super jade

Chapter 107 Who do you want to develop?

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and more than a dozen boys from the factory ran out, holding sticks in their hands, and surrounded Fang Na and Chen Xiaofei.

Fang Na's complexion changed drastically, and the suitcase in her hand fell off. She panicked and said, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xiaofei was also out of control, she really wanted to turn around and run away, but several younger brothers had already blocked her escape route.

The middle-aged man laughed loudly, walked up to Fang Na with a long knife on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Elder sister, don't worry, I'm not interested in young women like you. It's her. However, my younger brother likes women like you, and when you take care of them, I will naturally let you mother and daughter go."

"How dare you!!! Doing so is against the law, and you will even be sentenced to death." Fang Na wanted to persuade the other party with these words, but found that it didn't work at all.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "The young lady told me about the police. Since I did this, I never thought of leaving here alive. Besides, I didn't scare you too much..." As he said, he took a step forward. He walked towards Chen Xiaofei, walked in front of Chen Xiaofei in the blink of an eye, immediately nodded in satisfaction, and said: "That's right, spend a good night with my uncle tonight, and my uncle will definitely benefit from you."

"Don't act recklessly, don't..." Chen Xiaofei had never encountered such a thing before, and she didn't know what to do.

Fang Na didn't know where the courage came from, she gritted her teeth and ran to the middle-aged man, pleading: "If you want me, let me go, let my daughter go!"

The middle-aged man kicked Fang Na away and snorted coldly: "I'm not interested in you, get out of here quickly."

Seeing her mother being kicked away, Chen Xiaofei hurriedly ran to her mother, helped her up, and comforted her: "Mom, don't be afraid of them, Li Yi is nearby..."

"Can he save us?" Fang Na didn't believe that Li Yi was the opponent of these people at all. Li Yi was just a student, but these people were desperadoes with knives and sticks.

"He will definitely save us." Chen Xiaofei put all her hopes on Li Yi. If Li Yi couldn't do it, she wouldn't let him succeed even if she died.

The conversation between the two spread to everyone's ears, and one of the younger brothers said: "Boss, they brought someone else."

"As long as the police don't come, no matter how many people they come, it's useless." The middle-aged man had already seen the situation outside the factory building in the surveillance, and he also knew that the Li Yi mentioned by the other party was a boy who looked like a student.He didn't pay attention to each other, when he saw Fang Na and Chen Xiaofei entered the factory, he automatically ignored each other's whereabouts.

"Boss is right, what should we do now?" the younger brother asked.

"You fucking idiot! I'll leave this to you guys, sir, I'll try something new." The middle-aged man smiled wretchedly, and quickly walked towards Chen Xiaofei.

"Don't, don't!" Chen Xiaofei shouted loudly with her body trembling.

"Scream! The louder you scream, the more excited I am. Even if your throat is broken, no one will come to rescue you." The middle-aged man grabbed Chen Xiaofei's shoulder, trying to grab her to the factory building I did it by force.However, the moment he grabbed Chen Xiaofei, a scene he didn't expect appeared.

A figure flashed, and a young man suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiaofei, grabbing the middle-aged man's arm.

At the same time, a cold voice came into my mind, "I didn't hear what you said just now."

"Boy, you, who are you?" The middle-aged man's face changed drastically. He couldn't believe the other person's eyes. There was no one around just now, why did he appear in the blink of an eye?

"I'm the Li Yi they said." Li Yi grabbed the middle-aged man's arm and saw a flash of killing intent.

"Ah! It's you, I remembered, you got out of the car with them." The middle-aged man calmed down and sarcastically said, "Do you want to be a hero to save the beauty, or come to die? Judging by your appearance, you should You are here to die! I also want to see, when I am playing with your girlfriend, you will scream next to me, so I will be more excited."

Having said that, the middle-aged man moved his arm, trying to break free from Li Yi's palm.

However, what I thought was easy was completely different from what I imagined.

Li Yi's hands are like big pliers, which contain huge power, no matter how he breaks free, he remains motionless.

"Huh?" The middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat. He didn't believe that the other party had such great strength. He let out a low voice, but the result was still the same.

"Didn't you eat in the morning? You still want to kidnap with this strength?" Li Yi sarcastically said.

"Damn, you are looking for death!" The middle-aged man felt that he had lost face in front of his younger brother, and he raised the long knife in his hand while roaring and chopped off at Li Yi's head.

Li Yi suddenly raised his right hand, clenched it tightly, and punched the middle-aged man's arm, only to hear two bangs, one of which was the sound of a long knife hitting the ground, and the other was the sound of bones breaking .The middle-aged man screamed, his arms hung straight down, and when he looked carefully, he was interrupted by Li Yi's punch.

"You eat too much cabbage! Why is this arm as crisp as cabbage?" Li Yi raised his right foot and kicked the middle-aged man's lower abdomen. One can imagine.Hearing the screams, the middle-aged man was kicked away and fell heavily on the ground ten meters away.

After landing, the middle-aged man's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Fragments of the liver could be faintly seen in the blood.

