super jade

Chapter 151 It's No Use You Calling the Police

Sun Lei snorted coldly, glared at Li Yi, and said, "Boy, let go of your dog's paw."

"Let her come out, didn't you hear?" Li Yi suddenly waved his left and right sides, and slapped Sun Lei loudly.

This slap directly stunned Sun Lei. This guy didn't seem to expect that the other party dared to attack him, so he was about to break free from Li Yi's hand.

However, Sun Lei was surprised to find that no matter how much strength he used, he just couldn't break free.

"You, don't act recklessly, I will call the police." No matter how stupid Sun Lei was, he knew that the other party was not kind, and he had two tricks.

"Even if you call the police, it's useless. Let me ask you the last sentence. Do you want to call her out?" Li Yi had already sent out his consciousness to sense the situation in the room. In the three-bedroom house, except for a woman, everyone There is no one else.Presumably Liu Wei's family had already gone out, so she dared to bring him home.

Sun Lei glanced at Li Yi with a complicated expression, and said bitterly: "You wait, I'll call her out right now."

Soon, Liu Wei came out in her pajamas. She was startled when she saw everyone, and asked subconsciously, "You guys, why did you come to my house?"

Liu Wei smiled, his smile was full of bitterness, he pointed at Sun Lei and asked, "Who is that person?"

"He, he is my cousin." Liu Wei's eyes dodged, obviously something to hide.

Liu Wei laughed even louder, and he said mockingly, "Do you fucking think I'm a fool? If he was really your cousin, would you do that with him?"

"I, I don't." Liu Wei blushed, lowered his head and said, "You guys go! I don't want to see you."

Liu Wei didn't seem to want to stay here either, so he took a deep breath and said, "I'll leave right away, but before I leave, I have to ask some questions clearly." He paused, then continued: "Since you have a man Friends, why are you still with me, do you want to play with my feelings?"

Seeing that Liu Wei did not explain this clearly, Li Yi and the others would not leave, so he simply admitted: "Yes, I used to have a boyfriend, but he was in my hometown, we haven't contacted for a long time, who knows he will come soon Looking for me? Also, I wanted to be with you, but what about you! I'm only old, I'm still in school, do you think I will marry you now?"

"I just proposed, and I didn't say I'm getting married now?" Liu Wei asked back.

"Even if I don't get married now, I don't want to promise you. We are all students, who knows what will happen in the future?" Liu Wei said slowly, "Besides, what can you give me? I am with you, just to pass the loneliness It's just time, don't be so naive, it is impossible for me to marry you."

These words pierced Liu Wei's heart like a needle, he smiled wryly, and said: "So I'm just a tool for you to pass the time, but even if you don't stay with me, you can't find such a boyfriend! I really want to know what he can give you, don't f*ck tell me happiness."

Liu Wei was really angry, and he, who never swears, couldn't help but say it.

"He can give too much, and you can't give them all. You can only buy me snacks and send some flowers." Liu Wei seemed to be going all out, and continued, "He is a well-known boss in our local area. Others Don't say, he can afford 5s for me, can you afford it? Can't afford it!"

The last sentence, with sarcasm, Li Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Who said he can't afford it?"

Liu Wei grabbed Li Yi's arm and said, "Brother, stop talking, she's right, I can't afford these."

Li Yi's mouth moved, but he didn't go on talking. It's not easy for him to intervene in this matter.

"So you are such a girl, I really misread you." Liu Wei took a deep breath and said, "I wish you happiness." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave.

However, at this moment, Sun Lei came out of the room, snorting coldly, "Want to leave? It's not that easy."

"Why, you still don't let us leave?" Li Yi asked back.

Sun Lei shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I want you to leave, but the police don't want to! I have already called the police just now, you wait to be arrested!"

"What crime did we commit?" Liu Wei was angry, he really wanted to slap the other party twice.

"Isn't it illegal for you to break into a private house?" Sun Lei smiled and said, "Also, you conspired against my girlfriend. This crime will definitely be imprisoned for decades!"

Liu Wei's complexion changed, and he suddenly looked at Li Yi and Zhang Chao, and said, "Go away, I'm here alone, no matter what they ask me, I won't say it."

Zhang Chao hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do, he didn't want to go to jail.

Li Yi laughed, looked at Sun Lei suddenly, and said, "Even if the police come, they won't take us away."

"Yo! Do you think your family runs the police station! Or do you think your father is Li Gang?" Sun Lei said disdainfully, looking at the three of them as if looking at an idiot.

Liu Wei seemed to want to say something, but finally sighed, turned and walked into the room.

Seeing the back of the other party leaving, Liu Wei was disheartened, and suddenly said: "Brother Yi, since we are going to be arrested, why don't we beat him up before we go in?"

"Okay!" Li Yi stepped forward and kicked the opponent away.

Liu Wei and Zhang Chao quickly entered the room, punched and kicked Sun Lei, and beat him into a pig's head in a blink of an eye.

"You guys, wait for me, I'm a person on the road." Sun Lei curled up in the corner of the room, clutching his stomach, his eyes full of anger.

