Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 949 Jiang Shen Was Arrested

"Nalan Bubai, have you forgotten? You are a big shot in our Eternal Academy, and the two of us are small people in Eternal Academy. Feeling your will, Bubai Wanli came from the Eternal Galaxy to pick you up—" Ba Ren carefully lied to Jiang Shen.

He could see that Jiang Shen was wary, and the two sides were separated by [-] meters.

With such a long distance, even if he is two levels higher than Jiang Shen, he may not be able to kill with one blow.

Moreover, Jiang Shen was carrying materials from Taoism, as long as he jumped to the bottom of the sea and escaped from their sight, the divine sense would not be able to lock him.

"What's your name? I remember all the important figures in Henggu College." Jiang Shen said: "Since you all came here for Nalan Invincible, it's a pity that he is dead. I just got a little bit of his will, if it's okay , go back early."

We came here for his will, and Baren's divine sense communicated with Jiang Shen across thousands of miles: "When you were invincible in the academy, we were still inconspicuous little people, and you didn't even know our names. My name is Bayi. This is my cousin Ba Ren, the Invincible True Monarch. Now that you have Nalan Invincible's will, we can also call you the Invincible True Monarch. Please, come back to the academy with us and revive our Eternal Ancients. The majesty of the academy, in the days when you were away, Huang Zheng’s Fantasy Sect dominated the academy, and now many people in the academy are bullied by the Fantasy Sect and dare not speak out, only a genius like you can go back and suppress the Fantasy Sect.”

"I'll say it again, I'm not Nalan Bubai, and I just want to practice hard here. You guys go back quickly and don't disturb the peace of the earth." Jiang Shen shook his head, believing them to be his fault. I have stayed in this world, but I still have the memory of Nalan Bubai and Tathagata. In the Taoist world, you can do it as soon as you say it. No matter where you talk about morality.

"Prince Unbeaten, are you really unwilling to go back with us to preside over the overall situation?" Ba Ren asked again, and at the same time his body flashed, and he moved forward several thousand meters in an instant.

He moved Jiang Shen, whoosh, Jiang Shen had been prepared for a long time, and retreated thousands of meters in an instant.

Although his realm is two levels away from Domineering, but the distance between the two sides is nearly [-] meters, it doesn't mean that killing him can kill him, not to mention that he still has immortal weapon and immortal energy in his body. Except for the almost supernatural power, his own potential far exceeds this. two people.

"I don't want to go back now. I want to practice on the earth and improve my strength. You go back first. If you still regard me as the undefeated true king, go back immediately and leave the earth." Jiang Shen said sharply.

It's good that he didn't lose his temper, but now he yelled sharply and was full of momentum, which was quite similar to Nalan Bubai.

Ba Ren's body trembled, feeling the majesty of True Monarch Unbeaten, and his desire to get Nalan Bubai's final will was even heavier in his heart.

Of course, he also felt that Jiang Shen was on guard.

Ba Ren stopped moving forward, and rolled his eyes: "In this case, you can give us the will of the Invincible True Monarch. The Invincible True Monarch is the supreme figure in our academy, and his will cannot be allowed to fall into such a backward state. Indigenous planet, please give us the will of Invincible True Monarch, let us take it back to Eternal Ancient Academy, we will leave immediately, and never set foot on the earth again."

"Return the will to you?" Jiang Shen didn't understand, and said blankly: "His will has long since died, how can I return the will to you?"

"The immortal energy in your body is the true divine state, which cannot be cultivated. Only a supreme figure like True Monarch Invincible possesses immortal energy in the divine state. You give his immortal energy to us. Well, in return, we can give you countless immortal crystals and pills, so that you can continue to practice on Earth."

Ba Ren finally revealed their real purpose.

They want the immortal energy in Jiang Shen's body.

To them, it was a reckless act for a person like Jiang Shen to obtain Nalan's invincible immortal energy, just like an ignorant child holding a supreme magic weapon, which was useless at all.

If the immortal energy is in his Ba Ren or Ba Yi's body, it will immediately improve their physique, let them practice and multiply their growth, and their natural quality will greatly improve, and they will be promoted to geniuses in the academy, and sooner or later they will become new Zhenjun students .

"Immortal energy? Okay, how many do you want? I don't have much immortal energy in my body. If you are really willing to leave, it is okay to give you some?" Jiang Shen asked tentatively. When the other party asked for immortal energy, Jiang Shen said Know that both sides are immortal.

If the immortal energy in his body is deprived, he will immediately turn back into a mortal without any supernatural powers. In the future, any earthling can bully him, Jiang Shen. It's like life is worse than death, how could he give them the immortal energy.

So he said this on purpose, and at the same time, he was already thinking about where to escape first?

After a while, the other party will definitely make a heavy hand, and it is not safe to jump to the Pacific Ocean.

"How many? Hahaha, of course they are all ours." At this moment, someone behind Jiang Shen laughed wildly, and another figure quietly appeared.

"Not good." Jiang Shen was shocked.

The other party will also be invisible. I don't know if he used supernatural powers or magic weapons. The other person, Ba Yi, disappeared behind Jiang Shen.

At the sixth level of the Bayi God Realm, his strength is still higher than that of Baren, and he hides behind Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen didn't notice it at all.

The gap between the two sides is too big, one has only practiced for a few years, and the other has practiced for tens of thousands of years.

Coupled with the difference in realm, Ba Yi seemed to have become Jiang Shen, and Jiang Shen had become the Lu Dingtian of that day.

