Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 862 Convinced Oral

The next day, Jiang Shen got up refreshed and took the girls down to have breakfast.

In the hall, Hu Qiao and Wen Yiyi were chatting.

"Mayor Jiang."


Both of them were very calm on the surface.

But Jiang Shen could see that Comrade Xiao Wen felt very wronged, and he didn't seem to sleep well last night?

He was a little embarrassed.

Yesterday, stag blood wine came to the fore, and he was in a hurry to get rid of Xiao Wen.

Then his own woman came and kicked Xiao Wen away again.

You can't find a spare tire like this.

"Xiao Wen, Xiao Hu, later, let's go hunting together." He said with great concern.

"I'm not going, I didn't sleep well last night, I want to make up for it." Wen Yiyi was sad.

Hu Qiao also shook her head quickly: "Me too, I want to sleep again."

She knew that Jiang Shen was going to take three girlfriends there, so she stopped making light bulbs.

"Oh---that's fine." Jiang Shen had no choice.

"What did you do with that secretary of yours last night?" Jin Zhiqing smiled secretly, and rubbed her shoulder against Jiang Shen: "Rabbits don't even eat grass beside their nests, Jiang Shen, don't tell me you always look for the female secretary."

"Shut up, you are also my nest grass, you are not eaten by me." Jiang Shen snorted coldly.

"It seems that she has a lot of grievances, Brother Gentleman, you'd better make up for it later, I don't mind having multiple sisters." He Liuye covered her mouth and smiled: "Actually, I like a lot of people. The more sisters, the more I feel. Exciting, I just want to see how many sisters you can stand up to by yourself."

"**." Shen Bi scolded with a smile.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, who asked for it once last night, and kept asking for it again, grabbing Brother Gentleman, refusing to let go."

"How dare you say me?" Shen Bi and He Liuye started fighting after eating half of it.

At this time, a person walked in outside.

His face was a little pale.

Luo Yongcheng who was poured yesterday.

He said that he would take Jiang Shen to hunt today, but he still arrived on time because he had too much wine yesterday.

As soon as he came in, he saw Jiang Shen and the three girls playing around, he was slightly taken aback.

In Qingshu officialdom, there are really not many who dare to openly take a few women around like Jiang Shen.

Mayor, can you notice an influence?

Luo Yongcheng walked over a little depressed.

"Mayor Jiang, the secretary and I will wait for you outside. After you have finished breakfast, we will go hunting."

It was a bit of a surprise that the Secretary of Hani Town, Podowang Yazha, came.

But Jiang Shen now knows why, yesterday he was drunk by Jiang Shen.

"Mayor Jiang, today's weather is very suitable for hunting." Podowang Yazha stood beside an off-road jeep with a smile.

That car still has a military plate, and it should be a military vehicle of the local garrison.

"Let me introduce, this is Battalion Commander Liu Bufang of the garrison, and this is our Mayor Jiang."

Battalion Commander Liu was tall and dark-skinned. He saluted Jiang Shen and said in a high voice, "Hello, Mayor Jiang."

"Hello, Battalion Commander Liu, you are so powerful." Jiang Shen saw that he had a good relationship with Hani Town Secretary Podo Wang Yaza, and estimated that the relationship between the local garrison and the Hani Town government should be very good.

They are stationed here to take care of this wildlife sanctuary, and it is also important to have a good relationship with the local government.

Both the military and civilians need the support of the other.

"This is Mayor Jiang's friend, are they all beauties?" At this moment, Battalion Commander Liu noticed the three beauties beside Jiang Shen.

Each one is eye-catching.

And this temperament, this outfit, besides being sexy, is amazing.

Jiang Shen brought the three beauties out at once, and the secretary, Bodowang Yazha, was actually stunned for a moment.

Miss?girlfriend?Not like Miss, but three girlfriends together?Also like ah.

"Let me introduce to you. This is Shen Bi, the general manager of Tongling Jewelry Group. You should have heard of Tongling Jewelry. It is the largest jewelry and jade distribution and production group in China and one of the top [-] companies in the world. This time It’s for our Qingshu’s jade mine.”

