super jade

Chapter 109

Back at Su Mengxi's home, Li Yi couldn't wait to hold her in his arms, and went straight to the bedroom.

Su Mengxi###Lianlian said with a giggle, "I found out that you are a hungry little beast."

"Then do you like my little beast?" Li Yi chuckled, and quickly took off Su Mengxi's police uniform.

At the same time, Su Mengxi was also helping Li Yi take off his clothes, saying: "I like it, let the storm be more violent!" As he said, he spread his body and lay on the bed.

The two fought for more than an hour. Su Mengxi was so tired that she lay on the bed and said, "Now it's your turn to serve sister."

Li Yi pressed on Su Mengxi's body like a wild beast, constantly asking for and cultivating, his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible strength.I don't know how long it took before Li Yi completed the final release with a low growl. The beauty he held in his arms kissed her cheek.

Su Mengxi nestled happily on Li Yi's broad chest, and sighed: "You have class tomorrow, when can I see you?"

"Just call me when you miss me. I'm better than takeaway, and I'm on call." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Forget it! If you come every day, how will you explain to your family?" Su Mengxi asked back.

"It's okay, when I go to college, I will have more time, so I can come to accompany you." Li Yi changed the subject, "How is the house I asked you to prepare?"

"Didn't you buy the store near Wang Shanshan's house?" Su Mengxi was quite well informed, and said, "You can get one to refine medicine pills."

Li Yi's eyes flashed, and he said: "If you don't tell me, I will forget about it. I will ask them to prepare one later."

In the following time, the two talked a few more words before embracing each other and falling asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Mengxi sent Li Yi to the school gate and left. Li Yi went straight to Wang Shanshan's store.

When I came to the store, I saw Wang Shanshan's family was busy. Seeing Li Yi coming, Zhang Guilian greeted with a smile as if seeing her own son: "Li Yi, you haven't eaten yet! Come and eat something."

"Auntie, why are you out to work?" Li Yi asked.

"You can't be busy! You need to earn more money in the future, and Shining will go to college!" Zhang Guilian deliberately said so much, and she wanted to know how Li Yi would answer.

Li Yi felt like a bright mirror in his heart, and said: "Auntie, I will pay for her college. You should stop doing this in the future."

"How can this work? Your uncle and I can't let you support us!" Zhang Guilian said, "Even if you want to, we are too embarrassed to eat plain rice."

Li Yi was silent for a while before saying: "I'm going to buy the nearby store, and you and your uncle will be responsible for managing the store in the future!"

"This method is very good. I have done management in the hotel before, and I have some experience in this area." Zhang Guilian looked at Wang Shanshan and said, "Girl, you can eat with Li Yi! Go to school together after eating." Now she can't wait for her daughter Stay with Li Yi all day, so that she can rest assured, and at the same time hope that the relationship between the two can last forever.

After a simple breakfast, the two of them walked into the school. Seeing that she was still wearing the same clothes as before, Li Yi couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you wear the clothes I bought for you?"

"Those clothes are so expensive. If I wear them to school, what will others say about me?" Wang Shanshan said with a wry smile, "They will definitely think that I have been adopted."

"Hey! Aren't you just being taken care of by me now?" Li Yi smiled badly.

Wang Shanshan pouted and retorted: "No, I'm your girlfriend."

"Looking at Auntie's appearance, I wish I could take care of you now." Li Yi thought of something, and quickly asked, "They didn't ask you hard yesterday, did they?"

It’s okay not to mention what happened yesterday, but when Li Yi mentioned it, Wang Xing was furious and complained: “It’s all your fault, I couldn’t step down yesterday, I don’t even know how to explain it to them.”

"You didn't tell my secret!" Li Yi said worriedly.


Li Yi froze for a moment, and said, "Did you really say that?"

Seeing Li Yi's nervous look, Wang Shanshan giggled, revealing shallow dimples, very charming, "I lied to you! How could I tell them."

When Li Yi came to class, Liu Wei and Zhang Chao walked over as soon as Li Yi returned to his seat. The former hurriedly asked, "Brother Yi, where did you go during the National Day holiday?"

"Where else can I go, of course I stay at home." Li Yi replied.

"Don't lie to us. We went to your house to look for you yesterday. Uncle said you went out to play." Liu Wei said with a smile, "Tell me, where have you been?"

Of course Li Yi wouldn't tell them what happened in the past few days, not to mention they didn't believe it, so they changed the subject and said, "What are you doing at my house?"

Zhang Chao laughed, and said, "Liu Wei has found a girlfriend and wants to show off in front of you."

"Not bad! How did you know each other?" Li Yi asked.

"She is also from our school and has the same name as me. I happened to meet her when I was shopping for books." Liu Wei replied.

"Is she also called Liu Wei?" Li Yi was stunned, and couldn't help asking, "You also buy books?"

"Of course I bought magazines. You really thought I would buy books!" Liu Wei laughed and said, "Her name is Liu Wei, which is not the same as my Wei."

"You are Viagra, how could she be too?" Zhang Chao laughed out loud.

This kind of joke is often made by everyone, and Li Yi also smiled slightly.

At this moment, the classroom suddenly fell silent. Li Yi looked up and found that Chen Xiaofei came to the classroom at some point.

