"Buzzing" The heavy temple gate made a trembling sound, and a breath of vicissitudes of time rushed to the face.

Jiang Shen seemed to open an ancient door that had been dusty for billions of years.

"Hiss..." The moment Jiang Shen saw the inside, Jiang Shen gasped and was completely stunned.

He seems to have come to space, and as far as he can see, countless stars and various galaxies are combined to form a vast and infinite starry world.

This feeling is too real.

The whole person seems to be in space and can see countless stars.

And each of these stars seems to be within reach.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet. There was a formation pattern under his feet, which was made of countless rays of light. It was bright and shining, and the waves of light flowed. The rays of light stretched out for thousands of miles. Anyway, with his divine sense, he could not feel the end .

"Is that the moon?" At this moment, someone behind Jiang Shen exclaimed in surprise.

Liang Mulan also followed in, she was shocked when she saw the stars all around.

One of the thumb-sized stars stopped in the sky

She looked amused and reached out a little.

Swipe, the thumb-sized moon hovered in front of her.

, like the moon photographed by satellites.

Although only the size of a thumb, everything on the moon is lifelike, like a miniature version of the real moon.

"It's so fun, so fun? Can I take it away?" Liang Mulan moved her hands like a child, and the little moon kept spinning in her hands.

When she really wanted to take it, she found that she couldn't take it no matter what.

"This side seems to be the Milky Way, which system is there?" Jiang Shen raised his head and saw stars as many as the sands of the Ganges River in the endless starry sky. Many stars were far away from him. He could see them, but couldn't touch them.

"Just take a look and you'll know." Liang Mulan stretched out her hand to grab it.

Swipe, a galaxy composed of countless stars appeared in front of the two of them.

"Uh..." Jiang Shen found that it was a bit like a computer. When he clicked there, he could pull it to the front of his eyes.

Liang Mulan clicked on a galaxy, densely packed with stars, appearing in front of Jiang Shen like a [-]D movie.

"This is---" Jiang Shen suddenly felt very familiar.

In this galaxy, apart from the stars, there are also continents suspended in the sky.

The memories in his mind quickly circled.

Eternal Continent?

Isn't the biggest one in the middle the Eternal Ancient Continent where Nalan Bubai is located?

I get it, I get it, is this a star teleportation array?

Jiang Shen finally knew what this was?

What he stepped on was the starry sky teleportation array.

As long as there are enough fairy crystals, he can use them, and he can use him to teleport to any star or continent he can see.

"Teleportation array, teleportation array, hahahaha, this is a teleportation array that can leave the earth." Jiang Shen was overjoyed.

"Is there really a teleportation array in the world?" Liang Mulan blinked: "Then you can leave the earth without repairing the warship?"

"I don't know how to use it yet, and I don't know if the fairy crystal is enough. It's okay. After I get familiar with it, I can use this teleportation array, and then I can go back to my hometown. At that time, in my hometown, I can practice my magical powers." Go to the extreme, and then come to the earth, hahahaha, our earth can also enter the starry sky world---hahaha."

What Jiang Shen was thinking at this time was to help the earth. A civilization must evolve to another civilization with the help of a higher civilization. Although the Eternal Continent is still using the magic weapon of flying swords, it is an existence beyond the earth.

If there is a war between the two civilizations, the earth will definitely be completely defeated.

If the two civilizations are combined and the earth is helped, maybe everyone has the opportunity to become a monk.

At this moment, he had a new goal in his life, and he felt that he had more important things to do in the future.

Before that, his goal in life was only to practice supernatural powers and leave the earth, but now, he has a more noble goal, determined to become a hero who affects the entire earth and the entire human race.

Liang Mulan was listening on the side, expressionless, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Let's go, let's go out first. This place needs to be reported to the country and heavily guarded." Liang Mulan said leisurely.

"No, I can watch it." Jiang Shen only needs to set up a small formation and send some security guards, and no one in this world can come in.

The two turned around and went out.

"This is a teleportation array, it's not easy to share it with you, you ask Lu Dingtian to release him." Jiang Shen said.

"Okay, you can collect this temple and have a look, can you still accept it now? If you can, then give it to me." Liang Mulan said.

"You can't take it even if I give it to you." Jiang Shen sneered secretly, and stretched out his hand to grab it again.

He thought that he still couldn't take it, so he grabbed it casually, but unexpectedly, brushed it, and the top of the temple shone with light, and at the same time it became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a shooting star, which fell into Jiang Shen's hands with a whoosh.

received?Jiang Shen was overjoyed, but he felt that something was wrong. His spiritual sense disappeared without a trace, and he didn't have the special feeling of receiving the magic weapon.

Ordinary monks would have the idea of ​​being connected with the magic weapon when they received the magic weapon, but Jiang Shen didn't have it at all.

At this time, after the temple was closed, there was only the endless starry sky they had just seen in front of them.

"Boom" the starry sky suddenly began to vibrate.

Chi Chi Chi, the next moment, countless lightning and storms appeared in the void.

"Not good." The touch was disabled, Jiang Shen was shocked, and pushed Liang Mulan violently, pushing Liang Mulan more than ten meters away.

Bang, bang, bang, several bolts of lightning struck Jiang Shen.

"Ah--" Jiang Shen screamed and flew out.

With a plop, he and Liang Mulan rolled into a ball.

"Booming" the entire underground also vibrated, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake was erupting in the underground world.

The two of them hadn't stood up yet.

