At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded outside.

"Who is it! Assassin! Catch him!"

Marquis Zhenwei suddenly stood up, his mountain-like body was full of majesty, it has to be said that he did have the aura of a master.

"Dare to break into my Duanmu house to assassinate, I'm tired of work!"

Marquis Zhenwei strode out, Duanmu's house was heavily guarded, it was impossible for ordinary assassins to break in, he must be a master!

"Master Hou, that man's movements are too fast, he can't see what he looks like at all!" A guard hurried up to report.


Just as he was talking, there were several screams from the banquet in front of him.

Duan Mulei's heart trembled, and he said, "Hurry up and protect the guests! How do you do things?"

As soon as the words were finished, a small black sword suddenly rushed to the sky from the night!

"Lei'er be careful!" Marquis Zhenwei had already walked into the yard, and when he heard the sound of the small black sword piercing the air, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly spoke out.

At the same time, a dark blue spiritual force suddenly shot out.

Duanmulei's heart skipped a beat, the little black sword approached with murderous aura of death, even with his fifth-level strength, he was terrified, and the murderous aura approached him!

In desperation, Duanmulei's mind went blank, he didn't care about trying to win over the prince, if he died, it would be really useless!

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he grabbed Wei Ning and dragged him to stand in front of him in the fastest way!

Wei Ning secretly scolded the thief in his heart, he was really despicable and shameless, but he couldn't dodge it, otherwise his strength would be exposed and it would be even worse!

Now it's really going to be a bit of a pain!

Eat your own bitter fruit!

"Ah—" she cried out in horror, and the little black sword came straight towards her face.

Cold sweat broke out, and then Zhen Weihou's spiritual power also came quickly, and hit the small black sword with a 'bang', and in an instant, the blade was deflected, and it wiped her snow-white cheek.

Duanmulei snorted behind him, he was a head and a half taller than Weining, and the little black sword was deflected by Zhenweihou, rubbing Weining's face and piercing straight into his chest!

The two fathers and sons have such a tacit cooperation, is it their own birth?

Weining wanted to laugh, but at this time she still used her acting talent and shouted: "Help! Help!"

Duanmulei held her tightly, afraid that the little black sword would attack again.

However, after the little black sword missed a hit, it suddenly turned back and rushed towards Zhenweihou's face!

How powerful is the uncondensed mental power, and with the assisted cultivation of the green spirit grass these days, it is easy to control such a small black sword!

However, Zhen Weihou is not an idler, his strength is comparable to Qin Feng, he radiates spiritual power, and the small black sword just circles around him and disappears into the night with a 'swish' sound!

A figure on the opposite roof flashed past so fast that it was hard to see clearly.

"It's the code name n!" Zhen Weihou immediately confirmed it without even thinking about it!

That small black sword is exactly the same as the one that killed Duanmuxue, in his eyes, there is absolutely no mistake!

Duan Mulei was stabbed through the chest by the small black sword and was seriously injured, but he still gritted his teeth at this time.

"Catch her! Don't let her get away!"

The masters of the Duanmu family had already chased him out.

Wei Ning breathed a sigh of relief, Duan Mulei behind him was dying of pain, sweating profusely, but he didn't know if it was because he was too scared, so he kept holding on to Wei Ning and didn't let go.

At this time, someone shouted outside: "General Qin is here!"

The unfocused eyes flickered slightly, it came so fast!

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