"So it's General Manager Shen, hello, hello, welcome." In fact, everyone was not very familiar with this name, because they rarely bought jewelry.

But when they heard of the world's top [-] companies, they were shocked.

How many domestic companies can enter the world's top [-]?

The top ones are all state-owned enterprises. It's amazing that this private company can enter the world's top [-] companies.

"This is Jin Zhiqing, my friend. His father is my old leader. When I was in Dongning, his father was the head of the organization of our province. Now he is in another province as the vice-province of the Standing Committee."

"Oh, Miss Jin, hello, hello." Portowang Yasuo and Luo Yongcheng's eyes brightened, and the daughter of the deputy provincial leader was also very awesome.

At least for them, a deputy province can crush them.

Battalion Commander Liu next to him remained calm and calm. He is a rich man, and the deputy provincial leader has nothing to do with him.

"This is He Liuye, and also my friend, Battalion Commander Liu, you should spend more time with Comrade He Liuye today."

"Why?" Commander Liu asked strangely.

"Her father is He Changlong, have you heard of it?" Jiang Shen was so awesome today, and he was not afraid that others would know, so he reported it one by one.

"He Changlong?" I seem to have heard of it.At the level of Battalion Commander Liu, the leaders of his own military region have naturally heard of it, and other military regions will be familiar with it.

"The political commissar of the Jiangnan Military Region? The head of the Great Military Region." Luo Yongcheng exclaimed.

"Mayor Luo, do you know him?"

"I'm from Jiangnan. I just returned home on May [-]st. Commissar He seems to be called He Changlong."

He Liuye smiled without saying a word, the pride on his face could not be hidden.

It is normal for my father to be the head of the military region.

"Hello, Chief." Battalion Commander Liu really knows how to pretend.

Immediately there was another standing at attention salute, honestly saluting He Liuye.

Although he is not from a military region, his father's level deserves his respect. When Battalion Commander Liu heard that he was the head of a large military region, he was scared to death.

"I'm not the chief. Mayor Jiang is the chief." He Liuye grinned.

Copy, all rich or expensive?A few local officials nearby were terrified.

No wonder Jiang Shen dared to take them around.

Who dares to twist his mouth.

The Secretary of the Yuhai Provincial Party Committee wanted to twist his mouth, but he also had to consider Lieutenant General He's feelings.

"Let's go, let's go hunting." Jiang Shen concluded his speech with a wave of his hand, and everyone got into the car one after another.

There were three cars lined up, two were military jeeps, and one was a Poussin from the town.

Not many people go.

In the town, the Secretary of Hani Town, Bo Duowang Yaza, and the mayor, Luo Yongcheng, accompanied each other. There were three people in the army.

Commander Liu, with two drivers.

The driver also works part-time as an orderly, taking care of everyone.

About four and ten minutes later, three vehicles entered the protected area.

There are troops stationed here, and posts are set up on the road.

After passing the post, even enter the official protected area.

There are plains, forests, and high mountains in sight. After more than ten miles forward, I began to see a large number of Tibetan antelopes. They walked freely on the grassland without restraint.

Occasionally, local wild wolves can be seen.

Here is the real wild.

It is a gathering place for wild animals.

They centered on the Kunlun Mountains, more than 100 miles away, and their range of activities was within [-] miles of Fangyuan.

If you fight ordinary wild animals, you can do it outside on the grassland.

If you want to encounter ferocious beasts such as brown bears and wild boars, you'd better go to the Kunlun Mountains.

"That's Kunlun Mountain in front, right?" He Liuye also saw Kunlun Mountain for the first time.

It is currently May, but from a distance, the top of Kunlun Mountain is as white as snow.

"You mean that the 'Snow Mountain Peak' of Kunlun Mountain is not in our province. In Xijiang Province, the top of the mountain is full of moons all year round. It is rich in the unique wild snow ginseng, which is extremely expensive. You look close to us, but you don't know how much it is. thousands of miles."

