super jade

Chapter 119

Zhang Xiaoliang was dumbfounded. He even wondered if he heard it wrong, and said in a daze, "Little sister, what did you just say?"

"I said, I don't want to be with him..." Zhang Qianqian didn't have the courage to say the same thing a second time, and changed the subject, "Brother, you told me that you became a driver recently, and you just drove for him?"

"Yes! His name is Li Yi, my junior high school classmate, and now I will drive for him." Zhang Xiao nodded.

Zhang Qianqian looked complicated. She took a deep breath and asked again: "Is this job important to you?"

"Little girl, what on earth are you trying to say! Today is really strange." Zhang Xiaoliang frowned and said, "You also know that I used to be a gangster, and I didn't get much money at all. Since I met Brother Yi, I have become a It’s been whitewashed, and the salary has also increased a lot, which is enough to subsidize the family. If you lose this job, I’m afraid there will be no money for you to finish high school.”

Hearing this, Zhang Qianqian secretly made a decision and said, "Brother, I know what to do. You have paid so much for the family these years, and I am not young anymore. I should do something for the family." She quickly Opened the car door, came to the back and sat down, kept looking at Li Yi, finally sighed, turned his head to the side, and looked at a place where there was nothing.

Zhang Xiaoliang didn't know what was wrong with the little girl, so he touched his head and asked after getting into the car, "Brother Yi, shall we go to your house first?"

"Send her back first! Don't delay her studies." Li Yi is very envious of students with good grades. After all, he gave up a lot for the girl he loves, and his dreams were in vain.If he hadn't obtained the Heavenly Dao Seal by accident, he might still be living a life without dreams and pursuits as before.

Zhang Xiaoliang nodded, started the car, and drove quickly to Luyang District.

Half an hour later, the car came to a poor area. After Zhang Xiaoliang got out of the car, he said to Li Yi: "Brother Yi, I'll take my sister home first, you wait here for a while."

The houses here are still 80-year-old tile-roofed houses. In the era of rapid economic development, many of these houses have been demolished and new high-rise buildings have been built. Because the location is remote, no one has come to invest in development.The people living here are getting poorer and poorer. Many people are busy with three meals a day, but they can only solve the most basic food and clothing problems.

After the two got out of the car, they walked quickly towards the house. When they came to the door, Zhang Xiaoliang handed her a package of things wrapped in newspapers, and then said: "Little sister, take the money back first, and I will return it later." If you have something to do, go home later. Remember, don’t let your parents see it, or they will worry again. "

Zhang Qianqian took the newspaper, briefly touched it, and said in surprise, "Brother, is this all money?"

"Yes! This is the money Brother Yi gave you." Zhang Xiaoliang replied.

Zhang Qianqian thought of what the other party said before getting into the car, she took a deep breath and said, "He gave me the 10 yuan?"

"Hmm!" Zhang Xiao nodded brightly.

Zhang Qianqian smiled wryly and said, "You are just his driver, why did he give you so much money?"

"Little sister, didn't I just say that the money is for you." Zhang Xiaoliang explained, "Brother Yi knows our family's situation, and the money is for you to go to school."

"Is it really just for school?" Zhang Qianqian didn't believe it.

Zhang Xiaoliang frowned. He looked at his sister and paused, "Little sister, what do you want to say?"

"Brother, I'm not a child anymore, why do you lie to me?" Zhang Qianqian said with a complicated expression, "Although I haven't left school yet, I know many things. I have no reason with him. Why did she give me so much money?" ? If he wants to sleep with me, you tell me directly, and I will definitely give him..."

"Gah!" This time, Zhang Xiaoliang heard it clearly, and said in surprise, "Little sister, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm more awake than ever." Zhang Qianqian showed a desperate expression, and continued, "10 yuan, it's worth buying me for one night. If I can finish high school, it can stabilize your job , not to mention that he gave so much money, even if you give me 1 yuan, I will give it to him for the first time."

No matter how stupid Zhang Xiaoliang was, he knew what the little girl was talking about at this time, and said angrily: "You don't study hard all day, thinking about messy things, is Brother Yi like that?"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Qianqian asked back, "Didn't you just ask him whose house to go to first?"

"Damn it, I don't even know how to explain it to you." Zhang Xiaoliang said depressedly, "He gave me the money a long time ago, do you think he could use it to buy you a night before he saw you? ? Besides, Brother Yi already has a girlfriend, so don't be so naive as to think that he will pursue you."

"What's impossible? Every day after school, there are a lot of luxury cars coming to our school. Which one of those people doesn't have a girlfriend?" Zhang Qianqian retorted, "I heard from them that some even have wives and children. Why do they spend money to find loli like us? It's not because they want to find different excitement."

"Shut up, are you the one who said these words?" Zhang Xiaoliang snarled, he felt that the young girl who was once so pure was not healthy anymore.

"Okay, I'll shut up, tell me a time! I'll give him the first time." Zhang Qianqian said angrily.

Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, glared at his sister, and said, "What time are you talking about? Brother Yi is not that kind of person. He is not interested in a little loli like you."

"Brother, since you said that, I don't want to say anything, I hope so." After Zhang Qianqian finished speaking, she turned around and walked home without thinking.

Seeing the back of his sister leaving, Zhang Xiaoliang became even more depressed, and finally walked out of the alley with a sigh.

