super jade

Chapter 108 You Will Only Be Locked Up Longer

Li Yi smiled slightly, without denying it, and said sternly: "Since you know my identity, you should tell me who ordered you to do this."

Black Panther knew he couldn't escape, so he simply let go, and said in a deep voice, "You know what we do, we use money to do things, if I betray him, what will my family do?"

"Since you said this, I'm telling you the truth. If you don't speak out, you will never get out of the cell alive." Li Yi will not threaten his wife and children. He thinks it is a coward's performance. will do.What's more, he believes that as long as he uses some means, the other party will definitely tell the truth.

"I admit it. If you want to kill it or scratch it casually, I won't say it." The black panther raised his head, showing a posture of not saying anything.

Li Yi smiled, suddenly looked at the younger brothers lying on the ground, and said, "Do you want to die?"

Everyone was startled, of course they didn't want to die, and replied one after another: "Brother, don't kill us."

"We don't want to die, please let us go!"

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "It's okay if you don't want to die, as long as you do what I say."

"Brother, what did you let us do?"

Li Yi pointed at Hei Scar, and said with a treacherous smile: "Didn't he just say that he wanted to develop my girlfriend? Now I want to develop him too. Which one of you will come first?"

As soon as these words came out, Hei Scar's face changed drastically, and he said angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Li Yi didn't answer his words, walked up to those younger brothers, and said, "You can understand what I mean!"

Of course the younger brothers can understand, but the other party is their boss after all, and they don't have the courage to do so.

"If you don't do what I said, then I can only give you a ride." Li Yi didn't really want to kill them, so he picked up the long knife in his hand and frightened his chin.

The long knife was extremely sharp, and the sun shone on the knife, emitting a cold light.

The younger brothers were terrified, trembling all over, and finally stood up timidly, tremblingly said: "Brother, brother, as long as I do what you say, you won't kill me?"

"Yes, I keep my word." Li Yi replied.

The kid gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I'll do it." Saying that, he quickly walked towards Hei Scar.

The black-scarred man was seriously injured and couldn't stop him at all. He hurriedly shouted: "Long Mao, don't mess around."

"Brother, I don't want to die. If you don't want to be beaten, just lie down and don't move." Long Mao was desperate, and rolled up his sleeves to take off the clothes on Hei Scar's body.

Li Yi looked at the rest of the younger brothers, waved his long knife and said: "Since you are not afraid of death, then I will help you."

The light of the knife flashed, and the bodies of all the younger brothers trembled even more. Whoever shouted to take the lead said, "Brother, don't kill us, we will do as you say."

One person said this, and the rest of the younger brothers said one after another: "Don't kill us, we will explode his ass."

"As long as it doesn't kill us, let us do anything."

More than a dozen younger brothers walked towards Hei Scar at the same time. Seeing this posture, Hei Scar could already think of what happened next, and felt sick when he thought about it.If they were really blown up by these people, even if they didn't die, how would they go out to mess around in the future?These thoughts flashed through his mind, Hei Scar's final bottom line collapsed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I say, I can say anything."

"It's enough to say no, just say it! Who told you to do this?" Li Yi squatted on the ground, squinting at the black-scarred man.

Those younger brothers also breathed a sigh of relief, and they didn't want to have sex with men unless they had to.

"Deputy Mayor Wang Xianzhong, he asked me to do this." Hei Scar said in detail, "He gave me 30 yuan and asked me to kill him. I thought the money was too little at the time, so I wanted to kidnap him and then blackmail him. Some……"

"Why did he do this?" Li Yi asked.

"I don't know, it seems that there is a festival in the officialdom." The black-scarred man replied.

Li Yi asked some more questions, but he didn't find out why, so he knew that if he wanted to know the reason, he could only ask Chen Xiaofei's father.

At this time, Chen Xiaofei's family of three came out, except for his pale face, Father Chen was fine.

Chen Xiaofei ran towards Li Yi immediately, she glanced at Hei Scar angrily, and said, "Li Yi, why didn't you kill him?"

The black-scarred man trembled, and looked at Chen Xiaofei in fear, his eyes seemed to say, "This girl is too ruthless! She looks so pretty, how can she just open her mouth to kill?"

"Ms. Chen, killing people is against the law! Do you want to stay alone in an empty room in your next life?" Li Yi lowered his voice.

Chen Xiaofei blushed pretty, and seemed to feel that killing people was inappropriate, and said blushingly: "Don't talk nonsense, my parents are coming, how do you deal with them?"

"What do you think?" Li Yi asked back.

Chen Xiaofei hated everyone, she clenched her fists tightly and said, "You get them arrested, and then torture them so badly that they'd rather die."

"No, let's leave it to the police!" Li Yi said with a smile, "I didn't expect our Chen Dapanhua to have a violent side."

"This is not violence. This is the way to treat people like them." Chen Xiaofei thought of what the other party said just now, and wanted to beat everyone up.

At this time, Fang Na and Chen Ping came over, the latter said: "He is right, hand them over to the police!"

"Dad! They treated you like this and let them go like this?" Chen Xiaofei said unwillingly.

"They are rascals, are we the same?" Chen Ping glanced at Li Yi, nodded with satisfaction, "Are you Xiaofei's classmate?"