"This 'Maha Peak' is in our Qingshu City. It is said that there is a temple on it, but no one has seen it for many years."

"You haven't been there either?"

"The mountain is full of ferocious beasts and birds, who dares to go up?" Battalion Commander Liu was terrified. None of our troops dared to go up. Firstly, it was easy to get lost, and secondly, it was too dangerous at night.

"Wolves." At this moment, someone screamed from the intercom in front.

After driving for half an hour, they finally came across a pack of wolves.

"Get out of the car, get out of the car, and beat the wolf." Battalion Commander Liu laughed.

The wolves that everyone fears on the grassland are nothing to them.

Everyone got out of the car quickly.

The two driver soldiers brought out five five-six-type semi-automatic rifles from the carriage.

This kind of rifle has been eliminated in the army, and the soldiers don't use it.

But on the grassland, he is a good guy for hunting.

One for battalion commander Liu, one for each of the other two soldiers, and the three of them held guns just in case.

There were still two guns, and Battalion Commander Liu gave one to Jiang Shen and one to Boduwang Yaza.

"I don't like to play with this. Mayor Luo, let's play." Portowan Yazha gave it to Luo Yongcheng. They grew up on the grassland and have played with shotguns since they were young. This is similar to a shotgun, and it is not as good as a shotgun in their eyes.

Luo Yongcheng naturally liked it, held it in his hand, and manipulated it skillfully, it could be seen that he had come to fight before.

"Mayor Jiang, can you play?" Battalion Commander Liu wanted to teach Jiang Shen.

"I used to be a policeman, and my firearms are the number one every year." Jiang Shen coaxed coquettishly.

"---" It's true or not, everyone doesn't believe it.

At this time, the wolves also noticed that there were several cars and people here, woo, woo, a wolf howled, and the wolves came roaring.

Hiss, Luo Yongcheng's expression changed first.

If you don't come to the scene, you won't feel the shock.

Dozens of wolves rushed over together, and the power and power were the same as those in ancient wars, with thousands of troops and horses.

Podowang Yazha looked to the side, and the three women were all smiling and pointing.

"This is a wolf, similar to a puppy."

"Is wolf meat delicious?"

"It should be delicious."

Every word you say to me, the three girls, will cause the soldiers on the side to collapse.

Is this true fear, or complete ignorance?

A soldier put down the five or six styles in his hand, and took an eighty-one style from the back of the carriage.

If there are too many wolves, five or six moves won't work, only the eight one precept is powerful enough.

Just then, the wolves approached within 100 meters of them.

They were running very fast, and they surrounded the three cars in a circle, and they were all a little nervous at this moment.

Jiang Shen looked left and right, jumped onto the jeep with one stride, and picked up the five or six styles.




Six rounds of bullets are shot one by one.

The wolves on the opposite side fell six in a row.

"Here comes the gun." After Jiang Shen finished shooting, he threw the rifle on the car.

Battalion Commander Liu saw it, and quickly threw the rifle in his hand to Jiang Shen.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Another six shots in a row.

The wolves on the opposite side fell six more.

Twelve wolves were knocked down in a row, each killed by a single shot.

Jiang Shen's ferocity also frightened the wolves.

The rushing wolves stopped 50 meters away from Jiang Shen.

"Woo..." a wolf looked up to the sky and howled, and the wolves backed away slowly, staring at Jiang Shen, and backed away slowly.

"Nee?" Battalion Commander Liu and the others looked at it in surprise and admiration.

One shot at a time, not everyone can do it.

And he knows the characteristics of wolves, seeing blood is the craziest.

Usually no matter how many people fall down, they will continue to charge upwards.

Today, he was forced to retreat by Jiang Shen's twelve shots.

"Mayor Jiang, you're awesome." Battalion Commander Liu really admired him at this moment.

If it was said that he respected the women around Jiang Shen because they were not young, but now, he is really convinced.

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