super jade

Chapter 120 You Are Not My Man

Bayongjie's delicate laughter came from the phone, she giggled and said: "You are not my man, even if I miss you now, is it useful?"

"Since you didn't miss me, why did you call me so late?" Li Yi knew Bayongjie too well. This girl was quite shrewd.

"What I'm thinking about is your money, so I didn't miss it tonight!" Bayongjie went straight to the point, "Have you thought about how to spend so much money, how about my sister help you solve your problems?"

"You are very well informed! I found out so soon." Li Yi smiled and said, "Sorry, I have already given the money to others."

"Give it to someone else so soon?" Bayongjie was taken aback, and said immediately, "Could it be the person who called you just now?"

Li Yi didn't deny it either, and said: "Yes! You are a step slower, or I will give it to you."

"Forget it! She's your woman, even if I call ahead, you won't give me that much money." Bayongjie changed the subject, "Let me tell you the truth! I didn't come here for the money , I heard that you even transferred their property, let me manage those stores! I also want to find the feeling of being a strong woman in the mall."

"No problem, now you are the owner of those bars and ktvs." Li Yi never thought about managing the company, he is really not interested in this aspect.

"It's such a joy, my sister also has a big gift for you." Bayongjie said mysteriously.

Li Yi frowned, and couldn't help asking: "What big gift?"

"Since it is a gift, you will only know it when you get it, and you will know it later, my little brother." Bayongjie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Li Yi didn't take it seriously, and after changing his phone to vibrate, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Li Yi answered a phone call and went straight to school.

Came to Wang Shanshan's house to have breakfast, and walked to the school with her. On the way, Wang Shanshan asked: "Li Yi, I heard that you got more than 600 points in the test this time, and you are the first in the class. Is this true?"

"Yes! What about you? How did you do this time?" Li Yi remembered what happened yesterday, and couldn't wait to know the result.

"Sister Xiaofei came to see me yesterday, and her grades have also improved, but not as much as mine." Wang Shanshan said, "My score is a few points lower than yours, and I am also the first in class six. Recently I discovered that, The memory has improved a lot, and words that used to memorize for a long time can now be read once, what do you think is going on?"

"Huh?" Li Yi was stunned. Could it be that the previous guess was completely correct, and the memory of women who were with him would improve.

"Actually, I would know if you didn't tell me. Miss Xiaofei also told me about this matter yesterday. I suspect that it really has something to do with you." Wang Shanshan pursed her mouth and said a little jealously, "If it wasn't for Xiaofei My sister told me that I didn't know you had the ability to remember. Hmph! Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Uh... It's not that I didn't tell you, I was afraid that I would scare you." Li Yi laughed.

"Hmph! I just know how to make excuses. I'm already your...girlfriend. How can I be scared by you?" Wang Shanshan said this, but he was not angry in his heart.

The two came to the teaching building and went into their respective classrooms. As soon as they entered, Li Yi was dragged out by Chen Xiaofei.

"Say, are you with Wang Shanshan?" Chen Xiaofei asked aggressively.

"We've been together a long time ago?" Li Yi pretended to be confused.

Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, and said angrily: "I didn't mean that when I said being together, I was asking you, do you have that..."

"No, even if I want to, there's no time!" Li Yi said, "Wang Shanshan's parents are back, and you know that I can't take her out at all."

"So, you still want to bring her out at night?" Chen Xiaofei changed the subject, "I asked Wang Shanshan yesterday, she was better than me in the exam, and her memory is much better than mine, if you are not together ,how so?"

"Well, maybe I have been with her in private for a long time!" Li Yi didn't dare to tell the little beauty that she and Wang Shanshan were already like that, and the girl was still angry when she said it.

"Is that really the case?" Chen Xiaofei was a little disbelieving.

Li Yi nodded heavily, and said affirmatively: "Really, it's better than gold."

"Okay! I will trust you just once. From today onwards, you will send me home after school." Chen Xiaofei clenched her fists and said, "I don't believe that memory cannot surpass her."

Li Yi was most afraid of the comparison between the two major schools, but the most fearful thing happened, and said: "Then I will accompany you more in the future, do you remember the last bet?"

"I will fulfill my promise after the evening self-study today." Chen Xiaofei grinned, turned and walked into the classroom.

The class bell rang, and the class teacher Cao Chuanlei walked into the classroom. He was about to speak, but found that there was one person missing in the classroom, and asked, "Why didn't Du Haibo come today?"

Classmates, you look at me, I look at you, no one knows the reason.

"Do you know?" Cao Chuanlei wanted to ask Xiao Hei, because he knew that the two had a better relationship in private, but he raised his finger at the wrong person and pointed at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei's face is full of spring breeze these days, because he found a girlfriend, he is in a very good mood.

Teacher Cao's roll call stunned Liu Wei who was writing a love letter. He stood up a little unhappily, and said, "Mr. Cao, I'm not his father. How do I know why he didn't come to class?"

"What did you say?" Cao Chuanlei was so angry!

"No, I said, I don't know." Liu Wei also knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words, "I saw him coming with Xiao Hei in the morning, you can ask him!"

Cao Chuanlei looked at Xiao Hei and said, "Where is Du Haibo?"

