"Come on, which one of you will come first?" Jiang Shen looked at the three women.

"Let me come. He Liuye grew up in the army, and he also shot a gun." Jiang Shen pulled it to the roof of the car, took the gun, and pulled the bolt down skillfully.

Raise your gun, aim.

The wolves were hovering 60 meters away at this time, and seemed unwilling to retreat like this.

"Bang" He Liuye shot.

"Woo" a wolf flew out on the opposite side and fell to the ground.

"Yeah" He Liuye was overjoyed and jumped up in the car.

But immediately, the wolf whined a few times, then stood up again with a limp.

"I'm stupid." He Liuye swears directly.

"I'll come, I'll come." Jin Zhiqing also wanted to play with guns.

She often plays with Jiang Shen's gun, but this is the first time she has played with this kind of gun.

Are they all characters?Behind them, Battalion Commander Liu and Mayor Luo watched, shaking their heads and smiling wryly.

It is really rare for a girl to love guns so much and dare to love guns.

They used to accompany their leaders to hunt, and some women didn't dare to shoot, and they didn't even dare to hold a gun.

What's more, some women have to stay away when they see others holding guns.

Being a woman is not easy. Shen Bi has been doing business with his father since he was a child, and he dared to run to Myanmar with a little girl. He is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Take up your guns.

Others wanted to play too, but seeing that Mayor Jiang's friends were so interested, everyone decided to have fun and let them play.

Because there were so many wolves, the crowd surrounded the car all the time and did not dare to go out, but the wolves were also afraid of their guns, so they retreated a little bit now, but they did not leave and continued to surround them.

Visually, there are about 70 meters.

A few girls chattered happily there, and Jiang Shen lost interest after a performance.

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, the majestic Kunlun Mountains are endless, spanning thousands of miles, and he can't sweep them away with his spiritual thoughts. The mountains inside are undulating, criss-crossing, and various scenery.

"Hey, what's that?" Jiang Shen suddenly swept across a house.

"Is there a temple on it?" Jiang Shen asked Podowang Yazha.

"Yeah, you've heard of it too?" Podowang Yazha looked confused: "It is said that the temple has existed for hundreds of years. It was built by a master in the Song Dynasty. At that time, incense was very popular, and nearby herdsmen came from the bottom of the mountain to the temple. , It takes three days and three nights to walk, and there are still an endless stream of believers going up to find this temple."

"However, from the founding of our country to the present, there have been three groups of archaeological experts, even the army, but they have not found this temple. The local herdsmen said that this temple is deep in the mountains and forests. It is a legend that cannot be met unless someone is destined. Now, Mayor Jiang, don't take it seriously."

Boduwang Yaza was afraid that Jiang Shen was serious, so he went to the temple when he was interested.

Because a provincial leader came here before, and he also heard the legend of this temple and asked the local government to accompany him to find the temple.

The local government said it was difficult to find, but was immediately criticized by the provincial leaders. Later, they had no choice but to find a local herdsman as a guide. After walking on the mountain for a week, they couldn't find it, and almost had an accident.

"Oh--" Jiang Shen remained calm, Podowang Yazha thought he was just thinking about it, but Jiang Shen had already seen the temple.

His spiritual sense has been further developed in the past few years in Lishan, reaching about three hundred miles.

And that temple is less than fifty miles away from him.

Why does he feel strange.

Anything within the scope of his divine sense, even a hair, can be seen clearly as long as he locks it.

As for this temple, he clearly locked it, but he felt confused and couldn't see clearly.

It was as if there was a layer of cloud and mist covering him, making it impossible for him to see clearly.

This is almost never happened to Jiang Shen.

Is this temple weird?Jiang Shen immediately felt something strange.

"I'll go ahead and have a look. You guys are here to hunt wolves and wait for me to come back." Jiang Shen originally wanted to fly over, but there were too many people here, so he had to pretend to drive the car.

"Mayor Jiang, don't do it." Boduwang Yazha was anxious.

There are hordes of beasts here, and there are brown bears. Without the protection of the soldiers, who would dare to go deep.

Jiang Shen is also a low-ranking person. If he is a provincial leader, there are usually more people in the garrison.

It's not because of how important they are. To put it bluntly, in other places, when the Prime Minister of the Government Affairs Council comes down, there is no need to send so many soldiers. It is because this place is too dangerous, and the more soldiers there are, the safer it is.

"It's okay, Battalion Commander Liu, protect them well, and I'll come as soon as I go." Jiang Shen said without any explanation, and drove a military jeep to go.

Everyone couldn't stop them, so they wanted to ask some girls to persuade them.

Who among the beauties is afraid of Jiang Shen's accident? "It's okay, it's okay, let him go, let's beat the wolf." The beauties were naturally not worried about Jiang Shen.

"Liu Battalion Commander, quickly send someone to follow." Boduwang Yaza was worried about Jiang Shen.

But he said it was too late, after Jiang Shen got into the car, he kicked the accelerator, bang bang, Ji Jin's car rushed away, and soon disappeared in front of their eyes.

Let me copy, is this Mayor Jiang?All the officials and Commander Liu were dumbfounded.

Jiang Shen was an official and a small official, and he was a mayor anyway. At the command of Battalion Commander Liu, two soldiers got into another jeep, trying to catch up with Jiang Shen.

But just as their car started, wow, the pack of wolves roared, as if they had moved.