"If you want revenge, you can come to us at any time." Li Yi and others came to the sofa and sat down. Anyway, the police are coming, so there is no need for them to go down.

A few minutes later, two policemen came up. They glanced at the room, and one of them asked, "Who called the police?"

Sun Lei hurriedly stood up and said, "I reported that they broke into private houses and treated my girlfriend..."

These two policemen are not very old and seem to have little experience. The man who spoke just now waved his hand and said, "Stop talking about this, where is the person who attacked you just now?"

"They're over there." Sun Lei pointed to the trio on the sofa.

When the two policemen saw the three of them sitting on the sofa, they were all stunned. Jiang Tao sneered and said, "You guys are quite courageous. How dare you stay here after beating someone?"

"Who can prove that I hit someone?" Li Yi asked back.

"You're being stubborn, kid! You'll admit it when you get to the police station." Jiang Tao took out the handcuffs and said, "You guys do it yourself, or I'll put them on for you."

"Okay! I also want to see if you guys really want to arrest me and take me to the police station." Li Yi has no fear, because he has already sent a text message to Sun Mengxi in advance. If the other party really wants to arrest him, she will handle it well. thing.

Just as Jiang Tao was about to walk towards Li Yi, the people around him suddenly grabbed him, and then whispered something in his ear.

After hearing this, the other party's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Leave this matter to you! I'll go outside and wait."

After Jiang Tao left, the policeman smiled and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Li Longyang. How can I say it! Actually this is a misunderstanding."

As soon as these words came out, except for Li Yi, everyone's eyes widened.

Sun Lei was even more depressed. He walked in front of the other party and couldn't help but said, "Brother policeman, I have been beaten like this. Is this also called a misunderstanding?"

"Who knows if they did it, or if I did it yourself?" Li Longyang asked back.

Sun Lei was speechless. He took out his mobile phone and said, "I have evidence. It was just photographed, which is enough to prove that they beat me just now."

Li Longyang took the phone, without even looking at it, he directly pulled out the memory card, snapped it off, "Okay, now there is no evidence!"

"You, you..." Sun Lei's eyes widened, and he was about to slap him to death.

"You want to say, why should I do this!" Li Longyang laughed, "We were watching TV at home, but you called us here, we don't bother you, who are we looking for?"

"I want to report you." Sun Lei roared angrily.

Li Longyang waved his hand and said without hesitation: "Report it as you like, I'm going back. If you have time, please continue to call the police." After finishing speaking, he left.

Liu Wei and Zhang Chao hadn't recovered from their astonishment. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe what happened just now.

This policeman is too nonsense!Not only did they not arrest them, but they also destroyed the evidence of their beatings.

"Let's go! I'm going back to sleep too." Li Yi patted the two of them on the shoulder before waking them up from their surprise.

The three of them got on the elevator, and as soon as they walked out of the gate of the community, Li Longyang ran out from nowhere, nodded and said, "Brother Yi, I did a good job just now!"

Li Yi called him aside and said, "Did Mengxi ask you to do this?"

"Mengxi, who is Mengxi?" Li Longyang asked in surprise.

Li Yi was also puzzled, this guy was not someone secretly sent by Su Mengxi, so he hurriedly asked, "You don't know Su Mengxi?"

"You're talking about Officer Su! I know her, but she doesn't know me." Li Longyang smiled wryly, "I'm Sister Ba's subordinate, and he arranged for me to enter the police station."

"Damn, Infernal Affairs!" Li Yi said depressed.

"Hey! This can't be said to be Infernal Affairs, but there are people in the police station, so it's easier to handle things." Li Longyang said a few more words, and left with Jiang Tao's stunned young man.

Li Yi and others also returned to the car. Liu Wei suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "Brother Yi, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter?" Li Yi asked.

"That bastard was right. I have nothing now, and he won't be happy with me." Liu Wei gritted his teeth and said, "What happened today taught me a lesson. I'm afraid you were dumped by Zhou Yuyan back then. I also want to understand this, these days no money or power is worse than..."

"What do you want to say?" Li Yi asked.

Liu Wei glanced at Hong Rui, and said, "He is a man of the Tao!"

Li Yi didn't deny it, and nodded, he also guessed what Liu Wei wanted to do.

"I also want to be a person on the road, so that no one dares to look down on me." Liu Wei's voice was not loud, but he was very sure, apparently made up his mind.

"You're still in school, it's best not to mess around now." Li Yi didn't persuade him. After all, Hong Rui and others have their own business, not the gangsters like before.

"What's the use of going to school?" Liu Wei shook his head and said, "I'm not going to mess around now, but I want to join them and meet some brothers first, so it's okay!"

"Okay! I promise you, but you have to be careful." Li Yi looked at Hong Rui and said, "He is my good brother, you know how to take him!"

Hong Rui is so smart, he already understood the meaning of the words, and said: "My name is Hong Rui, you are Brother Yi's brother, you are my brother, if you have any requirements in the future, just tell me."

After Hong Rui sent Li Yi and others home, he answered a phone call. He glanced at the number and said, "Who are you?"

"Brother Hong, I'm Sun Lei from the Huaixi Gang. I've known you for a long time. I want to visit you. Is it convenient for you?"

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