Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 877 Mysterious treasure

Jiang Shen found that Liang Mulan was really empty of all four.

He held hands with Liang Mulan, and even used his magical powers. An ordinary woman would be shaken immediately by him, and Jiang Sisi would be even more distracted when she touched her like this.

However, Liang Mulan's reaction was useless.

If she is not dead?It is the Buddha.

Jiang Shen was secretly depressed, his body was led by her and he walked forward involuntarily.

"Will this be too slow?" Jiang Shen was naturally dissatisfied.

He has picked up countless girls, as long as he wants, he can grab any woman at his fingertips.

Today, Liang Mulan will be conquered.

"Then hold me, and hurry up." Liang Mulan also said it, and stretched out her arms, intending to let Jiang Shen hold her.

"Okay." Of course Jiang Shen was not polite, he put his arms around Liang Mulan and hugged Liang Mulan.

Now that the two of them were close to each other, Liang Mulan had a nice fragrance, which spread into Jiang Shen's nose, making people feel refreshed and cleared their minds and eyesight.

Jiang Shen suddenly felt that she was a bit holy and he was a bit wretched.

"What are you doing here? Let's go?" Liang Mulan asked him.

"Oh." Jiang Shen accelerated, and the two quickly went deep into the cave.

After a while, the two reached the innermost part.

Still the same as last time, eight mysterious passages appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

In Liang Mulan's words, the eight channels correspond to the eight constellations in the starry sky. The constellations remain unchanged, and even gods cannot decipher them.

Unless Jiang Shen flies into the starry sky and blows up the eight constellations one by one.

But this time there is a good opportunity, the star shift once every 50 years.

The Zodiac of the Emperor's Road will present a straight line of the Milky Way, and the time is only 12 seconds.

This is the best opportunity to crack this array.

"Can you let go?" Liang Mulan looked at her hand.

Jiang Shen hugged her with one arm, and kept holding her hand with the other.

"Don't leave me for ten feet." Jiang Shen giggled and let go of his hand.

He can protect Liang Mulan without grabbing, but the distance is limited. Now if he wants to kill Liang Mulan and suddenly withdraws, Liang Mulan will freeze to death immediately.

Liang Mulan rolled his eyes at him, and touched a few times from the baggy clothes.

Astrolabe, astrolabe, astrolabe.

One, two, three.

Jiang Shen wanted to look like a doraemon, watching her take out ten astrolabes from her clothes.

"Follow me." Liang Mulan began to place an astrolabe, one for each of the eight passages.

After the release, there were two more, and I gave one to Jiang Shen.

"At this position, at nine o'clock, you stand here and don't move. The astrolabe is facing the third channel. At that time, light will come out of the channel and hit your astrolabe, which will be refracted."

"There are eight lines of refraction, and when the eight lines return to the eight paths, the formation will be broken."

Liang Mulan held the last astrolabe by herself.

There are countless needles on the astrolabe, and the number is innumerable. They are vibrating and making rattling sounds.

With a sweep of Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts, he could find every trace of aura in the astrolabe.

This astrolabe can actually gather the surrounding aura.

He has recently learned the dot matrix diagram, and he can see that the surface of the astrolabe is engraved with the talisman formation technique, which has a special effect.

"Don't stay too far away from me." Jiang Shen reminded Liang Mulan again.

"It's okay, once the formation is broken, the temperature returns to normal, and my clothes can hold it." Liang Mulan stood not far from Jiang Shen, waiting quietly.

Time passed little by little.

Eight forty-five, fifty, fifty-five.

It was soon approaching nine o'clock.

Buzzing, one minute before nine o'clock, the cave began to tremble.

In the depths of the passage, there was a whistling sound like a strong wind, and Jiang Shen could feel that there seemed to be a huge movement in every passage.

"Don't move." Liang Mulan told Jiang Shen not to move, and moved by herself, stopping every step, and the astrolabe in her hand kept spinning.

But she moved back, remembering Jiang Shen's words, she was always within ten feet of Jiang Shen, and every time she took a step, she took out a talisman paper from her clothes and threw it on the ground.

Jiang Shenzheng watched with wide eyes. Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but he could tell that Liang Mulan was very powerful in Taoism. When the talisman was thrown down, it was as heavy as a mountain, much better than Li Buyi.

This kind of Taoism is a bit like Jiang Shen's supernatural power, which is close to the strength of turning emptiness into reality. If Jiang Shen accepts her as an apprentice, it will be easier than Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin if she reaches the stage of supernatural power.

Bang, bang, bang, she threw more than a dozen talismans in a row, as if she threw more than a dozen mountains in the cave, and the ground shook.

Swipe, swipe, [-]:[-] a.m., every talisman begins to shine.

The passages seemed to spiral up.

Great, this Liang Mulan is about the same as a Xuanshi?What Jiang Shen saw was also admiration.

"Swipe" At this moment, a black ray of light shot out from the third channel.

The black light came very quickly, Jiang Shen held the astrolabe there, and was directly hit by the black light.

Shuashuashua, the black light folded into eight rays of light on his astrolabe and shot towards the eight channels in turn.

Boom, the whole ground shook violently, brushed, the surrounding light was infinite, soaring into the sky, and the originally dark bottom of the cave became bright.

The surrounding area became more than ten times clearer.

Jiang Shen found that the eight passages disappeared one by one.

