Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 950 The Secret of the Diamond Terrace

But hiding in the fairy artifact is not the safest.

The two people outside can't catch Jiang Shen now, but they can slowly practice.

They are not parallel importers like Jiang Shen, they are real gods, they can even practice the sun and the moon, not to mention a magic weapon, especially Jiang Shen is too far behind them, it is easy to be deprived of it.

"Based on your realm and strength, the two of you will take turns to practice. It is estimated that in less than half a year, you may not be able to resist. You will either be trained to death in the fairy weapon, or you will escape, or you will die." Liang Mulan said in the fairy weapon. Walking back and forth, with troubled faces on his face: "Jiang Qian hurt me, Lu Dingtian hurt me---"

She already had all the plans, but now, being lured by Lu Dingtian and Jiang Qian, even she is in danger.

Jiang Shen saw her walking back and forth stroking her belly, and said sharply, "Liang Mulan, even you are in danger now, why don't you tell the truth?"

"What's the truth?" Liang Mulan was at a loss.

"Stop pretending, you deliberately let me take the King Kong Platform and conceive my son on purpose. You must have no good intentions. Tell me, what other means are there? If you don't say anything else, when I am trained to death, you will die too. "

"What can I do? I just know I'm not your opponent. I want to find a chance to make peace with you and leave here together." Of course Liang Mulan didn't admit it.

Although she didn't admit it, Jiang Shen looked into her eyes, a strange look flashed in them, it was obvious that there was a ghost in his heart.

"If you don't say yes, I'll throw you out first and let them kill you." Jiang Shen grinned.

"You dare to kill me?" Liang Mulan puffed her stomach: "Look who is here? It's your son."

"Don't keep threatening me with him. At this point, I can't protect myself. Why do I care about my son? You said that I am too soft-hearted and restrained everywhere. Well, today I will be more cruel and don't make sacrifices. If you don't get any benefits, if that's the case, then you have to make a sacrifice—" Jiang Shen grabbed her and made a gesture to throw her out.

"Don't --- I said --" Liang Mulan was really frightened by Jiang Shen, Huarong turned pale and screamed out.

"Say it quickly." Jiang Shen grabbed her hand and continued to scare her.

"Go, follow me." Liang Mulan led him forward.

The two of them were not far ahead, and there was a hazy area.

This is the very center of the Vajra Terrace, covered by a haze, and even Jiang Shen's spiritual sense couldn't see through what was inside.

"Did you see this?" Liang Mulan pointed at the haze.

"Of course, is there something mysteriously hidden here?" Jiang Shen asked.

"You have the memory of other Xuanshi, you should know that the real supreme magic weapon has his weapon spirit, some weapon spirits can even incarnate as humans, communicate with their masters, and some weapon spirits can fight by themselves, cut Kill the Great Enemy--"

"You mean?" Jiang Shen's eyes brightened.

In his memory, Nalan Bubai was killed because of his weapon spirit turning back.

At the beginning, Nalan Bubai's weapon spirit had exactly the same achievement as Nalan Bubai. He turned into a human being with great supernatural powers. At the last moment, he fought back and caused Nalan Bubai to be killed by Huang Zheng.

"Inside, is the Artifact Spirit of the King Kong Platform?" Jiang Shen was dubious.

"That's right. For some unknown reason, the King Kong Terrace was lost on the earth. Here, there is no immortal energy, no resources. After countless years, no master has been found, and even the spirit of the weapon has fallen into a deep sleep."

"When I died and reincarnated from the Eternal Continent, I felt the power of the Vajra Terrace here, so I reincarnated on Earth, a land-bearing planet. For so many years, I have always wanted to open the seal and revive the sleeping spirit."

"As long as he recovers, his strength is enough to take me away from the earth and return to the Eternal Ancient Continent—or the Heavenly Emperor Continent."

"At first he was protected by a protective formation, and I couldn't capture him. Later, I worked with you to break the formation and seize the King Kong Platform. I thought I could leave here successfully, but I didn't expect that my strength could not awaken the device--"

"So, I deliberately returned the fairy artifact to you, and let you take it back, hoping to awaken the artifact spirit with your strength---as long as you awaken the artifact spirit, with the artifact spirit, you can directly kill the two garbage gods outside territory---"

"As long as Qi Ling wakes up, all enemies can be solved--"

"How to wake up Qi Ling?" Jiang Shen didn't know this, he was a monk halfway, and he was in the realm of parallel importers, so he almost didn't know what to ask.

"You are the master of the magic weapon. You need to strengthen your connection with him. In daily practice, you must communicate with him carefully so that he can feel your presence. After a long time, he will naturally wake up."

"The question is how long will it take? One year? Ten years? 100 years?" Jiang Shen was depressed. You said that if I persisted for less than half a year, I would be trained to death. Time waits for no one.

"This is also where I am depressed. The magic weapon is in my hands. I know it. It has not been 1000 years. I can't communicate with the spirit of the weapon. Now it is in your hands. Only you know it. It seems that you usually practice and rarely communicate with immortals. You need to know that the Vajra Platform is your magic weapon and a part of you. You should treat him as a friend, a relative, or a lover. Every time you practice, communicate well and nourish it all the year round. When you fight in the future, The magic weapon is you, you are the magic weapon, and the two of you will be one." Liang Mulan shook her head endlessly after speaking: "You are so different from Huang Zheng. Back then, Huang Zheng was the magic weapon, and his realm was better than mine. Still low, suppressing me repeatedly, when I grow up all the way, every time I kill an enemy is a leapfrog kill."

"I really don't know, how could Nalan Bubai choose a waste like you?" Liang Mulan was depressed.