"Who do you want to develop just now?" Li Yi picked up the long knife on his shoulders and walked towards the middle-aged man at a leisurely pace, with a demonic smile on his lips, "My ears are not good, I didn't hear clearly just now." If it wasn't for worrying that the scene would be too bloody and leave a shadow on Chen Xiaofei, he would have hacked it with several knives.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the middle-aged man is, he knows that he has encountered a ruthless character. He gritted his teeth and said, "What are you still doing, why don't you abolish him..."

Just now, when the younger brothers saw Li Yi kicking the boss away in a blink of an eye, they were already speechless in surprise. They obviously didn't expect that the other party was so powerful.Hearing the boss's shout at this moment, one by one was relieved from the surprise, and raised the stick in his hand and waved it at Li Yi.

"Li Yi, be careful..." Chen Xiaofei shouted worriedly.

The same is true for Fang Na. She knows that she can't beat four punches with both hands, and she wants to stand up and help Li Yi.

However, just as Fang Na stood up, an unimaginable scene appeared.

Only the sound of bang bang kept coming, and every time it sounded, a younger brother was kicked away by Li Yi.

After a few breaths, more than a dozen younger brothers all lay on the ground, and ### got up in pain.

Li Yi didn't even look at them, and walked straight to the middle-aged man, sneering: "Your little brother is too weak, remember to find a stronger character next time you kidnap."

The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and he looked at Li Yi as if he was looking at a monster, and said in horror: "You, who are you, and where are you?"

"Hmph! You ask me where I'm from?" Li Yi squatted down and said in a voice that only they could hear, "No one in the underground forces in ** City dares to speak to me in such a tone."

"Really?" The middle-aged man didn't believe it, "Do you know Sister Ba?"

"If she comes, you will die even worse." Li Yi said sternly.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "Okay, do you dare to let me make a call?"

"Please." Li Yi said, walking towards Fang Na and Chen Xiaofei, pointing to the factory building ahead, "Uncle is inside, go and untie him!"

Fang Na was just about to run over, when she suddenly thought of something, she hurriedly stopped and said, "Is there anyone else in the factory?"

"Everyone is here, go over there! They can't escape." Li Yi let the two of them leave for the simple reason that there were some things he didn't want Chen Xiaofei to know.

Not long after the two left, the middle-aged man's cell phone was connected, and he said anxiously: "Sister Ba, I'm Hei Scar, do you remember me?"

"Which black scar?" Sister Ba's lazy voice came from over there, as if she had just woken up not long ago.

"Last time in Tianhai City, I was there when Brother Guang invited you to dinner." Heiba ​​said affectionately, "You drank too much at that time, so I sent you to the car."

"Oh! Come to think of it, you are that scarred face, right!" Bayongjie suddenly said.

"Yes, it's me. I have something I want to ask you for help." Hei Scar secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the other party would not remember, and at the same time gave Li Yi a bitter look.

"What's the matter?" Bayongjie said indifferently, seemingly not paying attention to his words.

"I'm now in ** City, your territory. There is a boy who said that he has the final say on this land, even if he finds you, it's useless." Hei Scar is very smart and knows how to blame others, and cursed angrily, "Are you saying that the little gangsters nowadays are too courageous to even look down on Sister Ba? If I had already slapped him to death."

"Hmph! There are elementary school students like this everywhere, and you still can't solve them?" Bayongjie said with a snort.

The primary school students here do not refer to real students, but those who don't know the rules and play around all day long.

"Uh... Sister Ba, this person has some skill, and I'm no match for him." Hei Scar finally said his purpose, "Can you ask some brothers to come and help me teach him a lesson?"

"Small things, I'll send someone later." Bayongjie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Hei Scar's hanging heart finally fell down, he got up and looked at Li Yi, and said arrogantly: "Sister Ba has brought someone here, if you are sensible, let us go now..."

"Okay! I also want to make a call." Li Yi said and escaped from the phone.

Seeing the Apple 5s, Hei Scar was stunned, and thought to himself: "Primary school students are so rich now, how can they even afford such a luxury mobile phone?"

Just as he thought of this, Hei Scar's Huawei phone rang again. He answered the phone and said, "Sister Ba, what's wrong?"

"By the way, I forgot to ask you just now, is the person you can't deal with 20 years old?" Bayongjie's voice came from the phone.

Hei Scar didn't know why the other party asked this, but he still replied: "Not very old, just a stunned young man, he looks like a high school student."

"That's it! I can't take care of your business, you can solve it yourself!" Bayongjie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Sister Ba, Sister Ba, you have to help me!"

Hei Scar shouted loudly, but there was a beeping sound from the phone. He dialed the number again, but there was a voice, "The phone you dialed has been turned off."

Hearing this sentence, Hei Scar was dumbfounded, his expression was in stark contrast to Li Yi.

Li Yi laughed while holding his mobile phone. He wanted to call Bayongjie to tell her not to send someone, but he didn't expect that girl to react so quickly and guessed it was him so quickly.Putting the phone in his pocket, Li Yi walked up to Hei Scar with a smile, and said, "Say it! Who sent you here..."

After a short period of panic, the black-scarred man also recovered. He glanced at Li Yi and asked suddenly, "Are you the one behind the scenes in ** City?"

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