"Hello Uncle, my name is Li Yi." Li Yi replied.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You are Li Yi!"

Li Yi could naturally hear the meaning of the words, touched his head, and said awkwardly: "That..."

"Scores can't prove a person's ability. Uncle is optimistic about you." Chen Ping changed the subject and said, "Did you ask them why they arrested me?"

"They said it was ordered by Wang Xianzhong." Li Yi said.

Chen Ping's face darkened, his eyes revealed a look of surprise, and he said, "I knew it was him, but I didn't expect him to strike first before I found all the evidence."

"Uncle, what evidence did you find?" Li Yi asked subconsciously, and he could guess.

"Wang Xianzhong has a big problem in politics, corruption and corruption. I have been secretly investigating him for a long time." Chen Ping snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic, and changed the subject, "Thank you for saving me today, Since you are Xiaofei's classmate, remember to come to my house for dinner when you have time in the future."

"Definitely." Li Yi said, "It's better to call the police first and arrest them!"

Half an hour later, several police cars drove over and arrested Hei Bao and others into the car.

This time the leader was Su Mengxi. When she saw Chen Ping, she gave a military salute and said, "District Chief Chen, they didn't lynch you!"

"No, thanks to Li Yi's timely appearance, otherwise I don't know if I can see the sun tomorrow." Chen Ping smiled slightly and gave Li Yi a satisfied look.

"He is really good, he has helped our police station to subdue criminals a few times!" Su Mengxi said this not to praise Li Yi, but to Chen Xiaofei.

Chen Xiaofei recalled what happened that day, and she even suspected that there was an ulterior secret between Su Mengxi and Li Yi, her pretty face blushed immediately.

Everyone was taken back to the police station to make notes. Li Yi had come here for the first time. He was not placed in a separate room, but with Chen Xiaofei and others, so he could not talk to Su Mengxi alone.Because of Chen Ping's special status, he simply made a record and told them that they could go back.

Everyone stood in front of the police station, Chen Ping looked at Li Yi, and said, "A car will pick us up later, let's go back together?"

"No need, my friend will be here in a while." Li Yi was just looking for an excuse, he wasn't going to come back at night, if he was sent home, how would he come out to talk to Su Mengxi### at night?This is not the point, the point is that if Chen Ping wants to go to his house, wouldn't all the previous lies be exposed?

"It's so late, don't let your friend come, let's go back together!" Chen Ping said this for the second time, which shows that he admires Li Yi very much.

Fang Na also saw her husband's thoughts, and said, "Yes! Let's go back together!"

Chen Xiaofei also hoped that Li Yi could behave better in front of his parents, which could be related to his future happiness, and said, "Li Yi, just come with us!"

Li Yi was very depressed. Just when he didn't know how to make an excuse, Su Mengxi walked out of the police station, "Li Yi, you caught those people!"

"Yes! Is there anything else that Officer Su can do?" Li Yi turned around and gave him a wink.

"You can't leave now, and you need to make more detailed notes." Su Mengxi said seriously.

Chen Ping frowned, and said, "We've said everything we need to say, but does he still need to stay?"

"District Chief Chen, this is the procedure. I won't make things difficult for him." Su Mengxi said, "When the record is finished, I will personally send him back, and I won't let him take a taxi back."

Chen Ping nodded, patted Li Yi on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go first. If you need my help in the future, you can call me, or you can ask Xiao Fei to tell me."

"Thank you uncle." Li Yi said.

At this time, a Passat drove over, and Chen Ping and others got in the car and left.

Su Mengxi looked at Li Yi with a smile and said, "Have you settled your future father-in-law so quickly?"

"Do you think this is done?" Li Yi said with a smile, "When will you go back?"

"Wait a minute, I'm going to explain something, and I'll go back with you right away." Su Mengxi gave her a look of going back and forth, and walked quickly to the interrogation room. Just as she got to the door, she heard a police officer He said, "Officer Su, the principal culprit has already confessed, but he said he wants to see you..."

"What do you see me for?" Su Mengxi asked subconsciously.

"It seems to be reporting a person, hoping to reduce the crime." The policeman said.

Su Mengxi nodded and said, "Go down first! I'll go and interrogate him."

In the interrogation room, Hei Bao sat on a chair with his hands handcuffed. After seeing Su Mengxi, he hurriedly said, "Officer, I have something important to report."

"Speak!" Su Mengxi said.

"I know who the gang boss in ** City is. He is the guy who caught me." The man with the black scar said, "I don't ask for anything else, I just want to save me a few years in prison."

Su Mengxi seemed to have known that the other party would say this, sneered, and said something that Hei Scar hadn't expected at all.

"If you report him, you will only be locked up longer."


The black panther was stunned, and said in astonishment: "He's the boss of the gangster, why don't you arrest him?"

"If you don't want to be beaten, just keep reporting. Maybe they will beat you up after you go in." After scaring the other party, Su Mengxi turned and walked towards the interrogation room.

After Su Mengxi left, the policeman glanced at the record book and said, "Didn't you report to Police Officer Su just now?"

Thinking of what Su Mengxi said just now, the black-scarred man trembled, and blurted out: "Brother policeman, I was wrong, can I not report it?"

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