The two communicated for a while, and decided to conquer the earth, and then raise it in captivity, and raise the people on the earth as slaves. From now on, all the resources and people on the earth will be their private property.

"A request for a nuclear bomb attack--" At this time, outside, after several rounds of missiles, none of them had any effect. Country m was the first to request the use of nuclear weapons.

"President agrees to nuke."

"Russia agrees."

"The French nuclear bomb is ready."

All countries are preparing nuclear weapons.

Just when everyone was preparing to attack with nuclear weapons, swiping, a person rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

Hegemony appeared.

He was wearing a commoner robe and his hair was pulled back. He looked no different from the ancient people in Huaguo.


"Same as the ancient Chinese people?"

"Alien creatures appear, they look like Chinese people."

Ba Yi's appearance shocked the whole world, especially Hua Guo's side, which further confirmed that they and Jiang Shen basically came from the same place.

"Call the people of Huaguo here, the Huaguo here speaks the same as us." Bayi spoke in the face of thousands of planes and countless warships.

What he said, word by word, began to burst out from the Pacific Ocean, and half of the countries on the entire earth could hear clearly.

It was so powerful, Lei Guoqiang was in the country, and when he heard Ba Yi's voice, he was frightened to death.

He believed that Jiang Shen didn't have this ability, and this person was indeed far superior to Jiang Shen.

Hua Guo immediately sent a representative to talk to him.

Ba Yi's request shocked the whole world.

One, requesting that all countries on the earth be abolished and merged into one country, called the 'Ba Dynasty', which is a vassal state of the overlord dynasty on the Eternal Ancient Continent.

Second, the Bajia is the master of the dynasty, and every 100 years, a disciple of the Bajia will be sent to be the king. All people on the earth must respect the Bajia as the master, and those who see the Bajia will automatically kneel down and call themselves slaves.

Third, all the jade and gold on the earth must be paid to the overlord dynasty, and one thousand of the most beautiful virgins are selected every year to be given to the Ba family.

Fourth, the earth destroys all technological weapons, the common people wear robes and clothes, learn everything from the overlord dynasty, the overlord dynasty will set up a school on the earth, select the intelligent people on the earth to learn supernatural powers, become xuanshi, and those who become xuanshi can be freed from slaves Status, rise one level, become the 'inferior' of the overlord dynasty.

These few conditions are a shame, even if the last one can learn supernatural powers, it is still a shame.

People who become Xuanshi are nothing but the 'inferior people' of the overlord dynasty.

People on Earth don't know, but Jiang Shen knows that in the Eternal Continent, there is no difference between inferior people and slaves, they are all kept in captivity like pigs and dogs.

When the four conditions came back, the whole world was boiling, the United Nations was in chaos, and countries clamored to launch nuclear bombs.

Hegemony has already said that if the earth disagrees, they will first destroy the armed forces of the earth, and then start to select countries, razing them one by one, and razing a few countries, believing that the earth will succumb.

The people of M country think about it, we are the most developed and the most powerful on the earth, and the aliens look the same as the Chinese people, so we must be the first ones to be razed.

Either give in or fight.

"Fight, fight—"

"Battle to the Death"

"Defend the Earth."

"Today is the true Independence Day of our country m."

Hundreds of millions of people from country M took to the streets, marched and demonstrated, and everyone demanded that the government not give in.

Yes, most people in country M are afraid of death, but now, it is more shameful to live than to die. The conditions put forward by aliens, not to mention people in country M, people all over the world will not agree to.

If you must live like a dog, it is better to die in battle with honor.

The whole world is outraged, the whole world is mobilizing.

Decisive battle against aliens has become the most popular word of the year.

"Launch it, former God, bless us." The president of country m pressed the button.

"Launch." Russia, France, etc., countries with nuclear weapons launched nuclear weapons one after another.

This time everyone also got the news from Huaguo, if you don't fight, you will be beaten to death if you fight, if you don't fight to death, the earth will be miserable.

Whoosh, whoosh, over the Pacific Ocean, more than a dozen shadows floated in mid-air, and countries around the world launched a total of fifteen nuclear bombs, which was even more exaggerated than when country m dealt with Jiang Shen.

The warships of various countries retreated hundreds of nautical miles, and the planes also returned.

"It's coming again? Lots of missiles?" Ba Yi smiled, "Should we sink the battleship into the sea?"

"Hmph, although we can't understand what these red-haired ghosts are saying, this should be their strongest weapon. Okay, okay, let's take it hard and let them see our true strength."

Ba Ren can tell that this should be the strongest weapon on Earth, if they dodge it, they won't be able to show the strength of their hegemony.

Of course, he is not stupid, and he will not easily use battleships to resist. If the battleship is damaged, he and Bayi will fly back to the Eternal Ancient Continent.

"Whoosh" The latest nuclear bomb has arrived at this time.

This is not launched from the homelands or from warships.

It was launched from a fighter plane.

The Russian warplane launched a nuclear bomb dozens of miles away from the battleship, then turned around and ran away.

"I'd like to see it? What kind of power does such a small missile have?" Ba Yiren raised his hand violently outside the battleship, swiping, and the sky collapsed into light, and a small copper-colored clock appeared.

This is his magic weapon, the low-grade artifact 'Overbearing King Bell'.