It turns out that everything is an illusion.

There are no eight below, only one.

When the last real passage appeared, the surrounding temperature rose sharply and returned to normal.

Phew, Jiang Shen felt that the passage that appeared at the end was breathing like a life.

"Let's go." Liang Mulan's eyes lit up, she threw away everything in her hand and rushed into the hole.

But her speed is not as fast as Jiang Shen's. Huh, Jiang Shen went in first with a spiritual mind, and with one step, he surpassed Liang Mulan like lightning.

This road is still going down, and it twists and turns, with a little depth.

Before Jiang Gentleman went in, his divine sense had already reached the innermost part.

Boom, his divine sense seemed to be hit hard by someone.

His divine sense was pushed to the bottom of the cave by a force.

"Temple?" Jiang Shen saw it.

In the depths of the cave, there is a huge open space in which a temple stands.

Outside the temple, there is a layer of dark green light.

It was this layer of light that blocked his divine thoughts.

"A magic weapon? This must be a magic weapon?" Jiang Shen knows that in the world of Taoism, there are magic weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons, etc., but he doesn't know what level this temple is?

He has a magic weapon in his hand, which was left by the Tathagata, which is obviously not as good as this temple.

When he rushed to Dongdu, standing in front of the temple, Jiang Shen seemed to see a universe.

Only by standing on a high place can you see farther, and only when you come to the universe can you feel the vastness.

Standing in front of the temple, Jiang Shen could clearly see the light curtain outside the temple.

Crystal clear, dark green flowing, the light curtain is like a universe, with countless dots representing countless stars.

Jiang Shen believes that this is not the Milky Way.

This is another galaxy that is vaster and infinite than the Milky Way.

His eyes were immediately attracted, and his eyes passed through this light curtain, entered layer by layer, and saw another galaxy countless light-years away.

Closer, closer, getting closer?

Jiang Shen stood blankly in front of the light curtain, and saw a continent that was getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that there are countless figures on that continent.

Just when Jiang Shen was about to see what it was.

"What is this?" A startled cry woke Jiang Shen up.

Jiang Shen came back to his senses abruptly, and found that he was still standing there, with the light curtain in front of him flowing dark green.

"That's not right, just now I saw dots of stars in it, like another galaxy?" Jiang Shen looked left and right, but couldn't see the strangeness just now.

"Damn it, it was broken." Jiang Shen turned his head and glared at Liang Mulan.

If Liang Mulan didn't come, he could see clearly what the mainland was and what was on it just now.

"Why is there a temple here? How do we divide it?" Liang Mulan stared at the temple dumbfounded.

"I don't know, I don't know what it is?" Jiang Shen thought it was a magic weapon before, but just now he almost saw countless light years away, and felt that it might not be a magic weapon.

At this time, Liang Mulan slowly stretched out her hand and touched the dark green light curtain.

"Don't move around." Jiang Shen hadn't finished speaking.

Liang Mulan had already bumped into it.

"Boom" There was a violent shock in the ground, and the light curtain shone brightly.

Swipe, swipe, several rays of light shot out.

"Ah--" Liang Mulan screamed, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then it fell out with a loud plop and hit the wall.

"Professor Liang, Professor Liang" Jiang Shen hurried over and found that Liang Mulan was so angry that she almost died.

Can you save her?

Jiang Shen hesitated in his heart.

This time it was not him who made the move, Liang Mulan asked for trouble, Jiang Shen really wanted her to die, but if she was going to die, my three women might also be in danger.

"You're lucky." Jiang Shen gritted his teeth, helped Liang Mulan up, and whoosh, a trace of fairy spirit crossed over.

"Hmm---" Liang Mulan slowly opened her eyes, her complexion improved a lot.

"Am I dead?" Liang Mulan lay in Jiang Shen's arms, leaning tightly against Jiang Shen.

"It's a little bit close, I told you not to move around." Jiang Shen saw that she seemed to be seriously injured, and it was not an ordinary injury, so he had to lose a little more immortal energy.

Two minutes later, Liang Mulan regained her color and slowly struggled to stand up.

"Thank you Jiang Shen --- thank you, I didn't expect you to save me ---" Liang Mulan spoke sincerely, her face seemed a little humble.

"Hmph, I'm still a little sympathetic." Jiang Shen was annoyed.

"Huh, the light curtain is gone?" Liang Mulan asked in surprise.

"Yes?" Jiang Shen found that the light curtain outside the temple had disappeared.

It seemed that this prohibition disappeared after being triggered by Liang Mulan.

The light curtain disappeared, and the temple clearly appeared in front of the two of them.

Jiang Shen scanned again with his spiritual sense, but he couldn't get in.

But he could feel the inside of the temple, as if there was something else in it.

"I'll watch it." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand fiercely and grabbed it in the air.

"Boom..." the temple shone brightly and gave off a breath of resistance. Jiang Shen seemed unable to grasp it even with his mighty hands.

"Tao, can't you take it away?" Jiang Shen was extremely depressed.

"Could there be something else in here? Maybe control him?" Liang Mulan pointed to the inside.

"Go in and have a look." Jiang Shen had no choice but to go forward first.

The closer to the temple, the more Jiang Shen could feel the powerful aura.

What is the treasure, so mysterious?

What's inside the gate?Jiang Shen pushed open the temple door with a surging heart.

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