Today, if Huang Zheng is here, even if he only has the third level of the gods, he can go out and kill the two fifth and sixth levels outside. It is better for you, Jiang Shen, to hide inside and be a turtle, waiting to be trained to death. Why.

Fuck you, Nalan Bubai chose me, I naturally have something special, you know how to be a jerk, of course Jiang Shen is not convinced, he still thinks he is a genius.

"Don't tell me these are useless, how can we speed up the opening of the weapon spirit now---" Jiang Shen looked at the hazy area and said, but he was still a little defensive in his heart.

None of Liang Mulan's words are credible, who knows what will be after this haze is opened?

"Why don't you lose a little bit of immortal energy?" Liang Mulan asked tentatively.

Grass, Jiang Shen's eyelids twitched, as if he felt something.

Is it all because of my fairy spirit?

Liang Mulan also wanted to plot her own immortal energy?

"Immortal energy? If you lose the immortal energy, will this weapon spirit turn back? Back then, Nalan Bubai was hit by his weapon spirit." Jiang Shen shook his head: "There is no other way?"

"Then I don't know?" Liang Mulan was not in a hurry: "Then you should strengthen your training and communicate with Qi Ling more. According to my estimation, it will take at least half a year for the other party to train you to death. If you want to surpass them in half a year Obviously impossible, but there is still a chance to awaken the spirit."

Jiang Shen thought for a while.

Even if there are enough immortal crystals, one year outside, one day inside, half a year and more than 100 years of practice, it is still impossible to advance to the sixth level of the divine realm.

Without the sixth level of the Divine Realm, it would be dangerous to hit one, let alone two.

"You take a rest first, I'll go see my woman." Jiang Shen stepped forward and came to another place.

The size of the fairy artifact is endless, much larger than his storage space. Jiang Shen placed the women on the other side of the fairy artifact, where there are continuous mountains and grass, high mountains and flowing water, all kinds of birds and birds, and everything, even the sun and the moon. Same as outside.

This is the power of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, as long as the owner wants to, anything can be created in it.

Huang Zhengnian relied on a few magic weapons to leapfrog and kill many enemies.

As far as Jiang Shen's current start is concerned, he is no worse than Huang Zheng.

Huang Zheng has the Overlord Tongtian Kungfu, and Jiang Shen has the Eternal Invincible Zhenwoquan.

Huang Zheng has the Overlord Tongtian Temple, and Jiang Shen also has the King Kong Terrace.

Huang Zheng starts with supernatural power, and Jiang Shen starts with supernatural power.

Back in the Tiandi Continent, Jiang Shen was Huang Zheng at the beginning of the storm.

It's a pity that the two are in different places. Huang Zheng is getting stronger and faster, and Jiang Shen is invincible here, with no pressure, slow training, and insufficient resources. Changed to the Eternal Ancient Continent, Huang Zheng, who is at the third level of the gods, and shot the god of death. Jiang Shen, who was in the third level of the environment, was as simple as shooting an ant to death.

Now, either speed up the training, or call Wu Qi Ling, in front of Jiang Shen, there are only two choices.

"What's the matter, Brother Gentleman? How's the situation outside?" Among all the women, Fang Tian didn't like to practice the most. When most of them were still practicing, she was raising some flowers and plants.

"I said that everything here is good, but there is no internet. Master, why are you trying to get an internet?" Erhua Guan Ruohua said while playing with his Banana Sevens mobile phone.

"You don't practice? Playing with your mobile phone?" Jiang Shen was furious: "What time is it now, the strong enemy outside is approaching, you should also practice and protect yourself."

"Master, it's good that you protect us." Guan Ruohua ignored Jiang Shen, what are you afraid of, the sky is falling, you, Jiang Shen, are our backbone, you are our backbone, she has no heart, she trusts Jiang Shen unconditionally.

"I don't care. If you are here, I will be here. If you die, I will die too." Fang Tian held a flower in her hand, and stared at Jiang Shen with big watery eyes.

Looking at the different expressions of the women and their words, Jiang Shen was infinitely moved, and a man's sense of responsibility welled up in his heart.

I want to become stronger, stronger, stronger step by step, just like Huang Zheng.

Although he had never met Huang Zheng, from Nalan Bubai's memory and from Liang Mulan's words, he had heard the name of this person many times. This person, like himself, had grown from weak to strong step by step.

My start is much stronger than Huang Zheng, I believe in myself, one day, I will be stronger than him.

Jiang Shen has never thought about being so eager today, he wants to become stronger, he wants to become stronger and stronger, he does not want others to threaten the safety of him and his relatives, he wants to hold his own destiny in his own hands.

He comforted the girls, gave some advice on how to practice, and turned around to leave.

Let me try the communicator spirit?Jiang Shen sat down cross-legged, and his mind slowly came into contact with the hazy.

When Jiang Shen was trying to communicate with the device spirit inside, the two gods outside had already returned to the battleship.

"Hahaha---what should we do next? Conquer the earth first? Or practice the magic weapon?" Ba Ren asked Ba Yi.

The realm of Bayi is one level higher than him, so he naturally wants to listen to Bayi.

"I'll practice the magic weapon, you first destroy a country, let these earth natives know how powerful we are, and they must surrender."

"Okay." Although Ba Ren was a little unwilling, he wanted to practice this magic weapon in his heart, but Ba Yi's strength was superior to him, so he had to agree, and he knew in his heart that this magic weapon would most likely be possessed by Ba Yi. A bit of immortal energy is worthwhile.

Watching Ba Yi sit down and start to practice the magic weapon, Ba Ren left the battleship with a depressed mood.

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