When he came to the car, Zhang Xiaoliang didn't say what happened just now, he thought it was just a misunderstanding.

"Brother Yi, are you going to your house now?" Zhang Xiaoliang started the car and drove forward quickly.

Li Yi nodded and said: "You know where my house is, don't drive into the community later, just park outside!"

"Okay." A few minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz parked outside the community, Zhang Xiaoliang said, "Brother Yi, do you need me to pick you up tomorrow morning?"

"No, don't take the initiative to pick me up without my call." After Li Yi got out of the car, he walked to the house, and when he got home, his parents were there.

Seeing her son coming back, Mother Li hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How are you doing these days?"

"Not bad." Li Yi replied.

"Just play well, how did you do in the last exam?" Father Li was still more concerned about his son's grades.

Li Yi escaped from his arms with a report card, handed it to his parents and said, "Dad, Mom, here is the report card. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first."

In this case, Li Yi will say it once every time he takes out his report card. This time, his parents also think that Li Yi's test is not satisfactory, so they deliberately find an excuse to leave.Father Li's expression was a little gloomy, but he still picked up the report card and looked at it, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find his son's name, so he couldn't help but wondered, "Old woman, come and see."

"What's wrong?" Mother Li asked while picking up the report card.

"Why didn't I see my son's name?" Father Li said, and looked up from the bottom again. Except for the top few, the rest of the rankings have been checked countless times.

Mother Li also found it strange, and looked at it carefully, but the result was still the same.

After watching for a while, the two suddenly thought of something, glanced at each other, and looked up at the same time.

The next moment, the two of them saw Li Yi, who was No.1, and while they were surprised, their hands holding the report card trembled.

"Old man, did you see that? Li Yi got No.1 in the exam, the first in the class." Li's mother said excitedly, no matter who the parents are, they all hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes.

Father Li was also very excited, with tears in his eyes, he said: "My son is promising, finally he is promising."

"It's all right now, we don't have to worry about him not being admitted to a university." Li Mu said incoherently, "I know he can do it, I know he can be admitted to a good university..."

Li Yi listened to the conversation between his parents in the living room, and his eye sockets also became moist.

After a while, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Li Yi clenched his fists tightly and said, "Dad, Mom, I was ignorant before and let you down. I won't let you worry about my future anymore." Said Then, he picked up the textbook on the table and read it again. After reading it for a while, he realized that the high school textbook was no longer a problem for him.

"I have time to buy some college books." Li Yi closed the textbook, picked up the cup and walked out to the living room.

As soon as a glass of water was filled, Mother Li came over and said, "Xiaoyi, what do you want to eat tomorrow, mom will buy it for you."

"Mom, regular meals are fine." Li Yi turned around and walked into the room. Just a few steps away, the phone rang suddenly.

The room was unusually quiet, and the ringtone echoed in the living room. Li Yi reacted quickly, and hung up the phone with his spiritual power.

But the parents still heard it. Mother Li frowned and said, "Old man, who is calling you at such a late hour?"

"Let me see." Li's mother picked up the honest Nokia mobile phone, glanced at it, and said, "It's strange, there are no missed calls!"

"Isn't it a ringtone?" Mother Li asked, "What's that sound?"

"I don't know either." Father Li replied.

Mother Li suddenly thought of something, looked at her husband and asked, "Tell me the truth, did you buy a new mobile phone behind my back?"

"Old woman, I put all my salary every month with you, how can I afford to buy a new mobile phone!" Li's father said wrongly, "Besides, I am not a fashionable person, and this mobile phone is not broken. Why should I buy a new mobile phone?" ?”

"That's right, maybe I heard it wrong just now!" Mother Li said to herself.

They didn't notice when they were talking, Li Yi hurriedly walked into the room, and they didn't expect Li Yi to have a mobile phone.

When he came to the room, Li Yi dialed the number and said depressedly: "You want to kill me!"

"I don't want you to die. If you die, don't I want to die for love too?" Su Mengxi giggled from the other end of the phone, and then changed the subject, saying, "I helped you get so much money tonight. How can I thank you?"

"Actually, it's not much money, just tens of millions." Li Yi replied.

"Hmph! I investigated their bank accounts, and you still told me that you don't have much money?" Su Mengxi said, "At least one hundred million, how do you want to spend the money?"

"Take it and invest it for me!" Li Yi didn't know how to use the money. If he kept it in his hand, it would depreciate in value.

"Give me the money tomorrow, and I'll help you start a pharmaceutical company." Su Mengxi said something that Li Yi never expected.

Li Yi froze for a moment, and said, "Wait, what did you say?"

"Start a pharmaceutical company." Su Mengxi said.

Li Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I'm not a medical graduate. Why are you starting a pharmaceutical company? You want me to make counterfeit medicine?"

"Hehe! You are unmatched when you are smart, and you are cute when you are stupid." Su Mengxi smiled, "You don't know how to make medicine, but you can make pills. After you make pills, can't you sell them? ? I have already thought about it, if you can really refine medicines like Zhuyan Pill, it will be difficult not to make money."

In the following time, Li Yi said a few sweet words to Su Mengxi before hanging up the phone.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Li Yi was just resting on the bed when the phone rang again.

Picking up the phone and looking at the number, Li Yi was so depressed that he couldn't help asking, "You miss me too, don't you?"

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