As soon as this small clock came out, it became infinitely larger.

After a few seconds, it turned into a huge king bell, covering the top of the battleship, and red aura descended from the bell, surrounding him and the battleship.

"Whoosh" the nuclear bomb also slowly approached.

"The nuclear bomb will touch the target immediately, the countdown---30---29---"


united nations command.

The heads of state of all countries in the world are staring at the picture intently.

The satellite broadcasts in real time, watching the nuclear bomb come into contact with the tyrant's magic weapon.

The "boom" nuclear bomb finally exploded.

A huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the surface of the Pacific Ocean was shaking, and the amount of seawater was evaporated.

The mushroom cloud covered up all the battleships, and there were sparks in the picture.

"Oh---" The people in the headquarters were overjoyed, and some even hugged each other and wept.

Destroyed, finally destroyed, so that other nuclear bombs can explode in mid-air.

Everyone is in ecstasy.

With a swipe, a ray of light emanates from the mushroom, dispelling the darkness and revealing light.

Overbearing King Bell reappears.

And it was bigger than before, like a high mountain, lying in front of everyone's eyes, enclosing the entire warship.

In fact, the quality of this battleship is a low-grade artifact, but the magic weapon can be broken, but the battleship cannot be broken. If the benevolent and righteous want to return to the Eternal Ancient Continent, of course they must be on guard.

This nuclear bomb was not very powerful, it only had an equivalent of 1000 million. Even so, it caused his overbearing king's bell to vibrate, layers of scorched black appeared on the outside, and all the protective arrays on the surface were completely broken.

"Wow--" Ba Yi spit out a few mouthfuls of blood inside the artifact, his face was snow-white.

"What a powerful weapon—" Ba Yi finally saw the power of the technological planet.

These lands don't know magic weapons, but they have created weapons that are more powerful than magic weapons. He believes that if such missiles fall on Henggu College, the college's protective array will be blown up.

"Bayi, if we get this kind of weapon and use it together with the magic weapon, in Henggu Academy, when there is no array protection, if we make a sudden move, won't we be able to kill all the core students who are against us?"

"That's right. I see this weapon. If the opponent is caught off guard by a cold arrow, even the students of Zhenjun will be blown to death by us?" Both Ba Yi and Ba Ren saw the power of nuclear weapons, and they were shocked at the same time. Got an idea.

With a weapon like the earth, and returning to the Eternal Continent, the strength of our overlord dynasty will double, and it is also possible to replace the Eternal Academy in the future.

The two were really discussing, whoosh, more than a dozen nuclear bombs came from a distance.

This time the nuclear bomb was many times stronger than the previous one, and people from all over the world stared at the screen.

If they can't be killed this time, it means that the earth has no force to resist them, except surrender, which is desperate.

"Can you hold on?" Ba Ren also asked Ba Yi.

"It's okay, the big deal is that my domineering king bell was blown up. I have prepared another low-grade artifact. You take out your artifact now. Our three artifacts, can't they stop these missiles? I saw they blew up After that, do you still accept it? If you refuse to accept it, let’s slaughter a country first.”

"Yes." They believe that as long as these missiles are useless, people from all over the world will be scared to death.

Whoosh, whoosh, the nuclear bomb continued to fly in the air.

Seeing that they were less than 3000 meters away from their magic weapon, suddenly a figure flashed in the sky.

The nuclear bombs in midair disappeared one by one.

The nuclear bomb in flight disappeared, and then the person who received the nuclear bomb retreated several kilometers.

The nations of the earth were shocked, and Ba Yi and Ba Ren were also shocked.

Then they see a person.

Jiang Shen appeared.

He finally showed up, because he knew that these nuclear bombs flew over, and it was useless to face the people from Eternal Continent who had been prepared for a long time. Even if they couldn't stop them, they could fly away immediately.

If you can't kill with one hit, don't waste it.

If the people in the battleship feel the earth-shattering power of the nuclear bomb and they become wary, it will be difficult to kill them.

Jiang Shen now believes that there is no way to kill these masters on earth except for a sneak attack with nuclear bombs.

So at a critical moment, he suddenly appeared and put away a dozen nuclear bombs in the storage space.

His storage space is very large. After the nuclear bomb enters, it keeps flying in the air, flying in circles, circles, and never stops. Jiang Shen believes that no matter whether there is power or not, as long as it is in his storage space, I will listen to his instructions, and just throw it out when I want to use it.

"The nuke is missing?"

"Abducted by Jiang Shen?"

"Jiang Shen finally showed up? This must be someone from his hometown." All countries on the earth were also shocked.

"Nalan Bubai? You finally showed up?" As soon as Jiang Shen appeared, Ba Yi and Ba Ren all came to the outside of the battleship, standing under the Ba Dao Wang Zhong and staring at Jiang Shen.

"Who are you? Why did you come to our earth?" Jiang Shen asked quietly, and at the same time was ready to jump into the sea to escape for his life at any time, keeping a distance from the two.

The two sides are nearly [-] meters apart on the Pacific Ocean.

Jiang Shen didn't dare to get too close to them. After receiving the nuclear bomb, he retreated a few kilometers in an instant, and kept a distance to talk to the two of them.

Both parties are masters, they can communicate equally across tens of thousands of meters, and they both have divine senses, so they can communicate with divine senses.

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