As soon as Ba Yi appeared, he was less than ten meters away from Jiang Shen, with five hands like a hook, and grabbed it in the air.

"Dominate the world"

When he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, it seemed as if the whole world was caught in his hands.

The majesty of the overlord dynasty is all in this grasp.

Ordinary people looking up at this moment will be shocked by this momentum, willing to kneel on the ground, waiting for him to grab.

How strong is the power of the sixth level of the divine realm?

Outsiders will never understand, but Jiang Shen knows that his third-level parallel importer cannot be compared with him. If there is no fairy energy in his hand, the other party, let alone a shot, may make Jiang Shen faint from drinking. vomiting blood.

With Ba Yi's current strength, he can smash the earth at will with every gesture.

Now that this grab is done, the sky and the earth are pale, the sun and the moon are dark, even the sea level is sinking, the waves are calm, it seems that even the Pacific Ocean is afraid of the power of Bayi.

The situation was very dangerous. Jiang Shen already knew that if he was approached too close by the opponent, his own speed would not be superior. Even if he wanted to escape, he would not be able to escape.

Either fight hard, or hide.

Hard resistance?The rhythm of looking for death, if he grabs him down, even if he has immortal energy, he will be caught alive.

Even if you can't catch it to death, you have to be trained to death slowly.

So far, I can only hide.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Shen's figure flashed, whoosh, he disappeared into the air.

"Ba" Bayi grabbed it with five fingers and caught it in his hand, and found it was a hard thing.

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, it turned out to be a small temple, about the size of a palm, which he held in his hand.

"Grass, Immortal Artifact." Ba Yi and Ba Ren were both surprised and delighted.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen was in danger, so he had no time to escape, and hid directly in the fairy weapon.

"What kind of fairy artifact is this? Low-grade? Middle-grade?" The two held the Vajra Platform in their hands, looked left and right, but couldn't tell the grade.

At the level of Eternal Ancient Continent, only Nalan Bubai and Huang Zhengyou had immortal artifacts above King Grade.

Others are either low-rank or middle-rank, and Zhenjun students who can have top-rank are already considered masters of masters.

This time, the two of them seemed to be unable to see the rank, first they looked at each other, and then they were ecstatic.

"Wang Pin Immortal Artifact? Is this a Wang Pin Immortal Artifact?"

"Or a royal artifact?"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that an indigenous planet like the earth would have a king-grade artifact? Isn't this a magic weapon unique to the fairy world? The supreme treasure of the Supreme Immortal?"

"It must be left behind by Nalan Bubai?"

"Get rich, get rich, hahaha."

"Now practice Nalan's invincible immortal energy, get this supreme immortal weapon, and return to the Eternal Continent, we will conquer the world and be invincible. The rise of our overlord dynasty is just around the corner, hahahaha--"

It can be said that since Nalan Bubai and Huang Zheng, there has never been a celestial artifact or divine artifact that surpassed the top grade in the Eternal Ancient Continent.

These two people got the Vajra Terrace, and after they went back, they hid for ten or eight years and practiced hard. When they come out in the future, they will definitely sweep the entire Eternal Continent.

As for being promoted to the Celestial Immortal and ascending to the Immortal Realm, that was a certainty.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect us to have great luck this time, not only to get Nalan's invincible immortal energy, but also to get the supreme immortal weapon, hahaha, God destined our Ba Dynasty to flourish, hahaha--- "

"When we ascend to the Immortal Realm and practice hard, we will encounter Huang Zheng, a beast in the future, and use this supreme immortal weapon to smash him into pieces and avenge our overlord."

"That's right, that's right. He killed so many geniuses in our Ba family, and even took away our Ba family's magic weapon. This Huang Zheng must die."

The two of them held the Vajra Platform in their hands, and they were extremely frantic in their hearts as they spoke to each other.

However, having said that, even though King Kong Terrace was captured, it was not easy to force Jiang Shen to come out.

"How is it? Are you alright?" Jiang Shen and Liang Mulan were standing facing each other in the King Kong Stage, and Liang Mulan asked with a frightened face.

It's too dangerous, just now he was going to slow down half a beat, but he was caught by Ba Yi, and his flesh and blood would be smashed to pieces, so he only paid attention to the seeds of the realm.

If the seeds of the divine realm fall into the hands of Bayi, they will definitely be cultivated by him, and the immortal energy will also fulfill them.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly, but the magic weapon is in his hands now, what should I do in the future?"

"Are you crazy? The Supreme Immortal Artifact is caught in their hands? Why don't you hide? You jump into the sea, and then use the 'hidden sky stone' I gave you to hide, as long as they can't see you with naked eyes, God Can't find you if you read it?"

"Before it's too late, they will be invisible and too close to me. Besides, even if I jump into the sea and he grabs it, even the Pacific Ocean will be caught in his hands. If the waves surge and a tsunami occurs, I don't know how many creatures on earth will die. Put charcoal on it." Jiang Shen shook his head, in the situation just now, only hiding in the fairy artifact is the fastest way to escape.

"You---" Liang Mulan also shook her head: "You are too soft-hearted. You are nothing like Nalan Bubai and Huang Zheng. People like you can't survive in the Taoist world."

Huang Zhengnian was decisive in killing and attacking, as long as he was an enemy, even the most beautiful woman would be able to kill him.

"I'm on the earth now, and there are many relatives and friends of mine on the earth." Jiang Shen said lightly, why should I, I must learn from Huang Zheng and Nalan Bubai, I am me, I am Jiang Shen.

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