"Where is the girl's house? It's late at night, let someone take you home!"

"Hmph, be courteous!"

Before the woman said anything, Gao Yang on the side couldn't help muttering, she really couldn't understand Zhang Yang's focus on that woman, she was also a woman, or it would be more appropriate to call her a girl, no matter what she thought in her heart , It is inevitable to make subconscious comparisons!

Stretching out her small breasts, Sister Gao Yang was frustrated to find that there was still no effect, hum, isn't it just a little bigger than her, what's the big deal!

Zhang Yang looked at Gao Yang's little actions in amused manner, he really had a strong temper, no wonder that guy Fang Yiai was bullied to death in history!Turning around and looking at Li Chengqian playfully, the children of the old Li's family are all wonderful!

"Little girl, Lurui, thank you for saving my life, sir, I offended you just now, please forgive me!"

Through the discussion of people around, Lurui knew that Zhang Yang was the benefactor who saved her. Although the way he saved people was strange and she didn't understand it at all, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that she was here and alive!

"Brother Gao Ming, I have something else to do, so I have to resign first, and I will make a special trip to treat someone another day to make amends!"

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at Li Chengqian with a not-so-good expression. After all, his identity was there, and he couldn't ignore it. It's better to let him know.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yang came to Lurui's side, and naturally stretched out his hand to support the woman. Lurui hesitated a little, and then leaned her weight on Zhang Yang's body. She had done more intimate things than this just now, and now this is considered pediatrics. , can only be called hypocritical!

Gao Yang's pouting mouth can hang a water bottle, hum!Big pervert!

He just yelled at himself and ignored him, but now he is so attentive to this woman, is he looking down on this princess!

The child who has been favored since she was a child and loved by Li Shimin's eldest grandson is a little jealous now. It's not that she has any unspeakable feelings for Zhang Yang now, but it's just a child's possessive desire!Since she was a child, she was the center of everyone, the focus of her eyes. The little girl took it for granted that everyone should pay attention to herself first.

However, at this moment, she was the one who knew Zhang Yang first, but Zhang Yang's attitude towards herself and her was obviously different. The little girl felt very unfair and aggrieved in her heart!

He scolded the stinky monk in his heart, he is a pervert!Two big round eyes stared at Zhang Yang desperately, trying to kill Zhang Yang with his own eyes!


There was a shout from behind, Zhang Yang felt his arms being pulled tight, and Lu Rui's body was shaking violently, obviously it wasn't because of the weather, as early as when she landed, there were kind-hearted people covering her with thick clothes , and now, her nails dug deeply into her arm, Zhang Yang had to suspect that there was something wrong with it!

Looking back in the direction of the voice in doubt, a man in his 30s dressed as a servant stood on a boat in the lake. Zhang Yang shrank his eyes and pupils, and he recognized it. This was the boat that was closest to Lurui Jumping Lake just now. , This is not a coincidence, Zhang Yang has a premonition, why did Lurui jump into the lake?Why there are so many scars on the body, maybe the answer lies on this painting boat!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stopped, saved people to the end, and sent Buddha to the West!

Now that he has already given up Lu Rui, he should settle this matter instead of leaving Lu Rui to face all this alone, so what is the point of saving others by himself!

"Young master, let's go!"

Lurui looked at Zhang Yang pleadingly, she was really scared now, she finally saved her life and left there, she really didn't want to face these devils again!

However, my feet didn't listen to me, shaking so badly that I couldn't walk at all, I could only hope and publicize, hoping that this young man could create a miracle again and save himself from the fire and water!

"Don't be afraid!"

Feeling Lurui's fear, Zhang Yang stretched out his free hand and patted her on the head, "I have everything!"

Feeling the firmness in Zhang Yang's words, Lu Rui's heart gradually calmed down. Besides, they couldn't leave now, they had already come down, and they had to face it. Fortunately, this time they were no longer alone!

Lurui showed a look of resignation to death, so it doesn't matter if she dies!

"Who are you!"

Zhang Yang looked at the dozen or so young servants who came down from the boat dressed as servants. They were all in their twenties. With a breath of bloodthirsty.

These people are anything but ordinary!By no means an ordinary servant!

Zhang Yang was a little horrified, who are these people? Just by meeting them, the aura emanating from these people makes it difficult to breathe. It is impossible for ordinary servants to have such aura!There are only two words in Zhang Yang's mind --- dead man!

Who are they and what do they want to do? The current Tang Dynasty has gone through the turmoil and depression when it was first established. The whole country is developing rapidly and the country is powerful. Today, His Majesty Li Shimin is an emperor who is diligent in government and loves the people, ambitious and far-sighted. , In this political atmosphere, how could there be dead men appearing!

Zhang Yang was a little confused, what is a dead man?It has no emotion, no self-awareness, and will only obey all the arrangements of the master. It is a doll, a prop, or even a killing tool!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat from his own imagination. Now, these so-called dead men were right in front of him. . . . . .

"Hand over the slut by your side, this matter has nothing to do with you, I hope you don't cause trouble too much!"

A man in his 40s came out from behind a group of servants. He was wearing silk and satin. He was very rich. He was slightly fat and had fierce eyes. He looked at Zhang Yang. Don't take Zhang Yang seriously!

Lu Rui trembled even more, her whole body was swaying, everyone could see the situation now, this group of people came for the girl beside her, and they had bad intentions.

Although he could see that these people were not easy to get along with and were not good at dealing with them, but Zhang Yang never thought of being alone and handing Lu Rui to them for disposal. Would he still be a man if he did that?

Although I don't know what's wrong with them, and Zhang Yang doesn't want to understand, there are some things that I can't solve by myself, and I'm not a savior or omnipotent, I just want to be able to not feel guilty when I can.

Now, I just want to protect the woman around me, nothing else, just do things from beginning to end!Now that she was rescued from the lake, it must be worthwhile to do so!Instead of wasting effort.If Lu Rui is handed over to them, Zhang Yang is not sure that they will not do anything to her.

Thinking about the scars on this girl's body before, how can I feel relieved to ignore someone who can hurt a weak woman like this?Moreover, the place where Lurui fell into the water was so close to their boat, if they wanted to rescue them, they would always take action, instead of just being indifferent like before, they would not be able to not notice that someone fell into the water!

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