I'm afraid they have sent people to follow her since she left the palace, otherwise Qin Feng could have appeared in such a timely manner?

"His Royal Highness!" As soon as Qin Feng came in, he saw Wei Ning being detained by Duanmulei, and his expression changed, "Duanmulei, what are you doing?"

It was only then that Duanmulei seemed to be freed from panic, his whole body relaxed, and he fell down before letting go.

No wonder he was so scared, after all Duanmuxue died so badly.

And he is about the same strength as Duanmuxue, so how can he survive in the hands of that code-named n?

"Lei'er!" Marquis Zhenwei walked over with strides, and hurriedly shouted to the attendant: "Doctor, please come!"

"Father, I, will I die?" Duan Mulei was so frightened that he almost cried out, this person is not afraid of death, let alone someone like him who has enjoyed all the glory and wealth.

Seeing that he was so frightened and Qin Feng was present, he was really useless, and Zhenweihou couldn't help but get angry.

"Manly man, die as soon as you die, what are you afraid of!"

Wei Ning raised her eyebrows involuntarily, this old thing has backbone.

On the other hand, looking at Duan Mulei's pissed-off look, thinking of their father and son's lack of tacit cooperation just now, he couldn't help but sigh.

Who said that a tiger father has no dogs?

"His Royal Highness, how are you?" Qin Feng strode over and glanced at Duan Mulei. He was seriously injured, but it wouldn't be so if he lost his life.

He didn't sniff his nose, the prince's skin was too good, and a wound on his face was too obvious.

It would be a pity for anyone to have such a beautiful face with scars.

"It hurts." Wei Ning touched his face, touched the blood on his hand, and yelled, "Blood! I'm bleeding!"

Duanmulei is so useless, she can't behave worse than him, can she?

"His Royal Highness, this is just a minor injury. What are you calling it?" Zhen Weihou was annoyed by her shouting, and felt that the prince was a piece of mud that couldn't support the wall.

Wei Ning said, "But, what if there is poison on the weapon?"

As soon as she spoke, Duan Mulei, who had been calmed down by Marquis Zhen Wei for the pill, let out a more miserable scream than before.

"Poison! Father, what should I do if there is poison? I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

That code name n means so cruel, how can her poison be easy to deal with?

Marquis Zhenwei also had the same concerns. The code name n was clearly aimed at their Duanmu family, so it was not surprising that they poisoned their weapons.

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, there is no poison on the weapon." Qin Feng was relatively calm, and after looking at the color of the wound that had not solidified, he decided that it was not poisonous.

Although the code name n is ferocious, it is not enough to use such a despicable method as poisoning, right?

Seeing that the people in Duanmu's family were really upset, Qin Feng said, "I'll send the prince back to the palace."

Saying that, he carefully helped Wei Ning up, bid farewell to Marquis Zhenwei, and brought her out.

He helped Wei Ning into the carriage, and Qin Feng followed on horseback. On the way, someone flew to report.

"General, did not catch up!"

Qin Feng was not surprised: "Ordinary people can't catch up with her. How many people did she hurt when she appeared at Duanmu's house this time?"

"Back to the general, Duanmu Lei was having a banquet at the time, and the code name n probably thought he was there, so at the beginning, many guests were injured, all of them were noble children in Haojing. Later, they chased outside the study and injured Duanmu. Lei and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Qin Feng nodded, but sneered: "It's their bad luck, it's just..." He paused, and glanced at the carriage, it was really bad luck for the prince to be implicated.

"She spared no effort to deal with Duanmu's family even at the risk, which shows that she really has a deep hatred for Duanmu's family." Qin Feng pondered.

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