The wind howled in the air, and the black circled.

A black hole vortex suddenly appeared.

It starts from the size of a thumb, and the more it spins, the bigger and bigger it looks like a black hole in the universe.

Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts swept away, and his mind was in severe pain, as if even his spiritual thoughts would be swallowed by this black hole.

Hush, everything underground began to fly towards the black hole.

First it was dust, then gravel, then large stones, Liang Mulan's compass on the ground, the suction of the black hole was getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Shen found it a little scary.

If this continues, will the entire earth be swallowed up?

"Ah, save me---" Liang Mulan flew up first, and the whole body flew towards the black hole.

Jiang Shen quickly reached out to grab it, and then threw it with all his strength.

With a splash, Liang Mulan was thrown at the corner of the passage.

They came in from the passage, and when they reached the corner, the attraction of the black hole was not affected for the time being.

Liang Mulan got out of trouble for a while, but Jiang Shen found himself unable to move an inch.

The gravity of the black hole is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems to be chasing Jiang Shen.

With the immortal energy in his whole body mobilized, he walked towards the passage step by step, but it was still extremely difficult.

"Buzzing" something ringing in Jiang Shen's hand.

"Damn it? Is it this temple?" Jiang Shen discovered that the black hole wanted to swallow this temple.

Jiang Shen held the temple, and the black hole seemed to be sucking at Jiang Shen. The black hole is not a real black hole in the universe, and he should be forbidden by the unique array here.

Because Jiang Shen triggered him, so he desperately wanted to suck Jiang Shen or the temple away.

In the dark, there seemed to be a will in Jiang Shen's mind reminding him that this temple cannot be owned by the earth, so let go, let go.

"No---" Jiang Shen believes that this thing has a lot to do with whether he can leave the earth, even if it doesn't matter, he is reluctant to throw away such a magic weapon.

He raised his head and walked towards the passage step by step.

He has already discovered that the gravitational force of the black hole ends at the channel, as long as he walks to the channel, it is impossible to suck himself away.

"Throw it over, throw it over." Liang Mulan stood at the entrance of the passage and called to Jiang Shen, pointing to the temple in Jiang Shen's hand.

"You can't catch it, get out of the way." Jiang Shen picked up the small temple in his hand, exhaled and shouted: "Go."

The whole body of immortal energy is condensed on the temple, and the temple flies towards the passage like a meteor.

As soon as the temple flew, Jiang Shen's pressure was greatly relieved.

The black hole also seemed to sense that the temple was about to leave, and let out a crazy roar.

"Wow!" The black hole exerted force again, and the layers of suction chased the temple away.

However, Jiang Shen's throw not only mobilized all the immortal energy but also used supernatural powers. Although the black hole's suction is strong, it is still a bit weak.

Plop, the temple is nailed to the side wall of the passage like a hidden weapon.

"Wow!" Jiang Shen roared triumphantly, exerted force on his feet again, swish, swish, and ran to the entrance of the passage in a few steps.

As long as you step into the passage, the black hole has nothing to do with itself.

If you succeed, get the temple and escape from here.

Jiang Shen was overjoyed at this moment.

At this moment, Liang Mulan's stunning and unparalleled face appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

She stood at the entrance of the passage with a faint smile on her face.

"Thank you Jiang Shen, goodbye forever."

"Go." Liang Mulan shouted loudly.

"Brush" the temple that was originally nailed to the wall, shot out fiercely, and smashed hard at Jiang Shen.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen never thought that Liang Mulan could use this magic weapon?

So incredible, so shocking.

Jiang Shen himself can't control the magic weapon perfectly now, and the magic weapon of Tathagata has not been properly used in his hands.

But the mortal Liang Mulan in his eyes could use it.

In Liang Mulan's hands, this magic weapon surpassed everything in Jiang Shen's body, and it was as if it was tailor-made for her.

"Damn it." Jiang Shen invoked all his supernatural powers in an instant.

'Kowloon body protection technique' 'Jade Charm of Tathagata' 'Fudo Myoyo Golden Body Technique' 'Great Day Tathagata Palm'

What Jiang Shen knows, what he doesn't know, what he can use, what he can't use, all kinds of magical powers and magic weapons have been used.

The temple smashed on Jiang Shen's chest, and was the first to touch the Tathagata jade talisman.

Like countless stars condensed together, endless power hit.

"Bang" the Tathagata Jade Talisman that Jiang Shen used for the first time was shattered on the spot.

The temple continued to move forward, smashing Jiang Shen's Kowloon body protection technique and hitting Jiang Shen.

"Puchi" the temple pierced Jiang Shen's chest.

Blood spurted out, and Jiang Shen flew down, heading towards the black hole behind.

Jiang Shen became dizzy for a moment, and the whole person was in a coma.

"Come back." At this moment, Liang Mulan's face was flushed, her body was sweating profusely, and she muttered something, the temple swiped, and after piercing through Jiang Shen, she returned to her hand.

The ground of "Boom" began to collapse, the black hole was slowly getting smaller, and the suction was getting smaller and smaller.

She looked up and saw that Jiang Shen's body was slowly drifting towards the black hole. At this speed, after flying past, it would enter the black hole and then disappear.

From then on, there was no such person as Jiang Shen in the world.

Goodbye, Jiang Shen.

After Liang Mulan finally saw Jiang Shen's two feet entering the black hole, she finally settled down, turned around and ran away.

Crash, as soon as she left, large areas of rocks fell down, covering the passage.

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