinds of game.

"This is a wild goat---pangolin------" Luo Yongcheng introduced to Jiang Shen.

For the new mayor, they believed that Jiang Shen had never eaten a lot of wild game.

"What, what is this?" Jiang Shen was considered extremely rich, but he really didn't eat many things.

"This is a bear's paw---" Podowang Yazha said with a smile: "The most delicious is the black bear's paw, but there are more brown bears in Kunlun Mountains."

"Bo Duo Wang Yazha, you can. Last time Director Ruan of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department came, you didn't take it out--" Xiang Zhong, who had been watching coldly, made a strange voice.

"Just had it, just had it---" Podowang Yazha smiled.

But I thought in my heart, it's useless for me to feed that Director Bird, what good is it for me?

As for Jiang Shen, although he has not settled down now, but I will leave a good influence, not to mention any promotion, at least he will not mess with me in the future?

That's right, Portowan Yaza is the idea.

He saw that Luo Yongcheng wanted to flatter Jiang Shen, so of course he couldn't lag behind.

Luo Yongcheng doesn't flatter, so he can keep it simple.

Luo Yongcheng clapped, he wanted to be simple, and the two compared each other in Jiang Shen's mind, and the verdict was reached.

In order not to leave a bad impression on Jiang Shen, he also had to pay some capital, anyway, this bear's paw doesn't want him to pay.

"Secretary Bo, you are too polite." Jiang Shen smiled wryly.

Today's meal, if placed outside, would cost at least several thousand, or even tens of thousands. With the current situation in the domestic political arena, only Yuhai, a remote area, would dare to eat like this.

You go to Dongning, Jiangnan Province to try it out, and if someone photographs it and uploads it, you will be fired immediately.

But he is no longer the stunned young man he used to be.

This is how it is in the officialdom, when your subordinates invite you to eat delicious food, you have to pretend to be aloof and say to change tofu and vegetables, is this him? Who will play with you in the future?

"If you have good food, of course you need some good wine, good cigarettes, Xiao Wen, you get in the car, in the trunk, bring a bottle of my 80-year-old Moutai, don't take more, take a bottle first , and cigarettes, bring me a small box."

"---" Wen Yiyi took the car keys, she didn't understand, this car belongs to the small class, when did you put things in it?

But since Jiang Shen said so, she had no choice but to turn around and go out.

"Moutai in the 80s sold for 10,000+ a bottle at its peak, right?" Xiang Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He has no other hobbies, but he likes to drink, and he likes good wine.

Portowan Yazha also raised his eyebrows. When it comes to wine, this is also one of his favorites.

"Mayor Xiang, this is enough for you. Don't you like good wine the most? Now that the price has been reduced so much, a bottle of [-] to [-] is still worth it."

"80 years? No, it was Moutai 80 years ago." Jiang Shen smiled: "The current inventory in the world does not exceed [-] boxes. It is the world, not the whole country."

"What?" Hearing this, everyone in the audience gasped, showing disbelief.

At this moment, a sweet smell of wine suddenly wafted from the room. Everyone looked up, but Wen Yiyi was not seen at the door.

Before she arrived, Jiu Xiang had already arrived here.

"Good wine." Xiang Zhong's eyes were shining, and his body was shaking with excitement.

Drinking is his greatest hobby, and when he smells the aroma of this wine, he knows it is a very good wine.

After Wen Yiyi brought the wine and cigarettes, Jiang Shen carefully picked up the bottle of wine.

While driving, he said: "Actually, according to accurate calculations, it should be nearly a hundred years old, but in the market, people are used to calling it '80-year-old Moutai.'"

This bottle was packed in a wooden box. As soon as the box was opened and the lid was still on, a strong aroma of wine made a person like Wen Yiyi, who didn't drink much, faint.

Just smell it and feel drunk.

"Could it be that --- in 1915, the government at that time took part in the treasures of the Panama International Exposition?" Xiang Zhongzheng is a person who knows wine, and when he saw this wine box, he reported the details.

Hearing this, the others gasped again.

The Panama International Exposition in 1915 lasted for nine and a half months, and the total number of visitors exceeded 900 million, creating a record in the history of the world at that time.

As Huaguo participated in this kind of activity for the first time, the Moutai at that time shocked the world.

That batch of wine is now almost extinct in China.

When Jiang Shen was still in the British palace, he saw that the Queen had a private collection, so he asked for a few boxes.

This wine was originally bottled by a catty, but after opening the bottle, everyone saw that only one-third of the whole bottle was in it.

After nearly a hundred years of concentration, two-thirds of the original wine has disappeared, leaving only the light yellow sauce-like essence.

"What the hell, you can't buy this wine for how much money?" Bodowang Yaza swears violently.

As a person who grew up on the grassland, Podowang Yazha also loves wine like his life.

Seeing such a masterpiece, my eyes are green.

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