"Don't move." Liu Ying stared, not daring to let his subordinates leave.

There are many people here, so we still have to pay attention to the safety of people here.

Sure enough, suddenly another pack of wolves came from behind.

Two groups of wolves meet together.

"Get in the car, get in the car." Battalion Commander Liu snatched the guns from the women's hands and dragged them into the car.

There were too many wolves, and the pack that came from behind was so dense that it was impossible to count them.

"It's unscientific." Podowang Yazha was dumbfounded. He has worked in the town from a clerk to a secretary for more than 20 years, but he has never seen so many wolves.

"Go, go, go back, if you are surrounded by wolves, you will die." Battalion Commander Liu and his team's strongest firepower is the Bayi automatic rifle, but the bullets are limited. There are so many wolves, I don't know there are hundreds of them, If it goes up to a thousand, there are not enough bullets.

"Where's Mayor Jiang?" Xiang Zhong was also worried about Jiang Shen.

After drinking yesterday, he and Jiang Shen became quite close.

"Leave him alone, he'll be fine, let's go first." He Liuye disagreed.

"That's not good, why don't we drive forward and find Mayor Jiang." Mayor Luo continued to flatter.

Boduwang Yazha glanced at him, Jiang Shen is not there, who are you telling this to?

They were still thinking about driving there, wow, the pack of wolves started violently, and started rushing towards their car frantically.

"Let's go, let's go, it's too late." The distance of tens of meters was within a few seconds for the wolves, and they quickly turned around and accelerated to escape.

Sure enough, it was too late. It also took seven or eight seconds for the jeep to accelerate from start to [-] yards.

In just seven or eight seconds, blah blah, dozens of wolves have overtaken the convoy, blocking them in front.

"Bang, bang." There was a loud gunshot in the car, and several soldiers began to exert their strength.

But they found that more and more wolves appeared.

No, Battalion Commander Liu took out his mobile phone and dialed to call for rescue.

"Hey, no signal?"

"How is it possible? Usually there is a signal here, let me take a look." Podowang Yaza also took out his mobile phone. There are three communication towers nearby, so how could there be no signal.

But everyone took out their mobile phones one after another to check, and there was no signal at all.


Battalion Commander Liu faintly felt something was wrong.

Just when their convoy was in a bitter battle with the wolves, Jiang Shen was getting closer and closer to the 'Maha Peak'.

'Maha Peak' is on the southwest side of Kunlun Mountains. It belongs to the Kunlun Mountains'Tars Mountains' and is adjacent to the grassland.

Jiang Shen drove all the way and saw many wild animals on the grassland, even wild horses.

"There are wild horses?" Jiang Shen seemed to have returned to ancient times.

He stopped the car abruptly, looked around for no one, and put it into the storage space.

Whoosh, jumped into the air.

"Hey..." The wild horse seemed to sense Jiang Shen's intentions, turned around suddenly, spread its hooves, and ran away.

But how could his speed compare to that of Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen sat down on his back all at once, and with a light pat, a strong force pressed the Mustang's knees to limp, and almost fell to his knees on the spot.

"Woo--" the wild horse roared towards the sky, showing the meaning of submission.

With Jiang Shen's jump and slap, a tiger would have to surrender, let alone his wild horse.

It's a pity that Jiang Shen didn't have time to play with him, and he couldn't help laughing complacently when he got his intention to surrender, whoosh, he flew into the air like an eagle on the grassland, flying among the mountains.

When he arrived on the grassland, there was no one for thousands of miles, he no longer had any scruples, he could fly upside down in the sky without being invisible, and flew into the mountains in a few seconds.

After entering the mountain, a heavy breath came to the face.

It seems that these mountains have experienced tens of thousands of years, with a long history and a strong atmosphere.

Jiang Shen took a light breath, and even felt a trace of aura in the air.

Sure enough, it is an ancient mountain of tens of millions of years. It is said that Kunlun Mountain was formed tens of millions of years ago. After countless years of precipitation, it is more mysterious than any famous mountain in China.

The aura in the air was similar to that of Jiang Shen's fairy crystal, but not as dense as the fairy crystal, and Jiang Shen swept down with his spiritual thoughts.

Under the mountains, deep in the ground, there are various rich ores stored in Yanran.

These ores are currently undeveloped by human science and technology. There are even ores similar to Jiang Shen's Immortal Crystal in the depths of a hundred miles underground.

Is there a fairy crystal mine here?After Jiang Shen locked it with his spiritual sense, he took a closer look.

It should be a low-level fairy crystal, the lowest-level fairy crystal ore in Xuanmen.

These ores and the refined fairy crystals are still very useful for beginners like You Mi and Xue Xiaoyin, but they can almost be ignored for Jiang Shen.

A top grade fairy crystal on his body is more valuable and useful than all these ores combined.

Well, it seems that if Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin are called here to practice, they will definitely improve rapidly.

It's no wonder that ancient cultivators must occupy famous mountains and blessed places. The older the mountain, the more likely it is to have precious things.

While thinking, Jiang Shen set foot on Maha Peak.

Maha is Sanskrit, which means 'big' in Buddhism, and is generally regarded as 'great wisdom'.

It is rumored that during the Song Dynasty, a Mahasattva traveled around the world. After coming here, he was fascinated by the atmosphere here, and finally settled in the mountains.

The mountain where he lives is called 'Maha Peak'.

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