The current Chen Xiaofei is completely different from a month ago. She used to bow her head to read when she came to the classroom, but now she puts down her schoolbag and walks to the last row. All the students in the class know what she is going to do. Envious and jealous.Liu Wei and Zhang Chao glanced at each other and quickly returned to their seats. They didn't want to be light bulbs.

"I have something to tell you, let's go out and do it!" After Chen Xiaofei finished speaking, she walked to the corridor leading to the classroom.

Li Yi followed her out, and as soon as she came to her, Chen Xiaofei said, "Li Yi, thank you for what happened yesterday."

"Thank you, we are a family, this is what I should do." Li Yi said cheekily, if there were no classmates in the corridor, he would really kiss Chen Xiaofei's sexy little lips.

Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, glared at Li Yi, and said shyly: "What nonsense, who is your family?"

"Not now, but in the future." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it later, how did you do in the exam this time?" Chen Xiaofei changed the subject, "If you don't do well in the exam, don't even think about touching me again."

"Don't worry, it will definitely open your eyes later." Li Yi said, "If I complete the task this time, shouldn't you fulfill your promise?"

Chen Xiaofei really wanted to say, even if you got zero marks in the test, I would still give you my first kiss, because you saved my father yesterday.

But she would not say such a thing. In order not to make Li Yi feel complacent, Chen Xiaofei said: "Remember what you promised me, before the college entrance examination, you must enter the top five in your grade."

"My wife's words are an order. Even if there are difficulties and dangers, I will stand up." Li Yi said solemnly.

Seeing that Li Yi suddenly became serious, Chen Xiaofei smiled and giggled and said, "I'm not serious, I just know how to be glib all day long."

In the first quarter of morning self-study, the head teacher walked in with the report card. He looked a little complicated, and finally said: "Today I will announce the test results before the National Day holiday."

"No.3, Du Haibo, with a total score of 658, ranked No.18 in the whole grade."

Du Haibo's score has been very stable, usually around 650 points, but he didn't expect it to be No.3 this time.

Hearing this result, the whole class was stunned, and almost everyone looked at Du Haibo.

Du Haibo's face was quite ugly. He had held No.1 for more than two years. Since the last accident, he missed No.1 again. What's going on?At this moment, not only Du Haibo, but the rest of the class also wanted to know who the top two were. They thought of one, but not the other.

"No.2, Chen Xiaofei, with a total score of 672, No.15 in the whole grade."

The students had already guessed that there would be Chen Xiaofei among the top two. After hearing what the teacher said, they wanted to know who No.1 was.

Holding the report card, Cao Chuanlei's expression became more complicated. He took a deep breath and said, "No.1, Li Yi, with a total score of 688, No.10 in the whole grade."

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Li Yi was stunned. Chen Xiaofei didn't expect him to get such a result in the exam.

Because a month ago, Li Yi was still the last one in the whole grade, and he was promoted to the first place in the class in such a short period of time.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, I am afraid that all the students would not believe it. Li Yi was able to get a high score of 688. You must know that every extra point after 650 points is very difficult. Du Haibo is an example. Hovering around 30 points.Today's Li Yi has not only improved his grades, but also improved so much at once, more than [-] points higher than Du Haibo.

Although Cao Chuanlei didn't want to praise Li Yi, he had to do so. He coughed lightly and said, "Li Yi, you have such a good method in the test, you should have a learning secret! Why don't you share it with everyone."

"Mr. Cao, do you really want me to tell you?" Li Yi got up and asked.

Cao Chuanlei was stunned for a moment, unable to understand the meaning of the words, but still said: "Speak!"

"Actually, just eight can explain that the combination of men and women will not make you tired from studying." Li Yi said, "I can achieve my current grades entirely because of the deputy monitor, Chen Xiaofei. Today without me. This also confirms the saying that for every successful man there is a successful woman."

"Li Yi, what are you talking about?" Cao Chuanlei's face became quite ugly. He asked Li Yi to talk about the learning method, but the other party said these words. Isn't this not giving him face?

However, Li Yi showed a puzzled look and said, "Mr. Cao, what I'm telling is the truth."

"Okay, stop talking, let's study by ourselves!" Cao Chuanlei waved his hand and walked out of the classroom depressed, but there were more depressing things waiting for him.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, Cao Chuanlei was stopped by the head teachers of the other classes, and they rushed to ask: "Old Cao! Li Yi in your class did well in the exam. He should have a good learning method! Why don't you let them come to us?" Let the class talk about it, and let the poor students in our class improve their grades."

"That's right! Such a good student doesn't belong to any class. If it's inconvenient, we can go to your class and listen to his learning experience." The head teacher of class three said.


Such words kept ringing in my ears, and Cao Chuanlei was so depressed that he said, "How can he have any learning experience? Don't ask me."

As soon as this remark came out, the class teachers were not happy, "Old Cao, how could you do this, he must be selfish!"

"It's not your credit that Li Yi can improve his grades. Why do you hide it?"

"That's right! He didn't say he wouldn't tell us about his learning experience, why did you reject us?"


Cao Chuanlei also lost his temper, glared at everyone, and said angrily: "Who said he didn't say it? He said that men and women are matched, and studying is not tiring. Do you believe it?"

All the head teachers were stunned. After a long time, Chen Shaohua, the head teacher of Class One, said with emotion: "It makes sense! Why didn't I think of this?"

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