"Teacher, I entered the campus with him. He left after answering a phone call. I don't know where he went." Xiao Hei replied.

Cao Chuanlei nodded, did not continue to ask, turned and walked outside the classroom.

After the morning self-study was over, Chen Xiaofei came to the last row. She stood beside Li Yi and said in a low voice, "Du Haibo didn't come to class, so it doesn't have anything to do with you!"

Li Yi really wanted to say, of course it has something to do with me, but thinking of what Liu Wei said just now, he smiled and said, "I'm not his father either, do you think I'll know?"

"Huh! No one is serious." Chen Xiaofei gave Li Yi a white look, no matter from which angle you looked at it, it looked like a coquettish love between lovers.

As for why Du Haibo didn't come, it started with receiving the call. After answering the call, he walked towards the grove on the campus.

When he came to the woods, Du Haibo shouted loudly: "Feng Ye, what can you do for me?"

Two middle-aged men walked out of the woods, one of them was thinner, the other was thick-backed, one could tell it was Lian's son.Both of them were wearing black suits and their faces were covered, so their specific appearance could not be seen.They came to Du Haibo, and one of them asked, "Are you Li Yi?"

"No!" Du Haibo replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, the hulking man kicked Du Haibo's body, kicked his body away, and roared angrily: "You still say no, I think you are Li Yi..."

With such a sudden kick, Du Haibo was stunned. He fell to the ground and said, "Brothers, I'm really not Li Yi."

The thinner young man was named Handi, and he slapped Du Haibo with such force that his mouth was covered in blood, "Who the hell are you calling brother? Do I look like your brother?"

After this slap, Du Haibo's head was full of stars, and he was a little dizzy, and quickly changed his words: "You two, sir, you really found the wrong person."

"Grass, who is your uncle, am I so old?" Handjob slapped again after finishing speaking.

This slap was more powerful, directly knocking out one of Du Haibo's front teeth. If the slap continues like this, it is estimated that all the teeth in his mouth will be knocked out.

"Uncle, uncle, please don't hit me." Du Haibo begged for mercy, "I'm really not Li Yi, my name is Du..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another person. He raised his fist and said: "Damn, you are clearly Li Yi, and you still dare to lie to us. Believe it or not, I will kill you now..."

"Don't beat him to death, you can complete the mission by killing him." Handler said and was about to do it.

Du Haibo understood the skills of the two, he knelt down on the ground with a bang, and said, "You two uncles, are you from the Maple Leaf Organization?"

"Yes! Someone paid us to destroy you." The handyman sighed and said sympathetically, "Boy, you can't blame us for this. If you want to blame it, you have offended someone who can't be offended."

"Uncle, I'm the one who hired you." Du Haibo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "You really hired the wrong person."

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Heitie didn't believe it, "Do you have evidence?"

"Yes, I have a remittance slip here." Du Haibo quickly searched in his jacket pocket, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Then it sounded that he forgot to take it out when he changed his clothes last night.Seeing the impatient looks of the two, Du Haibo smiled wryly, and said bravely: "I forgot it at home, why don't you wait for me here, and I'll go home and get it."

"Fuck me, you treat me like a three-year-old kid! Beat me to death." Heitie said as he grabbed Du Haibo and punched him in the face several times.

In a blink of an eye, Du Haibo's cheeks swelled up, turning blue and purple, like a pig's head.

Du Haibo was in severe pain all over his body from the beating. He wanted to hold his head, but his hands were caught by handjobs. He kept begging for mercy: "Please don't hit me in the face..."

"It's okay not to slap you in the face, as long as you admit that you are Li Yi." Handset said.

Du Haibo didn't want to be disfigured. For the sake of his handsome face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm Li Yi. Before you abolish me, I want to meet your boss..."

"What do you want to see our boss?" Heitie snorted coldly, and was about to continue.

Hui Yi grabbed him, then looked at Du Haibo, and said, "It's fine to take you to meet our boss, who will pay for the travel expenses?"

"I'll pay, I'll pay, I'll pay for whatever money I have." Du Haibo was terrified of being beaten, as long as he didn't get beaten, he could see that the boss of Maple Leaf explained the matter clearly, and the travel expenses were not a problem at all.

"That's fine, remember to give us 20 later." Handjob grabbed Du Haibo by the collar and took him to a car outside the woods.

Sitting in the back seat, Du Haibo couldn't help asking: "Uncle, if we just take this car, will the toll cost 20?"

"You are brainless! We are ace killers, how much business will be delayed for you to meet the boss, and how will we calculate the money for this delay?" Hui Yi snorted coldly.

"It's fine if you don't want to go out, and you'll be crippled later." Heitie said viciously.

Du Haibo gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle, I will pay the 20."

Half an hour later, the Chery car stopped in front of a big summer, and Du Haibo was taken to a basement. The handyman took out the money transfer machine and said with a smile, "Boy, pay first!"

"I want to see your boss first." Du Haibo had just finished speaking, when he saw that the other party was about to make a move, he hurriedly took out his card and handed it to the other party.

A few minutes later, the transfer was completed, and a masked woman came out. She glanced at Du Haibo and asked the two, "Who is this pig?"

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